JTextArea is not scrolling!

Hi :
I have a JTextArea inside a scrollpane, when I manually type the character it will scroll if it doesn't fit . However, if I use append("some text\n") in my program, the JTextArea was vertically enlarged rather than scroll up and down.
Any suggestion?

You can use textArea.setMinimumSize()/setPreferredSize()/setMaximumSize() to force the JTextArea to remain a fixed size.
The other option is to change your Layout manager to something that uses a fixed size for a component based on the size of the container - e.g. BorderLayour (center) or GridLayout.

Similar Messages

  • JTextArea not scrolling

    Hi everyone,
    I have looked at many of teh posts in this forum and have yet to find an answer that seems to work for me. My problem if that i have a JTextArea that is in a JScrollPane, but as things are added to the JTextArea via the append() method, it does not scroll once tthe viewable window if full. here is some of teh code which builds the panel which contains it :
    private void buildChatPanel(){
          chatPanel=new JPanel();
          JTextField outbox = new JTextField(20);
          JButton sendButton = new JButton("Send");
          inbox = new JTextArea();
          chatPanel.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
          GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
          // Build the text input field
            setBackground(new java.awt.Color(51, 51, 51));
            outbox.setText("Enter Chat");
            gbc.gridx = 0;
            gbc.gridy = 0;
            gbc.gridwidth = 3;
            gbc.ipadx = 14;
            gbc.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
            chatPanel.add(outbox, gbc);
            //build the send button      
            sendButton.setToolTipText("Click to send chat message");
            sendButton.setMargin(new java.awt.Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
            sendButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(75, 25));
            gbc = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.gridx = 2;
            gbc.gridy = 2;
            gbc.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
            chatPanel.add(sendButton, gbc);
            //build the text area
            inbox.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 20));
            gbc = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.gridx = 0;
            gbc.gridy = 4;
            gbc.gridwidth = 3;
            gbc.ipadx = -20;
            gbc.ipady = 493;
            gbc.insets = new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3);
            JScrollPane jsp = new JScrollPane(inbox,
            chatPanel.add(jsp, gbc);
      }I tried to used inbox.setCaretPosition(inbox.getText().getLength()) right after any call to the append() method, but that did nto seem to work either. Any Ideas at all would be great!

    I don't know if you ever figure out what was causing this. But I came across the same problem. The IDE that I was using had auto generated the following two lines in my source code:
    jTextArea1.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(70, 70));
    jTextArea1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(70, 70));
    I commented out both of these and the jTextArea began to scroll both vertically and horizontally.
    Good Luck,

