K7N2G-ILSR not posting

I have this board hooked with these following components:
-XP 1700+
-512 MB Crucial 2700
-420 watt CWT psu
The fans all power up, but the monitor is blank.  The D-link indicates that video card is intializing and checking the cpu clock speed, but the light just hangs at that reading.  
Thought maybe it was the memory, so removed and the D-link hung at that diagnosis.  After I put the ram back, the lights hung at the previous.  Even reinstalled the processor and heatsink with some new thermal paste.  
Hopefully someone has some suggestions before I RMA this board and have to wait another week to put my computer together.
Thanks in advance.

Hopefully someone has some suggestions before I RMA this board and have to wait another week to put my computer together.
Im on my 2nd week of waiting with no idea of when or if theyre gonna ship me back my ILSR. Welcome to the stupid freaking no-boot-hang-at-cpu-detection syndrome. Look up other posts with this same header and read how to reset it, but dont hold your breath. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but at least its not just us MSI guys, nVidia has reportedly admitted that the nForce2 chipset has a few "issues".
Welcome to the forums!! :P

Similar Messages

  • K7N2G ILSR not booting, unlike any other in forums! (I think!)

    I have a:
    K7N2G ILSR
    XP 2400+ cpu
    2 x 512mb (Onyx) PC2700
    old 10gig HDD
    When I boot it flashes past the award bios screen so fast I can hardly see it, then reports an error (to do with active flash or something?) and that there is no bios installed. This warning has something to do with "promise" at the top of the screen. This screen is only up for a second or less, so sorry about the vague info!
    After this, it changes to a screen where it lists the IRQs for everything, then comes up with a disk I/O error...
    Am I being a dumbass?
    Thanks in advance

    thanks v much for the quick reply!!
    HDD is a Fujitsu I think (am at work right now!) about 4 or 5 years old, on IDE 1 (using 80 conductor cable that came with m/b), set as master with no slaves. Jumpered on back to be master.  
    DVDrom is on IDE2 as master.
    no jumpers have been changed, so its set as 133 fsb, and sound is not redirected to front panels.

  • K7N2G-ILSR no POST beeps or diag led

    I hope some of you experts can take the time to help me. I did a search and came up empty. I was bumping my FSB up tonight after installing some Kingston PC2700 2x512 sticks, trying to get my 2100+ Tbred a bit faster. I was doing fine with mem 1:1 and incremental FSB steps. I ws at 163 FSB, and when I set 164 FSB, and F10 to save, it seemed to lock up, not responding to keyboard with the "save and exit Y" window staring at me. I powered it off, but when I restarted it it did not boot or even do a POST beep. Just black screen and spinning up fans and hard drives. The diag bracket lights do not light up at all. I set the J10 and J11 to 100/133 user and 100 open, rebooted, and nada. I then unplugged, held power button for 30 sec., and set clear jumper. Set clear jumper back after a minute, plugged in power, and booted. Still the same, no POST beep and black screen. Did I ruin this board? How can I fix this? Any help would be appreciated, as I do not want to throw out this MB and buy a new one for what is probably a stupidly easy fix.
    Put older, original memory back in, unplugged again, jumpered jbat1 again after power button hold, set jbat1 to normal, then popped CMOS battery, and still no damn LED lights or POST check being attempted on power up.
    I posted over at nforcershq, and here, hoping to find someone with an answer for me. I am at a loss and am not sure where to go next. Please help!

    First let me thank you for lending a hand. That in itself helps a lot.
    I had allready replaced the new Kingston with the original DDR266/PC2100 2x256 Infinion(?) memory which I have run for the past year without issues, but did not make that clear enough in my initial post (sorry). I followed your suggestions, and removed the battery and plug out for 15 minutes, then put them back in, set the jbat1 to clear for 15 seconds for good measure and back to normal, powered it up, and nothing. No beep, no led diag lights at all. I then removed one stick of the original 256MB sticks at a time, powering up after each stick removal, and no change.  
    I think one of the keys to all this was the original hang at the BIOS save Y/N? screen, and my power down in that hung state. The lack of LED indicators makes me very worried. Any other suggestions?

