Junkmail/Notjunkmail Users permanently over Quota despite set to 0=no limit

I'm running a Leopard Server 10.5.5 (9F33) on an intel Xserve. The problem is that the junkmail and notjunkmail users are over quota which obviously is incorrect since there are 0 mails in their box. The quota has been set to 0 for these users, which should not limit the quota.
The junk/notjunk boxes shall be shared IMAP boxes across all users, so they can participate in spam training the server. (This has proven to be working well with most users.)
Cyrus reports this for the quota.
$ sudo -u _cyrus /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota
Quota % Used Used Root
0 0 user/info
0 0 user/junkmail
0 0 user/notjunkmail
I've already used pterobyte's excellent mailbfr to check and fix quotas and owner/privs. Nothing seems to help. Even after a clean install the problem arises, which I have not encountered before. Of course there is plenty of space left on the device.
Rest of the setup is not modified much, just the usual antispam stuff and postfix style aliases.
Mailserver config as reported by postconf -n:
server:~ sadmin$ postconf -n
command_directory = /usr/sbin
config_directory = /etc/postfix
content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix
debugpeerlevel = 2
disablevrfycommand = yes
enableserveroptions = yes
html_directory = no
inet_interfaces = all
mail_owner = _postfix
mailboxsizelimit = 0
mailbox_transport = cyrus
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
mapsrbldomains =
messagesizelimit = 52428800
mydomain = server.cocs.de
mydomain_fallback = localhost
myhostname = server.cocs.de
mynetworks =
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases
queue_directory = /private/var/spool/postfix
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix/examples
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail
setgid_group = _postdrop
smtpdclientrestrictions = permitsaslauthenticated, permitmynetworks,reject_rblclient zen.spamhaus.org, rejectrblclient ix.dnsbl.manitu.net, permit
smtpddatarestrictions = permit_mynetworks, rejectunauthpipelining, permit
smtpdenforcetls = no
smtpdhelorequired = yes
smtpdhelorestrictions = permitsaslauthenticated, permit_mynetworks, checkheloaccess hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access, rejectnon_fqdnhostname, rejectinvalidhostname, permit
smtpdpw_server_securityoptions = cram-md5,gssapi
smtpdrecipientrestrictions = rejectinvalidhostname, rejectnon_fqdnsender, rejectnon_fqdnrecipient, permitsasl_authenticated,permit_mynetworks,reject_unauth_destination,reject_unlistedrecipient, rejectrblclient zen.spamhaus.org, rejectrblclient ix.dnsbl.manitu.net, permit
smtpdsasl_authenable = yes
smtpdsenderrestrictions = permitsaslauthenticated, permit_mynetworks, rejectnon_fqdnsender, permit
smtpdtls_certfile = /etc/certificates/server.cocs.de.crt
smtpdtls_keyfile = /etc/certificates/server.cocs.de.key
smtpduse_pwserver = yes
smtpdusetls = yes
unknownlocal_recipient_rejectcode = 550
unknownvirtual_alias_rejectcode = 450
unknownvirtual_mailbox_rejectcode = 450
virtualaliasdomains = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual_domains
virtualaliasmaps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
virtualmailboxdomains = hash:/etc/postfix/virtualdomainsdummy
virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/imap/socket/lmtp
I know that the message size limit is set ridiculously high, customer demands this and is resistant to consulting on this subject. Temporary rejects (450s) are on purpose for the time of testing.
Any suggestions welcome, please request any further information you may need to help. I'll be happy to provide and try out everything I can.
Best regards

Sorry for forgetting to include imapd.conf in the first place.
Freshly installed on Saturday. Problem immediately occurs. Tried setting the quota, and setting it back to zero. Neither way a user is able to move any message to the junkmail/notjunkmail box, not even with full IMAP ACL privs on the boxes. Always get the "over quota" error.
$ cat /etc/imapd.conf
admins: cyrusimap dave
configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
unixhierarchysep: yes
altnamespace: yes
servername: server.cocs.de
sievedir: /usr/sieve
sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
lmtpdowncasercpt: 1
unixgroupenable: 0
berkeleytxnsmax: 400
berkeleylocksmax: 20000
berkeley_cachesize: 8192
berkeleymax_logregion: 2048
berkeleymax_logfile: 10240
berkeleymax_logbuffer: 2048
tlskeyfile: /etc/certificates/server.cocs.de.key
quotawarn_frequencydays: 1
tlscertfile: /etc/certificates/server.cocs.de.crt
imapauth_crammd5: yes
logrolling_daysenabled: 0
logrollingdays: 1
enable_pop: no
imapauthgssapi: yes
imapauthclear: no
tlsserveroptions: use
popauthclear: no
partition-cocs: /Volumes/Postman1/cocsmailstore
Best regards