  • My JList does not scroll

    hello forum,
    my JList (indentifier=PKGList) does not scroll. Can any look at code and tell me what's the problem. Following is the code. To test this code create two files in same directory. No package statement is there in code.
    1. javaEditor.java
    2. key_words.java
    copy the respective codes. compile these files.
    run command >> java javaEditor .
    Then my GUI will appear. click "new file" from file menu.
    then type "import". press SPACE BAR. a list box will appear conatining list of some packages.
    This is where the problem is [b]. this list box does not sroll.
    at some places,for the ease of identification, i have put the comments..
    I will be thankfull whoever helps me.
    /* javaEditor.java  */
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.reflect.*;
    public class javaEditor extends JFrame
         JMenuBar menubar;
         JMenu menu;
         JMenuItem menuitem;
         Container pane;
         Package PKGname;     
         JList PKGlist;
         Vector files;
         Vector PACKAGE;
         static Vector ClassList;
         JTextArea JTA;
         char flag;
              PACKAGE=new Vector();
              files= new Vector();          
              ClassList=new Vector();
              window_listener WL=new window_listener(this);
              action_listener AL=new action_listener(this);
              PKGlist=new JList();
              Package pkg[]=Package.getPackages();
              for (int i=0;i<pkg.length;i++)
              JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(PKGlist);
              ////////////File menu//
              menubar=new JMenuBar();          
              menu=new JMenu("File");     
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("New File");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Open");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Save As...");
              menu=new JMenu("Edit");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Cut");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Copy");
                   menuitem=new JMenuItem("Paste");
         public static void main(String s[])
              javaEditor JE =new javaEditor();
         }//public static void main(String s[])
         public boolean isClass(String str)
              int i=0;
              System.out.println("searching"+str+" ................");
                   Class c=(Class)javaEditor.ClassList.elementAt(i);
                   String str1=c.getName();
                   System.out.println("\t\tMaching with "+str1);
                        return true;                    
              return false;
         public Class  findClass(String str)
              int i=0;
                   Class c=(Class)javaEditor.ClassList.elementAt(i);
                   String str1=c.getName();
                        return c;
              return null;
    }//javaEditor extends JFrame
    class action_listener implements ActionListener
         javaEditor JE;
         action_listener (javaEditor JE1)
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
              if (e.getActionCommand()=="New File")//adds JTEXT AREA
                   FileOpener file_opener=new FileOpener(JE);
              if (e.getActionCommand()=="Open")
                        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();               
                        int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(JE);
                        if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                            System.out.println("You chosed to open this file: "+
                             FileOpener file_opener=new FileOpener(JE);
                        }//if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   catch(Exception excptn)
                   }//catch(Exception excptn)
              if (e.getActionCommand()=="Save As...")
                        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();               
                        int returnVal = chooser.showSaveDialog(JE);
                        if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                           System.out.println("You chose to save this file: " +
                           FileOutputStream fileOS=new FileOutputStream(chooser.getSelectedFile());
                          //String tofile=JTA.getText();
                        }//if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION)
                   catch(Exception ex)
              }//if (e.getActionCommand()=="Save As...")          
         }//actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    }//action_listener implements ActionListener
    class window_listener extends WindowAdapter
         javaEditor JE;
         window_listener(javaEditor JE1)
    }//window_listener extends WindowAdapter
    class key_listener implements KeyListener
              JTextArea JTA;
              javaEditor JE;
              StringTokenizer str_tok;
              key_listener (JTextArea JTA1,javaEditor JE1)
          public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e)
               if (e.getSource()==JTA)
                        Character c = new Character(e.getKeyChar());
                        String str= JTA.getText()+c.toString();
                        String str1="hsdk";
                        str_tok=new StringTokenizer(str," \n\r\t;:{}%\\+-*&!.");
                             System.out.println("key word "+str1);
                        else if(JE.isClass(str1))
                             System.out.println("class is in list");
                        else if(c.equals(new Character(' '))||c.equals(new Character('.')))
                             Class CLASS;
                                  Method methods[];
                                  System.out.println("searching "+str1+" class into list");
                                  System.out.println("after finding "+CLASS.getName());
                                  for(int i=0;i<methods.length;i++)
                        if(JE.flag=='p' && c.equals(new Character(' ')))
                             Caret crt=JTA.getCaret();
                             Point p=crt.getMagicCaretPosition();
                             JE.PKGlist.setBackground(new Color(150,150,150));                         
                        }//if(JE.flag=='p' && c.equals(new Character(' ')))
                        if(JE.flag=='C' && c.equals(new Character(' ')))
               }///if e.getSource()
               if (e.getSource()==JE.PKGlist)
                              String selectedstr=(String)JE.PKGlist.getSelectedValue();
                              String toAdd=" "+selectedstr+".*;";
               }//if (e.getSource()==JE.PKGlist)
          public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}//keyReleased ends
          public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}//keyTyped ends
    class FileOpener
         javaEditor JE;
         static int counter=-1;
         String name;
         JTextArea JTA;
         JInternalFrame  JIF;
         boolean isSaved;
         FileOpener(javaEditor JE1)
              name=new String("NoName-"+Integer.toString(counter)+".java");
              JTA=new JTextArea();          
         }//FileOpener(javaEditor JE1)
         public void openNewFile()
                   JIF=new JInternalFrame(name,true, true, true, true) ;
                   key_listener KL=new key_listener(JTA,JE);
         public void openFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException
