JWSC Ant task with JAXWS web services failed

I do not manage to generate my JAXWS web services using jwsc ant task. It worked when my web services were JAX-RPC web services but now I have an error.
In my build process, I generate first the web service artifacts from wsdl files using wsdlc :
<path id="bea-ant-task.classpath">
  <pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
  <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/wlserver_10.0/server/lib"/>
  <fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/modules"/>
<taskdef name="wsdlc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.WsdlcTask">
  <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
<target name="generate-artifacts">
   <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlarmWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
   <wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlertWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
</target>Then I tried to generate my web services with jwsc :
<taskdef name="jwsc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask">
  <classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
<target name="generate-webservices">
  <jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear.dir}" keepGenerated="yes" classpathref="compile.classpath" >
       <module contextpath="myappli" name="webservices.jar" explode="true">
      <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alarm/jwsendpoint/AlarmBean.java" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlarmWS_wsdl.jar"/>
      <jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alert/jwsendpoint/AlertBean.java" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlertWS_wsdl.jar"/>
</target>This task generate the following error :
     [jwsc] JWS: processing module webservices.jar
     [jwsc] Parsing source files
     [jwsc] Parsing source files
     [jwsc] 2 JWS files being processed for module webservices.jar
     [jwsc] JWS: C:\projects\appli\main\src\net\aze\appli\services\alarm\jwsendpoint\AlarmBean.java Validated.
     [jwsc] JWS: C:\projects\appli\main\src\net\aze\appli\services\alert\jwsendpoint\AlertBean.java Validated.
     [jwsc] Processing 2 JAX-WS web services...
     [jwsc] warning: Annotation types without processors: [javax.ejb.Stateless, javax.annotation.Resource, javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed]
     [jwsc] C:\DOCUME~1\wg\LOCALS~1\Temp\_jg4rtr3\net\aze\appli\jws\alert\PTAlert.java:33: The endpoint interface net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm does not match the interface net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert.
     [jwsc] public interface PTAlert {
     [jwsc]        ^
     [jwsc] 1 error
     [jwsc] 1 warning
     [jwsc] Command invoked: apt C:\apps\bea10\JROCKI~1\jre\bin\java.exe -classpath C:\projects\appli\lib\common\caplib.jar;C:\pr......[pre]
C:\projects\aze\main\bea-build.xml:15: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\projects\aze\main\ant\bea-generate-webservices.xml:46: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\projects\aze\main\ant\bea-generate-webservices.xml:110: weblogic.wsee.tools.WsBuildException: Error processing JAX-WS web servicesHere is my bean implementation :
@Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName = "applids", type = DataSource.class)
@WebService(endpointInterface = "net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm")
@HandlerChain(file = "../../../handler/alarmHandlerChain.xml")
@RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
public class AlarmBean implements PTAlarm {
    private SessionContext sessionContext;
    public AlarmCreateOut persist(AlarmCreateIn in) {
        return AlarmDelegate.getInstance(sessionContext).persist(in);
@Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName = "applids", type = DataSource.class)
@WebService(endpointInterface = "net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert")
@RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
public class AlertBean implements PTAlert {
    private SessionContext sessionContext;
    public AlertCreateOut persist(AlertCreateIn in) {
        return AlertDelegate.getInstance(sessionContext).persist(in);
}Jwsc seems to mix the interfaces... If I try to generate only one bean in jwsc it works...
Any ideas? I can't find the solution, could it be a bug?
Thanks for your help.
Edited by will_mad at 09/11/2007 1:56 AM