  • K7n2g-ilsr does not POST

    I have been working on my machine all day to no avail.  I have:
    - K7N2G-ILSR
    - 2-Crucial.com 512 MB 3200 DDR RAM Chips
    - AMD Athlon XP 2600+ pocessor (333 FSB)
    First of all this machine was running well for the last 4 months.  I rebooted XP today and the problems as stated below started.
    The Smart LEDS show:
    RG                      R=Red, G=Green
    Whenever I try to boot my system I have no post happening (no beep no video out).  If I remove all of my RAM I get some system beeps (good).  If I have one chip or the other in any slot nothing happens and if both chips are in nothing happens.
    I have cleared the CMOS (J11 set to 2-3, J10 removed, JBAT1 set to 2-3 and then back to 1-2)....still no response.
    I have tested the RAM and processor in another machine and they work fine.
    Please give any pointers.

    I have a brand new K7N2 Delta-L and it also does nothing when I turn it on, the D-Led bracket shows the same error every time.....red, green, on top and red, red, on bottom. I look in the Mb manual and it says its a memory error. I was replacing an asus a7v-266 MB with this new MSI K7N2 so I could get a new 2500+ Barton and I wanted the board, cpu and ram to run at the same speed (333mhz), the computer ran fine with the asus board. Once I switched boards I got the memory error on powerup. I have 2, 512 meg sticks of PC 2700 Ram that I know work. I only have an AMD 1.1 T-Bird on the board now until I get the 2500+ this week. I figured I would change the board and get the computer running again until I got the new cpu. If I put the old board back in with the same ram, cpu, HD, it runs. As soon as I put the MSi board back in, it doesnt run. I set the J10 and J11 jumpers to 100 (safe mode) because thats what the 1.1 runs at, the Cmos clearing jumper was also set correctly from the factory. I have tried it with each stick of ram in, 2 in, 2 different video cards, 2 Hd's,  with cd-rom hooked up, without it hooked up. I get nothing on bootup, not even beeps.  
    I tried removing the battery and jumping the Cmos clearing jumper and leaving it for a few minutes but still same result. I also dont get a signal to turn on my monitor either, as if the video wasnt working either. Thats why I tried 2 vid cards.
    I have no idea whats wrong, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  • K7N2G-ILSR Sometimes boots, sometimes not.

    I have a feeling I'm stuck with this, but maybe there's a eureka-moment I've missed? Having looked through the forum I've seen similar problems but I'm not sure this is the same.
    Problem is with a K7N2G-ILSR that 70% fails to boot (RAM error), 10% boots with half RAM, and 20% boots OK. Full system spec:
    K7N2G-ILSR (0304082234) (BIOS v1.6)
    Athlon-XP 2600+ (2.083GHz)
    2 * 512MB PC2700 (slots 2 & 3) (RAM branded "MV")
    2 * Seagate Barracuda 7200/8 160GB S-ATA hard drives (mirrored)
    Samsung floppy
    Panasonic SW-9581-C DVD-writer (IDE2 master)
    PS/2 kb & mouse
    Antec Lanboy case (comes with Antec SmartBlue 350W PSU)
    Antec SmartBlue max load details:
    +5V - 35A
    -5V - 0.5A
    +12V - 16A
    -12V - 0.8A
    +3.3V - 28A
    +5VSB - 2.0A
    +5V & +3.3V max combined output: 230W
    +5V & +3.3V & +12V max combined output: 330W
    AKASA 824cu-RED (copper base, 8cm fan) (into 4pin from PSU)
    AKASA GREEN LED 8CM CRYSTAL FAN (into 4pin from PSU)
    All 4 MSI brackets are plugged in.
    No AGP or PCI cards.
    CPU idles at 30C, sustained load at 40C.
    I've tried all the CMOS reset, battery in/out etc suggestions with no change in symptoms.
    Disconnecting HDs, DVD and front fan make no difference. BIOS v1.2, 3, 4, 5, 6 make no difference.
    This is the 2nd motherboard... the first one (rest of system unchanged) worked great as far as booting went but had the INCREDIBLY ANNOYING HIGH-PITCHED NOISE from near the CPU socket. This was after running with the auxillary 12V (4 pin) cable plugged in. According to posts elsewhere in the forum, once that 12V cable has been used you can't get rid of the noise... so this time I have carefully *not* used it. Please don't tell me that the lack of it is why the current system is having problems! La-lah-LA-la-LAH I don't want to know :o)
    To get the system to boot I do this (from OFF):
    Turn on with front power button.
    If memory error (beep and LED pattern):
    turn off with front power button
    count to ten and start again
    If only half RAM on POST screen:
    turn off with front power button
    count to ten and start again
    Otherwise dual channel msg comes up and we have lift-off!
    I've tried other rituals (power cable, PSU switch, CMOS reset...) but the result's always the same.
    When the system boots properly (1 time in 5) it's great... Win2k is happy and CPU/memory intensive apps are solid. But a Windows restart (or aven Ctrl-Alt-Del after a floppy boot) puts us right back to the problem: 1 time in 5 it'll restart happily, otherwise it's the damned beep-beep-beep!
    RAM: yes, it's a brand I'd never heard of but they do seem to be a batch pair. As noted above, both DIMMs were OK in the first K7N2G-ILSR. They're also fine in a Shuttle SN41G2. So I'm a bit sceptical about the veracity of the RAM-error beeps!
    So peeps, if you've read this far, any ideas what's causing me (re)boot hell? I think I'd just live with it but for one thing... I really need for this system to be remotely bootable (VNC and a Windows restart req)... hardly likely to work is it?!

