JSP onMouseOver

Hello, I am trying to play around with a web application in java studio creator 2, and want to use the onMouseOver tag, but it doesn't appear to do anything. I am just using the properties window for the static text field, setting various things in the onMouseOver box, but nothing I put in there seems to change anything. I know studio creator uses JSP and the line for the text field is:
<ui:staticText binding="#{Fragment1.txt11}" id="txt11" onMouseOver="" style="height: 28px; left: 84px; top: 84px; position: absolute; text-align: center; width: 28px; z-index: 1; cursor: default"/>
Right now I just want to highlight the static text field by changing the back ground color when the mouse is over it. I have also tried adding things to onClick and nothing I put in there does anything.
Any suggestions??
thank you for any help I get!

You put a javascript function on the onMouseOver attribute, and it gets executed when you mouse over it. If you need help with the javascript you can google for a javascript forum. Java isn't the same thing as javascript.

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    <c:if test="${OmniMgrApplicationConfig.vbaConfig.enabled}">
    <--[if gte IE 5.5]><BUTTON name="button" type="button" class="OmniHeaderButton" title="VBATLMMenu" onClick="window.location='<c:out value='${pageContext.request.contextPath}'/>/jsp/TLMMenu.jsp'"
         onMouseOver="CLImage.src='<c:out value='${pageContext.request.contextPath}'/>/images/omniManager/shadow/form_green.png';"
         onMouseOut="CLImage.src='<c:out value='${pageContext.request.contextPath}'/>/images/omniManager/plain/form_green.png';">
         <IMG ALIGN="MIDDLE" src="<c:out value='${pageContext.request.contextPath}'/>/images/omniManager/plain/form_green.png" name="CLImage">
    </BUTTON><c:set var="ieBrowser" value="1" scope="session"/><![endif]-->     