I do not manage to generate my JAXWS web services
using jwsc ant task. It worked when my web services
were JAX-RPC web services but now I have an error.
In my build process, I generate first the web service
artifacts from wsdl files using wsdlc :
<path id="bea-ant-task.classpath">
<pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
<fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/wlserver_10.0/server/lib"/>
<fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/modules"/>
<taskdef name="wsdlc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.WsdlcTask">
<classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
<target name="generate-artifacts">
<wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlarmWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
<wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlertWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
</target>Then I tried to generate my web services with jwsc :
<taskdef name="jwsc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask">
<classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
<target name="generate-webservices">
<jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear.dir}" keepGenerated="yes" classpathref="compile.classpath" >
<module contextpath="myappli" name="webservices.jar" explode="true">
<jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alarm/jwsendpoint/AlarmBean.java" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlarmWS_wsdl.jar"/>
<jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alert/jwsendpoint/AlertBean.java" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlertWS_wsdl.jar"/>
</target>This task generate the following error :
[jwsc] JWS: processing module webservices.jar
[jwsc] Parsing source files
[jwsc] Parsing source files
[jwsc] 2 JWS files being processed for module
odule webservices.jar
[jwsc] JWS:
m\jwsendpoint\AlarmBean.java Validated.
[jwsc] JWS:
t\jwsendpoint\AlertBean.java Validated.
[jwsc] Processing 2 JAX-WS web services...
[jwsc] warning: Annotation types without
thout processors: [javax.ejb.Stateless,
s\alert\PTAlert.java:33: The endpoint interface
net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm does not match the
interface net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert.
[jwsc] public interface PTAlert {
[jwsc]        ^
[jwsc] 1 error
[jwsc] 1 warning
[jwsc] Command invoked: apt
: apt C:\apps\bea10\JROCKI~1\jre\bin\java.exe
C:\projects\aze\main\bea-build.xml:15: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
46: The following error occurred while executing this
110: weblogic.wsee.tools.WsBuildException: Error
processing JAX-WS web servicesHere is my bean implementation :
@Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
"applids", type = DataSource.class)
@WebService(endpointInterface =
@HandlerChain(file =
@RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
public class AlarmBean implements PTAlarm {
private SessionContext sessionContext;
public AlarmCreateOut persist(AlarmCreateIn in)
in) {
@Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
"applids", type = DataSource.class)
@WebService(endpointInterface =
@RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
public class AlertBean implements PTAlert {
private SessionContext sessionContext;
public AlertCreateOut persist(AlertCreateIn in)
in) {
}Jwsc seems to mix the interfaces... If I try to
generate only one bean in jwsc it works...
Any ideas? I can't find the solution, could it be a
Thanks for your help.
Edited by will_mad at 09/11/2007 1:56 AM
I do not manage to generate my JAXWS web services
using jwsc ant task. It worked when my web services
were JAX-RPC web services but now I have an error.
In my build process, I generate first the web service
artifacts from wsdl files using wsdlc :
<path id="bea-ant-task.classpath">
<pathelement location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar" />
<fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/wlserver_10.0/server/lib"/>
<fileset dir="${bea.home.dir}/modules"/>
<taskdef name="wsdlc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.WsdlcTask">
<classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
<target name="generate-artifacts">
<wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlarmWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
<wsdlc type="JAXWS" srcWsdl="${build.wsdl.dir}/AlertWS.wsdl" destJwsDir="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}" />
</target>Then I tried to generate my web services with jwsc :
<taskdef name="jwsc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask">
<classpath refid="bea-ant-task.classpath" />
<target name="generate-webservices">
<jwsc srcdir="src" destdir="${ear.dir}" keepGenerated="yes" classpathref="compile.classpath" >
<module contextpath="myappli" name="webservices.jar" explode="true">
<jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alarm/jwsendpoint/AlarmBean.java" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlarmWS_wsdl.jar"/>
<jws type="JAXWS" file="${myappli.path}/alert/jwsendpoint/AlertBean.java" compiledWsdl="${build.artifacts.jar.dir}/AlertWS_wsdl.jar"/>
</target>This task generate the following error :
[jwsc] JWS: processing module webservices.jar
[jwsc] Parsing source files
[jwsc] Parsing source files
[jwsc] 2 JWS files being processed for module
odule webservices.jar
[jwsc] JWS:
m\jwsendpoint\AlarmBean.java Validated.
[jwsc] JWS:
t\jwsendpoint\AlertBean.java Validated.
[jwsc] Processing 2 JAX-WS web services...
[jwsc] warning: Annotation types without
thout processors: [javax.ejb.Stateless,
s\alert\PTAlert.java:33: The endpoint interface
net.aze.appli.jws.alarm.PTAlarm does not match the
interface net.aze.appli.jws.alert.PTAlert.
[jwsc] public interface PTAlert {
[jwsc]        ^
[jwsc] 1 error
[jwsc] 1 warning
[jwsc] Command invoked: apt
: apt C:\apps\bea10\JROCKI~1\jre\bin\java.exe
C:\projects\aze\main\bea-build.xml:15: The following
error occurred while executing this line:
46: The following error occurred while executing this
110: weblogic.wsee.tools.WsBuildException: Error
processing JAX-WS web servicesHere is my bean implementation :
@Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
"applids", type = DataSource.class)
@WebService(endpointInterface =
@HandlerChain(file =
@RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
public class AlarmBean implements PTAlarm {
private SessionContext sessionContext;
public AlarmCreateOut persist(AlarmCreateIn in)
in) {
@Resource(name = "jdbc/applids", mappedName =
"applids", type = DataSource.class)
@WebService(endpointInterface =
@RolesAllowed({"anonym", "systemUser"})
public class AlertBean implements PTAlert {
private SessionContext sessionContext;
public AlertCreateOut persist(AlertCreateIn in)
in) {
}Jwsc seems to mix the interfaces... If I try to
generate only one bean in jwsc it works...
Any ideas? I can't find the solution, could it be a
Thanks for your help.
Edited by will_mad at 09/11/2007 1:56 AMI too am getting similar error. If you hit a solution, do let me know :)