    wonkanoby: tried the pencil rubber thing but, sadly, no joy.
    buggfix: I hear what you say and it is very tempting to plug the aux 12V in. I've got another K7N2G-ILSR in an Antec Plus 1080AMG case (Antec True430 PSU) with the 12V plugged in and no noise (yet). (But it does have a Win2k-srv memory-leak problem and that's why I'm desperate to get the system described at the top of this thread working - essentially a duplicate to let me test installation order.) The noisy board was older (going by s/n) so maybe it was a batch problem and I'd be safe enough now?
    0303234967 - noise
    0304036761 - OK in Antec 1080
    0304082234 - this thread's subject
    Now wishing I hadn't tried to make such a low component-count server; shoud've stuck with basic board + NIC + SND + VID cards.
    twistedbrowntucker: Possibly there was some follow-on damage, but it doesn't "feel" right. Still, now I'm reduced to the "known good" dance. If I can get the time tomorrow I'm going to break up a Shuttle (SN41G2, XP2600+, 2*512MB, 200GB Maxtor, LG DVDwriter, card reader) and see if I can pinpoint anything... swapping the RAM is number 1 obviously! Then the CPU and then maybe rip apart another PC or two for PSUs... I feel tired already!
    My gig is normally software so, although I'm quite happy with hardware, I resent getting bogged down. Usually paying a bit extra for known-brands keeps me out of that - hey, I want to *use* the stuff!
    Thanks for your replies peeps.
    ASIDE: Question about  the HD LED - I'm getting zero activity... should the S-ATA drives be showing up? Or the DVD activity?

  • K7N2G-ILSR onboard video 1152x864 Resolution not avaliable???

    I just purchased the MSI K7N2G-ILSR mainly due to the plethora of features that comes with it. Before I upgraded, I was using a GeForce2 and I liked to use 1152x864 -32bp as my desktop resolution on my samsung 955df. After building my new comp, the 1152x864 resolution is not avaliable and EVERY OTHER ONE IS. Does anyone else have this problem or know how or where to fix it? I am confident my monitor can handle it as I was using it before. I have a hard time believing that the integrated Geforce4MX on the motherboard simply does not support that resolution.
    Even when i go to "List all modes" for the videocard, that resolution does not show up for any 32/24/16/8 color bps.
    Any help would be appreciated
    Also, is there an nv4_disp.inf file editing fix for tne 43.45 dets?