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    Hi Friends,
    I am facing a strange problem. Explained it below. Kindly help me as it is really affecting my work. Thanks in advance.
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    2. Java script1 - For all client side validations
    Java script2 - For handling the data submission to servlet (as selected by user)
    Javascript3 - Header & Menu Bar
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    Header.js [which includes the menu bar code]
    document.write("<!-- COMMON HEADER CODE -->")
    document.write("     <table id='mplPageHeader' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2' border='0'>")
    document.write("          <tr> ")
    document.write("               <td rowspan='2' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' width='1%'>")
    document.write("                    <a href='http://www.web.com' target='_top'>")
    document.write("                         <img src='./images/ford.gif' alt='BLogistics' border='0'>")
    document.write("                    </a>     ")
    document.write("               </td>")
    document.write("               <td rowspan='2' class='appTitle' title='Mp' width='1%'>MP&L</td>")
    document.write("               <td class='appTitle' title='M R'>M R</td>")
    document.write("               <td class='pageIdentifier'>"+' '+"</td>");
    document.write("          </tr>")
    document.write("          <tr>")
    document.write("               <td class='pageTitle' nowrap></td>");
    document.write("               <td class='dateInfo' nowrap>Thu Jan 22 2004 12:24 PM</td>")
    document.write("          </tr>")
    document.write("     </table>")
    document.write("<!-- Display Menu Items -->")
    document.write("<div id='navigationMenu'>")
    document.write("     <script type='text/javascript' src='./javascript/MRmenuItem.js'></script>")
    document.write("     <script type='text/javascript' src='./javascript/menuScript.js'></script>")
    Menu Bar Code
    var AgntUsr=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
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    var RmbrNow=null,FLoc,ScLoc,DcLoc,SWinW,SWinH,FWinW,FWinH,SLdAgnWin,FColW,SColW,DColW,RLvl=0,FrstCreat=1,Ldd=0,Crtd=0,IniFlg,AcrssFrms=1,FrstCntnr=null,CurOvr=null,CloseTmr=null,CntrTxt,TxtClose,ImgStr,ShwFlg=0,M_StrtTp=StartTop,M_StrtLft=StartLeft,StaticPos=0,LftXtra=DomNav?LeftPaddng:0,TpXtra=DomNav?TopPaddng:0,FStr="",M_Hide=Nav4?"hide":"hidden",M_Show=Nav4?"show":"visible",Par=MenuUsesFrames?parent:window,Doc=Par.document,Bod=Doc.body,Trigger=NavYes?Par:Bod;
    var Ztop=100,InitLdd=0,P_X=DomYes?"px":"";
    var OpnTmr=null;
                   else Trigger.onload=Go}}
    function ChckInitLd(){
    function Dummy(){return}
    function CnclSlct(){return false}
    function RePos(){
              var P=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr,W=Menu1[5],a=BorderBtwnMain?NoOffFirstLineMenus+1:2,i;
    function NavUnLdd(){Ldd=0;Crtd=0;SetMenu="0"}
    function UnLdd(){
         if(ExpYes){var M=FrstCntnr?FrstCntnr.FrstMbr:null;
    function UnLddTotal(){MakeNull(FrstCntnr);FrstCntnr=RmbrNow=FLoc=ScLoc=DcLoc=SLdAgnWin=CurOvr=CloseTmr=Doc=Bod=Trigger=null}
    function MakeNull(P){
         var M=P.FrstMbr,Mi;
    function ChckLdd(){
         else if(ScLoc.document.readyState=="complete"){if(LdTmr)clearInterval(LdTmr);Go()}}
    function NavLdd(e){if(e.target!=self)routeEvent(e);if(e.target==ScLoc)Go()}
    function ReDoWhole(){if(AppVer.indexOf("4.0")==-1)Doc.location.reload();else if(SWinW!=ScLoc.innerWidth||SWinH!=ScLoc.innerHeight||FWinW!=FLoc.innerWidth||FWinH!=FLoc.innerHeight)Doc.location.reload()}
    function Go(){
                   else FColW.bgColor=AcrssFrms?SColW.bgColor:DColW.bgColor}
              else CreateMenuStructureAgain("Menu",NoOffFirstLineMenus);
              if(MenuVerticalCentered=="static"&&!AcrssFrms)setInterval("KeepPos()",250)     }}
    function KeepPos(){
         var TS=ExpYes?FLoc.document.body.scrollTop:FLoc.pageYOffset;
         if(TS!=StaticPos){var FCSt=Nav4?FrstCntnr:FrstCntnr.style;
    function ClcRl(){
    function ClcJus(){
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    function ClcTrgt(){
         var TLoc=Nav4?FLoc.document.layers[TargetLoc]:DomYes?FLoc.document.getElementById(TargetLoc):FLoc.document.all[TargetLoc];
    function ClcLft(){
              var Sz=FWinW-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.width):FrstCntnr.clip.width);
    function ClcTp(){
              var Sz=FWinH-(!Nav4?parseInt(FrstCntnr.style.height):FrstCntnr.clip.height);
    function PosMenu(Ct,Tp,Lt){
         var Ti,Li,Hi,Mb=Ct.FrstMbr,CStl=!Nav4?Ct.style:Ct,MStl=!Nav4?Mb.style:Mb,PadL=Mb.value.indexOf("<")==-1?LftXtra:0,PadT=Mb.value.indexOf("<")==-1?TpXtra:0,MWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.width)+PadL:MStl.clip.width,MHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.height)+PadT:MStl.clip.height,CWt=!Nav4?parseInt(CStl.width):CStl.clip.width,CHt=!Nav4?parseInt(CStl.height):CStl.clip.height,CCw,CCh,STp,SLt;
         var BRW=RLvl==1?BorderWidthMain:BorderWidthSub,BTWn=RLvl==1?BorderBtwnMain:BorderBtwnSub;
              if(Mb){     MStl=!Nav4?Mb.style:Mb;PadL=Mb.value.indexOf("<")==-1?LftXtra:0;
    function StMnu(){
         var i,Pntr=FrstCntnr,Str=ScLoc.SetMenu?ScLoc.SetMenu:"0";
              else Pntr.OM();
         if(RememberStatus==1){if(Nav4)Pntr.CLyr.OM();else Pntr.OM()}}
    function Initiate(){
    function Rmbr(CntPtr){
         var Mbr=CntPtr.FrstMbr,St;
              else Mbr=Mbr.PrvMbr}}
    function Init(CPt){
         var Mb=CPt.FrstMbr,MCSt=Nav4?CPt:CPt.style;
    function ClrAllChlds(Pt){
         var PSt,Pc;
    function SetItem(Pntr,x){while(Pntr!=null){Pntr.DoRmbr=x;Pntr=Nav4?Pntr.CLyr.Ctnr.Cllr:Pntr.Ctnr.Cllr}}
    function GoTo(){
         var HP=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;
    function HiliteItem(P){
         if(Nav4){     if(P.ro)P.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2;
                    P.bgColor = HighBgColor;
                        if(P.ro){var Lc=P.Lvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc;Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri2}
    function LowItem(P){
              else{var Lc=P.Lvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc;Lc.document.images[P.rid].src=P.ri1}}
    function OpenMenu(){
         var P=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;
              var Ti,Li,Hi;
              var MStl=!Nav4?P.style:P;
              var PadL=P.value.indexOf("<")==-1?LftXtra:0;
              var PadT=P.value.indexOf("<")==-1?TpXtra:0;
              var MWt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.width)+PadL:MStl.clip.width;
              var MHt=!Nav4?parseInt(MStl.height)+PadT:MStl.clip.height;
              var CCw,CCh,STp,SLt;
              var BRW=RLvl==1?BorderWidthMain:BorderWidthSub;
         var CCnt=Nav4?this.LLyr.CCn:this.CCn,HP=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;
    function Unfld(){
         var P=CurOvr;
         var TS=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollTop:ScLoc.pageYOffset,LS=ExpYes?ScLoc.document.body.scrollLeft:ScLoc.pageXOffset,CCnt=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn:P.CCn,THt=Nav4?P.clip.height:parseInt(P.style.height),TWt=Nav4?P.clip.width:parseInt(P.style.width),TLt=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1&&!FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?P.Ctnr.left:parseInt(P.Ctnr.style.left),TTp=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1&&FirstLineHorizontal?0:Nav4?P.Ctnr.top:parseInt(P.Ctnr.style.top);
         // TS != 0 is only needed if the menu DIVs are positioned relative to the body.
         // We've made them positioned relative to div#navigationMenu which causes
         // a problem if TS is based on how the body is scrolled.  So set TS to zero.
         // Note: the code below will adjust the final top offset based on the height of
         // the menu bar so the dropdown appears below (and not on top of) the nav bar.
         TS = 0;
         var CCW=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn.clip.width:parseInt(P.CCn.style.width),CCH=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn.clip.height:parseInt(P.CCn.style.height),CCSt=Nav4?P.LLyr.CCn:P.CCn.style,SLt=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1?CCnt.OrgLeft+TLt+LS:CCnt.OrgLeft+TLt,STp=AcrssFrms&&P.Lvl==1?CCnt.OrgTop+TTp+TS:CCnt.OrgTop+TTp;
    function OpenMenuClick(){
         var HP=Nav4?this.LLyr:this;CurOvr=this;
    function CloseMenu(){
    function CntnrSetUp(W,H,NoOff,WMu,Mc){
         var x=BorderColor;
    function MbrSetUp(MbC,PrMmbr,WMu,Wd,Ht,Nofs){
         var Lctn=RLvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc,Tfld=this.Arr[0],t,T,L,W,H,S,a;
              Tfld="<img src=\""+this.ri1+"\" name=\""+this.rid+"\" width=\""+Wd+"\" height=\""+Ht+"\">"}
         this.style.fontSize = FontSize + "pt";
         if (WMu.length > 6)
         { MenuTextCentered = 'left';}
         {MenuTextCentered = 'center';}     
         else this.innerHTML=Tfld;
                   else{Tfld+="<div id=\""+WMu+"_im\" style=\"position:absolute; top:"+T+"; left:"+L+"; width:"+W+"; height:"+H+";visibility:inherit\"><img src=\""+S+"\"></div>";
    function NavMbrSetUp(MbC,PrMmbr,WMu,Wd,Ht,Nofs){
         var a;
              this.value="<img src=\""+this.ri1+"\" name=\""+this.rid+"\">"}
         CntrTxt="<div align=\""+MenuTextCentered+"\">";
         TxtClose="</font>"+ "</div>";
         this.value=CntrTxt+"<font face=\""+FontFamily+"\" point-size=\""+FontSize+"\">"+this.value+TxtClose;
         this.Ovalue=CntrTxt+"<font face=\""+FontFamily+"\" point-size=\""+FontSize+"\">"+this.Ovalue+TxtClose;
         this.CLyr=new Layer(Wd,MbC);
              if(Arrws[a]!=""){this.CLyr.ILyr=new Layer(Arrws[a+1],this.CLyr);this.CLyr.ILyr.visibility="inherit";
                   ImgStr="<img src=\""+Arrws[a]+"\" width=\""+Arrws[a+1]+"\" height=\""+Arrws[a+2]+"\">";
    function CreateMenuStructure(MNm,No,Mcllr){
         status="Building menu";RLvl++;
         var i,NOs,Mbr,W=0,H=0,PMb=null,WMnu=MNm+"1",MWd=eval(WMnu+"[5]"),MHt=eval(WMnu+"[4]"),Lctn=RLvl==1?FLoc:ScLoc;
         var BRW=RLvl==1?BorderWidthMain:BorderWidthSub,BTWn=RLvl==1?BorderBtwnMain:BorderBtwnSub;
         if(DomYes){var MbC=Lctn.document.createElement("div");MbC.style.position="absolute";MbC.style.visibility="hidden";Lctn.document.getElementById("navigationMenu").appendChild(MbC)}
         else{if(Nav4)var MbC=new Layer(W,Lctn);
              else{WMnu+="c";Lctn.document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("AfterBegin","<div id=\""+WMnu+"\" style=\"visibility:hidden; position:absolute;\"><\/div>");
                   var MbC=Lctn.document.all[WMnu]}}
              for(i=1;i<No+1;i++){WMnu=MNm+eval(i);MbC.InnerString+="<div id=\""+WMnu+"\" style=\"position:absolute;\"><\/div>"}
              if(DomYes){Mbr=Lctn.document.createElement("div");     Mbr.style.position="absolute";Mbr.style.visibility="inherit";MbC.appendChild(Mbr)}
              else Mbr=Nav4?new Layer(W,MbC):Lctn.document.all[WMnu];
    function CreateMenuStructureAgain(MNm,No){
              var i,WMnu,NOs,PMb,Mbr=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr;RLvl++;
         else{     var Mbr=FrstCntnr.FrstMbr;

