Just Trying to make a button go to a URL

This should be simple, and was with Actionscript 2.0.  But, after 4 hours of watching tutorials, reading through lessons and forums, I have yet to create my first button that will go to a URL in Actionscript 3.0.  I'm so beyond frustrated right now.  I appreciate any help I can get.  So here's what's up.
My current code is:
home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, homeHandler);
function homeHandler(Event:MouseEvent):void {
var homeURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.hopeskate.com");
But when I publish it I get this error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    at header_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
Now per the advise I've already read for others with the same problem.
I do have the button instance named "home".
I do have the button in Frame 1
So what's the problem?  Why can't I get it to work?  Please tell me you have the answer.  I admit code is not my forte, which makes my head ache even more!
Thanks again,

Other than I probably wouldn't call my event parameter 'Event' coz this is a keyword, your code looks fine and should work as is.
Which means there's something going wrong with your flash file.
I just created a button, gave it the instance name 'home', pasted your code in a frame, ran it out and it worked.
try it again in a fresh flash file, if it still doesn't work maybe post your fla.

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    Hi Venkat,
    Can you check the value of property "AllowUserPersonalization" in Visual administration Services → Configuration Adapter → webdynpro → sap.com → tc~wd~dispwda - propertysheet
    Also what is the exact version of this portal?
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    The simple way to test modem/router speed is to remove wireless from the equation. If you get good speed tests while cabled through an ethernet port then the problem is obviously the wireless connection which you say is via an Airport. Nothing an ISP can do here.
    If it's a wireless speed problem, then there are still two ends to consider. Try your laptop on someone else's wireless router, even if it's a coffee shop. No problem? Then your wireless router has a problem. If, on the otherhand, you don't see any improvement, then it's the laptop (hardware or drivers or setup).
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    If you provide a little more information about your hardware, like the DSL modem name and model, and the Airport model and firmware info it might be a little easier to assist you.
    In reading and re-reading your message, I'm not clear if you have a DSL modem connected to an Airport router or a DSL modem/router connected to an Airport router, or a DSL modem/router connected to an Airport that's been setup as a wireless access point. Daisy chaining routers can cause issues also, but it appears that your main problem is the wireless signal strength and you don't know if its the sender or the receiver or even related to Leopard.

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    Below is the AS3 code to navigate to adobe.com upon button(whose instance name is 'myButton') click
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoPageFunction);
    function gotoPageFunction(event: MouseEvent) {
    var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://www.adobe.com");
    navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
    ps: please mark this post as Answered if this is of help to you

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    A much better use of Flash would be to use Flash (or Ajax) to
    show your
    product list in a scrolling device, and have the cart display
    statically on the page. Then this 'fixed' thing you are using
    will not be
    required - nor will you experience IE's reluctance to support
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "War Tool" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e8dmgm$gg3$[email protected]..
    >I just recently figured out how to use the position fixed
    code to make a
    > movie stay on the bottom of the page even when you
    scroll up and down the
    > page.
    > However, now I want to be able to only have that movie
    appear when I press
    > a
    > button.
    > For example: Somebody is looking at products on my page,
    when they press
    > an
    > "add to cart" button, then a fixed positioned flash
    movie showing the
    > current
    > cart contents pops up and floats along the bottom until
    they are ready to
    > checkout.
    > Is this possible? and if so how? Please help I'm a

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    Is that possible ?
    Im trying :navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://+"stoixeia/url_"+epilogi+".txt")+");
    can someone help plz ?

