JTable - Check box in column header with sorting

I have 3 problems/questions.
1. When adding sorting to a table with
setAutoCreateRowSorter(true);and you click on a column header, normally a sorting arrow will appear, and indicate in what direction its sorting,
but in the column head with the checkbox, even though the sorting works, the arrow will never appear. Is there anyway to fix this?
2. Is there anyway to get the checkboxes in the table cells to be aligned left (I dont mean the columnheader checkbox, but the ones below)?
3. When you click on the columnheader to either sort or check the checkbox, you will have to wait about a second between each click, or else it won't react and won't sort. sometimes you will have to click twice for it to react. If you click a lot of times fast, then it won't react until you stop for a second, and click again, though it will react only on the first click, but not the secont, third, fourh, and so on, until you stop for a second. Is there anyway to fix this, or atleast make it have a better reaction time?
This is the code for creating the table:
public class Example extends JFrame{
    private Container container;
    private JTable exampleTable;
    public Example(){
        container = getContentPane();
        ExamleTableModel examleTableModel = new ExamleTableModel();
        exampleTable = new JTable(examleTableModel);
        TableColumn tc = exampleTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
        tc.setHeaderRenderer(new CheckBoxHeader(new MyItemListener()));
        container.add(new JScrollPane(exampleTable), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );       
    }This is the code for the checkboxheader:
    class MyItemListener implements ItemListener 
            public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 
                Object source = e.getSource(); 
                if (source instanceof AbstractButton == false) return; 
                boolean checked = e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED; 
                for(int a = 0, b = exampleTable.getRowCount(); a < b; a++) { 
                    for(int c = 0, d = exampleTable.getRowCount(); c < d; c++) { 
                            exampleTable.setValueAt(new Boolean(checked),a,c);
    class CheckBoxHeader extends JCheckBox 
        implements TableCellRenderer, MouseListener {
        protected CheckBoxHeader rendererComponent; 
        protected int column; 
        protected boolean mousePressed = false; 
        public CheckBoxHeader(ItemListener itemListener) { 
            rendererComponent = this; 
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent( 
                JTable table, Object value, 
                boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) { 
            if (table != null) { 
                JTableHeader header = table.getTableHeader(); 
                if (header != null) { 
            return rendererComponent; 
        protected void setColumn(int column){this.column = column;} 
        public int getColumn(){return column;} 
        protected void handleClickEvent(MouseEvent e) { 
            if (mousePressed) { 
                JTableHeader header = (JTableHeader)(e.getSource()); 
                JTable tableView = header.getTable(); 
                TableColumnModel columnModel = tableView.getColumnModel(); 
                int viewColumn = columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX(e.getX()); 
                int column = tableView.convertColumnIndexToModel(viewColumn); 
                if (viewColumn == this.column && e.getClickCount() == 1 && column != -1) { 
        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { 
            boolean active=true;
            JTableHeader header = (JTableHeader)(e.getSource()); 
            switch (e.getID()) {
            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED:
            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED:
            case MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED:
                JTable tableView = header.getTable();
                TableColumnModel columnModel = tableView.getColumnModel();
                int viewColumn = columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX(e.getX());
                int column = tableView.convertColumnIndexToModel(viewColumn);
                Rectangle bounds = tableView.getCellRect(-1, column, false);
                if (e.getX() > bounds.x + 16) { // only if one the checkbox
                    if (e.getID() == MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED) {active = false;}
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){mousePressed = true;} 
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){} 
        public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){} 
        public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){} 
}If you want the code for the ExamleTableModel, I will post it if you ask (having trouble with the character limit).

What are you supposed to cast it to? I might have tried to cast it to something wrong.
I tried
TableCellRenderer tcr = table.getDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class);
((DefaultTableCellRenderer)tcr).setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT);and that gave me a ClassCastException. But I might have been trying to cast it to the wrong thing.

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    check this code
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    Thank you,

    Hi Thomas,
    I've already done that (in toolbar).  Checking if there is some hidden option that I missed to do this. Looks like there isn't

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    It seems this is a "backwards" upgrade from Apple in their iTunes 11 release....like you, I used to use that function in the iTunes store to sort through and decide which song version to purchase.   (For a large returned list of songs...see all...then sort by any of the headers, including Popularity...this functionality is now gone.)  
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    Better luck next time,

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    Best Regards

    Hi Sid,
    As far as I know we cannot put checkboxes directly above the Column headers.
    You can achieve this functionality in a round above method
    You can create a group of checkboxes above your ALV table with names of  columns to be selected beside each check box and proceed with your further processing.
    Also If you are just looking at which columns you need to select to be shown on the
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    data: lr_standard_functions type ref to if_salv_wd_std_functions.
    lr_standard_functions ?= wd_this->r_table.
    lr_standard_functions->set_column_selection_allowed( ' ' ).
    Hope this is of some help.
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    Thanks in advance,

    First remove the order by clause from your query and then try to set the sorting using the sort sequence. Thanks.

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    (sorry for lousy "graphics")
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    So there's no standard feature for that (like in HTML)-- you basically have to implement it all yourself?