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    power book g4   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    Thanks Miriam! This has helped.
    Go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts > select account
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    I have a question about which box to tick after the one that says 'remove copy from server after retrieving a message' - is it necessary to keep it for any length of time, or should I just mark 'after one day'?
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    Thanks Miriam! This has helped.
    Go to Mail > Preferences > Accounts > select account
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    I have a question about which box to tick after the one that says 'remove copy from server after retrieving a message' - is it necessary to keep it for any length of time, or should I just mark 'after one day'?
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  • LDAP Over Quota checks

    Hi, currently I am utilizing 2 X1050s. I'm getting ready to add in an M1050. Has anyone (or is it possible) set these up to do over quota checks when the mail comes "in the front door?" I would like the M1050 to do the check so that it never gets down to my mailstores. Thanks for any help.

    Unfortunately, that feature is not currently available on the AsyncOS.
    If I'm understanding you correctly, you're looking for the ability for the M-series to verify or query the mailserver to see if the recipient/user has exceeded their mail quota space on the internal mailserver prior to releasing a quarantine message.
    The future request would be that the M-series query the mailserver prior to releasing the quarantine message and seeing if the recipient's quota is near the red mark and close to filling up. Of course, it would have to be accomodating enough to support the major mailservers out there (i.e. Sendmail, Exchange, Domino, Groupwise, etc).
    Sorry it's been so long for me to get back to this!
    Yes, mail is coming in our front door, passing through IronPort then when it gets allocated down to the mail stores it finds out the user is over quoata and then in just sits in our mail queue on the mail store. I was wondering if there was a way, when the mail comes in, for the Ironport M1050 to check LDAP, see if the user is over quota and take care of it there.

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    Dear All,
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    after reconstruct -q
    user/mmmm: fixed quota root usageThis can occur overtime. It is usually not a big issue. Does user 'mmmm' reflect one of the 'problem' users? If you run recontruct -q again, do you still get these messages?
    test user was able to receive mail again
    (mailuserstatus=active) until overquoted again. Than
    same thing happen (empty mailboxes overquoted users)Could you please provide the output for the test user for the commands I mentioned earlier (ldapsearch/imquotacheck).
    Is it a good idea to cron recontruct -q?This shouldn't be necessary. If your quota database keeps getting 'out-of-sync' then this would need to be investigated.
    During reconstruct -q we also got a number of these:
    [12/Dec/2006:02:47:19 +0100] store01
    reconstruct[14600]: General Error:
    set_overquotastatus: cannot get ldap attributes for
    user: xxxxxxDid the user in this example exist in the directory or are they 'orphan' accounts?
    Can you see an LDAP search (access logs) which correlates to this date stamp which returned an error?

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    The problem is that this is not being initiated from a task, but form our nightly maintenance job. These users are falling off because of AD updates outside of our system.
    If a DN is deleted from AD, it's already been removed from the groups in AD, but the privileges in our Identity Store haven't synced yet. If we strip all privileges before the entry is deleted, and the DN is no longer valid, the event task will bomb because it is trying to remove a user that doesn't exist anymore.
    I'm thinking of just trapping it in the jobs with a script that checks that the user DN is not null. If it is, just skip the entry.
    And yes, I will be at TechEd.