    If you want the hidden features for the Detonator4 Drivers then :
    Use notepad to make a new file and put in it what I quoted below and then save it with the .reg extension.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    Double Click on it and it will make an entry into your registry.
    That will open all the extra options in the Detonator4 Drivers including the Core and RAM Speeds for your GF4 and Resoution Settings.
    Take Care,

  • K7n2g ILSR and SPDIF output not working

    just got a new k7n2g ILSR mobo and cant get the coaxial spdif output to work.
    Have attached the s bracket connector and a coaxial cable from that to my videologic digitheatre. My speakers don't seem to be receiving any signal however. Checked the audio settings on the nforce control panel and all seems sweet. any suggestions?
    Thanks for any replies

    I have the very same problem. I thought that the S-Bracket was defected so I borrowed one from a friend of mine. We have the very same board and we bought it the very same day. And it did not work either. :(
    Then I made a little test. The user's manual displays the pin layout of the S-Bracket connector on the mobo so I connected two little wires to the appropriate connectors and connected the wires to a standard RCA connector. Then I connected this to my receiver's coax port and it worked!
    So it seems to me that the S-Bbracket was (and IS) defected. Then I thought that my friend and I had the same faulty series of S-Bracket but now I don't know what to think...

  • MSI K7N2G-ILSR will not boot from CD!!!

    40 GB Maxtor HD (IDE1 Master)
    HP 9100i CDRW (IDE2 Master)
    AMD XP 1800+
    512 Megs PC2100 DDR
    I cannot get this thing to boot from a CD for the life of me.  I have tried using 4 different CD drives.  I have tried both IDE channels.  I have ran both drives jumperless.
    Bios recognises the drive.  I have Floppy, CDROM, HDD1 as the boot sequence.  I have tried switching the boot sequence around.
    I am completely stumped and extremely frustrated.  Somebody, please help me.  ANY advice would be appreciated, let's get this problem solved!

    Originally posted by backwoodz
    another issue i haven't mentioned is that even when I put the FSB to 133 it says my XP 1800+ is running at 1150 Mhz
    this sounds like mb jumpers are misfigured....set jumper j10 to pins 1-2 and make sure j11 is inplace......boot the system and set fsb to 133....fsb/dram to 1.1 all timings manual..6/3/3/2.5.....everything else at defaults....see if it will run.
    thanks for pointing that out!
    the jumpers were in the wrong place.  i should have read the manual more in depth instead of being in a hurry.  i feel like such an idiot!
    everything seems to be running fine.  time will tell i guess.
    thanks everybody!

  • SATA controller on K7N2G-ILSR "supports IDE"

    I have a K7N2G-ILSR with the onboard Promise 20376 Serial ATA controller, which supposedly supports using the IDE3 port as a separate IDE channel to connect hard drives and CDRoms and whatnot. I have not been able to simply get the SATA controller to work with IDE. I have tried connecting a hard drive and optical drives. With the single hard drive, instead of simply booting like it should, it tells me that no array is defined and asks me to create one. Since I have data on the hard drive already and don't want to risk erasing it by "creating an array", I didn't push my luck. With optical drives, it is the same story, except that of course I can't create an array with an optical drive, even if I try (nor does the setup utility let me). I am also thinking about purchasing a SATA adaptor for the hard drive, but am afraid that it is going to ask me to create an array again (again, fear of losing data). So, how do I get the IDE3 port to work as advertised? And how would I get the SATA working in a non-RAID configuration?