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    package ws;
    import javax.jws.WebService;
    import javax.jws.WebMethod;
    import ws.MyDataType;
    *public class MyWebService {*
    public MyWebService()
    public MyDataType MyWebMethod(MyDataType mdt)
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    *<pathelement path="WEBLOGIC_HOME"/>*
    *<fileset dir="${weblogic.jar.classpath}">*
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    *<target name="all" depends="clean,build-service"/>*
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    *<delete dir="output"/>*
    *<target name="build-service">*
    *<!--add jwsc and related tasks here -->*
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    *<jws file="MyWebService.java" type="JAXWS"/>*
    *<!--<target name="deploy"> --><!--add wldeploy task here --><!-- </target>-->*
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    Buildfile: build.xml
    [jwsc] JWS: processing module /MyWebService
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] Parsing source files
    [jwsc] 1 JWS files being processed for module /MyWebService
    *[jwsc] [JAM] Warning: failed to resolve class MyDataType*
    [jwsc] JWS: C:\Documents and Settings\samimi\IdeaProjects\SampleWebService\src\ws\MyWebService.java Validated.
    [jwsc] Processing 1 JAX-WS web services...
    *[jwsc] error: Could not get TypeDeclaration for: MyDataType in apt round: 1*..........
    C:\Documents and Settings\samimi\IdeaProjects\SampleWebService\src\ws\build.xml:
    19: weblogic.wsee.tools.WsBuildException: Error processing JAX-WS web services
    Please help me to solve this issue.
    Thank you,

    Thank u very much Jay SenSharma this was helpful
    and thank u sandeep_singh this is the answer,
    I find another answer too :
    adding my class files to the path remove the error:
    <project default="all">
    <property name="weblogic.jar.classpath" value="D:/Projects/bea103/wlserver_10.3/server/lib"/>
    <taskdef name="jwsc" classname="weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask">
    <path id="my.path">
    <pathelement path="D:/Projects/bea103/jdk160_05/lib/tools.jar"/>
    <pathelement path="D:/Projects/bea103/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/>
    *<pathelement path="D:/Projects/LifeInsurance Project Original/BusinessModule/classes/"/>* adding this line solved my problem.
    <pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
    <path id="weblogic.classpath">
    <pathelement path="WEBLOGIC_HOME"/>
    <fileset dir="${weblogic.jar.classpath}">
    <include name="weblogic.jar"/>
    <target name="all" depends="clean,build-service"/>
    <target name="clean">
    <delete dir="output"/>
    <target name="build-service">
    <jwsc sourcepath="mytype" classpathref="my.path" debug="true" srcdir="" destdir="wsoutput">
    <jws file="NegotiationService.java" generatewsdl="true" type="JAXWS"/>
    Thank u very much,