    Hi thanks...As you said I am performing only on onload event..only thing i am confused is if i remove the javacript MRHeader.js everything works fine...am totally confused...pls help
    Here is my JSP code for my input page
    <%@page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@page import="com.ford.mr.*" %>
    <link href="./css/mplstyle.css" rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css">
    <title>Input Frame</title>
    <link type="text/css" rel="STYLESHEET" href="./css/classic.css">
        .vis1 { visibility:visible }
        .vis2 { visibility:hidden }
    MRIFValidation.js contains the java script for the following requirement:
    1. Setting the current date in date to compare
    2. All input frame client validations.
    E.g Plant id should not be empty.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="./javascript/MRIFValidation.js"> </script>
    MRR2HandleDropdown.js is the javascript for the input frame server side actions
    It has many functions related to drop down populating and rendering the data
    to user from server.
    <script language="javascript" src="./javascript/MRR2HandleDropdown.js"> </script>
    MRheader.js is the javascript which displays the header for our application
    plus it has an internal call to MRMenuItem.js and menuscript.js which
    builds the menu bar for our application
    Issue is here - On commenting the below the previously entered user
    inputs are displayed correctly. Else they are not displayed.
    <script language="javascript" src="./javascript/MRheader.js"> </script>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <style type="text/css">
    a:visited {
         color: #0000FF;
    .style1 {font-weight: bold}
    .style2 {color: #FF0000}
    body {
         background-color: #FFFFFF;
    Declaring all the JSP variables used in the page
    These variables are used for holding the session parameters
    and are used while setting the selected values in the screen.
         // HTTPSession object
         HttpSession sess;
         // To hold session Variables //
         // Selected plant index
         String plantIndex;
         // Selected supplier index
         String supplierIndex;
         // Selected part index
         String partIndex;
         // List of plant codes
         Vector plantCodes = new Vector();
         // List of supplier codes
         Vector supplierCodes = new Vector();
         // List of part codes
         Vector partCodes = new Vector();
         // To hold the part description for the selected part
         String partDescription;
         // List of release numbers matching the selected plant, supplier & part
         Vector releaseNumbers = new Vector();
         // Type of release - Weekly / Daily
         String releaseType;
         // Selected release1 index
         String release1Index;
         // Selected release2 index
         String release2Index;
         // Holds the issue date 1 corresponding to release 1 selected
         String issueDate1;
         // Holds the issue date 2 corresponding to release 2 selected
         String issueDate2;
         // List of matching release numbers to the entered issue date1 (Might be one or two
         // in case if amended release exist)
         Vector matchingRelease1Number = new Vector();
         // List of matching release numbers to the entered issue date2 (Might be one or two
         // in case if amended release exist)
         Vector matchingRelease2Number = new Vector();
         // Size of matchingRelease1Number collection
         int matchingRelease1Size = 0;
         // Size of matchingRelease2Number collection
         int matchingRelease2Size = 0;
         // Boolean flags to hold if amended release exists in the release numbers
         // matching the issue dates entered by user.
         boolean amendedRelease1Exist;
         boolean amendedRelease2Exist;
         String pageName = "";
    The below code does the following:
    1. Fetches the various values available in session
    2. Stores the same in various JSP variables for access within the page
    System.out.println("In input frame page");
    sess = request.getSession(true);
         if(sess != null) {
              System.out.println("Session id in input frame: "+ sess.getId());
              plantIndex = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedPlantIndex");
              supplierIndex = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedSupplierIndex");
              partIndex = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedPartIndex");
              //plantCodes = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("plantCodes");
              supplierCodes = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("supplierCodes");
              partCodes = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("partCodes");
              partDescription = (String) sess.getAttribute("partDescription");
              releaseNumbers = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("releaseNumbers");
              releaseType = (String) sess.getAttribute("releaseType");
              release1Index = (String) sess.getAttribute("selectedRelease1Index");
              release2Index =(String)  sess.getAttribute("selectedRelease2Index");
              issueDate1 = (String) sess.getAttribute("issueDate1");
              issueDate2 = (String) sess.getAttribute("issueDate2");
              matchingRelease1Number = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("correspondingRelease1Number");
              matchingRelease2Number = (Vector) sess.getAttribute("correspondingRelease2Number");
              System.out.println("Displaying values in session *******************");
              Enumeration enum = sess.getAttributeNames();
              while(enum.hasMoreElements()) {
                   String elementName = (String) enum.nextElement();
                   System.out.println("element:"+ elementName+": Value: "+ sess.getAttribute(elementName));
              System.out.println("Plant Index JSP variable:"+ plantIndex);
    This code is used for getting the plant codes from
    the DB. Currently it is hardcoded.
    MRR2GetPlantCodes obj = new MRR2GetPlantCodes();
    plantCodes = obj.getPlantCodes();
    The below two blocks are used to iterate through matchingRelease1Number & matchingRelease2Number
    and checks if it has amended release. If yes, sets a boolean flag.
    matchingRelease1Number & matchingRelease2Number are two collections which
    contains the release number(s) matching the inputted issue date
    // Code to set boolean flag amendedRelease1Exist
    if(matchingRelease1Number != null) {
         Iterator relIter = matchingRelease1Number.iterator();
         while(relIter.hasNext()) {
              if( ((String)relIter.next()).endsWith("A") ) {                    
                   amendedRelease1Exist = true;
    // Code to set boolean flag amendedRelease2Exist
    if(matchingRelease2Number != null) {
         Iterator relIter = matchingRelease2Number.iterator();
         while(relIter.hasNext()) {
              if( ((String)relIter.next()).endsWith("A") ) {                    
                   amendedRelease2Exist = true;
    The below script has one method fillDropDown which is used for setting the
    values of the various I/P controls to user selected values:
    It sets the below selected values:
    1. Plant Index, Supplier Index, Part Index, Part description
    2. Release Type (Daily / weekly)
    3. Release 1 Index, Release 2 Index
    4. Issue date1 & Issue date2
    <script language="javascript">
    function fillDropDown(field) {
         with(field) {
              var partD = "<%=partDescription%>"
              <% System.out.println("Loading the index values in input frame......");%>
              // inputform.country.selectedIndex = inputform.hiddencountry.value
              // Loading plant Index, supplier Index, part index and part description to selected values
              <% if(plantIndex != null && !plantIndex.equals("")) {%>
                   inputframe.plant.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(plantIndex)%>"               
              <% System.out.println("Selected Plant Index after loading:"+plantIndex);} %>
              <% if(supplierIndex != null && !supplierIndex.equals("")) { System.out.println("****Supplier Index not equals null..."+Integer.parseInt(supplierIndex)); %>
                   inputframe.supplier.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(supplierIndex)%>"
              <% } %>
              <% if(partIndex != null && !partIndex.equals("")) { %>
                   inputframe.part.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(partIndex)%>"
              <% } %>
              <% if(partDescription != null && !partDescription.equals("")) { %>
                   document.getElementById("partDescription").innerHTML = partD
              <%     } %>
              // Making the default release type selection as done by user
              <% if(releaseType != null && !"".equals(releaseType)) {
                        if("daily".equals(releaseType)) {%>
                             inputframe.release[0].checked = "checked"
                        <%     //isDaily = true;
                        } else { %>
                             inputframe.release[1].checked = "checked"
                        <%     //isWeekly = true;
                   } %>
                   The below code is used to fetch the session variable issueDate1
                   & issueDate2 (based on the release numbers selected)
                   and sets the same in two text fields.
              <% if(issueDate1 != null && !issueDate1.equals("")) { %>
                   inputframe.issueDate1.value = "<%=issueDate1%>"
              <% } %>
              <% if(issueDate2 != null && !issueDate2.equals("")) { %>
                   inputframe.issueDate2.value = "<%=issueDate2%>"
              <% } %>     
              Loading release drop down with the value matching with the entered issue date.
              Scenario : User enters the issue date and the corresponding release number is