    this is my code without the button and the navigate code that works perfect
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var epilogi:int=1;
    var sinolo;
    var platos:int=98;
    var ipsos:int=98;
    var direct:int=0;
    var arxikox:int;
    var myTween:Tween;
    var mTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    mTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, oLoaded);
    mTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("stoixeia/no.txt"));
    function oLoaded(e:Event):void {
    afisa.kadro_1.x= 0*platos;
    afisa.kadro_2.x= 1*platos;
    var myUTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    myUTextLoader.dataFormat =URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    myUTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("stoixeia/url_"+epilogi+".txt"));
    var a:Timer=new Timer(4000);
    loadimage (0,2);
    loadimage (1,1);
    loadimage (2,sinolo);
    var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    myTextLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
    myTextLoader.load (new URLRequest("stoixeia/plirofories_"+epilogi+".txt"));
    var m1TextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    m1TextLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
    m1TextLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, o1Loaded);
    m1TextLoader.load (new URLRequest("stoixeia/timi_"+epilogi+".txt"));
    function onLoaded (e:Event):void {
        this.keim.text = e.target.data;
    function o1Loaded (e:Event):void {
        var r:int;
        titl0.text = e.target.data.titl;
    function pi (e:Event):void {
        direct = -1;
        if (epilogi == 0) {
            epilogi = sinolo;
        kinisi ();
        myTextLoader.load (new URLRequest("stoixeia/plirofories_"+epilogi+".txt"));
        m1TextLoader.load (new URLRequest("stoixeia/timi_"+epilogi+".txt"));
    function loadimage (pou:int,poio:int) {
        var loder = new Loader();
        loder.load (new URLRequest("stoixeia/img_"+poio+".jpg"));
        if (afisa["kadro_" + pou].numChildren == 2) {
            afisa["kadro_" + pou].removeChildAt(1);
        afisa["kadro_" + pou].addChild (loder);
        afisa["kadro_" + pou].width=platos;
        afisa["kadro_" + pou].height=ipsos;
    function kinisi ():void {
        myTween= new Tween(afisa, "x", Elastic.easeOut, afisa.x, afisa.x+(direct*platos), 1, true);
        myTween.addEventListener (TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH,paok);
    function paok (e:TweenEvent):void {
        alaksetheseis ();
    function alaksetheseis ():void {
        afisa.x = arxikox;
        var whatload = epilogi + direct;
        if (whatload == 0) {
            whatload = sinolo;
        if (whatload > sinolo) {
            whatload = 1;
        if (direct == 1) {
            if (afisa.kadro_0.x <= 0) {
                afisa.kadro_0.x += platos;
            else {
                loadimage (0,whatload );
            if (afisa.kadro_1.x<=0) {
            else {
                loadimage (1,whatload );
            if (afisa.kadro_2.x<=0) {
            else {
                loadimage (2,whatload );
        else {
            if (afisa.kadro_0.x>=0) {
            else {
                loadimage (0,whatload );
            if (afisa.kadro_1.x>=0) {
            else {
                loadimage (1,whatload );
            if (afisa.kadro_2.x>=0) {
            else {
                loadimage (2,whatload );
    can u help me add a button and make it change the url ?

  • Help : Lost in Code - Trying to make a simple Click-Through

    Hey Everyone -
    I've come in search of some help and expertise. I've found a
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    urls for the javascript and such .
    check out my version here :
    i've got the css and java stuff working okay - but what i
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    that i don't understand : it looks something like this : : :
    <div id="header">
    <a href=""
    onmouseover="this.innerHTML = 'NEXT'"
    onmouseout="this.innerHTML = 'THE'">
    <a href=""
    onmouseover="this.innerHTML = 'PREVIOUS'"
    onmouseout="this.innerHTML = 'GRAPHIC'">
    <a href="#" id="button" onmouseover="this.innerHTML =
    onmouseout="this.innerHTML = 'GRAPHIC'">
    AND The JAVASCRIPT Used for both the sliders ( and I assume
    the click-through functionality ) is :
    window.addEvent('domready', function() {
    var Slider = new Fx.Slide('about',{mode: 'horizontal',
    duration: 100}).hide();
    $('button').addEvent('click', function() {
    function noSpam(user,domain) {
    locationstring = "mailto:" + user + "@" + domain;
    window.location = locationstring;
    function MM_openBrWindow(theURL,winName,features) { //v2.0
    I just want to click NEXT to progress to the next background
    image / and PREVIOUS for the prev. image . . . . . . . . Could
    anyone here tell me how to do this as in the first site ? ? ? Would
    I be able to simply create multiple HTML Pages - use an Embed tag -
    and then link the PREV and NEXT buttons with tags ?
    I'm just trying to make this work by any means but am finding
    the code impossible to crack -
    I tried asking this question in the mootools forum but was
    told to look elsewhere - I'm more than willing to use
    any other means in order to make this work .

    Have you asked the authors?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "aerolex" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f2naeu$q66$[email protected]..
    > Hello - would anyone have any advice - or should i
    somehow reword the
    > question ?
    > or could some provide some insight as to where i might
    look to resolve
    > this question ?

  • Trying to make external speakers work

    Hi just trying to make some external speakers work. I have them plugged into the output port.When I go to sound preferences they line-out option is missing. The only option I have is Built in speakers. I realize they will not work if I dont have this option so I just need help making that option appear so that I can select it. Hopefully that made sense lol
    Thanks in advance for the help. I really appreciate it!

    Hello 17crockett,
    It may help to reset your system's SMC and NVRAM.
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    About NVRAM and PRAM

