K7T266 Pro2-RU Promise FastTrak100 RAID Drivers

Hello dudes,
In November of the year 2005 I had big problems with the detection of the hard disk installed in the promise raid controller when I was installing Windows XP SP2, then, MSI did not know how to solve the problem for me...   
Now I have decided to share my experience with you because was very hard to solve it... 
From 11/22/2005 until 09/24/2008 I have been tested a modified/hacked Promise FastTrack100 Series Windows Drivers without problems, it was and is the lastest one Windows XP Promise driver ( FastTrak100 Windows Drivers v2.00.0.34 ) wich is working fine with Windows XP SP3
I have gotten to fix the Windows XP HDD detection ( Seagate's Barracuda 7200.9 160GB HDD ) by using above drivers.
Only put drivers on floppy disk and remember pulse F6 with modified drivers because original do not works
FastTrak100 Windows Drivers v2.00.0.34 Original Drivers
Code: [Select]
FastTrak100 Windows Drivers v2.00.0.34 Modified Drivers
Code: [Select]
I am sorry for my bad english :(

Yes I do, I have used that drivers for many time and they are very old in this moment because Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 160GB are not visible, only my IBM DeskStar 40GB works fine with that drivers.
I have tryed to use the last fastrtrack.sys v2.00.0.25 from Promise Technology without success which has support to large HDD above 137GB and needs BIOS update to my motherboard v2.00.0.24 in FastTrack (tm) "Lite" BIOS v2.00.1030.23.
I have installed Windows XP SP1 in my IBM DeskStar 40GB on IDE3-RAID and works fine, later I have installed another HDD Seagate 160GB on IDE4-RAID and Windows XP can not see it.
Later and I have put the new fasttrack.sys (v2.00.0.25) driver in Windows XP and with a reboot machine, Windows XP can see my new HDD160GB HDD like a 149.05GB unpartitioned drive ( which is corret ). When I put the old fasttrack.sys driver Windows again can not see the 160GB HDD 
Later I going to install the Windows XP SP1 in the new Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 160GB and the IBM DeskStar 40GB by using F6 key and neither HDD were visibles. So I can not continue with the installion 
Later I going to install WinXP again with the old drivers and once again only IBM 40GB is visible.
I need your HELP MSI Support Team.
Thanks in Advanced.

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  • K7T266 Pro2-RU and Promise FastTrak100 RAID Drivers

    I am trying install my 2 new Seagate HardDisk in the IDE RAID on my K7T266 Pro2-RU motherboard without success.
    MotherBoard's IDE RAID BIOS can see the two 160GB HDD that I have installed and Windows XP can not see it with the lastest BIOS v3.7 and the lastest Promise FastTrack IDE RAID Controller ( v2.0.90 Build 10 ). Both HDD are not detected by Windows XP by using F6 key, However my 2 40GB HDD are detected by Windows XP without problems.
    I have 2 K7T266 Pro2-RU motherboards and they have the same problem, I think that the really the problem is the fasttrack.sys driver  Could be it updated ?
    Does anyone have new Promise Drivers for Windows XP ?

    Yes I do, I have used that drivers for many time and they are very old in this moment because Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 160GB are not visible, only my IBM DeskStar 40GB works fine with that drivers.
    I have tryed to use the last fastrtrack.sys v2.00.0.25 from Promise Technology without success which has support to large HDD above 137GB and needs BIOS update to my motherboard v2.00.0.24 in FastTrack (tm) "Lite" BIOS v2.00.1030.23.
    I have installed Windows XP SP1 in my IBM DeskStar 40GB on IDE3-RAID and works fine, later I have installed another HDD Seagate 160GB on IDE4-RAID and Windows XP can not see it.
    Later and I have put the new fasttrack.sys (v2.00.0.25) driver in Windows XP and with a reboot machine, Windows XP can see my new HDD160GB HDD like a 149.05GB unpartitioned drive ( which is corret ). When I put the old fasttrack.sys driver Windows again can not see the 160GB HDD 
    Later I going to install the Windows XP SP1 in the new Seagate Barracuda 7200.9 160GB and the IBM DeskStar 40GB by using F6 key and neither HDD were visibles. So I can not continue with the installion 
    Later I going to install WinXP again with the old drivers and once again only IBM 40GB is visible.
    I need your HELP MSI Support Team.
    Thanks in Advanced.