                   JIF=new JInternalFrame(file.getName(),true, true, true, true) ;
                   FileInputStream fileInputStream=new FileInputStream(file);
                   byte buf[]=new byte[fileInputStream.available()];
                   JTA.setText(new String(buf));
                   key_listener KL=new key_listener(JTA,JE);
                   /************************************************************/          JIF.getContentPane().add(JTA);
         }//openFile(File file)
    }//class FileOpener
    class ClassSearch //extends Thread
         public static  void ifClassAddToList(String str)
              String pkg[]=  new String[77];
              pkg[0]=new String("java.applet.");
              pkg[1]=new String("java.awt.");
              pkg[2]=new String("java.awt.color.");
              pkg[3]=new String("java.awt.datatransfer.");
              pkg[4]=new String("java.awt.dnd.");
              pkg[5]=new String("java.awt.event.");
              pkg[6]=new String("java.awt.font.");
              pkg[7]=new String("java.awt.geom.");
              pkg[8]=new String("java.awt.im.");
              pkg[9]=new String("java.awt.im.spi");
              pkg[10]=new String("java.awt.image.");
              pkg[11]=new String("java.awt.image.renderable");
              pkg[12]=new String("java.awt.print.");
              pkg[13]=new String("java.beans.");
              pkg[14]=new String("java.beans.beancontext.");
              pkg[15]=new String("java.io.");
              pkg[16]=new String("java.lang.");
              pkg[17]=new String("java.lang.ref.");
              pkg[18]=new String("java.lang.reflect.");
              pkg[19]=new String("java.math.");
              pkg[20]=new String("java.net.");
              pkg[21]=new String("java.rmi.");
              pkg[22]=new String("java.rmi.activation.");
              pkg[23]=new String("java.rmi.dgc.");
              pkg[24]=new String("java.rmi.registry.");
              pkg[25]=new String("java.rmi.server.");
              pkg[26]=new String("java.security.");
              pkg[27]=new String("java.security.acl.");
              pkg[28]=new String("java.security.cert.");
              pkg[29]=new String("java.security.interfaces.");
              pkg[30]=new String("java.security.spec.");
              pkg[31]=new String("java.sql.");
              pkg[32]=new String("java.text.");
              pkg[33]=new String("java.util.");
              pkg[34]=new String("java.util.jar.");
              pkg[35]=new String("java.util.zip.");
              pkg[36]=new String("javax.accessibility.");
              pkg[37]=new String("javax.media.sound.midi.");
              pkg[38]=new String("javax.media.sound.midi.spi.");
              pkg[39]=new String("javax.media.sound.sampled.");
              pkg[40]=new String("javax.media.sound.sampled.spi.");
              pkg[41]=new String("javax.naming.");
              pkg[42]=new String("javax.naming.directory.");
              pkg[43]=new String("javax.naming.event.");
              pkg[44]=new String("javax.naming.ldap.");
              pkg[45]=new String("javax.naming.spi.");
              pkg[46]=new String("javax.rmi.");
              pkg[47]=new String("javax.rmi.CORBA.");
              pkg[48]=new String("javax.swing.");
              pkg[49]=new String("javax.swing.border.");
              pkg[50]=new String("javax.swing.colorchooser.");
              pkg[51]=new String("javax.swing.event.");
              pkg[52]=new String("javax.swing.filechooser.");
              pkg[53]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.");
              pkg[54]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.basic.");
              pkg[55]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.metal.");
              pkg[56]=new String("javax.swing.plaf.multi.");
              pkg[57]=new String("javax.swing.table." );
              pkg[58]=new String("javax.swing.text.");
              pkg[59]=new String("javax.swing.text.html.");
              pkg[60]=new String("javax.swing.text.html.parser.");
              pkg[61]=new String("javax.swing.text.rtf.");
              pkg[62]=new String("javax.swing.tree.");
              pkg[63]=new String("javax.swing.undo." );
              pkg[64]=new String("javax.transaction." );
              pkg[65]=new String("org.omg.CORBA." );
              pkg[66]=new String("org.omg.CORBA_2_3." );
              pkg[67]=new String("org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable." );
              pkg[68]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage." );
              pkg[69]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage." );
              pkg[70]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.portable." );
              pkg[71]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.TSIdentificationPackage." );
              pkg[72]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage." );
              pkg[73]=new String("org.omg.CORBA.ValueDefPackage." );
              pkg[74]=new String("org.omg.CosNaming." );
              pkg[75]=new String("org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage." );
              pkg[76]=new String("org.omg.SendingContext." );
              boolean found=false;
              int counter=0;
              Class cl;
              String str1=str;
                        System.out.println("searching for "+str1);                    
                             Class c=(Class)javaEditor.ClassList.elementAt(0);
                   catch(Exception e)
              return ;
    /*############# key_words.java*/
    public class key_words
         public static boolean isKeyWord(String keyword)
              String list[]= new String[48];
              list[0] = "abstract";
              list[1] = "boolean";
              list[2] = "break";
              list[3] = "byte";
              list[4] = "case";
              list[5] = "catch";
              list[6] = "char";
              list[7] = "class";
              list[8] = "const";
              list[9] = "continue";
              list[10] = "default";
              list[47] = "do";
              list[11] = "double";
              list[12] = "else";
              list[13] = "extends";
              list[14] = "final";
              list[15] = "finally";
              list[16] = "float";
              list[17] = "for";
              list[18] = "goto";
              list[19] = "if";
              list[20] = "implements";
              list[21] = "import";
              list[22] = "instanceof";
              list[23] = "int";
              list[24] = "interface";
              list[25] = "long";
              list[26] = "native";
              list[27] = "new";
              list[28] = "package";
              list[29] = "private";
              list[30] = "protected";
              list[31] = "public";
              list[32] = "return";
              list[33] = "short";
              list[34] = "static";
              list[35] = "strictfp";
              list[36] = "super";
              list[37] = "switch";
              list[38] = "synchronized";
              list[39] = "this";
              list[40] = "throw";
              list[41] = "throws";
              list[42] = "transient";
              list[43] = "try";
              list[44] = "void";
              list[45] = "volatile";
              list[46] = "while";
              //list[47] = "do";
              for(int i=0;i<48;i++)
                        return true;
              return false;