  • How to make a button to search something in sql

    I am trying to make a button that can search for something like for example if like say i type yes, it will show me things that is under yes.But I am not sure how to make the code work as I cannot change the php code as it is under the requirement that I make the button work and not using the php code to make it work which means that I cannot type the yes to show the information and the button must somehow have the "yes" in the function to show the information.Please help me and Thanks for your help.
    This is my flash code.
    package  {
      import flash.display.MovieClip;
      import flash.net.NetConnection;
      import flash.net.Responder;
      import flash.events.MouseEvent;
      public class main extends MovieClip {
      var gateway:NetConnection;
      var responder:Responder;
      public function main() {
      gateway = new NetConnection();
      responder = new Responder(OnPass,OnError);
      function doAvailable(evt:MouseEvent):void
      function OnPass(res:Object):void
       var i:int;
      for (i=0;i<res.length;i++)
      function OnError(res:Object):void
    .This is the code for the php code that works because I already tested it out because it allows me to type yes and it shows me the required information that I need and it is not tested on flash cs6 but on local host things that allows me to test it out.
    function getBooksAvailable($avail)
      $sql = "SELECT title as 'Book Title', author as 'Author', price as 'Price', available as 'Available'
      FROM tblbookinventory
      WHERE available ='" . $avail . "'";
      $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->_connection);
      $rows = array();
      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
      array_push($rows, $row);
      return $rows;

    use the urlloader class to call your php file. 
    the php function you showed is expecting a variable ($avail)  that might accept a value of 'yes'.

  • I just tried to install the new IOS version and now my screen is all black.. since an hour. My power button is broken so i cant reset my phone. When i plugg it in my computer, it makes a sound, but the screen stays black. MAY YOU HELP ME PLEASE???

    I just tried to install the new IOS version and now my screen is all black.. since an hour. My power button is broken so i cant reset my phone. When i plugg it in my computer, it makes a sound, but the screen stays black.

    carter87 wrote:
    so i bought this Iphone 4 thats jail broken,
    Return it.
    Unauthorized modification of iOS can cause security vulnerabilities, instability, shortened battery life, and other issues
    Security vulnerabilities: Jailbreaking your device eliminates security layers designed to protect your personal information and your iOS device. With this security removed from your iOS device, hackers may steal your personal information, damage your device, attack your network, or introduce malware, spyware or viruses.
    Inability to apply future software updates: Some unauthorized modifications have caused damage to iOS that is not repairable. This can result in the hacked iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch becoming permanently inoperable when a future Apple-supplied iOS update is installed.
    ... It is also important to note that unauthorized modification of iOS is a violation of the iOS end-user software license agreement and because of this, Apple may deny service for an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software.

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    Thank you in advance

    It is not clear how you are trying to realize this from your description.  If you are trying to create this within a button symbol it will not work.  Explain your approach and if there is code involved, show what you have so far.

  • I have created an interaction to show 7 groups and 7 clickable objects. Once all are click the Next Button is show. How can you make that work if you want to embeded the SWF just created but show a button in a master Captivate?

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    Do I need to set variables at both levels (Global variable. 

    Hello Lieve, That is the screen shot of my custom interactivity, when all labels are clicked the Continue button will be shown because there is a conditional validating if all Labels have now a value of 1. What I am trying to achieve is to create an interaction where where the continue button (an the back button would reside in another Captivate project. This way there is no reprograming required or use of share-actions.  Everytime we use a similar advanced action or a shared action we have to make sure the object name in the advanced actions or conditional actions are not the same.  I trying to make it a bit dump proof for somebody that does not know any thing about advanced  action and just reuse the label interaction in may projects.  (The only thing they would change would be the image and the content of the label.
    Do you thing I going in the right direction.  (As I said before I have custom javacript in Captivate 5.5) to unlock un button that was part of the LCMS ForceTen). I belive the word .this was part of the object path in the JavaScript.  Can we hide and show a Captivate button.
    I have embedded other Captivate animation in a Master Captivate but the objets were not talking to each other. (You can see a sample http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erm4_qdybiA&feature=youtube_gdata). In that sample the continue is always there and can be click anytime.  The 3 steps animation has been done as another project and embedded in my main captivate.  I would like to implement a solution where a my 7 labels have to be clicked in the subproject before showing and enabling the Continue button.
    I hope my explanation is clear enough.

  • Just bought Photoshop Elements 13...I'm trying to make a slideshow but can't figure out how to alter duration time that the slide is on the screen.  They presently move from one to another way too quickly...also need a different pan and zoom option.  Wher

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    The changes have brought improvements but also drawbacks compared with the old slideshow editor.
    The templates are now fairly fixed but I find the “Classic Dark” gives reasonable results with some panning and you can click the audio button and browse you PC for any track. Unfortunately there are only three speed choices linked to the music track. The improvement for most people is that you can now export to your hard drive at 720p or 1080p and upload to sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

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    ????  How do I power up my iPad?  My iPad won't power up. It just stays a black screen.  Tried the start up button, the home button, pressing them down and holding.

    Could be the battery is completely drained. Use the charger that came with the iPad and plug that into a known good wall outlet. Let it charge for at least an hour. Then, while it is still plugged in reset your device. Press and hold the Home and Sleep buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. Let go of the buttons and let the device restart.
    If the device restarts let it remain on the charger until the battery indicates 100%. If it still will not turn on Make an appointment at an Apple Store to have your device examined by a technician. Or contact Apple Support.

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