  • K7T266 Pro2 RU & Disk Mirroring (RAID 1)

    Hi all, I Have a K7T266 RU, I have a 80 GB HD and I, going to buy a 2nd 80 GB soon.  For fault tolerence I want to create a Disk mirror, I know I will still have only 80 GB of space in the end, but will I have to format both HD or just add the 2nd and somehow the 1st copies everything over?  Is RAID 1 slower or quicker?
    Kind Regards

    It can copy from 1 disk to the other to give you mirroring.
    And it's a bit slower as everyting has to be written twice everytime :D

  • Raid 0 Failure! XP Pro won't read array on MSI k7T266 pro2 *URGE

    Before anything else, thanks for reading and I hope you can help:
    I have an MSI k7T266 Pro2A-RU motherboard with 512MB of Mushkin RAM, AMD XP 1600+, a Geforce2 MX400, Audigy Soundcard and a cheap PCI NIC card.  I consider myself an above average technician and I've come up on a problem I can't figure out.  There is about 80GB of data at stake here:
    I have 2 IBM Deskstar 40GB 7200 RPM drives that were configured in a RAID 0 (stripe) configuration over a year and a half ago.  This gave me a total of 80GB online.  Windows XP Professional was installed and the drives have been running fine every since...
    The system was practically bulletproof and it was very rare it ever locked up for any reason.  A few days ago, however, the system locked up about 4 or five times.  There was no software or hardware that had been added or installed and system use hadn't really changed up or down. I run up to date antivirus software (Command Anti-Virus), run behind a secure firewall and watch what I open.  The lock ups were random, but happened when I was away from the computer. ( I leave my system on all the time).
    Being a bit paranoid, on 1/28/03, I acquired an 80GB Maxtor drive to install to back up my datafiles.  Before the install, I notice the system had locked up at least once that day, so I figured I would hurry up and get the drive in to back up.  I installed the 80, booted, configured it in XP and made it active and transfered a few test files over.  No problem.  I made the decision to back up my data files before bed and continued to work for the next two hours.  The system ended up locking up with a windows blue screen STOP error message: KERNEL_FAULT_INPAGE_ERROR when I tried to run a program.  Thinking little of it, I rebooted the computer to find I could no longer access the data on the RAID.  
    I've tried nearly EVERYTHING I can think of.  (You can already assume I've done the basics (check/replace the cables, etc).  Here's a list and the results:
    ---- Reboot in all available modes (Safe,  Safe with NW, Normal, Last known, etc).  They all FAIL.  In safe modes, you can see where the system actually tries to boot off the array (runs through driver files and stops on MUP.SYS) and hangs. Same result with all other drives removed except the RAID.
    ---- Installed another drive, loaded XP with the raid controller files (By the way, it's a Promise ATA 100 "lite" controller), plugged the RAID back in and it hangs on boot up.  Safe mode gives the same results.  Tried the same thing with Windows 2000 (so I could access the NTFS partition) and Windows 2000 won't load when the array is plugged in, but loads ok when it isn't (used the 2000 driver for the RAID controller for this attempt).   Safe mode gives the same results.
    ---- Removed all drives except the Array and tried to reload XP (with the array drivers downloaded again from the site.) No effect.  System hangs.
    ---- In a last ditch effort, I have access to Winternals Administration Pack 2002 of all of their tools.  ERC Commander, designed for this type of problem, Disk Commander, and the other tools all do the same thing:  Any time the system attempts to read from or access the arry, the OS will hang.  It won't even check for NTFS compatibility in the ERC commander program booting from a boot CD, and for those that are familiar with it, the Disk Commander program blue screens with a STOP: 0x000007B (0xF896963C, 0xC0000034, 0x0, 0x0) error. Research has told me this is an INACCESSABLE BOOT DEVICE message.
    These are the main highlight major attempt things and there's a few things in between I've tried (like using Norton Ghost to try and mirror the array to the 80GB.  Norton ghost said there is an error reading the partition and can't go any further (Returns an Internal error))
    I'm at the point where I have run out of available options and don't know what else to try.  I have since purchased the exact same motherboard off e-bay to see if it just so happens to be the controller and to see if my RAID will come back so I can at least read the data off of it.  It should be here in a few days.  If that doesn't work, I'm toasted.  Could I be fighting a hardware (drive or board or controller) problem.  Is the array THAT corrupt the OS can't read it???  
    If anyone has any other bright ideas, I'm willing to try about anything short of damaging the array. Any help is greatly appreciated.  Please post here, or e-mail to [email protected].
    BTW, the Promise BIOS is Fasttrak 100 "Lite" v 1.31.1(Build 30)
    - Chuck! ?(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ;(  ?(  

    got one but its lightley used for storage but amd forum storage is full of tales of woe with them
    type deskstar and problems in goggle for a laugh