    They don't advertise that...
    On-Board IDE      
    An IDE controller on the MCP2/MCP2-T chipset provides IDE
       HDD/CDROM with PIO, Bus Master and Ultra DMA133/100/66
       operation modes
    Can connect up to four IDE devices
     Serial ATA Interface (Optional)  
    Support 2 serial ATA plus 1 ATA133
    - RAID O or 1 are supported
    - RAID function works w/ATA133+SATA H/D or 2 SATA H/D
    • Connect up to 2 Serial ATA devices and 1 ATA133 device  
    This is from the website, I don't see that they say you can use the SATA as regular IDE drives...they are part of the raid controller period...the misconception comes by thinking it's used like we use a regular IDE but you have to create an array as I said in order to use them...you can select one of the raid drives to use as a boot drive via the BIOS but you have to enable the drive in the raid setup before it's accessible thus creating a seemingly IDE device...I don't have any SATA drives here atm so wasn't able to test this part of the MB yet...and I've beat my board into submission now and have to RMA it from doing so much testing with it...if I do get another one I'll see about getting a SATA drive and see what it does when I load the drivers for the raid in a non-raid setup and post my results...I agree that they don't explain it well either but I've never thought the manuals were written the best for most boards out there since English isn't their first language...something gets lost in the interpretation unfortunately heheheh The raid doesn't support opticals at all so that's not an option here...
    Hope that helps...
    Cheers!! 8)

  • BIOS failure at startup K7N2G-ILSR

    I have just put together a new machine with a K7N2G-ILSR motherboard, an Athlon 2500+ processor, and an IDE disc, not much more than that. At startup, I get the first MSI screen, but when the BIOS screen is then shown, it disappears after about half a second. Instead I get a new screen "Scanning IDE drives", which after about a second gives the message: "No drive attached to Fast Trak controller, The BIOS is not installed".
    I cleared the CMOS, and then I actually got the BIOS screen (because it said CMOD CRC error), but the next time I restarted the machine I was back with the same problem as before.
    It is possible to enter BIOS setup if I press delete at exactly the right time when the BIOS screen flicker, but I have not find any configuration that would help. Further, after I cleared the CMOS, now my processor is not recognized in detail, it just says AMD Athlon. Before I did that, it actually said Athlon 2500+, how do I make it identify it exectly?
    I would really appreciate any advice.

    Well, the manual does not say a word about the "fast trak controller" is, and it is not clear what kind of drives that are referred to in that error message. Is this only about Serial ATA drives, or what?
    What I have now figured out is that the POST screen (where it is said that DEL will take you to bios) will never appear if the full start MSI screen is enabled, which it is by default. The manual does not say a single word about this, but it refers to the POST screen as the first screen, where one can invoke the bios setup.

  • K7N2G-ILSR: On-board video too unstable to use

    Putting together a new computer for my son.  Using K7N2G-ILSR and was really looking forward to the onboard video.  Using Athlon XP 2100 (from my prior machine -- 100 percent solid CPU) and initially bought Corsair 2700 256MB with the new board.  As an immediate downer, the board refused to work with the memory (nonstop beeping/D-LED stuff, etc.) at power up (tried all slots -- same result).  Observation: this compares very unfavorably with my highly-favorable experience with Soyo boards, by the way.  Swapped out that memory with Kingston 2700 256MB from my daughter's machine, which is running Soyo Dragon Lite.  
    Ok, so after some immediate (and unnecessary) memory hassle, got system to boot.  CPU is running fine and cool at 50 deg C.
    Next (BIG, BIG) problem: Onboard Video is WAY, WAY too unstable in Windows 2000 to be usable.  At the outset, the video is showing random horizontal streaks (of trash) across the screen.  The only time I've seen that before in my 15 years of PC use is in a Diamond video card a long time ago that was also defective.  However, I can live with streaks.  The problem is that the machine crashes every time, 100 percent of the time, within 15-90 seconds of booting into Windows 2000 (SP3).  (Of course, used latest video driver from a web site, different settings, different refresh rates, and all the other usual stuff, etc., etc., etc.)  By the way, I had the patience to try this with and without SP3, and tried a zillon different bios settings.  Nothing worked -- same immediate crash problem.  Also booted into safe mode and same deal -- but at least that confirms that the problem is probably underlying hardware-related problem, not software/driver problem.  (If it can't run under generic Windows VGA driver, then it probably can't run under anything  else.)
    Only solution is to swap in an existing AGP card.  That solves the problem 100 percent but I am not exactly happy camper since I paid for the on-board video (and for budget reasons the card that I am swapping in is not exactly cutting-edge.)  
    If anyone has a silver bullet fix for this, I would love to hear it.  Otherwise, I will assume that the onboard AGP is defective and/or poorly designed, whereupon I would have been better off not spending the extra money for it.  My best guess is that the memory and/or other video circuitry is defective.
    Otherwise, happy with the underlying performance of the motherboard itself but the video fiasco is a BIG letdown. :O