    If you had seen my code You would have know that i have inserted JList into scroll pane.
    I have added comments before and after that portion of code to make it easy to notice..
    insert your jList into jScrollPane

  • JTextArea/ScollPane - Unwanted Scrolling

    I am trying to insert text and have the "scroller" move down
    if , and only if , the "scroller" is already down as far as it can go. When I insert,
    when im not scrolled to the bottom , I get "NO" printed , as expected. However
    after appending the text the scrollbar then scrolls to the bottom of the document.
    Can I stop this behaviour?
    Thank You,

         public Window(IRCDocument document)
              super(new GridBagLayout());
              this.document = document;
              area = new JTextArea();
              area.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 10));
    public void append(String s)
              BoundedRangeModel model = sc.getVerticalScrollBar().getModel();
              if((model.getExtent() + model.getValue() + 1) >= model.getMaximum())
                   area.append(s + "\n");
                   //area.append(s + "\n");
                   try {
                        area.getDocument().insertString(area.getDocument().getLength(), s + "\n", null);
                   } catch (BadLocationException e) {

  • My ipod touch will  not scroll down in the voice mode so i can turn it off and go back to just touching it

    my Ipod touch will not scroll down in the touch voice mode to cut it off

    See this article for information on how to disable VoiceOver.

  • Mail does not scroll while in full screen!

    When on full screen mail just ignores the fact that there's more stuff (text, pics...) in the email and does not scroll down. No bar on the side, no scrolling with arrows, touchpad or space bar is working. When I bring it back to a smaller size or just open the email in a sparate screen it works OK.
    Not a huge issue, but an irritating one, wonder if this is happening to anyone else? and if anyone has a good fix to it?

    the release notes say it has issues in non-interactive mode,
    I'm using doing :
    stage.displayState =
    Is there maybe something else I need to set to full screen
    interactive? I know I saw somewhere that the person was setting the
    htmlLoader's stage to full screen interactive. I tried that but it
    did nothing.
    I have the window style set to "system chrome". I tried
    transparent and no flash sites worked(full or normal screen) and
    opaque worked the same as system chrome.

  • I had a translator app.i presses the voice buuton now it wont switch of and is saying everything. The scree will not scroll now. I have deleted this app on my lap top via iTurnes. I have synced my phone. I have taken the sim out I have turned it off and o

    anyone help please my phone woint stop telling me everything sice pressing a button for voice on a translator app. the screen will not scroll. I have sync the phone deleted the app on the lap top but it wont let me delete it on the screen because its frozen. I have taken out the sim card.. I have turned it off now Im stuck.. Im in a small village in Spain and cannot get to an Appke store to get it fixed yet. Any ideas?

    Plug your phone into the wall charger for at least 30 minutes...make sure you have a sim card in the phone...then:
    Leave the USB cable connected to your computer, but NOT your phone, iTunes running, press & hold the home button while connecting the USB cable to your dock connector, continue holding the home button until you see “Connect to iTunes” on the screen. You may now release the home button. iTunes should now display that it has detected your phone in recovery mode, if not quit and reopen iTunes. If you still don’t see the recovery message repeat these steps again. iTunes will give you the option to restore from a backup or set up as new.
    Make sure you have no anti-virus software running or any firewalls...turn all of that stuff off.

  • I can not scroll on my dell studio touchpad and I am running Windows 7 and Firefox 8.0.1.