  • K7T266 Pro2 RU, Raid-0 & Linux

    When I try to install either Red Hat 8.0 or Mandrake 9.0 on my K7T266 Pro2 RU, which has 2 x 40GB drives configured as RAID-0 (ie 1 x 80GB), both versions of Linux see the two physical drives and not the one logical stripe array. Why? It almost seems that the Linux drivers for the Promise 20265R are treating the raid channels and normal IDE channels. I want to install Linux onto the RAID-0 stripe!
    I have searched for guides/tutorials on installing Linux on RAID, but all the ones I found only talked about RAID-1 (Mirroring).
    Windows 2000/XP only sees the one logical drive.
    Any help would be appreciated!  

    The installer is wrecking the /etc/raidtab file when trying to detect existing raid arrays.
    Solution: Format a floppy disk with a DOS filesystem (in Linux, you can use the command "mkdosfs /dev/fd0"). Copy
    use detect_devices;
    package detect_devices;
    *raidAutoStartRaidtab = sub {
        my (@parts) = @_;
        log::l("patched raidAutoStartRaidtab");
        $::isInstall or return;
        require raid;
        #- faking a raidtab, it seems to be working )
        #- (choosing any inactive md)
        foreach (@parts) {
       my ($nb) = grep { !raid::is_active("md$_") } 0..7;
       output("/tmp/raidtab", "raiddev /dev/md$nb\n  device " . devices::make($_->{device}) . "\n");
       run_program::run('raidstart', '-c', "/tmp/raidtab", devices::make("md$nb"));
        unlink "/tmp/raidtab";
    use raid;
    package raid;
    *prepare_prefixed = sub {
        my ($raids, $prefix) = @_;
        log::l("patched prepare_prefixed");
        $raids or return;
        &write($raids, "/etc/raidtab") if ! -e "/etc/raidtab";
        eval { cp_af("/etc/raidtab", "$prefix/etc/raidtab") };
        foreach (grep { $_ } @$raids) {
       devices::make("$prefix/dev/$_->{device}") foreach @{$_->{disks}};
     to the floppy disk. Remove the floppy and reboot using the Mandrake Linux 9.0 CD1 to do a CD-ROM installation. During boot, press F1 at the splash screen, then place your floppy disk that contains patch.pl in the floppy drive. At the prompt, type "patch", then follow the installation as usual.
    Hope that helps

  • K7T266 Pro2-RU raid crash

    I have had this system up for about 8 months. One day when converting mp3 to wav the system crashed. When rebooting I would get a black screen or it would hang during the boot process. I was using XP and W2K server - never had an issue until this crash, and now problems when booting with either.
    I attempted to do update the raid drive (got the grand message re: stop what the heck your doing or face certian death or Continue and prepair to die - when updating the driver in xp). Nothing worked. So I fdisked the drive (20gb ibm) drive that was my c: and reinstalled W2k Server...still seeing the same issue.
    Raid array says it is functional, but that is about it. System hangs durning boot, and if ide 3 and or 4 is unplugged, I can then boot up and work off of the 20gb drive.
    Anyone, anyone?
    2000 server on a 20gb ibm
    1.5gb of Ram
    2- 40gb ibm darkstar hard drives in array
    Promise raid lite 1.13
    K7T266 Pro2-RU
    tried new cables,
    changing around the jumper,
    latest raid drivers from our friends at msi,
    but today I am thinking hammer may do the trick...

    Still no luck, today I went out and downloaded
    File Scavenger 2.0.
    It could see the array, and for 40 dollars I can buy a license to repair the drives...or so they say.
    Does MSI have any raid repair utilities, or does anyone know of any good raid repair programs

  • MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU - problem with the lite-raid - would like to use it as a normal ide

    I tried to install a single drive on the raid-controller and create a single array for it.
    For some reason the disk management in Windows XP does not see it, even though
    I have updated the related drivers. However, the Disk management showed it the first time after I had installed the HD onto the raid, but as I could not do anything intelligent with Disk management in regard of the HD, I removed the drive from Disk management with that effect that the disk management does not recognize the drive at all, even though I have now re-created the array on the risk, disabled and enabled raid on the Bios.
    I read that there exists modified bios for MSI KT3 Ultra ARU BIOS, which will turn the Raid into regular IDE. That would be something that would most probably be the best way to proceed for me. However, do such bioses exist for MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU? Any other suggestions on how to get the disk management to succeed in recornizing the IDE on the raid-controller would be good to hear as well.
    Yours sincerely,