  • Cannot delete mail when over quota

    Hi there,
    I have mailbox quotas enabled on a 10.5.5 server, clients who go over 90% of quota get a mail each day telling them to delete mail etc, all seems to work fine in that respect.
    However, when they actually try to delete messages they receive the error: -
    The message "<message subject>" could not be moved to the mailbox "Deleted Messages - IMAP Account. The IMAP command "UID COPY" (to Deleted Messages) failed for the mailbox "INBOX" with server error: Over quota.
    I realise this is to do with deleted messages being set in mail preferences to be stored on the server, but since that is the default setting for new accounts, we have several hundred users, most of which would be incapable of changing the setting on their own (our users are children with learning difficulties).
    Is it possible to change this behaviour? I didn't see this problem under 10.5.4 but maybe it just wasn't reported.
    Or maybe a way to change each users deleted messages location setting via the WGM > Preferences > Details panel?
    Any advice much appreciated

    It doesn't look like it is possible via WGM to switch to a local trash mailbox. Adding com.apple.mail.plist and setting StoreTrashOnServer to "NO" in there appears to have no effect. I guess the next stop is to work out an xsl template we can use to modify each user's plist files directly. What fun.
    Is anyone else having this problem?
    Being over-quota never stopped users from moving items to trash, and then emptying the trash until now. Our server was previously 10.4.11, migrated (not upgraded) to 10.5.4 in July but only now, since 10.5.5 are we seeing this behaviour.

  • Remote check for over-quota condition of the mailbox

    At least while migrating, and perhaps afterwards, our system utilizes a relay based on sendmail which trims a lot of spam based on simple rules (milter-greylist, milter-regex, banner delay, DNS RBL) and passes the rest to an internal system (some domais go to specific boxes and mostly to our old mail server, now the new Sun MS).
    After implementing Sun JES infrastructure, LDAP in particular, we added LDAP routing to sendmail so that the relay knows which usernames exist - and this tremendously decreased bounce letters due to spam for inexistent recipients (now the error is returned within SMTP dialog of spammer to relay).
    However I can imagine that when some users' boxes climb over quota and perhaps exceed grace time so their mails won't even be queued by Sun MS, we'll again have a flow of bounces from Sun MS to spam senders.
    The question is: Is there some LDAP flag-attribute that is set for overquota boxes, so our relay can take that into account?
    I think it is easily possible to craft one if it does not exist now (i.e. with a cron script), but perhaps I'd reinvent the wheel? (Again!?)

    For reference, here are the tricks I used to configure the sendmail relay to know about
    domains and users defined in Sun Messaging Server.
    1) Since we custom-built sendmail, I had to define LDAP in site.config.m4 and rebuild, i.e.:
    APPENDDEF(`confLIBS', `-lldap')
    APPENDDEF(`confINCDIRS', `-I/usr/local/include')
    APPENDDEF(`confLIBDIRS', `-L/usr/local/lib')Stock binaries of many distributions have LDAP support built in already, this can be
    checked by a command like:
    # /usr/lib/sendmail -d0.1 -bv root | grep LDAP
                    SASLv2 SCANF USERDB USE_LDAP_INIT XDEBUGWe don't need to extend the DSEE schema with the one supplied with sendmail,
    Sun's Messaging Server schemas are adequate. We only need to point sendmail
    query filters to the correct attributes.
    2) In sendmail.mc I defined 3 lines, the connect spec to our LDAP server named
    "dps" (can be quickly redefined via /etc/hosts), the LDAP routing search filter
    (note: it's one very log line), and a ldaproute-domains file which lists names of
    recipient domains which should be looked up in LDAP (one domain per line; it
    does not need to be compiled by makemap):
    dnl # See http://www.sendmail.org/m4/ldap_routing.html
    dnl # mailuserstatus=overquota can be set by Sun Messaging store server
    dnl # mailuserstatus=inactive, etc. may be set by DA admin
    dnl # dps is the directory (proxy) server name
    define(`confLDAP_DEFAULT_SPEC',`-h dps -b dc=domain,dc=com)dnl
    FEATURE(`ldap_routing', `ldap -1 -T<TMPF> -v mailHost -k (&(objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient)(|(mailuserstatus=active)(inetmailgroupstatus=active))(|(mail=%0)(mailLocalAddress=%0)(mailalternateaddress=%0)(mailequivalentaddress=%0)))', `ldap -1 -T<TMPF> -v mailRoutingAddress -k (&(objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient)(|(mailuserstatus=active)(inetmailgroupstatus=active))(|(mail=%0)(mailLocalAddress=%0)(mailalternateaddress=%0)(mailequivalentaddress=%0)))', `bounce')dnl
    LDAPROUTE_DOMAIN_FILE(`/etc/mail/ldaproute-domains')dnlRecipients' addresses (or aliases) should be defined in the attributes checked above,
    have an objectClass=inetLocalMailRecipient and a mailuserstatus=active.
    At least one of the attributes, mailHost (set by DA while provisioning users) and/or
    mailRoutingAddress, should have a value in order to match the query.
    See details on how sendmail interprets the query results in the docs: [http://www.sendmail.org/m4/ldap_routing.html]
    Note/TODO: These rules don't check for inactive domains as a whole.
    3) Of course, the config file template sendmail.mc must be compiled to actual
    configuration file sendmail.cf, with our paths that would be this command:
    # cd /usr/lib/sendmail-cf/m4 && m4 /etc/mail/config/sendmail.mc > /etc/mail/sendmail.cf4) Populate /etc/mail/ldaproute-domains with the domain name(s) already supported
    by the LDAP server, one domain per line. Any other domains are subject to "old"
    routing method(s) which was configured on the relay (i.e. mailertables, etc.):
    # /etc/mail/ldaproute-domains
    # This file lists domains which have actual usernames to receive messages.
    # Catch-all domains are listed directly in mailertable.
    #willmigrateandupdate.anotherdomain.org5) Restart sendmail, watch the logs for a while, try to submit mails to existing and
    inexistant users, to active and inactive ones, etc...
    Enjoy the no-bounce world :)
    Edited by: JimKlimov on Dec 5, 2008 8:23 PM
    Updated ldap search with clauses for mail groups:

