JTA File and SQL Transactions

I am trying to find some examples of how I might use JTA to solve a programming problem. I need the ability to wrap a transaction around two distinct events: a File write and a SQL transaction. I have a file that needs to be copied to a particular place and a corresponding SQL update statement to be executed. If either fails, I need to be able to rollback both events.
I have tried to use the free Astrel IO Atomic, but it appears to be buggy. The Apache Transaction package almost works, but it only support File IO on the same drive. I was hoping that I could find some examples on how I might implement my own transaction.

You need to force sqlplus to exit with an non-zero return code. All processes upon termination, return an exit code to the operating system. This allows it to inform other processes of its exit state - e.g. successful, failed, partially successful with warnings, etc. On most operating systems the exit code is a byte int value, ranging from 0 to 255.
In Windows console scripts, you can user the ERRORLEVEL variable to view the last process's exit code.
So.. you get sqlplus to exit with a 1 (usually means fail) and not a 0 (usually means successful) and then test the exit code using ERRORLEVEL.
Have a look at SQL*Plus command "+WHENEVER SQLERROR"+ to force an exit with an error exit code.
In your Windows console, use the HELP command for how the IF command and ERRORLEVEL variable works.
Sorry - no Windows here so I cannot be more specific with an example.. (in Linux the approach is exactly the same, except the variable +$?+ is used in scripts for the exit code)

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    Gurram wrote:
    want to read .rex File. The file contains combination of SQL code with table Names, Packages,Functions,There are three basic ways to read an external file.
    You can use UTL_FILE and use standard/basic file I/O calls like fread() and fwrite() - common amongst most (if not all) programming languages.
    You can define an external table for the file, and SQL*Load the contents of the file dynamically via a SQL SELECT statement.
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    Keep in mind though that your in a database environment with PL/SQL. The very best place for data is inside the database in SQL tables. Not outside as external files. Thus you need to ask yourself whether dealing this way with external files is the best solution, and a robust and scalable one.
    Granted, many times from the database side we need to deal with external files. The optimal method usually is to load that file's data into a database table as structured data - data that can be accessed via SQL and sorted, filtered, aggregated and analysed.
    To provide a "file" as output - this should ideally be done directly from structured data (SQL tables). And can be done using HTTP (via a web enabled PL/SQL procedure that supplies the file content as a http Mime stream), using FTP (via <i>UTL_TCP</i>) or as a CLOB via a PL/SQL call interface. Using UTL_FILE is not necessarily the only option.

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    ---SQL Query W3books Title
    ---9 March 2015
    BookID INt Primary Key,
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    ) AS T(x)
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    P. S.
    (1) I mimicked the xml file and SQL Qeury code of Import XML File to SQL Table in
    http://pratchev.blogspot.com/2008/11/import-xml-file-to-sql-table.html. The xml file and the code of this sample worked in my SSMS 2012 program.
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    Hi Stan210, Thanks for your nice response.
    I corrected my xml file as you pointed out.
    I made some changes in some code statements of my SQLQueryW3BookTitle.sql as you instructed:
    --XQuery w3schools example using books1.xml in C:\Temp folder
    ---SQL Query W3books Title
    ---10 March 2015
    BookID INt Primary Key,
    Title VARCHAR(30));
    INSERT INTO W3Books (BookID, Title)
    SELECT x.book.value('/BookID[1]', 'INT'),
    x.book.value('/title[1]', 'VARCHAR(30)')
    FROM (
    BULK 'C:\Temp\books1.xml',SINGLE_BLOB) AS T(x)
    ) AS T(x)
    CROSS APPLY x.nodes('bookstore/book') AS x(book);
    SELECT BookID, Title
    FROM W3Books;
    I executed my revised sql and I got the following Message and Results:
    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 6
    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'BookID', table 'XML_XQUERY.dbo.W3Books'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
    The statement has been terminated.
    (0 row(s) affected)
    BookID    Title
    I don't know why I just got the names of columns in Results and the "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'BookID', table 'XML_XQUERY.dbo.W3Books'; column does not allow nulls, insert fails." in Messages.  Please kindly help, advise me
    how to correct the errors and respond again.
    Many Thanks again,
    Scott Chang

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    To use OCI you just need to open SQL from the load rule, select "Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Service Name" and enter the connection details as Oracle Call Interface (OCI) Service Name— $OCI$<server_name> , replacing <server_name> with the oracle db server name.
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    If you would like to create a package/procedure in order to solve this problem consider using the UTL_FILE in built package, here are a few steps to get you going:
    1. Get your DBA to create directory object in oracle using the following command:
    create directory TEST_DIR as ‘directory_path’;
    Note: This directory is on the server.
    2. Grant read,write on directory directory_object_name to username;
    You can find out the directory_object_name value from dba_directories view if you are using the system user account.
    3. Logon as the user as mentioned above.
    Sample code read plain text file code, you can modify this code to suit your need (i.e. read a csv file)
    function getData(p_filename in varchar2,
    p_filepath in varchar2
    input_file utl_file.file_type;
    --declare a buffer to read text data
    input_buffer varchar2(4000);
    --using the UTL_FILE in built package
    input_file := utl_file.fopen(p_filepath, p_filename, 'R');
    utl_file.get_line(input_file, input_buffer);
    --return data
    return input_buffer;
    Hope this helps.