    I just noticed that I can no longer use my touchpad to scroll on webpages in Firefox 8.0.1. I don't think I had this problem a few days ago, definitely not last week. I see the scroll icon but it does not scroll when I am on any webpage. At times it starts on one page until i refresh the page or click a link on the page but then it will stop scrolling.
    I am able to scroll using my touchpad in Word 2010 and on the rest of my computer.
    I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and have a Dell Studio 1558 that is a year old.
    I updated the touchpad driver from and it still did not work. Then tried the one directly from Synaptics and still not working.
    I also updated Firefox 8 to 8.0.1 and it still does not work.
    Please fix this as it is rather annoying.

    My scroll also doesn't work in Firefox -- but does in Excel and Word. This has been intermittent for months now. Usually, if I reboot the scroll would begin working again until for no apparent reason it quits again. Now even the reboot doesn't fix the no-scroll problem. I have Windows Vista. I even did a Firefox Update to 9.0.1.
    I don't have that file on my about:config page so this solution won't work for me.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

  • Pages created with DWT will not scroll

    I recently acquired a contract to update a site built in CS2 with tables to something that's HTML 4.01 compliant. I'm using CS5 and have updated the DWT's design, but now my pages will not scroll using the new template. I've tried using the overflow tag in several ways and locations within the DWT and style sheet itself, but to no avail. I have also created new pages from this template and they won't scroll either. I'm clearly missing something, does anyone have any ideas as to what that is? Does anyone need snippets of code?
    Thanks, Kevin

    elvikingoproductions wrote:
    I recently acquired a contract to update a site built in CS2 with tables to something that's HTML 4.01 compliant. I'm using CS5 and have updated the DWT's design, but now my pages will not scroll using the new template. I've tried using the overflow tag in several ways and locations within the DWT and style sheet itself, but to no avail. I have also created new pages from this template and they won't scroll either. I'm clearly missing something, does anyone have any ideas as to what that is? Does anyone need snippets of code?
    Thanks, Kevin
    Why are tables not HTML 4.01 compliant?
    Regardless, you have to post a link to the page in question or provide the code (both HTML & CSS) for examination.  The typical link you will be pointed to is the validator, so you may want to clean up as much as you can before you provide the link.

  • JScrollPane not scrolling to the end of JTable

    I put a table in a scroll pane, and add the scroll pane to a panel. The problem is the scroll pane does not scroll to the end of the table, it always lets me view only the first 37 rows of the table, regardless of how many rows the table actually has. Basically, the scroll pane thinks the table has exactly the same height, no matter how many lines it has. Why is this happening?
    The code is something like
    model = new SearchResultTableModel(false, null, null);
    table = new ResultTable(model);
    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    If this is important, the table is a bit more complicated, I subclass JTable, use a custom TableModel, several types of cell renderers / editors, so maybe this is why it behaves so strange. How could I tell the scroll pane the table is actually larger?
    Thank you very much, any ideas are highly appreciated,
    Regards from Romania,

    fireTableDataChanged() is the easiest way to do it, but also that one, that forces JTable to rerender all visible cells, regardless the fact, that they are already displayed and would not need rerendering - if you add a row - for example row 7 - do fireTableRowsInserted(7,7); instead - so JTable will only render this single row if it is visible in the viewport. If you add a couple of rows, for example row 7 to 227, do fireTableRowsInserted(7,227); - always fire only the correct notifications accordingly to the changes you make, in order to keep the performance of JTable high.
    greetings Marsian

  • I have a Mac running 10.9.2. My wireless mouse with not scroll in mail but works fine in other applications? Any suggestions?

    I have a Mac running 10.9.2. My apple wireless mouse will not scroll in Mail but works fine in other applications.
    Any suggestions?

    First, see this discussion. If the solution suggested there doesn't work for you, continue.
    If you've installed a Mail plugin called "Mail Unread Menu" and you know how to remove it, please do that, then quit and relaunch Mail. Test. Otherwise, see below.
    Back up all data.
    1. Triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:  
    Right-click or control-click the highlighted line and select 
    Services ▹ Open
    from the contextual menu.* A folder may open, or you may get an error message that the item can't be found. Either result is normal. If the folder does open and has contents, move the contents to the Desktop. Relaunch Mail and test. If there's no change, put the contents of the folder back and quit Mail again.
    2. Repeat with this line:
    This time you may be prompted for your login password when you remove the items. Make sure they're removed from the folder and not just copied to the Desktop. If necessary, copy them first and then move the originals to the Trash.
    *If you don't see the contextual menu item, copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination  command-C. In the Finder, select
    Go ▹ Go to Folder...
    from the menu bar and paste into the box that opens (command-V). You won't see what you pasted because a line break is included. Press return.