  • Outlook: The server responded: 'Over quota'

    I'm seeing that message on our server for accounts with the quota set to zero. I rebuilt the database this morning for an unrelated issue and this problem followed. Here is some information on one account that is failing.
    [log]# sudo -u cyrusimap /usr/bin/cyrus/bin/cyrus-quota -f user/vfr1pal
    Quota % Used Used Root
    0 812198 user/vfr1pal
    [mail_server]# cat database/quota/v/user.vfr1pal
    [mail_server]# ls -l database/quota/v/user.vfr1pal
    -rw------- 1 cyrusima mail 12 May 25 07:55 database/quota/v/user.vfr1pal
    Xserve   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    To bring this back up to the top, here is a summary.
    For the majority of the users, the mail storage has become read-only. If they attempt to move a message from the Exchange server to this server, they get 'Over quota'.
    Command Line:
    From the command line, everything appears normal, except if your run mailbfr -q. It reports user quotas of either zero or 2147483647 (7fffffff), with no correlation between the quota values and the failure to be able to right.
    Server Admin:
    Under the maintenance section of Server Admin, all of the user quotas are all reported to be zero, with %Free being listed as 100.00%.
    Workgroup Manager:
    Workgroup Manager also shows the Mail Quota set to zero. It has been demonstrated that changing the Mail Quota setting does not have any impact on the numbers reported by mailbfr.
    I set the Mail Quota for a user to 5600MB in Workgroup Manager yesterday. As of this morning, Server Admin and mailbfr -q both report that the quota for that account is zero.
    This is a production server, which has been unusable for a week now. We have short term workarounds, but this cannot continue.

  • What does over quota please reconfigure mean?

    When I open Firefox is says "Over quota, please reconfigure to use less space"...why is this happening?

    That is not a Firefox error message. It is a Windows message, administrators can set a quota for the amount of disk space a user can use.
    If this is your own computer and you have administrator access, open Windows Explorer, right-click on the drive that Firefox is on (typically this will be the C drive) and select properties. Go to the Quota tab of the properties dialog and click on the "Show Quota Settings" button. Now de-select the option to "Enable quota management"