              selected in drop down.
              Logic 1:
              1. Pass the issue date entered by user and get the matching release numbers
              from EJB
              2. Compare this with the combo collection and get the perfect match.
              3. If more than one match is found take the one with amendment by default
              4. Else get the matching one
              5. Update the selected index of dropdown to this value
              if(inputframe.release1.options.length > 0) {
                   var matchingCombo1Index = 0
                   var comboValue               
                   var matchFound = "false"
                   var size
                   var amended = false;
                   var amendedReleaseExist = "<%=amendedRelease1Exist%>";
                   var firstValue = ""
                   var secondValue = ""
                   var amendedValue = ""
                   var j = 0
                     if(matchingRelease1Number != null && matchingRelease1Number.size() != 0) {
                          Iterator iter = matchingRelease1Number.iterator();                          
                        matchingRelease1Size = matchingRelease1Number.size(); %>
                        size = "<%=     matchingRelease1Size %>"
                        //alert("Size of collection to be matched:"+size)
                   <%     while(iter.hasNext()) {                         
                             //String matchFound1 = "false";
                             String relValue = (String)iter.next();%>
                             //alert("Collection value under iteration:"+ "<%=relValue%>")                         
                             amended = "<%=relValue.endsWith("A")%>"
                             if(amended) {
                                  amendedValue = "<%=relValue%>"
                             //alert("Collection value under iteration ends with A:"+amended)
                             var comb = "<%=relValue%>"
                             j = j + 1
                             for(var i = 0; i < inputframe.release1.options.length; i++) {
                                  //      breaking the for loop when matchingCombo1Index is set greater than 0
                                  /*if(matchFound == true) {
                                  comboValue = inputframe.release1.options.value                              
                                  //alert("Combo value:->"+comboValue)
                                  //alert("rel value in comparison:"+ comb);
                                  if(comboValue == comb) {
                                       if(size == 1) {
                                            matchFound = "true";
                                       if(size == 2) {
                                            if(j == 1)
                                                 firstValue = comb
                                            if(j == 2)
                                                 secondValue = comb
                                            // The below if block shall be also kept as if((amended||(!amendedReleaseExist)==true)
                                            // The below one perfectly works fine
                                            if(amended || !amendedReleaseExist) {
                                                 matchFound = "true";
                                  if(matchFound == "true") {
                                       matchingCombo1Index = i
                                       // alert("Matching combo index set to:"+ matchingCombo1Index)                                   
                                       inputframe.release1.selectedIndex = matchingCombo1Index
                                       if(size == 2)
                                            document.getElementById('errorArea').innerHTML = "There are"
                                                 + " two release numbers for the particular Issue date."
                                                 +" Please select either one of the release numbers ("+firstValue+ " or "+secondValue+" )."
                                                 +" Default selection in the Release drop down is "+ amendedValue+ "."
                                       matchingCombo1Index = 0;
                                       matchFound = "false";
                                       // Breaking the for loop
                        sess.removeAttribute("correspondingRelease1Number") ;
                   // Setting the selected release 1 index based on the logic done above.
                   if(matchingCombo1Index == 0) {
                        <% if(release1Index != null && !release1Index.equals("")) { matchingRelease1Number = null;%>
                                  inputframe.release1.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(release1Index)%>"
                        <% } %>
                   Performing the above logic to select Release2 value
                   when the user enters issue date2
              if(inputframe.release2.options.length > 0) {
                   var matchingCombo2Index = 0
                   var comboValue
                   var matchFound = "false"
                   var size
                   var amended = false;
                   var amendedReleaseExist = "<%=amendedRelease2Exist%>";
                   var firstValue = ""
                   var secondValue = ""
                   var amendedValue = ""
                   var j = 0
                   if(matchingRelease2Number != null && matchingRelease2Number.size() != 0) {
                        Iterator iter = matchingRelease2Number.iterator();                         
                        matchingRelease2Size = matchingRelease2Number.size(); %>
                        size = "<%=     matchingRelease2Size %>"
                        //alert("Size of collection to be matched:"+size)
                   <%     while(iter.hasNext()) {
                             String matchFound1 = "false";
                             String relValue = (String)iter.next();%>
                             //alert("Collection value under iteration:"+ "<%=relValue%>")                         
                             amended = "<%=relValue.endsWith("A")%>"                         
                             if(amended) {
                                  amendedValue = "<%=relValue%>"
                             //alert("Collection value under iteration ends with A:"+amended)
                             var comb = "<%=relValue%>"
                             j = j + 1
                             for(var i = 0; i < inputframe.release2.options.length; i++) {
                                  //      breaking the for loop when matchingCombo2Index is set greater than 0
                                  /*if(matchFound == true) {
                                  comboValue = inputframe.release2.options[i].value                              
                                  //alert("Combo value:->"+comboValue)
                                  //alert("rel value in comparison:"+ comb);
                                  if(comboValue == comb) {
                                       if(size == 1) {
                                            matchFound = "true";
                                       if(size == 2) {
                                            if(j == 1)
                                                 firstValue = comb
                                            if(j == 2)
                                                 secondValue = comb
                                            // The below if block shall be also kept as if((amended||(!amendedReleaseExist)==true)
                                            // The below one perfectly works fine
                                            if(amended || !amendedRelease2Exist) {
                                                 matchFound = "true";
                                  if(matchFound == "true") {
                                       matchingCombo2Index = i
                                       // alert("Matching combo index set to:"+ matchingCombo2Index)                                   
                                       inputframe.release2.selectedIndex = matchingCombo2Index
                                       if(size == 2)
                                            document.getElementById('errorArea').innerHTML = "There are"
                                                 + " two release numbers for the particular Issue date."
                                                 +" Please select either one of the release numbers ("+firstValue+ " or "+secondValue+" )."
                                                 +" Default selection in the Release drop down is "+ amendedValue+ "."
                                       matchingCombo2Index = 0;
                                       matchFound = "false";
                                       // Breaking the for loop
                        sess.removeAttribute("correspondingRelease2Number") ;
                   // Loading the selected release2 value in drop down
                   if(matchingCombo2Index == 0) {
                        <% if(release2Index != null && !release2Index.equals("")) { matchingRelease2Number = null;%>
                                  inputframe.release2.selectedIndex = "<%=Integer.parseInt(release2Index)%>"
                        <% } %>
         } // end of WITH
              Logic 2: Not used
              1. Pass the issue date entered by user and get the matching release numbers
              2. Get the release numbers from session.
              3. if release type is daily get the daily release numbers else get weekly release numbers
              4. Compare the matching release numbers with daily / weekly release numbers collection
              5. Find the match and update the selected index of drop down to this value
    }// end of function
    <%-- Calling the two methods onload event of body --%>
    <BODY onload="setCurrentDate(this);fillDropDown(this)">