    Ok, I tried updating with the hacked 3.7 Full Raid Bios. Now I seem to have another problem: even though the hacked bios recognizes my HD, it thinks it's about 130 GB, when it in reality would be 250 GB. The hacked bios seems to work ok with Disk Management in Windows XP too, so it's a shame that the hacked bios doesn't seem to have a support for large disks. On the other hand the link at Lumberjacker was dead for the hacked bios v3.6, I would have tried it, if it would have provided me with a good solution to my problem.
    I then went back and installed the official v3.7 bios and the lite raid does now recognize the HD being 250 GB, but the Disk Management just states "Missing" in regard of the HD and does not let me do anything fruitful with it. I looked the HD's properties and the Device Manager just states "Hardware device not connected code 45".
    How in earth could I manage to make this work now (I do not want to move my other HD:s as they are full of stuff and don't want to risk losing any content)?
    General specs of the computer: IDE 1: 60 GB and 120 GB Matrox, IDE 2: Nec2500 and Sony DVD-Rom, Athlon 1800+ XP, 512 MB memory, Ati 9700 np, Network adapter card. The new HD to be added is a 250 GB WD (have removed the jumper)
    Thank you for any tips,

  • K9A2 Platinum & Promise T3 Windows 7 Raid Drivers

    I first want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my post. Hopefully together we can make this work. I am currently running Vista 64BIT and purchased a Windows 7 64 BIT to upgrade. I need helping finding a stable driver for the installation.
    Current Specs:
    K9A2 Platinum (BIOS 1.0B LATEST VERSION)
    Windows Vista 64BIT
    4GB DDR2 RAM
    Phenom 9500 2.2GHZ Quad Core
    2X 250GB Sata hard drives (currently RAID 0) on Sata ports 5&6 Promise T3.
    850WATT Antec Power Supply.
    I already have the two 250GB hard drives in Raid 0 on sata ports 5 & 6 (Promise T3) which works perfect in Vista. MSI doesn't have Windows 7 drivers on their website. I did however find that Promise has on their website the FastTrak TX2650 Driver which supports Windows 2008/7 which I believe will work. I believe the model number is promise_PDC42819.
    If anyone has any information on this that would be wonderful. I need to know which drivers to load up with Windows 7 when installing.
    Thanks again for all the support everyone!

    It looks to me that the fastTrak 2650 is for an installed internal card to run a RAID config so I see that as a NO.
    You are right, that promise T3 Raid driver is tough to find.
    Have you tried contacting MSI tech support?
    This is the only definite RAID I see at MSI's site, the one you found for ports 1-4.
    Is One controller better than the other?
    If you don't get a reply here, again, contact MSI tech support.
    I also, like you, found old threads here that never answered that question.

  • K9A2 Platinum not loading raid drivers sb600 or promise for raid 0

    I am tired of trying by myself, hopefully you guys can help me out Ive been fighting this thing for 2days now and i hate this computer I'm on that feels like 28k dial up.
       i know theres the promise plugs and the sb600, and i know they have different drivers. i also know that you have to disable the sb600 raid to get the promise working and vise versa *read the manual for that*. i set up the raid in raid configure *<alt-f>* and set it to raid 0 and assign the raid, and its fully functional.
       the problem is when it comes to boot windows i hit f6 and then use the drivers i got off the cd...or website *two floppy's* and pick the i86 raid configuration *windows xp not 64, 64bit one is corrupted on both disks as well* it gets through that part, i format the drive *it sees in in raid in fast configure and in windows format, not in bios* and then go to install. it begins to install and stops on the first file FTT.inf, it apparently cannot read it, which is the same file on the disk if i am not mistaken. i have tried to install about 100times,if not more with different configurations in the bios.
        the settings i have now for raid set up in the bios are:
    integrated peripherals
    extra raid controller enabled
    in I/O devices on chip sata controller disabled *tried both enabled and disabled same problem*
    it does not show drives in the sata ports but i figured that since it only shows 1-4 and the internal promise are the 5/6 ports.
       i have formated and re-installed the drivers on the disks multiple times ive also tried the sb600 drivers disabling the extra raid controller in bios setting raid *it finds it in the 1/2 slots then 1 as raid* configured it in the raid set up as well but the same problem arises except its not FTT.inf its ahcix86.inf that errors. skipping the files *which is obvious  but i tried it just to see what would happen * causes blue screen on reboot and another error of the same type at 99% but .sys file this time.
       i have installed windows on one drive and booted up using the same drivers was able to configure everything was slightly inclined to just say screw it 1 drive it is. but it was a shame since i bought them both to raid 0 em from the start. loaded windows up and even installed drivers.
       i also heard that u need to do full format sometimes to get the raid to work if you have tried both raid drivers so i did slow fat format... no avail did it twice. and fast the rest. if you guys know of any boot-able type formating program that i could throw on a floppy disk that would be great too, if thats the case.
    i am at a wall and frustrated as all hell with what Ive done so far hope u guys can help me out, tried to be as detailed as possible but i bet i missed something .
    rig specs*dont know if this will help but w/e*
    msi K9A2 platinum
    amd 4200 duel core socket am2
    1gig of patriot 667 ram 512x2
    ati x1900gt video card
    Samsung spin point 160gb sata drive x2 *praying to god to put it in raid 0 once again*