  • Over quota configuration

    We are using SJES6.2 Messaging and i want to configure the
    following things
    1) I want to send message to users if their mail quota reaches 90%
    2) I want to bounce the messages if User quota reaches 100%
    I yet configured:
    store.defaultmailboxquota = -1
    store.defaultmessagequota = -1
    store.folderquota.enable = no
    store.quotaenforcement = on
    store.quotaexceededmsg = "Subject: ATTENZIONE! Rischio di over quota. $ [ID] , $ $ la dimensione della tua casella di posta e' oltre il [PERCENT] della quota a te attribuita. $ Ti ricordiamo che tale quota e' di [QUOTA] . $ $ Cordiali saluti. $ Postmaster"
    store.quotaexceededmsginterval = 3
    store.quotagraceperiod = 1
    store.quotanotification = on
    store.quotawarn = 90
    store.typequota.enable = no
    Every user have his mailquota on LDAP.
    Why I don't receive the message when my quota is at 93%? :-(

    afiordipelle wrote:
    Sun Java(tm) System Messaging Server 6.3-5.02 (built Oct 12 2007; 32bit)
    I've got just one server, then it is front end and storage.This simplifies things - a common mistake is changing the settings on the wrong system.
    I removed the store.folderquota.enable and the store.typequota.enable options with
    configutil -o store.folderquota.enable -d
    configutil -o store.typequota.enable -dAs you are actually running MS6.3, these options are valid (they were added in MS6.3 hence why they were not valid when you were running MS6.2).
    I changed the store.quotaexceededmsginterval option, now it is 0.
    I restarted the store service (in documentation I didn't read I have to restart the store service...)The documentation doesn't always tell you whether you need to restart the store. It may be enough to run the "./refresh" command but if you are hitting problems its best to be sure by restarting.
    Now I have this output:
    [root@public23 ~]# imquotacheck -u <user>
    Name Quota(K) Usage(K) % Quota# Usage# % OverDate WarnDate
    <user> 10240 10012 97 35000 8 0 01/16/08 -Interesting, the WarnDate isn't set. I would expect this to be set as this indicates when a warning email/notification is sent.
    I notice that the Usage# is 8, this sounds like very few emails. Is this a test account?
    Note that it is the delivery of an email that triggers the store to check if the account is overquota/has gone overquota post-delivery and hence send a warning email.
    Have you sent a new email to the account post-store restart to see if this triggers the warning email?

  • Over quota notification

    Hi all,
    I would like to knowwhen someone sends an email to one of my users and they have overquota, the server does not send a notification saying that it could not delivery the message ....
    Another notifications are sents, for example when the user does not exist, why?
    Thanks for all

    Based on my research, here is a reference showing the quota message at great length:
    In Exchange environments previous to Exchange 2010 SP1, Exchange sends a quota message to mailbox owners during the QuotaNotificationSchedule specified for each mailbox database.
    During this period, Exchange goes through every mailbox in the database(s) and if any has exceeded the quota threshold, it sends the owner an e-mail. No matter if the schedule was 1h, 2h or 10h, as long as Exchange has enough time to go through every mailbox,
    everyone over quota receives one warning message.
    Since Exchange 2010 SP1, the QuotaNotificationSchedule is set to run for 15 minutes every day at 1AM. If you increase this to 2h, for example, your users
    might receive more than one message at a time! I had cases where I had this set to run over 3h for testing purposes, and some users received 3 quota messages…
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Best regards,
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • Amount of key presses a user makes over time - BPM

    Im working on a small program that needs to get the amount of keypresses a user makes over time.
    Basically its for calcuating the BPM a user is inputting. So a uers taps a beat for 5 seconds and the amount of tap is saved and multiplied by 12 to get the Users BPM.
    So far i have this:
    package Version1;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
    import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
    import java.util.Timer;
    import java.util.TimerTask;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class muTap extends JFrame implements KeyListener, ActionListener {
        JTextArea display;
         * main - the main method
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
         * muTap constructor
        public muTap(String name) {
         * theGUI - creates the gui for muTap
        public static void theGUI() {
            muTap frame = new muTap("muTap");
            //Set up the content pane.
            //Display the window.
         * adComponents - adds gui components to muTap
        public void addComponents() {
            JButton button = new JButton("Start");
            display = new JTextArea();
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(display);
            scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(375, 125));
            getContentPane().add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
            getContentPane().add(button, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
        public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
            //Do Nothing
        /** Handle the key pressed event from the text field. */
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
            //TODO call the getBPMfromKboard() method
            System.out.println("Tap: " + taps);
        /** Handle the key released event from the text field. */
        public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
            //Do Nothing
        /** Handle the button click. */
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            //Do Nothing
            //initialCountdown(3, "Start Tapping Fool");
         * countDown - a simple countdown timer for use when getting users input.
         * @param time amount of time to count down from
         * @return      true when timer ends.
        public static int taps;
        public void countDown(final int time) {
            taps = 0;
            final Timer timer = new Timer();
            timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask()
                int i = time;
                public void run()  {
                    String s = Integer.parseInt(i); // error because of this i.
                    if (i < 0) {
                        if(time == 3)
                            display.setText("Start Tapping");
                        else if(time == 5)
                            display.setText("Number of taps: " + taps);
                            //System.out.print("Number of taps" +taps);
            }, 0, 1000);
    }But i get errors when i try running it:
    "Exception in thread "Timer-1" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code"
    It doesnt seem to like me parsing int to string here:
    String s = Integer.parseInt(i); Any ideas? or if youve got suggestions on another way to do it it'd be much appreiated.