  • How can I use the onmouseover event in this case?

    Sorry If it's a simple question... I'm a beginner in JSFs :P...
    I need to do with a dataTable an effect.
    In my old JSP file (Basically made with HTML), when I made a TABLE, I changed the class of all the rows. Like this:
    <TR onmouseover="this.className='OnStyle'" onmouseout="this.className='OffStyle'">
    </TABLE>All the row changes if the mouse was pointing at its.
    How can i do this with a simple dataTable? I have only 2 colums and a few rows :(
    Thanks a lot!

    Apparently JSF does not provide as simple solution to this simple task as one would expect. I've been looking for a solution to it myself but not found an answer.

  • How to use Flex tag library in jsp

    Hi All,
    We are planning to use flex in our J2EE application in order
    to show some charts. Our j2ee application is in JSP,Struts. I have
    searched on google about this and found that I can include flex 3
    tab library in the jsp in order to use mxml tag in the jsp. I have
    written a sample program in the jsp which uses flex.
    <%@ taglib uri="FlexTagLib" prefix="mm" %>
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function showMessage() {
    message.value = "Use this application wisely";
    function hideMessage() {
    message.value = "";
    <mm:mxml border="5" onmouseover="showMessage();"
    <TD><input type="text" name="message"
    I have added entry inweb.xml. See below,
    Following are the problems that I am currently facing.
    1) Could anybody let me know whether the entry of
    <taglib> tag is correct in the web.xml. Is it the correct
    jar(flex-bootstrap.jar) that I should include?
    2) If yes, from where to download it? or
    If no, what is correct jar that i should include and how?
    your response will be highly appriciated as this is the major
    requirement in our project?
    Thanks ,

    Pleas find details at the URL below.
    Hope this helps.

  • Javascript to JSP question...Can javascript function set session attributes

    i have a web app that, on one of its pages, displays "tabbed pane" as an image map at the top (a la amazon.com). my problem is this: each "logical" page contains separate forms that all use the same javabean. in other words, imagine that the tabs represent an account maintenance web ui for an on-line record store. the first tab might be labeled "General," the second "Contact info," the third "Shipping Info." Each uses the same account bean and displays portions of its properties relevant to the tab at hand. what i want to do is allow a user to enter the account maintenance ui, update info on the first tab, click on tab two and have the request with the changes sent to a processing jsp. yet, since each "tab" is actually a separate URL to another page, how do i get the updated info on the first tabe without adding some sort of "SAVE" button on each tab. ive considered using javascript, but dont know how to get the request params out of the first tab whn i click on another tab. is it possible to include an "onClick" function in each URL that "grabs" the updated form fields off the preceeding tab? can a javacript function set session attributes in jsp?

    hello there,
    wow, you've created one big mammy-jammy tool.
    first, javascript cannot access, set values to the session, without having to post to another JSP. javascript is great for manipulating objects, layers, form values, etc.
    you have 2 issues [if i understand correctly]:
    1) you need to able to save user info for a specific tab without having to reloading the page.
    ---you can create a form for EACH of your tabs and POST all the information to a hidden IFRAME or LAYER for NN4. that hidden IFRAME / LAYER will load a JSP page which with all the parameters you posted to it. or you can build a FRAMESET and target that document["frame-name"].src with that same JSP.
    2) handling when the SAVE INFO action should happen: hence some javascript event handler: onMouseOver, onClick, etc
    ---i don't know the dynamics of your tabs, but if store which tab was clicked on last, then if the user clicks on some other tab, javascript can submit that FORM to a JSP [see condition above]
    you have an interesting tool. can i see?
    i hope i wasn't too confusing, but your problem is sooo interesting. =)

  • How to change image in jsp in a web application

    I had created a web application in which I have given the option to change the image in a jsp, and I am saving that image in a folder.
    The image is saved during the run time.But I am not getting that changed image.
    If I restart my server the image is retrieved . What is the solution for getting the changed image during the runtime itself?

    use javascript
    <img id='img' src="Img1.gif" border=0

  • Calling function from Backing Bean or JSP page

    We are on Jdeveloper, ADF Faces, JSF Faces .., Currently there is a function call from Javascript event (onmouseover) in the JSP page. I want to call this function from a backing bean or JSP page, as I have to pass some values to this function.
    For Ex., I have a function call like return submit('A','B','Test'); on the Javascript event (onmouseover) in jsp page. I want to remove this function from the javascript event and call from backing bean or jsp page to pass some values into the submit() function. I appreciate if anyone can give some example of how to call this function from backing bean or jsp page in the <SCRIPT> or <SCRIPTLET>