    Quote from: asd9000 on 17-May-08, 08:51:19
    did all those settings. and have the newest and the disk version of the drivers.
    do u guys really think that it not being able to find the driver file a power issue? either way i ll do anything at this point i rewired some stuff where the video card has its own rail and the hard drives have theirs with the cd-rom drive. took out my fan controler and really power hungry after market video card fan replaced with an old 60mm fan.
    Error once again... ??? DAMN FTT3.inf file
    edited: cause i sounded like an angry a$$hole with that first line :P
    Stop swearing here! It's NOT allowed.
    As for the floppy, goto the command prompt of a Windows machine, then type "format a:" and let the floppy format, if your floppy shows any error throw it away and try another.
    It's not uncommon floppies fail.

  • K7T266 Pro2 RU - RAID controller as standard IDE port?

    I have an old MSI K7T266 Pro2 RU board, which includes a RAID controller.
    Currently it is set up with a stripe RAID array comprising of 2 X 40 GB hard
    discs as a single 80 GB array. I wish to replace this with a single 200 GB
    drive, and am wondering can the RAID controller on the board be used in this
    fashion - as a standard IDE controller, suitable for running a single IDE
    hard disc? Or would I need to use some unofficial BIOS on the RAID
    controller to convert it to a pair of standard normal IDE controllers? Currently
    the RAID array is nearly full with files, and thus I want to know for sure
    this will work before backing up the data, erasing the RAID array, and buying a single new 200 GB drive.
    Thank you,
    Simon Howson

    I don't want to run a stripe aray, I just want to replace one of the 40 GB drives for a 200 GB drive, and then just have 2 individual IDE drives on the RAID controller oprating as 2 seperate hard discs. Will this work?
    It has been ages since I set up the RAID array, and can't remember if it is possible to just format and have them running as single drives, or if the RAID controller can only run in RAID modes such as stripe, or mirror, or mirror + stripe etc.

  • [VIA] RAID 0 Data Recovery with MSI K7T266 Pro2

    Well my Motherboard has seem to have gone TU on me, and it is well beyond it's warranty. 
    I have two 60gb HD running in Striped mode using the on-board raid.  If I were to get the same motherboard, would this allow me to see the striped array and recover my data, or am I at a loss?  I have some of the data backed up, but since most of it isnt, because I have nearly filled my 120GB of space and I don't have a good backup solution. 
    Current Config:
    AMD XP 1900+
    MSI K7T266 Pro2
    GeForce 4400Ti
    Two WD 60gb @ RAID 0.

    Quote from: Richard on 29-November-05, 06:33:47
    My current RAID Array is on its 6th or 7th mobo (Multiple different mobo chipsets and different controllers) and I have not lost either the Array, Partition, or any Data.
    You just have to make sure that you make the primary HD the same on the new RAID and it is Crucial that you use the same Stripe Size, if you do not, then all data will be lost!
    Take Care,
    Thats comforting to know!  This setup has been the best, and most reliable, so when I bought all of the components years ago, I set it up and forgot most of the parameters. 
    I completely used up all of the available space so I think that should make guessing that stripe size easy.
    osnavi, not entirely sure what happened.  It started to lock up on me randomly, and after much trouble shooting and frustration, I gave up.  Eventually I saw the problem, a few of the capacitors on the motherboard started to peak, and eventually busted.  Not sure what caused it, maybe it was my power supply.  Its an Enermax 400W, and when I bought it, it was within the required specs for the processor and Mobo.  There was plenty of case cooling, as well as CPU Cooling... so it is a great mystery to me.
    Thanks again!

  • K7T266 Pro2-A USB Drivers...