    SILVER BULLET FOUND!!! (and it was free)  BIG, BIG, BIG cigar to Bikeman for his above post, which focused my attention on the BIOS.  Had considered it at the outset, but figured there was no way I was going to need to flash a brand spanking new board.  But when you read the BIOS update notes, one of its fixes is with Kingston memory which is currently in the board.  Recall from above, however, that Kingston was a fallback as board complained bitterly about the Corsair memory that I bought with the board.  (My daugher's Dragon Lite is quite happy with either memory.)
    So here's the rundown.  Actually couldn't see what bios ver. I had at POST as text went by way too fast.  So install live update software which confirmed that I had older v. 1.2 bios.  (Interestingly, the live update itself was old enough that it itself had to self-update before I could use).  Flashed BIOS to 1.3 using the Windows version of update, which I will report worked real smooth.
    Rebooted and proceeded to install fresh nVidia driver from nVidia website.  However, I can tell you that the BIOS was definitely the problem because before I wouldn't have been able to easily get to the point of installing video driver without 5-10 crash/reboot cycles -- so the new-found stability made it very clear that the BIOS update was the "silver bullet" I was looking for.
    Postscript impressions:  (1) MSI boards are VERY finiky about memory (which is a problem that I have never had with Soyo boards), and (2) this is the 2nd MSI board I have bought and the 2nd one that has had severe bios issues.  The first board was a low-end A socket board with AMI bios that arrived faulty/trashed -- half way thru POST, bios would start spitting out garbage ASCII characters.  
    Again thanks again to Bikeman for saving me from spending any more money (on psu or other memory) and for letting my son's system now run 8X AGP.

  • Sometimes cannot start PC: problem with Hitachi SATA Hard drive and K7N2G-ILSR

    I have major problem with my 160Gb SATA Hitachi hard drive and my MSI K7N2G-ILSR motherboard.  Sometimes the PC can be started, sometimes it cannot.
    After I installed a clean build of Windows XP Pro SP1 onto my new hard drive (as the only hard drive in my PC) and install all the necessary drivers, the system runs smoothly.  However, after about 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes when I start the PC, it cannot detect the hard drive and hence it claimes that it cannot find any VMI Pool Data (i.e. no OS detected).  What makes it really horrible is that, it is like the lottery everytime when I start the PC.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.  The highest record was 8 consecutive failures (by resetting or by turning the power off and on again) before I can start the machine properly.  Also, the system sometimes just crashes in the middle of operating.
    I have already sent the hard drive back to Hitachi.  Got the same model of hard drive back as replacement, but the replacement has the same problem, except with the replacement drive the PC can be started eventually after many tries, while with the previous drive it is possible that the PC cannot be started until after a few days later.
    Also, it seems that my drive can detect either SATA hard drive or PATA hard drive, but not both.  (If I leave my old PATA drive connect in the primary IDE channel, Windows cannot detect the new SATA drive.)
    Is my motherboard faulty?  Can it only use PATA drive?
    My PC's spec is as follows:
    AMD Athlon XP 2500+
    512Mb PC3200 SDRAM (set to run at 166MHz)
    Hitachi 160Gb SATA Hard drive on 1st SATA channel (Model #HDS722516VLSA80)
    Sony DVD+-RW drive and Panasonic DVD-ROM drive on secondary IDE channel
    Use onboard video (GeForce MX)
    US Robotech V92 internal PCI modem
    SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Player soundcard
    Onboard audio disabled
    300W PSU
    OS is Windows XP Pro SP1 (with all latest security patches up to date)

    Originally posted by Raven_
    Originally posted by boucher91
    Along the same lines the sata drives use more power than the pata drives...
    sata usually faster spin rate, pata is slower spin rate...
    that is not entirly correct.
    many harddrives just come with different ways to connect them.
    the only sata drives i now that spins faster is western digital raptors 10k rpm.
    all other is running at 7200rpm.
    older drives run at 5400rpm
    Yes to get the full benefit of RAID, the Raptors are the way to go.Anything else, no significant difference.