    A use case would be helpful so that we can get a better idea of what you want to do.
    As a general rule, there is no way to call a client side Javascript function from a backing bean, which is server side. However, there are ways to inject information from a backing bean into your Javascript call. For instance, I have an application that uses Google Maps API. It has an onload call to a Javascript function that builds the map and designates it's center point. The center point comes from a backing bean as latitude and longitude properties. So here is my body tag:
    <afh:body onload="initialize(#{backing_searchResults.latitude},#{backing_searchResults.longitude},#{searchCriteria.distance})"
              onunload="GUnload()">onload calls the Javascript function called initialize, and passes the latitude, longitude, and distance from the bean. Is the function really being called from my backing bean? No - the parameters are hard coded into the onload event code when the page is rendered. Does it do the job? Sure it does.

  • Dynamic Menu in JSP

    I have to make a menu just like www.staple.com in my JSP. The main product category and sub-category are read from the database. I have classes written which retrieve the product and sub categories but dont know hot to proceed with building of dynamic menu in my JSP. Please let me know how to move forward for this one.

    I tried to do something like this :
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
    <%@taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s"%>
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
         <style type="text/css">
         body {
              font-family: arial, helvetica, serif;
         #nav, #nav ul { /* all lists */
              padding: 0;
              margin: 0;
              list-style: none;
              float : left;
              width : 11em;
         #nav li { /* all list items */
              position : relative;
              float : left;
              line-height : 1.25em;
              margin-bottom : -1px;
              width: 11em;
         #nav li ul { /* second-level lists */
              position : absolute;
              left: -999em;
              margin-left : 11.05em;
              margin-top : -1.35em;
         #nav li ul ul { /* third-and-above-level lists */
              left: -999em;
         #nav li a {
              width: 11em;
              w\idth : 10em;
              display : block;
              color : black;
              font-weight : bold;
              text-decoration : none;
              background-color : white;
              border : 1px solid black;
              padding : 0 0.5em;
         #nav li a:hover {
              color : white;
              background-color : black;
         #nav li:hover ul ul, #nav li:hover ul ul ul, #nav li.sfhover ul ul, #nav li.sfhover ul ul ul {
              left: -999em;
         #nav li:hover ul, #nav li li:hover ul, #nav li li li:hover ul, #nav li.sfhover ul, #nav li li.sfhover ul, #nav li li li.sfhover ul { /* lists nested under hovered list items */
              left: auto;
         #content {
              margin-left : 12em;
    <script type="text/javascript">
    sfHover = function() {
         var sfEls = document.getElementById("nav").getElementsByTagName("LI");
         for (var i=0; i<sfEls.length; i++) {
              sfEls.onmouseover=function() {
                   this.className+=" sfhover";
              sfEls[i].onmouseout=function() {
                   this.className=this.className.replace(new RegExp(" sfhover\\b"), "");
    if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", sfHover);
    <ul id="nav">
         <s:iterator value="productList" id="products">     
                   <li> <s:url id="getProductCategoryCodesURL" action="listProductCategoryCodesByProductCd">
                                                      <s:param name="productCd" value="%{productCd}"></s:param>
                                                 <s:a href="%{getProductCategoryCodesURL}" ><s:property value="productNm" /></s:a>
                                                 <input type="hidden" id="prodCd" value="<s:property value="productCd" />"/>
    ****END CODE******
    So i was able to get the product categories in the menu but on mouse hover for a particular product category it should show sub-categories also. I can't think of a way to do that , can anyone please suggest ?

  • Creating drop down menus in JSP using custom tags

    Hi, i am working on a JSP which has custom tags for displaying menubar and menus, now i want to have these menus converted into drop down menus, and the submenus displayed onmouseover event. I am getting solutions with pure html page calling javascript functions.But i dont need this, i want the work done by my TagHandler class which sends the output to output stream, which in turn is transformed in to actual HTML by a XSLT embedded in my JSP.
    Please help as i am new to custom tags, and desperately in need of help.
    If possible give some sample code or useful links.
    I will be highly grateful.
    Thankx in advance

    that's fine, but the tag has to, ultimately, generate the HTML/Javascript stuff like you've already seen.

  • Issue with onmouseover when attempting to change bgcolor

    I am setting up a skeleton jsp page to be used by my team which will consist of a header, left nav, and a footer.
    The issue I am having is that on the left nav I want the menu items to change color based on an onmouseover or onmouseout event. I know the following will work:
    <td height="20" bgcolor="#f2f2f2" onMouseOver='bgColor="#80d8d8"' onMouseOut='bgColor="#f2f2f2"'>
     Credit Referrals
    However, what I would like to do is not have to hardcode the bgcolor= parameter on each of my <td> statements. Instead, is there a way to use a style sheet so that I can simply refer the onmouseover/out events to the bgcolor in the style sheet?

    try this out.
    <TITLE> New Document </TITLE>
    <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
    <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="">
    <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="">
    <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="">
    <style type="text/css">
    .navmenu {cursor: hand;
    background-color: #e2e2e2;}
    .navsub {cursor: hand;
    background-color: #f2f2f2;}
    .navdv {background-color: #808874;}
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    function changecolor(id,myclass)
    htm = document.getElementById(id);
    Here is my code using the class .navmenu :
    <div class="navmenu" id="mydiv" onmouseover="changecolor('mydiv','navsub')" onmouseout="changecolor('mydiv','navdv')">
    <tr >
    <td height="20">

  • Repost, since no answer in JSP-JSP/CascadingStyleSheet/Javascript problem

    Hello, I've got a JSP page that has included a Javascript (JS).
    In that JS, a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is included. Also on the JSP page, I have some code that makes use of the JS to create a Windows-style combobox, which is not available through raw HTML. The code is as follows:
    <SCRIPT language="javascript" src="ComboBox.js"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT language="javascript">
    dm=new ComboBox("dm")
           new ComboBoxItem("barge",1),
           new ComboBoxItem("benluc",2),
           new ComboBoxItem("benlieeeeck",3),
           new ComboBoxItem("taco",4)
    <CENTER><H2>Choose Project S/O</H2><CENTER>
    <% //DB connection to populate the combo box %>
    <% // Database Connection Parameters
        String DB = "dbname",
        query = "",
        HOST = "jdbc:postgresql://URL:5432/",
        ACCOUNT = "username",
        PASSWORD = "pwd",
        DRIVER = "org.postgresql.Driver";
        // authentication properties
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("user", ACCOUNT);
        props.setProperty("password", PASSWORD);
        // load driver and prepare to access
        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(HOST + DB, props);
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
        query= "SELECT * FROM Projects ORDER BY Name";
        ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    Project S/O:
    <SELECT NAME=projso>
    <option value="dummy">Choose one...</option>
    <% while (rs.next() ) { %>
    <OPTION VALUE="<%=rs.getString("Name") %>">
    <%=rs.getString("Name")%> ,   <%=rs.getString("Desc")%>
    <% } %>
    </SELECT>The problem I am experiencing is that if I move the 2nd SCRIPT tag anywhere but where it is, it makes IE bomb and takes me to an error page. The error message is as follows:
    "Internet Explorer cannot open site http://myURL. Operation aborted."
    Any ideas?