    I have the K7T266 Pro2-A Motherboard, I am having some problems with my USB deviced, mainly my printer. I will be in the middle of printing a large file (A 710 MB Photo) and the USB will just disconnect between the printer and the computer..
    I wanted to see if there were updated USB drivers, but I didn't know which one to install, If any.. Here's what i found:
    NEC USB 2.0 Driver  
    Support model  K7T266 Pro2-RU (MS-6380 Ver2.0), 845 Ultra-ARU (MS-6398)  
    Add General ID: VEN_1033&DEV_00E0
    -- Driver version: 2.0.3300.20300.
    For K7T266 Pro2, this driver must be used together with BIOS Ver3.3 or after.  
    Date  2002-9-19  
    Your System OS   Win98SE/ME(79KB) 2000/XP(7011KB)  
    VIA USB2.0 Driver  
    Support model  KT3 Ultra2(MS-6380E)  
    For VIA based board with VT8235 southbridge chipset
    Note: This Driver only for VIA based board with VT8235 southbridge chipset, please DO NOT use on other models.  
    Date  2002-9-19  
    Your System OS   Win98SE/ME(168KB) 2000/XP(7011KB)  
    I Don't know if either of those are correct, or not. MSI makes it too confusing having a whole list of different motherboards with the exact same model # (IE: MS-6380) and only using different sub-model numbers.. Its really dumb..
    Neither of thease showed up on my Live Update 2..

    http://www.msi.com.tw/program/support/driver/dvr/spt_dvr_list.php    you are mose likely looking at the USB2 driver not being installed. Scroll down to the  NEC USB 2.0 Driver   section and read there.  The driver is also there.