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    @RoleMapping(principals="MYUSER", roleName="MYUSER")
    @WebService(name="MyServicePort", serviceName="MyService",
    public class MyWSBean implements SessionBean{
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    Thx for your reply.
    I did it differently: Creating a EJB3 bean (using the weblogic.ejbgen annotations) and afterwords creating a seperate file for the JAXWS webservice and there injecting the bean via the EJB annotation. Works smoothly.
    Although I would rather use 1 file for both sessionbean and web service
    Therefore, like I said, in the EJB3 sessionbean I now use following ejbgen annotations:
                   runAs="...", runAsIdentityPrincipal="...",
                   createAsPrincipalName="...", passivateAsPrincipalName="...",
                   transTimeoutSeconds="7200", enableCallByReference=Bool.TRUE,
    @MethodIsolationLevelPattern(pattern="*", isolationLevel=IsolationLevel.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED)
    @RoleMapping(principals="...", roleName="...")
    Not sure why this is 'ejbgen' annotations, instead of just ejb or javaee general annotations... Arent there any more standard annotations or so in order to specify these configurations (rolemapping, MethodIsolationLevelPattern, Session, runas, createasprincipalname...) ?

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    [jwsc] JWS: processing module /CaseStatusWebService
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.DelegatingJavacTask$ExposingJavac.getTempdir()Ljava/io/File;
    at weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.DelegatingJavacTask.getTempdir(DelegatingJavacTask.java:170)
    at weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwsModule.initialize(JwsModule.java:303)
    at weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwsModule.build(JwsModule.java:252)
    at weblogic.wsee.tools.anttasks.JwscTask.execute(JwscTask.java:229)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:193)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:341)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:309)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:336)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1339)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTargets(Project.java:1255)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.runBuild(Main.java:609)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.start(Main.java:196)
    at org.apache.tools.ant.Main.main(Main.java:235)

    Hi Sriram,
    Before running the ant task did you run the following startup script?
    I found one of the customer in oracle knowledge base facing the similar issue like you and issue was solved after running the setWLSEnv startup script.
    If the issue is still not resolved after trying the above suggestion, please attach the build.xml to this thread to review the same.

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    I'm using JDeveloper 10.1.3
    EJB 3.0
    I'm having issues with the web service not working after I create a client for it. The web service works fine up until I generate the proxy on the other side.
    ERROR An error occurred for port: {http://buslogic/}MyWebService1SoapHttpPort: no serializer is registered for (class buslogic.runtime.....
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    I have checked several parameters by WebLogic admin console and changed those values, but I still receive same errors.
    Fujio Sonehara

    Hey Eason,
    As I had previously mentioned, I have checked the FE server certs and have mentioned the signing algorithm it used to sign the certs, which was sha1DSA and not sha1RSA, I even checked my CA list of issued certs and have found all certs are signed the same.
    Signature algorithm: sha1DSA
    Signature Hash Algorithm: sha1
    Public Key:  RSA (1024 bit)
    I could run request and reinstall all day long it will still get the same certs signed with the algo..
    Doing some research I attempted to see if I could change the signing cert for a specific cert template that was being used to issue the Lync FE certs... however seems that from according to
    this, that I'd have to completely rebuild my CA before I'd be able to request and issue a cert with the proper signing algorithm?!
    says its possible but not supported, what do I do in this situation? Is my only option to rebuild teh entire CA and cert infrastructure?
    I noticed my CSP is set to Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider, and under the CSP folder there is no "CNGHashAlgorithm" key so I'm using a "Next Gen CSP" apparently? Is this CSP good enough to support Lync...Straight up where is
    the Lync documentation on the CA setup requirements??
    This google link doesn't tell you how you should setup a CA for Lync, what settings need to set etc..