  • K7N2G-ILSR - my experience

    Well, after reading through this board's multitude of problems, I think I encountered them all when I went to install my mobo.
    Here's my setup & experience:
    AMD XP 2600+
    2x 512MB DDR 400MHZ Infineon 64x64 modules
    2x Maxtor 60Y080 80GB SATA 7200RPM drives
    Creative SB Audigy Platinum EX
    Intel Gigabit Ethernet Card
    Logitech USB iTouch Keyboard
    Logitech USB Dual Optical 4 Button Mouse
    LG DVD-RW/+RW/RAM Drive
    420 watt X-PIDER Aspireusa Black case w/purdy lights & clear side
    and a whooole lota patience.
    First of all, let me explain, I used to do tech support, building computers, troubleshooting bad installs, fixing problems etc, my entire job was finding problems with systems and fixing them for a retail & corporate reseller.
    Here's what I did, feel free to drop in suggestions of what I should/shouldn't have done, or what I can still try.
    1) I plugged everything in and turned it on.  (yeah yeah, I realized the error in my ways real quick)
       Result: Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep... (all long beeps, which kept going on for ages, I lost count at 20+ and realized it wasnt an error code)
    2) I unplugged everything one part at a time and restarting until I had 3 things plugged into the mobo, the Mobo, the CPU, and the 2 sticks of RAM, so it was one of those 3 things that were causing the problems.
      Result was still the same beeping fyi.
    3) I tried every option for the memory, alternated each stick in DIMM slot 1,2 and 3.  Tried combinations of each module in different slots, until I had exhausted them all.
      Result: same beeping.
    4) Tried a 256MB Samsung module in slot 1
      Result: POST!! YAY!
    5) Went into BIOS to see what the settings were, made sure everything was ok and kept going with the install and the Samsung module - I restarted & went to the SATA RAID utility next. - CTRL-F took me to that screen.
      Result: Froze on RAID Controller screen.
    6) Or so I thought, after an hour or so, trying different things, replaced the USB Logitech Keyboard with a MS Natural PS2 keyboard was the next option.
      Result: POST & RAID Setup works now!
    7) Followed manual directions at this point (yeah, I wasn't taking any chances after all this crap) Went to verify the drives.
      Result: Frozen drive verifaction at 72%
    8) Retried verification.
      Result: Worked.
    9) Formatted Drive.
      Result: Worked.
    10) Installed OS after loading Raid Drivers.
      Result: BSOD half way through Win XP setup.  Rebooted to find the Raid Array is offline.
    11) Deleted the Raid Array, started from Scratch.
      Result: got allll the way to having the OS installed & Ready to go (I almost cried at this point, and hugged my roomie)
    12) Installed Service Pack 1.
      Result: Worked.
    13) Installed Motherboard Drivers (from CD - yeah yeah, I should have downloaded the latest)
      Result: BSOD.  AGAIN.  Restarted to find the Array Offline yet again.
    14) Restarted after deleting the Array and setting it up again, thinking I'd have to install the OS all over, and it booted straight into the OS with no issues.  ???
    15) Left it running for 1/2 hour to see if it was an intermittent problem.
      Result: While I was changing a T-Shirt (due to excessive sweat buildup from the stress) it spontaneously BSOD'd and reset - Array was offline again etc.
    16) Reset Array & left for the weekend.
      Result - Ran aaallll weekend no problem.
    17) RMA'd my memory, getting replacements today, and so far the system still works...
    so... ?   What should I do?  I'm scared it'll spontaneously BSOD again and leave me PCless.
    Comments/Sympathies/Suggestions welcome.  I need consoling *sniff*