  • K7t266 pro2 ru freeze

    I purchased this motherboard on 2002.
    This is my config:
    Mobo MSI 6380 k7t266 pro2 ru (via kt266a chipset)
    CPU AMD Athlon 1800+ Palomino core (no overclock)
    RAM Kingston DDR PC2100/266 MHz (no overclock)
    Videocard Triplex Millennium Silver Geforce 4 Ti 4200 64 Mb Ram (no overclock)
    Analog TV card miroMEDIA PCTV
    Digital Satellite TV Card Hauppauge Nexus-s (has mpeg2 hardware decoder onboard)
    sound card CMI/C-media 8338 4ch (mobo's internal AC97 disabled)
    ISDN TA card Asuscom PCI internal P-IN-100 ISDNLink
    Microsoft XP SP2 slipstreamed, totally "windowsupdated"
    Via drivers 4-in-1 "Hyperion" 4.51 installed (latest)
    Promise FastTrak 100 Raid controller Driver (latest)
    Nvidia drivers Detonators 56.72 WHQL installed (not latest but working very well)
    C-media driver for 8738/c3dx (forced but perfectly working! and latest)
    Bt 848 generic BtPCI WDM drivers (for the miroMEDIA PCTV, but tried even with pinnacle 4.* VFW drivers and 5.* WDM drivers)
    Hauppauge Drivers 2.18c (latest)
    The problem is this:
    when i'm watching tv, from the analog or the digital card, if i do something on one of the hard disks (on the raid or not, ntfs or not), like transfer file, search a file, or something very HEAVY that requires high data rates on the hdds, the system freezes, EVERYTIME!
    I read on this forum about the pci latency unofficial patch by george i-dun-remember-who, but even installing it, it didn't help.
    What i must do? The system works not so bad in other situations, so how can i fix this problem?
    I get mad when the system freeze 'cause i need to hard-reset everytime and i think this can do damage on xp files :(
    Please, if anyone has this same problem and fixed it, help me!!!
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there.
    @Fredrik Åsenius:
    Look, i was wrong about cas latency, it was 2,5 set by SPD, not 2. For the HD disks, they are ALL cooled by fans of 4x4 or 5x5 (cm), that i obviously clean regularly, so you can understand that i touched they with the finger and they are kinda at ambient temp.
    Anyway, this are the pci card placings:
    Slot 1 -> empty
    Slot 2 -> miroMedia PCTV card
    Slot 3 -> Asuscom ISDN TA card
    Slot 4 -> C-media/CMI 8338 audiocard
    Slot 5 -> Hauppauge Nexus-s DVB-S TV card
    More infos: like i said in the first post, I ever installed from the beginning, that means when i fresh installed xpsp2, the "PCI Latency timer patch" from George Breese (now i remember him ^^) from this page http://www.georgebreese.com/net/software/#PCI, but didn't help.
    Actually i followed the hint from MGP, and a little more, so i tried to enable wait states, delayed transactions and stuff, and disable fastwrite, low agp x factor (from 4x to 2x), even highen PCI Latency timer in the BIOS to 248, the maximum, and seems that the situation is better, i tried to watch tv (from the Nexus-s with Progdvb) and do a search on all my hd, the system didn't freezed and the video didn't glitched as before. Only when i ran the PC Alert's Cooler XP, continuing watching dvb-s tv and continuing searching, the system freezed. Well, a little better but i'm investigating some more: i was asking and googling if there's a PCI test bench software but had no luck, a guy from irc told me to try Sandra and Aida. Actually i tried Sandra, the latest, and read about the pci card infos.
    I found an interesting thing: not all pci card have the same PCI Latency timer, there are some that has a personal entry. I googled for PCI Latency timer again and found a program named PCI Latency Tool 3, that let you set every card's timer separately. This program shows exactly the same settings as Sandra, so i'm sure that is good working ^^
    Actually i reset the timer at the default entry, 64, and this is the entry list of every card's PCI Latency timer:
    miroMEDIA PCTV                       -> 64
    Asuscom ISDN                          -> 16
    C-media/CMI 8338 card              -> 64
    Hauppauge Nexus-s                   -> 255
    This are the timings of the other pci related and mobo integrated devices:
    CPU to PCI bridge                     -> 0
    PCI to AGP bridge                     -> 0
    PCI to ISA bridge                      -> 0
    Controller IDE VIA BusMaster      -> 32
    Promise Fasttrak 100 Raid ctrl     -> 32
    Microstar (NEC) USB 2.0 ctrl       -> 64
    Nec Usb ctrl 1                          -> 64
    Nec Usb ctrl 2                          -> 64
    And finally this is the timing of the AGP card:
    Nvidia geforce 4 ti 4200 agp4x    -> 248
    I dunno if there's something wrong so i didn't changed anything, but i think that's the Nexus-s timing is really high and over the maximum allowed by the mobo, so can be this the problem cause... if not i dunno where to hit my head
    @ osnavi:
    No, i dun think can be the power supply not enough, i dun have a friend with a better one but i tried uninstalling all the others cards (sound, pctv, isdn) and all the other Hd and the dvd-rw too, so only the basic needed to try: mobo + cpu + ram + agp card + dvb-s card + 2xhd 80gigs, and did exactly the same... well, i dun think now that 17 A is not enough, even if it's not so the minimum... Ah, did i said that it did the same even with a "low power" gefo2mx ? well i'll write it again :p ^_^
    I know that's not an MSI fault and is a Via fault... but it got me sad, cause i like MSI hardware and stuff, but this bad experience, and more of this no support at all from the manufacturer.... well is no good :p
    For the other things look above, i tried but i dun think agp stuff is related.... I think that is pci latency related, cause i know that i.e. eide or raid performances are not so good. Thinking that when my issue pops out is exactly when i'm watching tv and doing hd stuff, that means poor eide or raid.. or pci performance, than here comes out that it can be only this the cause.
    Ah, i dunno if i told you all, guys:
    watching tv from the pctv analog card (and i mean at maximum resolution of pal 768x576) or from the dvb-s card (with hardware mpeg2 decoder that means 720x576) means that there's needed a maximum bandwidth of 32 MB/s (it means: 768x576 for frame x 25 frame per second x 3 bytes color (32 bits/8 =3 bytes) = 32 megabytes for every second), that's pretty much, but not to saturate pci bw. The matter is when 32 MB/s is occupied and the eide or raid needs bw: the chipset seems to freeze cause can't manage well the bw needings, and so is related to the latency timer.
    Sorry again for longness ^^