  • Has anyone had an issue with FindText not scrolling in Acrobat X?

    I wrote some code for Acrobat 8 using C# that used AcroAVDoc 's FindText method to search for a particular phrase so that I may find the page the text it was on and its location on the page so that I can insert an image at that location.  This worked great, the FindText method returned true when it found the text, scrolled to the page it was on and selected  the text.  In Acrobat X, I can not reproduce this.  It finds the text but does not scroll or select.
    Has anyone had this issue?  If so, how did you resolve it?
    Below is the code snippet that worked in Acrobat 8:
                    Acrobat.CAcroApp app = new AcroApp();
                    Acrobat.CAcroAVDoc doc = new AcroAVDoc();
                    object jso;
                    //Open  For Searching
                    if (doc.Open(PdfDocument, ""))
                        Thread.Sleep(AcrobatDelay); //WaitForAcrobatToLoad
                        bool found = doc.FindText(SearchTerm, 0, 0, 0);
                        if (found)
                            CAcroAVPageView pv = doc.GetAVPageView();
                            int PageNum = pv.GetPageNum();
                            CAcroPDDoc pdDoc = (CAcroPDDoc)doc.GetPDDoc();
                            jso = pdDoc.GetJSObject();
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    I just found these work arounds.
    The first is appropriate if you want to send as an undlisclosed resicpient. The second method shows all addresses.

  • IPhone Simulator will not scroll

    I've the latest Xcode, Mac OSX, and Safari. When I use the iPhone Simulator to test a Drupal website I've developed the simulator will not scroll any of the pages. I'm using a MacAir with no mouse. What do I have to do to scroll?

    I suspect you have the Voiceover accessibility feature turned on. The easiest fix is to connect your phone to iTunes. Select the "Configure Universal Access" button in the summary pane and turn Voiceover off.

  • Window will not scroll down in Design mode in DW CC 2014

    On a Wacom Companion running DW 2014.1.1, build 6981 Windows 8.0, opening a page, it will not scroll down in Design unless I click Split, then it will scroll some more and stop. Have to click modes back and forth to get to bottom of the screen. No issue viewing the page in a browser. Have 8 Tabs (pages) open, and other programs. Sys shows CPU/MEM at 38/84. Win 8.1 is installed, just need to reboot to activate upgrade.

    See this article for information on how to disable VoiceOver.

  • Trackpad will not scroll imac

    I bought a new iMac last year and was busy so I didn't use it much. Along with a trackpad and a wireless mouse. The mouse works as expected however the trackpad will not scroll a Safari Window.
    It will scroll when connected to my 5 year old Macbook. I took the trackpad to an Apple store and it worked fine on the geniuses laptop there.
    It just doesn't scroll a windwo on my iMac. I have experimented with the settings endlessly but it just doesn't scroll. I tried calling tech support and they said take it to the apple store which I did. I just now noticed that in a safari window the slide bar disappears when I use the trackpad. but reappears wheh I use the mouse.
    I  hope I don't have to lug the entire computer back to the Apple store. It seems like a software issue to me. Any suggestions welcomed here.

    how do you try to scroll ?
    some people are used to trackpads scrolling when they move their finger out in the right side or the likes
    with newer macs one scroll by placing 2 fingers beside eachother and moving them up and down

Maybe you are looking for

  • Error in adding multiple attachments to Human Task in BPM

    Hi Hope you are doing fine. My version is without Feature Pack. I have a scenario where I get a set of documents from UCM, and I have all of them in an array(of type GetFileByIDResult(UCM GetFile Webservice response type)). Please note that

  • Delivery created through ME2O without PO number

    As you are aware , you will not see PO number in Delivery if it is created through ME2O transaction. Could any one tell me how to get PO number in Delivery which is created by ME2O by some enhancemets/user exits etc.

  • 6120 - no connections listed, how to restore or ad...

    In Nokia Connection Manager on my computer (Nokia PC Suite > Settings > Manage connections), it says "activate a connection type by selecting a check box.  You can edit the highlighted connection by clicking the Configure button." There are no connec

  • Ctrl alt ins

    How can I ctrl alt ins on an MBA? Need this function to open an PC via remote desktop.

  • Org.omg.CORBA.Any

    Hi there I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post my question on but if not just ignore it. In many EJB examples people use the corba class Any. My q is: how can I get the type of an Any object? Please have a look at the following code: ORB or