    I tried making it static HTML with the same result.
    I took out all the JSP code before doing so, obviously.
    I think it has to do with my code and the HTML FORM tag.
    Anyway, here's the requested code, ComboBox.js
    *     ComboBox
    *     By Jared Nuzzolillo
    *     Updated by Erik Arvidsson
    *     http://webfx.eae.net/contact.html#erik
    *     2002-06-13     Fixed Mozilla support and improved build performance
    Global_run_event_hook = true;
    Global_combo_array    = new Array();
        if(isNaN(dx)||dx>this.length){self.status='Array_remove:invalid request-'+dx;return false}
        for(var i=0,n=0;i<this.length;i++)
    function ComboBox_make()
    var bt,nm;
    nm = this.name+"txt";
    this.txtview = document.createElement("INPUT")
    this.txtview.type = "text";
    this.txtview.name = nm;
    this.txtview.id = nm;
    this.txtview.className = "combo-input"
    this.valcon = document.createElement("INPUT");
    this.valcon.type = "hidden";
    var tmp = document.createElement("IMG");
    tmp.src = "___";
    tmp.style.width = "1px";
    tmp.style.height = "0";
    var tmp = document.createElement("BUTTON");
    tmp.className = "combo-button";
         tmp.onfocus = function () { this.blur(); };
         tmp.onclick = new Function ("", this.name + ".toggle()");
    function ComboBox_choose(realval,txtval)
    this.value = realval;
    var samstring = this.name+".view.childNodes[0].value='"+txtval+"'"
    this.valcon.value = realval;
    function ComboBox_mouseDown(e)
    var obj,len,el,i;
    el = e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement;
    while (el.nodeType != 1) el = el.parentNode;
    var elcl = el.className;
    curobj = Global_combo_array[i]
    function ComboBox_handleKey(e)
    var key,obj,eobj,el,strname;
    eobj = e;
    key = eobj.keyCode;
    el = e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement;
    while (el.nodeType != 1) el = el.parentNode;
    elcl = el.className
    strname = el.id.split("txt")[0]
    obj = window[strname];
    if(obj.expops.length==1&&obj.expops[0].text=="(No matches)"){}//empty
    obj.value = el.value;
    obj.valcon.value = el.value;
    function ComboBox_update()
    var opart,astr,alen,opln,i,boo;
    opln = this.options.length
    astr = this.txtview.value.toLowerCase();
    alen = astr.length
    if(!boo){this.expops[0]=new ComboBoxItem("(No matches)","")}
    function ComboBox_remove(index)
    function ComboBox_add()
    var i,arglen;
    function ComboBox_build(arr)
    var str,arrlen
    str = '<table class="combo-list-width" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>';
    var strs = new Array(arrlen);
    for(var i=0;i<arrlen;i++)
    strs[i] = '<tr>' +
                   '<td class="combo-item" onClick="'+this.name+'.choose(\''+arr[i].value+'\',\''+arr[i].text+'\');'+this.name+'.opslist.style.display=\'none\';"' +
                   'onMouseOver="this.className=\'combo-hilite\';" onMouseOut="this.className=\'combo-item\'" > '+arr[i].text+' </td>' +
    str = str + strs.join("") + '</table>'
    this.opslist = document.createElement("DIV")
    this.opslist.className = "combo-list";
    function ComboBox_toggle()
    this.view.style.zIndex = ++ComboBox.prototype.COMBOBOXZINDEX
    this.view.style.zIndex = ++ComboBox.prototype.COMBOBOXZINDEX
    function ComboBox()
    self.status="ComboBox invalid - no name arg"
    this.name = arguments[0];
    this.par = arguments[1]||document.body
    this.view = document.createElement("DIV");
    this.options = new Array();
    this.expops = new Array();
    this.value = ""
    this.build = ComboBox_build
    this.make = ComboBox_make;
    this.choose = ComboBox_choose;
    this.add = ComboBox_add;
    this.toggle = ComboBox_toggle;
    this.update = ComboBox_update;
    this.remove = ComboBox_remove;
    this.txtview = this.view.childNodes[0]
    this.valcon = this.view.childNodes[1]
    ComboBox.prototype.COMBOBOXZINDEX = 1000 //change this if you must
    function ComboBox_init()
         if (document.addEventListener) {
              document.addEventListener("keyup", ComboBox_handleKey, false );
              document.addEventListener("mousedown", ComboBox_mouseDown, false );
         else if (document.attachEvent) {
              document.attachEvent("onkeyup", function () { ComboBox_handleKey(window.event); } );
              document.attachEvent("onmousedown", function () { ComboBox_mouseDown(window.event); } );
    Global_run_event_hook = false;
    function returnFalse(){return false}
    function ComboBoxItem(text,value)
    this.text = text;
    this.value = value;
    document.write('<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="ComboBox.css">');
    If you would like me to post the code for the CSS, let me know.

  • Pass ArrayList to jsp and display first index of resultset?