  • K7T266 PRO2 (MS6380 Ver 3.0) FDD Controler Problems

    I just purchased a new boxed OEM MSI K7T266 PRO2 (MS6380 - Ver 3.0) motherboard from JUST DEALS on E-bay which seems to have very sparce (or none) documentation for download on this site.  This is a non-raid board which has the AGP Pro video card socket (with the white lock and release lever at the end of the AGP female connector).  The board can also be identified with the following rather unique component/connector layout at the bottom end of the board:
    1.  In place of where RAID connectors attach to most of these model boards, this board has three aux USB connectors above the connector where the case front panel connectors usually plug in.
    2.  There are 3 CDROM audio connectors at the lower left below the last PCI slot.
    3.  To the left of the case front panel connector, there are two rows of connectors and jumpers which appear to be for  use with a case which has front panel audio connectors.  I believe the jumpers are for the purpose of selecting which audio output to use  (front or the standard rear sound output jacks.
    4.  The area between the last PCI slot and the USB and front panel audio connectors described above, the motherboard is rather blank with no components or even places where optional components have not been installed.
    5.  This motherboard has a Phoenix bios whereas most other K7T motherboards made by MSI seem to be AMI bios.
    6.  Finally, when doing a search for MS6380 Ver3.0 on Google, all the hits seem to be in Russian, German or French.   I suspect that this MB may have been manufactured for the European market.   BIOS display is in English, however.
    I have installed an AMD Athlon TBird 1.2 ghz cpu with 40mb WD hard drive which already had Windows Me and lots of other SW installed.  The system boots just fine from the hard drive and all works well except for the Floppy drive.   When I try to access the FDD with a know good disk installed with valid data, it comes on and spins up, the front light blinks and after about 30 seconds of continuous running, a message comes up "floppy disk not formated, format now: (Y/N)"  If I try to format the disk, it will not format and the system will ask to check to see if a disk is installed.   Changing floppy disks does not help, whether this is a disk which has verified data installed or just a formated blank disk.  I have tried two different FDD cables and 3 different Floppy drives and always get the same result.   I have checked for bent or broken pins in the connectors and found they are all good.  The FDD is a 1.44 MB and is connected to the end of the two-drive cable.  No other FDD is installed.  When I go into the BIOS setup, I verify that Drive A is installed as a 1.44BM 3.5" Floppy and None is selected for Drive B.
    I am currently at a loss to know how to proceed here.  I am wondering if this could be a BIOS problem but I am not sure if I can find BIOS update on the MSI Web site when they do not even list a MS6380 Ver 3.0 motherboard at all.
    I am considering installing a PCI FDD controller card but not sure that these are even manufactured.
    Please help.

    To Toenne:
    Thanks for the reply.  This has to be a BIOS problem since the FDD has to be accessed by the BIOS before any software or installed chipset drivers on the HD are ever used.  With my problem, I cannot even boot the system from the FDD.
    I tried resetting CMOS and that did not help.  I wonder if there is some kind of multi-mode floppy disk drive which this BIOS expects to see other that you standard old fashion IBM 3.5" 1.44gb drive.  The solution is likely to reflash the BIOS except with this odd MB serial number, I am not sure if I can find the latest BIOS software for this Phoenix chip.
    Does anyone know if there are any PCI FDD controller cards on the market where I could disable the on-board controller and use a plug-in card?

  • K7T266 Pro2 RU problem and question

    I recently upgraded my CPU from an Athlon Thunderbird 1.400 to a AthlonXP 1700+ on my MSI K7T266 Pro2 -RU (MSI 6380 v2.0). The problem is that when i have the option Fast Command enabled in the bios, windows (Windows XP Professional) will crash and reboot after a couple of minutes (this happens even while i am browsing the net). With my previous CPU the fast command option didn't cause any problems. I wanted to ask if there is a way to solve the problem as the Fast Command increases the performance of my PC by 6-7%.
    Also while the mobo won't support the tb2200+  will it support a lower clocked tb cpu (like 2000+)? And will i have a problem if i take an AXP2000+ and o/c it to 2200+ or 2300+?
    Sorry if the above questions are already answered but its 02:40 in the morning and i don't have the courage to search the forum
    Thank you for your replies
    AMD AthlonXP 1700+ @1600MHz
    Globalwin WBK68 HSFAN
    MSI K7T266 Pro2 - RU (3.6 bios, Via 4in1 v4.00)
    2 x 256 mb Corsair XMS 2400
    2 x WD400BB 7200rpm in RAID 0
    Leadtek Geforce 3 (with DetonatorXP 40.41)
    Soundblaster Live! Player 1024 (latest creative winxp drivers)
    Compex NIC 10/100 PCI
    Teac W540E CDRW 40x/12x/48x
    Pioneer DVD 106S 16x/40x
    Herolchi 350W PSU

    I had the fast command problem with the 512 mb generic ram (2x256) which i replaced later with the corsair XMS 2400, so i don't think that the cause of the problem is the memory. The memory now runs at 145 at CAS2 stable.
    I will try tomorrow flashing the mobo with the 3.3 bios and see if it solves it (i had the 3.6 before i installed the new cpu).
    Also i read in another forum that a mobo supports up to a specific cpu because higher clocked cpus require higher current and might destroy the circuitry in the mobo. If this is not true and its just a bios support issue then i will buy a XP2000+ and will try to o/c it to FSB 145-150 (2200+ to 2300+).
    Do you have the fast command enabled? I see we have the same mobo, memory and (almost) the same cpu.

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