  • [JSR-172 Web Services] Error with some web services

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    - I choice only doc/litteral wsdl types ----> OK
    - use of the J2ME Wireless Toolkit Stubs Generator ---> OK
    - use the service stub generated to invoke the service -------> NOT OK
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    i.e: http://www.closerfar.com/dic2.asmx?WSDL
    --> this has a method which return a definition of a word by a complex type
    When I use the TryIt function in Xmethods.com, it's run!...
    .... but not in my midlet
    Can you help me

    I have written a dot net/ c# Web Services doesn't fully work with J2ME client - it too throws the same exception, with the exception text being "Missing SOAP Body or Envelope"
    a) c# web service works with c# WIndows Client (local & remote web service)
    b) c# web service works with J2ME client - when the Web Service is local
    c) c# web service FAILS with J2ME client - when the Web Service is remote
    "Missing SOAP Body or Envelope" -- This occurs at the point of invoking the remote Web Service
    a) dot net Web Services are "different" from Java Web services - yet it works fine in local mode
    b) error is a misnomer & there is some other problem, perhaps fixable thru Web.config changes remotely??
    - changed Web.Config authentication (from Windows to none), but this made no difference
    - changed back to default web service namespace of tempuri.org, but this made no difference

  • GetAndPublish web service failed due to an internal error

    Hello all,
    Been a little while, To start off we have no IP phones connected to Lync. We have a completely separate PBX and VoIP system.
    We have one FE server internally used to have internal users use Lync 2013 as a IM interface and Video conference. All users are running Lync 2013 with all the latest updates. Our Lync 2013 FE server is running on Windows 2008 R2 with all the latest updates.
    v I noticed in our event log the follow error v
    GetAndPublish web service failed due to an internal error. Request Details - Entity: [[email protected]], Device Id: [9A1A1E15-865F-5376-88CD-4384205012F9], Authenticated User: [sip:[email protected]]. Additional Context: [CA_Failure: InternalError] Cause:
    This is an unexpected failure Resolution: Re-start the web server. If you see this error continuously, examine the server traces and contact product support.
    I have googled and only came across technet forums that state checking certificate related issues.. or based around the IP Phones not authenticating. such as
    here, however this guy noted a certain algorithm required by the CA to work properly "RSASSA-PSS algorythm instead of RSAsha1". Now I'm not exactly sure how to check up on this, and I also don't get why everything seems to work fine but I keep
    getting these events populating.
    I also ran "Test-csclientauth" cmdlet on our FE server and came up with a failure much like on the link I provided above.
    Am I to assume these events are being populated because my Lync deployment was set up to use certs techincally not supported by Lync?

    Hey Eason,
    As I had previously mentioned, I have checked the FE server certs and have mentioned the signing algorithm it used to sign the certs, which was sha1DSA and not sha1RSA, I even checked my CA list of issued certs and have found all certs are signed the same.
    Signature algorithm: sha1DSA
    Signature Hash Algorithm: sha1
    Public Key:  RSA (1024 bit)
    I could run request and reinstall all day long it will still get the same certs signed with the algo..
    Doing some research I attempted to see if I could change the signing cert for a specific cert template that was being used to issue the Lync FE certs... however seems that from according to
    this, that I'd have to completely rebuild my CA before I'd be able to request and issue a cert with the proper signing algorithm?!
    says its possible but not supported, what do I do in this situation? Is my only option to rebuild teh entire CA and cert infrastructure?
    I noticed my CSP is set to Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider, and under the CSP folder there is no "CNGHashAlgorithm" key so I'm using a "Next Gen CSP" apparently? Is this CSP good enough to support Lync...Straight up where is
    the Lync documentation on the CA setup requirements??
    This google link doesn't tell you how you should setup a CA for Lync, what settings need to set etc..

  • Line numbers in JWS classfile generated by jwsc Ant task

    Does anyone know how to get the jswc ant task to add line number attributes to JWS class file that it generates. When I try to use Eclipse to set a breakpoint in the service code I get a pop up that states
    +"Unable to install breakpoint in.....due to missing line number attributes. Modify compiler option to generate line number attributes"+
    I looked at the documentation for jswc and I dont see any options that can be passed to the java compiler.