    Is it possible for me to pass an ArrayList to a jsp, and display the each resultset stored in the ArrayList by the ArrayList index?
    The code below gets passed two paramaters. An invorg, and item. It then creates resultset based upon the Object and puts the results into an ArrayList.
    The resultset returned varies, but the largest resultset that I have received back has not been bigger thatn 10 resultset rows, and the largest number of columns has been 27 columns.
    I would then like to pass the whole ArrayList to the jsp and display the contents for each row based on the index it is on.
    Is this possible?
    public class RunReportAction extends MTDAction
        ArrayList results;   
        public RunReportAction()
        public boolean execute(HttpServletRequest _req, HttpServletResponse _res) throws ServletException, IOException
            String item = _req.getParameter("itemsToAdd");
            String invorg = _req.getParameter("invorg");
                if (rep_type.equals("Vendor"))
                    runVendorReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Purchase Order"))
                    runPOReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Inventory"))
                    runInventoryReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Item Usage"))
                    runWhereUsedReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Cost/Purchasing"))
                    runCostReport(item, invorg);
                else if (rep_type.equals("Planning"))
                    runPlanningReport(item, invorg);
            catch (Exception e)
                model = e;
            model = results;
            view = "SSM_Reports";
            return true;
        boolean runInventoryReport(String item, String invorg) throws MTDException
                CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{call CTI_SSM_PKG.get_inventory_report(?,?,?)}");
                cs.registerOutParameter(3, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                cs.setObject(2, item, Types.VARCHAR);
                cs.setObject(1, invorg, Types.VARCHAR);
                ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(3);
                while (rs.next())
                    InventoryObj inventory = new InventoryObj();
            catch (SQLException e)
                throw (new MTDException("Failed to run report in database.", e));
            //model = results;
            return true;
    }jsp code:<%@ page import="java.util.*"%>
    <%@ page import="ssmmtd2.InventoryObj"%>
    <title> SSM 2 Inventory Report </title>
              A {text-decoration:none;color:black;}
              A:Hover {color:Blue}
      ArrayList inventory;
      if (request.getAttribute("model") != null)
        if ((request.getAttribute("model").getClass().getName()).equals("java.util.ArrayList"))
          inventory = (ArrayList)request.getAttribute("model");     
          if (inventory != null && inventory.size() > 0)
        <body  bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
          <table border = "1" width="755" cellpadding="0" cellspacing = "0">
            <td colspan="3" width="755" align="center">
              <p align="center"><big><b><font color="#000080">Inventory Report</font></b></big>
          <table border="1" width="755">
              <td width="100%">
                  Iterator i = inventory.iterator();
                  while (i.hasNext())
                    InventoryObj invObj = (InventoryObj)i.next();
                      <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getItem()%>
                      <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getItemDescription()%>
                      <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getInvOrg()%>
                      <B>CURRENT DATE:</B>
                        <align="left" valign="center"><%=invObj.getToday()%></TD>
                      <TD><B>INVENTORY ITEM</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getInvFlag()%>
                      <TD><B>STOCK ENABLED</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getStockEnabled()%>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getTransactable()%>
                      <TD><B>REVISION QTY CONTROL</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getRevQtyControl()%>
                      <TD><B>RESERVABLE TYPE</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getReservable()%>
                      <TD><B>CHECK SHORTAGES</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getCheckShortage()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT CONTROL</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotControl()%>
                      <TD><B>SHELF LIFE DAYS</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getShelfLife()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING LOT PREFIX</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotStartPrefix()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING LOT NUMBER</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotStartNumber()%>
                      <TD><B>CYCLE COUNT</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotCycleCount()%>
                      <TD><B>POSITIVE MEASUREMENT ERROR</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getPosMeasureError()%>
                      <TD><B>NEGATIVE MEASUREMENT ERROR</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getNegMeasureError()%>
                      <TD><B>SERIAL GENERATION</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialGeneration()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING SERIAL NUMBER</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialNumbStart()%>
                      <TD><B>STARTING SERIAL PREFIX</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialPrefixStart()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT STATUS</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotStatus()%>
                      <TD><B>SERIAL STATUS</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getSerialStatus()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT SPLIT</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotSplit()%>
                      <TD><B>LOT MERGE</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLotMerge()%>
                      <TD><B>LOCATOR CONTROL</B>
                      <TD align="left" valign="center"><b>:</B>  <%=invObj.getLocatorControl()%>
                <%} %>
                <input type="hidden" name="SearchValue">
                <img src="images/close11.bmp" style="cuinvObjor:hand" onmouseover='this.src="images/close12.bmp"' onmouseout='this.src="images/close11.bmp"' onClick="window.close()">     
                <img src="images/print1.bmp" style="cuinvObjor:hand" onmouseover='this.src="images/print2.bmp"' onmouseout='this.src="images/print1.bmp"' onClick='this.src="images/print3.bmp"; window.print()' >

    Your arraylist object should be a list of inventory bean objects and then, If you are using struts, you could use logic:iterate tags.. or something equivalent.. you could use forEach in jstl..

  • Help please: Changing buton look in onmouseover...how?

    I have some buttons I created in JSC and placed on a page. These buttons have images on them. I'd like to change the appearance of the button when the user moves the mouse over the image. I could't find anything in the JSC help files on this, so I'm asking here.
    How do you get the button that is being moused over to change either the image that is one it, or in some other way give the user feedback that that button is the one the mouse is over?

    Following are the steps I followed to chage the image
    of a button for onmouseover event:
    1. Drag and drop a button
    2. In the properties sheet go to the image property
    and click on the ... button
    3. Choose the image you want on the button
    4. Copy the image that you want displayed when the
    mouseover event occurs to the resources folder
    5. In the javascript section of the properties sheet,
    click the ... button next to onmouseover property
    6. Enter the following line of code
    7. Click on save and run the application
    The line of code in the jsp source looks like this:
    <h:commandButton binding="#{Page1.button1}"
    id="button1" image="resources/heart.gif"
    style="left: 144px; top: 72px; position: absolute"
    Hope this helps
    Giri :-)
    Creator Teami'm trying to do a mouse over effect on my buttons where they swap images everytime a mouse hovers over the button. I've tried to enter the javascript line you suggest, here what i put:
    It puts in the jsp code that you show and I have the images in the resources folder, but when I save and run, I only see the error sign at the bottom of the page. No mouse over effect. Any ideas?
    Thanks for any suggestions

  • How to add onmouseover event to a PanelBox

    Hi All,
    Is it possible to add an onmouseover event to a PanelBox? I'd like to have a hidden toolbar within the PanelBox and only show the toolbar when the user mouses over the PanelBox.
    thanks ,dean.

    Hi ,
    I just tried to see can we implement mouseOver / mouseDown / dbClick e.t.c on panel box.
    here is the sample jspx code , here i tried mouse over on panelbox..
    just copy paste into plain jspx and run the page and see...
    it may help to solve your problem.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" version="2.1"
    <jsp:directive.page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1">
    <!--<af:resource type="javascript"
    <af:resource type="javascript">
    function togglePanelBox(mouseEvent)
    var panelBox = mouseEvent.getSource();
    panelBox.broadcast(new AdfDisclosureEvent( panelBox, !panelBox.getDisclosed()));
    <af:form id="f1">
    <af:pageTemplate viewId="/oracle/templates/threeColumnTemplate.jspx"
    <af:resource type="javascript"
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:panelBox text="PanelBox1" id="pb1"> <f:facet name="toolbar"/>
    <af:clientListener method="togglePanelBox" type="mouseOver"/>
    <f:facet name="header"/>
    <f:facet name="end"/>
    <f:facet name="start"/>
    <f:facet name="branding"/>
    <f:facet name="copyright"/>
    <f:facet name="status"/>
    Annapareddy S.

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