    Korvanica wrote:
    It doesnt seem to like me parsing int to string here:
    String s = Integer.parseInt(i);
    Yikes, you've got that bit of code backward, there partner.
    You use Integer.parseInt to parse a String into an int, not the other way around.
    If you want to change an int to a String, do
    String s = String.valueOf(i)or you can use the various formatters out there.

  • Exchange 2013 SP1 users not receiving quota warning email message

    We are on Exchange 2013 SP1 and Exchange 2010 SP3 co-existence mode and currently migrating users from Exchange 2010 to 2013.  We have noticed that users are not receiving email message when their mailbox quota warning when its near to maximum limit.
    If I log in via OWA it shows the notification (Pop up) that your mailbox is almost full but no message received in email.  Most of the users do not log into OWA but only uses Outlook.
    It looks like other people are also seeing this similar issue but I am unable to find any solution for it.
    How users will know if their mailbox is almost full if they are traveling and only using Mobile phone for emails to send and receive.

    Hi Thanks for your response. Our Quota is set on Database level. I am seeing these event ids as well.
    Log Name: Application Source: MSExchangeIS Date: 12/31/2014 10:07:12 PM Event ID: 1077 Task Category: MAPI Level: Warning Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: Exch2013mail01.company.com Description: The mailbox e3d48b23-0740-46ab-89f7-3b035dacf28f on database
    326f0997-4fe5-4b31-873b-6a3396e7a91c is approaching its storage limit. A notification has been sent to the user. This warning will not be sent again for at least twenty four hours.
    Log Name: Application Source: MSExchange Store Driver Submission Date: 12/31/2014 10:07:12 PM Event ID: 1012 Task Category: MSExchangeStoreDriverSubmission Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: Exch2013mail01.company.com Description: The store
    driver failed to submit event 8237691 mailbox e3d48b23-0740-46ab-89f7-3b035dacf28f MDB 326f0997-4fe5-4b31-873b-6a3396e7a91c and couldn't generate an NDR due to exception Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.StoreDriverCommon.InvalidSenderException at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Shared.SubmissionItem.SubmissionItemUtils.CopySenderTo(SubmissionItemBase
    submissionItem, TransportMailItem message) at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Submission.StoreDriverSubmission.MailItemSubmitter.GenerateNdrMailItem() at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.Submission.StoreDriverSubmission.MailItemSubmitter.<>c__DisplayClass1.<SubmitNdrForFailedSubmission>b__0()
    at Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxTransport.StoreDriverCommon.StorageExceptionHandler.RunUnderTableBasedExceptionHandler(IMessageConverter converter, StoreDriverDelegate workerFunction).

  • I am being told I am 'over quota' and this software will not open my trash. I have been trying to copy things off my inboxes to trash and then to the archives.

    I cannot open my trash, it says it is now 'over quota'. I cannot even received emails if they are sent there!
    I have been trying to make my settings higher in the 'advanced' menu to no avail.
    I have been trying to move emails out of my INBOX to the trash and then to Archive subfolders but evidently EVERYTHING falls under this 'quota'. What the hell can I do? This is ridiculous, obscure and a terrible and extremely user-unfriendly software.

    What is the exact error message?
    Where is the message from, your email provider, or Thunderbird?
    What is your account type, POP or IMAP?

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