    Pls set debug attribute of JWSC ant task to true or on, e.g.
    <jwsc srcdir="." destdir="${output.dir}" debug="on" keepGenerated="true">

  • Best practice for integrating oracle atg with external web service

    Hi All
    What is the best practice for integrating oracle atg with external web service? Is it using integration repository or calling the web service directly from the java class using a WS client?
    With Thanks & Regards

    Using Integration Repository might cause performance overhead based on the operation you are doing, I have never used Integration Repository for 3rd Party integration therefore I am not able to make any comment on this.
    Calling directly as a Java Client is an easy approach and you can use ATG component framework to support that by making the endpoint, security credentials etc as configurable properties.
    Edited by: Rajeev_R on Apr 29, 2013 3:49 AM

  • Slow attachment upload with Exchange Web Services (Outlook 2011 for Mac?)

    We're experiencing slow attachment upload with Exchange Web Services versus MAPI, OWA, and Outlook Anywhere.  I'm not totally certain that it is Exchange Web Services or specifically Outlook 2011 for Mac.  I attempted to test with the Mac Mail
    App, but it makes it difficult to tell when the attachment has been uploaded and the file has been sent.  Here's what we're seeing (10mb file):
    MAPI / RPC/HTTPS / OWA: 10-15 seconds upload time
    Exchange Web Services (Outlook 2011 for Mac): 60-90 seconds upload time
    Thoughts? Any idea why we would see such a drastic difference in attachment upload time?  Any way to prove definitively that it is Exchange Web Services vs. Outlook 2011 for Mac?  We've tried it from multiple locations with multiple different machines,
    and although the upload times vary (some locations have more bandwidth etc) the ratios remain similar.

    Hi ,
    Does all the user occurred the issue ?
    If only special user, I recommend you do the following steps and test:
    1.Remove and re-add the email account and check if this helps to resolve the issue.
    To remove and add the email accounts:
    Open Outlook > GO to Tools > Accounts > Click on "Minus" symbol to remove and "Plus" to add an Email account.
    2.Creating a new user profile:
    3. If the issue persists, rebuild the data base and check the results:
    You can also post it on Office for MAC forum  to get special support about the difference between Outlook and Outlook for MAC.
    Wendy Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with CFMX web service function return

    I made a post yesterday about a web service function I was
    writing, as it turns out my post was extremly incorrect for my
    problem. With this web service function I can return an array just
    fine, I can return one instance of an object just fine, however,
    when I try to return an array of the object I keep getting the
    Could not perform web service invocation "SelectGames"
    because AxisFault faultCode: {
    faultSubcode: faultString: [org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested
    exception is: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException:
    [java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError : Dependent CFC type(s)
    have been modified. Please refresh your web service client.]];
    nested exception is: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException:
    [org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested exception is:
    [java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError : Dependent CFC type(s)
    have been modified. Please refresh your web service client.]]
    faultActor: faultNode: faultDetail: {
    AxisFault faultCode: {
    faultSubcode: faultString: [org.apache.axis.AxisFault : ; nested
    exception is: coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException:
    [java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError : Dependent CFC type(s)
    have been modifie..
    which basically means that the CF server needs restarted.
    However if I restart the CF server, no matter how many times I am
    still getting this error. If I change up my web service function to
    return just a normal array of integers or strings, or I change it
    to return one instance of the arbritrary complex type it all works
    just fine. I am still a little new on this subject and any
    enlightenment would be great. If anyone has found a way around this
    please let me know.
    Here is my complex type:
    <cfproperty name="Game_id" type="numeric">
    <cfproperty name="gameDate" type="date">
    <cfproperty name="Starttime" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Place" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Level" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Sport" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Gender" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Opponent" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Type" type="string">
    <cfproperty name="Link" type="string">
    I loop trhough a query and set a cfobject of the types above,
    then I append that object to an array and try t o return the array.
    Here is the basics of the loop:
    <cfset theArray = arrayNew(1)>
    <cfobject component = "games" name = "test>
    <cfloop query ...>
    <!--- set values to test ---->
    <cfset arrayApend(theArray, test)>
    <cfreturn theArray>
    my return type is array, I think the problem is I need to
    specify the return type to be an array of arbritray complex types
    which is impossible to do in CF. Anyone find a way to get around
    this?? Any feed back at all would be greatly appreciated.