    18) Replaced the memory - memory worked.
    19) Wiped the drive clean - resinstalled the OS.
    20) Upgraded the BIOS on the Motherboard & RAID Controller
    21) Updated the Drivers for the Motherboard, Video Card and Sound Card - unplugged all other peripherals.
    22) BSOD On installing the Motherboard drivers.
    23) BSOD On running any 3d/Sound programs
    24) Live updated kept BSODing every time I tried to load it.
    25) Wiped the drive clean again, reseated all cards, tried one memory stick.
    26) Reinstalled the OS - Froze half-way through intall - restarted, reformatted, reinstalled.
    27) Immediately after install worked, I updated the Drivers for the motherboard - BSOD again.
    28) Installed all other required drivers (LiveUpdate for motherboard - Video, Sound) I thought maybe it was a problem with an outdated peripheral driver.
    29) played with all BIOS settings again with the RAM Latency, clock speeds etc.  BSOD every 4-6 minutes no matter what I tried.
    30) Tried pulling out the sound card and using the onboard, re-enabling it in the bios.  Same problem - BSOD every few minutes.
    31) Tried switching up the 9800Pro with an older Nvidia GeForce 3 - Same problem - BSOD every few minutes, the only things I have not replaced or unplugged are the Motherboard & CPU.
    32) Lost patience with said motherboard - pulled it out of the case & packaged it up to send back.

  • K7N2G-ILSR Wont boot

    Got a big problem guys build my comp today and when I turn on power the fans spin but my monitor shows nothing  Just check your signal.  I think everything is in where it should be. The lights on the back show two red on top and two green on bottom, not sure if that helps any.  Please help!

      I had a boot problem too using WD600 , cut the first and second pin, works great 8o . Thanx - It was driving me crazy!  :D
    Originally posted by madmanbeck
    Mandiven, I had a similar issue where it would boot and get stuck on the logo screen.  My diagnostic LED's also showed two green, two red.
    When I removed the all the IDE connectors from the motherboard, I was able to finally get into the bios, which suggested to me that the problem may be my IDE drives.  At this point, I remembered an issue my girlfriend had on her computer over a year ago with her hard drive (same model as mine) where her drive wouldn't allow her ABIT KT7 MB to boot.  We both have the WD600AB model.  My previous MB was an Asus K7M, which did not exhibit this issue.
    The 'solution' that I found on the Western Digital Forums was modify the IDE cable by cutting PIN 1 (on a 40-Pin Ribbon Cable) or PINS 1 & 2 (on an 80-Pin Ribbon Cable).  PIN 1 is normally the wire with the red stripe.  If your WD is on the end plug, make the cut between the two IDE device plugs so that it doesn't affect the second device.  Also, to make sure the cut is complete, cut it twice and remove the gap.
    From what I understand, this doesn't affect the integrity of the data nor does it have any performance penalties.  If you'd rather not cut the cable yourself, WD may ship you a modified cable free of charge.  You'd need to visit their forums/website for more information.
    If you've got a spare cable to test with, give it a shot.  Once I snipped pins 1&2, my K7N2G-ILSR has been running beautifully!  

  • K7N2G will not boot with 9500 Ultra

    I have a K7N2G-ILSR motherboard that boots fine with the onboard video controller.  When I plug in an MSI Nbox 9500 Ultra, the machine will not POST, no video, no nothing.  I tried installing BIOS 1.8, which is supposed to fix an issue with the 9500 ultra, but no joy.
    Athlon 3000+XP
    1GB PC3200 RAM
    Antec 480w power supply

    Originally posted by suzuko
    Thank you so much, you solved it!  If I manually slow down the DDR clock to 333, I can boot with the nBox card, and the system seems pretty stable (so far).  So, I have lousy memory...  In any case, at least I can boot:)
    I don't agree with your comment of Infineon memory being "lousy".  I have very similar memory that you do and my rig is very stable (at the moment)(knock on wood).  This memory is on the compatibilty approved list by nForce; that's why I chose this dual channel kit.
    It sounds like your problem was bios settings related with your cpu/memory ratio (1:1).  The nForce2 chipset runs more stable with this setting, than running memory at 400FSB while the cpu runs at 333FSB.  I have learned this by reading a large amount of posts in these forums!

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