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    The procedure is the same as it was in SAP PI7.0 or lower versions.....no major change on this front.
    Search SDN for documents related to your protocol.

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    If its a session then goto SM35, select ur session and then u can see log button over there at the top... that will give the log
    If its a call transaction then in ur program u need to declare internal table IT_MSGS like this
                                      MODE MODE
                                      UPDATE UPDATE
                                      MESSAGES INTO IT_MSGS.
          LOOP AT IT_MSGS.
                ID        = IT_MSGS-MSGID
                LANG      = 'EN'
                NO        = IT_MSGS-MSGNR
                V1        = IT_MSGS-MSGV1
                V2        = IT_MSGS-MSGV2
                V3        = IT_MSGS-MSGV3
                V4        = IT_MSGS-MSGV4
                MSG       = V_MSG
                NOT_FOUND = 1
                OTHERS    = 2.
            IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
                      WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.
            WRITE:/ V_MSG.
    This will create a log for you, dont forget to award points if found helpful

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    col2 = 'Ferrari' (yy)
    col3 = default N
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    load data
    infile 'TEST.CSV'
    into table TEST
    fields terminated by ';'
    col1 ?????,
    col2 ?????,
    col3 CONSTANT "N"

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    Have you reviewed the setup.log?
    On a side note, why would you put the database file on the same drive as the OS? That defeats the whole purpose of having a remote SQL Server. Why use a remote SQL Server in the first place.
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com

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    I am suppose to develop an application using c# which can execute oracle script files as well as sql server script files based on some user's choice. 
    You can use SQL Plus for Oracle. You can have a C# program that issues commands  for  scripts for table, views, triggers  creation and the whole 10 yards to SQL Plus,
    I started writing a program to use SQL Plus to run the scripts, but cI ame to the conclusion that it was a waste of my time.
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    For MS SQL Server, you have this, which you can run from a C# program too.
    I would consider using the above from a C# program a waste of time too.
    I look at it this way. If the user doesn't have database admin experience and know how to use DB admin tools, then they have no business doing anything with a database - period.
    BTW, the Invoke statement in VB or C# will run SQL Plus or SQL Server command line tool.

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    Make sure  you have valid/tested  backup strategy for both system and user databases.
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    if my data file is having 10 GB sizze and log file is having 5 GB size
    what should be the size in MB (not in %) of autogrowth. based on what we have to determine the ideal size of file auto growth.

    It's very difficult to give a definitive answer on this. Best principal is to size your database correctly in advance so that you never have to autogrow, of course in reality that isn't always practical.
    The setting you use is really dictated by the expected growth in your files. Given that the size is relatively small why not set it to 1gb on the datafile(s) and 512mb on the log file? The important thing is to monitor it on an on-going basis to see if that's
    the appropriate amount.
    One thing you should do is enable instant file initialization by granting the service account Perform Volume Maintenance tasks in group policy. This will allow the data files to grow quickly when required, details here:
    Also, it possible to query the default trace to find autogrowth events, if you wanted you could write an alert/sql job based on this 
    CASE [EventClass]
    WHEN 92 THEN 'Data'
    WHEN 93 THEN 'Log' END
    FROM sys.fn_trace_gettable('c:\path\to\trace.trc', DEFAULT)
    EventClass IN (92,93)
    hope that helps

  • Advanced Queueing and SQL in same transaction?

    Can Advanced Queueing operations and SQL operations be combined in one atomic transaction? I can't find any reference to this in the Oracle AQ documentation and none of the examples show this. In my application I'm having problems that seem like deadlock when I do combine AQ and SQL in the same transaction. However, when I place them in seperate transactions it works.

    I am also looking for some examples of using SQL/PLSQL w/Advanced Queueing. We currently have the following scenario: One server has non-relational tables; another server has relational tables which house the same data in a relational format. We are looking for a way to migrate the non-relational data to the relational tables and keep the data updated when it changes in the non-relational tables.
    We had considered using materialized views, but, this was ruled out because the non-relational tables are created and dropped on a daily basis.
    My email: [email protected]
    Thanks for any input you may have!

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