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    <af:table value="#{bindings.xx.collectionModel}"
                          emptyText="#{bindings.xx.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                          varStatus="vs" partialTriggers="sbcSelectAll sbcChkFlag"
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                          columnStretching="column:c4" inlineStyle="height:200px;">
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                             id="c2" width="55"
                             inlineStyle="#{row.ChkFlag ? 'background-color:#9CACC9;' : ''}">
                    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true" value="#{row.ChkFlag}"
                                              selected="#{row.ChkFlag}" id="sbcChkFlag"
                                              autoSubmit="true" immediate="true"/>
                    <f:facet name="header">
                      <af:selectBooleanCheckbox simple="true"
    Managed Bean
        public void onTableChkAllCheckChanged(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            Boolean newValue =
            Boolean oldValue =
            if (newValue.equals(oldValue))
            int rowIndex=0;
            ViewObject vo = u.findIterator("xxIterator").getViewObject();
              Row row;
                 row.setAttribute("ChkFlag", newValue.booleanValue());
        }Please help!!.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Can you check this sample in the blog post?

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    The check boxes have a variety of uses:
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    iTunes: Understanding the Symbols Next to Songs

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    dataname some data 10/10/2010 my prop1 12345
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    Any help appreciated.

    Okay, you confirmed my plan. For displaying the dynamic column data, can I add a hashtable to the table's model as follows, sounds like this could work:
    <af:forEach ...>
    <af:outputText value="#{tablevar.hashTable[foreachvar]}"> </af:outputText>
    At least this is what I'm going to try...
    Actually, my first roadblock is what to put into the sortable property or is there a way for me to override and use my own method for sort?:
    <af:column sortable="true" sortProperty="">
    Thank you,
    Edited by: KrisFromOhio on Dec 3, 2008 1:37 PM

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    follow below mentioned code
    DATA: hr_weeknum TYPE REF TO cl_salv_wd_column_header.
    CALL METHOD lr_weeknum->get_header
    value = hr_weeknum.
    CALL METHOD lr_weeknum->set_resizable
    value = abap_false.
    property = if_salv_wd_c_ddic_binding=>bind_prop_text
    value = if_salv_wd_c_ddic_binding=>ddic_bind_none ).
    set the text of the column
    CALL METHOD hr_weeknum->set_text
    value = 'C Form'.

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    You can set the property sortExpertMode to "true" in
    The vertical line in the AdvancedDataGrid Header is not shown
    when sortExpertMode="true".
    Even then, if the headers does not get wordwraped, please
    file a bug here -

  • MTP check box when cme integrates with ccm

    I am reading a document abour cme and ccm integration.The following step indicates that we need to check MTP.
    Step 3 Ensure that the CiscoCallManager network uses a media termination point (MTP). The MTP is required to provide DSP resources for transcoding and for sending and receiving G.729 calls to the Cisco CME 3.1 system. All media streams between Cisco CallManager and Cisco CME 3.1 must pass through the MTP because Cisco CME 3.1 does not support transcoding.
    1. So it means that if I use g729 on the wan between cme and ccm, I must check this one?
    2. If I don't need transcode, i can uncheck this box right?
    3. I notice as soon as check the box, call transfer button not work on ccm phone. Is this a bug or supposed to be?

    Restrictions on CME
    * Cisco CallManager must use a media termination point (MTP), intercluster trunk (ICT) mode, and slow start.
    * Codecs on all the VoIP dial peers of the H.450 tandem gateway must be the same.
    * Only one codec type is supported in the VoIP network at a time, and there are only two codec choices: G.711 (A-law or
    mu-law) or G.729.
    * Transcoding is not supported.
    * Codec renegotiation is not supported. For example, if an H.323 call that uses a G.729 codec is received by a Cisco CME system and is forwarded to a voice-mail system that requires a G.711 codec, the codec cannot be renegotiated from G.729 to G.711.

  • Allow users to click on a Column Heading and sort

    Hi All
    I created a master Detail table using the BC4J tags, My users are able to search and return results to the DataTableQueryComponent but the would like to click on the column and sort by it.
    How do I achieve that
    Thank you

    With JSF and the ADF Faces table it's easy and built-in, you can right click the table and in the properties on the third tab you can specify for each column if it is sortable.
    In JSP I think you'll have to call a method that will set the order by for the view object and rexecute the query.

  • Check Box in Header of ALV GRID only............

    Hi Experts,
                   Can anyone help me out... in keeping the Check box at the Header Level.....
    This requirement is in the copy of the standard transaction "ME2N". 
    1. In ME2N when you click on the Chage Layout button of ALV grid
    and choose "Sorting" tabe.
    2. Add any 3 fields say 1. Vendor/Supply plant 2. Purchasing group and 3. Purchasing document in the Sort criteria and choose accending order radio button and check box in the sum .
    3. Now click on the Displayed Column tab and remove the above 3 fields from the Displayed colums and add it column set
    4. Now report shows the heirarchial one in the sorting manner.
    5. I want the Check Boxes at all levels both in the header and the item level.
    When I click on the Header level check box all the item level check box should get checked. When I add the check box in the field catalog I am able to see the check box in the item level only because only item level data appears in the internal table and Header level is displayed based on the ALV grid sorting option and that row records are unknown in the internal table.
    Is there some thing which I can do to get the check box at the header level retaining all the functionality of ME2N and ALV GRID.....
    It would be great help if some one solves me this issue... Points will be awarded.

    Hi Bharath,
               Thanks for your response. Select ALL already existing... My requirement is not to get the whole report records selected at  particular level all items and header should get selected. Say for example  I have Vendor2 i.e,  vendor 1 and vendor2. So in the Vendor 1 i will have Purchasing group1 , Purchasing document 1 and say 10 items under Purchasing document. say same as like in Vendor2. So if Click on the Vendor1 all the sub items of it have to selected so that I can perform further action only for these items not for the enter items of the report.

Maybe you are looking for