    Yes, I have tried it and return type any does not work in
    this situation since this function is being consumed by a web
    service. It needs to be in the form of an array of arbritrary type
    that is defined in a cfc file. Since this is WSDL the returntype
    has to be specified to every last bit.

  • Problem with RESTful web service

    I am running into a problem with Flex Web Services (REST) in trying to get the proper format returned. I can see that the HTTP header is set to
    Accept: */*;
    rather than
    Accept: application/xml
    when sending the request. The web service was generated via the web services HTTP data services wizard. I edited it to set the resultFormat to xml
        // Constructor
        public function _Super_UsersService()
            // initialize service control
            _serviceControl = new mx.rpc.http.HTTPMultiService();
             var operations:Array = new Array();
             var operation:mx.rpc.http.Operation;
             var argsArray:Array;
             operation = new mx.rpc.http.Operation(null, "getUsers");
             operation.url = "http://localhost:8888/users";
             operation.contentType = "";
             operation.method = "GET";
             operation.resultFormat = "xml";
             //operation.serializationFilter = serializer0;
             operation.properties = new Object();
             operation.properties["xPath"] = "/";
             operation.resultType = valueObjects.Users;
             _serviceControl.operationList = operations; 
    How does one configure the accept header?

    I have posted a simple application with the RESTful reference:
    I can give you full privileges on this so you can look at the WEB service reference. Shall I send to you separately for login user?
    It is using the RESTful service: http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/nd_pat_miller/demo/employee/{deptno}
    This RESTful service tests fine when I test from within the RESTful web service module of the Workspace.
    I based this on the Video demo tutorial for RESTful web service that Oracle published for 4.2 release. The video seemed to exclude the {deptno} in the URL but when I try that, it doesn't work either.
    This is the error I am getting when I run this on my Apex environment: (it, of course, will not run the web service in the apex.oracle.com environment)
    class="statusMessage">Bad Request</span>                                         
    <div id="xWhiteContentContainer" class="xContentWide">                                         
    <div class="xWhiteContent">                                         
    <div class="errorPage">                                         
    <ul class="reasons"><li class="badRequestReason"><span class="target" style="display:none;">uri</span><span class="reason">Request path contains unbound parameters: deptno</span></li>                                    
    Edited by: patfmnd on May 8, 2013 3:33 AM

  • Prob with Adaptive Web Service Model and Response with reference of itself

    Hi guys,
    I am facing a problem with the Adaptive WebService Model. I have a WebService which is working properly in a Servlet and also in the web service navigator,
    The webService has a method let´s say create(objectDTO). The structure of objectDTO is like this:
    So I can pass a list of objectDTOs to the webService. If i import the webService the structure in the model looks fine, but if i want to map it to any context, only the properties A-C are mapped. propertieChildObjectDTO is not mapped.
    Has anyone a clue on how to solve this problem ? I just tried to add and initialize the propertieChildObjectDTO manually but I got a NullPointerException.
    I would appreciate  your help.
    Happy new year guys

    seems like i can´t reach my requirement with Adaptive Web Service Model:
    Now I want to make it by hand. How can I import the regarding EJB ?
    Thanks !

  • Basic auth with RESTful WEb service and Web Service reference

    Hi, All,
    We have made much progress on getting an application working wtih RESTful web services but now are trying to figure out how to lock down a RESTful Web service while making it available for a particular application.
    We are using one of the sample 'emp' table web services that come with Apex 4.2 and are trying to apply Basic Auth to the WEb Service via Weblogic filter defined in the web.xml file. That works fine. I now get challenged when I try to go to :
    And when I authenticate to that challenge I am able to get the data. (we are usiing LDAP authentication at the Weblogic level)
    However, I am not sure how to get same basic authentication to work with the Web Service reference in my application. I see the error message in the application when I try to call that Web Service:
    And I see:
    "The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.46) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If the request already included Authorization credentials"
    How do I provide the credentials in the Web REference or do I provide credentials in the Application?
    Web service works fine if I remove the RESTful web service basic auth from the Web.xml file.
    Should we NOT use Weblogic basic auth and instead use basic auth from Workspace RESTful web service definition. If so, how do we implement THAT basic auth in the Web Service definition and in the Web SErvice Reference on the application?

    What I mean is diid you try to use the PL/SQL package for APEX webservice. Here is an example I use (modified and shortened, just to show how much better this is than to use it from the application).
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE webservice_pkg
       PROCEDURE create_webservice (
          p_id            IN       NUMBER,
          p_message       OUT      VARCHAR2,
          p_workspace     IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'MY_WORKSPACE',
          p_app_id        IN       NUMBER DEFAULT v ('APP_ID'),
          p_app_session   IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT v ('SESSION'),
          p_app_user      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT v ('APP_USER')
    END webservice_pkg;
       PROCEDURE set_credentials (
          p_workspace     IN   VARCHAR2,
          p_app_id        IN   NUMBER,
          p_app_session   IN   VARCHAR2,
          p_app_user      IN   VARCHAR2
          v_workspace_id   NUMBER;
          SELECT workspace_id
            INTO v_workspace_id
            FROM apex_workspaces
           WHERE workspace = p_workspace;
          apex_util.set_security_group_id (v_workspace_id);
          apex_application.g_flow_id := p_app_id;
          apex_application.g_instance := p_app_session;
          apex_application.g_user := p_app_user;
       END set_credentials;
       PROCEDURE create_webservice (
          p_id            IN       NUMBER,
          p_message       OUT      VARCHAR2,
          p_workspace     IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'MY_WORKSPACE',
          p_app_id        IN       NUMBER DEFAULT v ('APP_ID'),
          p_app_session   IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT v ('SESSION'),
          p_app_user      IN       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT v ('APP_USER')
          v_envelope          VARCHAR2 (32000);
          v_server            VARCHAR2 (400);
          v_url               VARCHAR2 (4000);
          v_result_url        VARCHAR2 (1000);
          v_collection_name   VARCHAR2 (40)    := 'PDF_CARD';
          v_message           VARCHAR2 (4000);
          v_xmltype001        XMLTYPE;
          v_url := v_server || '.myserver.net/services/VisitCardCreator?wsdl';
          FOR c IN (SELECT *
                      FROM DUAL)
             v_envelope :=
                   '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" '
                || 'xmlns:bran="http://www.myaddress.com">'
                || CHR (10)
                || '<soapenv:Header/><soapenv:Body>'
                || CHR (10)
                || '<parameter:'
                || 'some_value'
                || '>'
                || CHR (10)
                || '<bran:templateID>'
                || p_id
                || '</bran:templateID>'
                || '</soapenv:Body>'
                || CHR (10)
                || '</soapenv:Envelope>';
          END LOOP;
          set_credentials (p_workspace, p_app_id, p_app_session, p_app_user);
                                         (p_url                  => v_url,
                                          p_collection_name      => v_collection_name,
                                          p_envelope             => v_envelope
             p_message := 'Some message.';
             WHEN OTHERS
                v_message :=
                   || '</br>'
                   || 'Error running Webservice Request. '
                   || SQLERRM;
             SELECT    v_result_url
                    || EXTRACTVALUE (VALUE (t),
                                     '/*/' || 'Return',
               INTO v_result_url,
               FROM wwv_flow_collections c,
                        (XMLSEQUENCE (EXTRACT (c.xmltype001,
                                               '//' || 'Response',
                        ) t
              WHERE c.collection_name = v_collection_name;
             WHEN OTHERS
                v_message := v_message || '</br>' || 'Error reading Collection.';
          WHEN OTHERS
             p_message := v_message || '</br>' || SQLERRM;
       END create_webservice;
    END webservice_pkg;
    /If you use it this way, you will find out what the problem is much faster.
    Denes Kubicek

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