K7TPro2 or 6330-Lite (whatever)

Hi all,
My board has printed K7TPro2 v1 on PCB and a stick labeled 6330-Lite, well, both run fsb at 100Mhz, but the first one allow overclock. So I upgrade to the last bios v3.6, that is the same for both, but the settings for overclock doesn't appear on bios. So i look forward MSI home page and saw that not one or another run Duron Morgan at any speed, incredibly, there is a Duron Morgan 1.3Ghz running here for several days at full load. My question are:
1. Is there any way to run cpus at 133mhz?
2. Is there credibility on MSI Site and products labels information?
Tks all. 8)

Tks Bas.

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    extracted from http://www.answers.com/topic/accelerated-graphics-port
    AGP cards are backward and forward compatible within limits. 1.5 V-only keyed cards will not go into 3.3 V slots and vice versa, though "Universal" slots exist which accept either type of card. AGP Pro cards (rarely used) will not fit into standard slots, but standard AGP cards will work in a Pro slot. Some newer cards like nVidia's GeForce 6-series or ATI's X800-series only have keys for 1.5 V to prevent them from installing in older mainboards without 1.5 V support. The graphic cores can only handle 0.8 V for AGP8x and 1.5 V for AGP4x and will be damaged by 3.3 V slots. Some of the last modern cards with 3.3 V support were the nVIDIA GeForce FX5000-series and the ATI Radeon 9500/9700/9800(R350) (but not 9600/9800(R360)).
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    MS-6330 Lite K7T Pro2 Ver:1 and it Support AGP 2.0 1x/2x/4x

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    >German MSI site
    Fastest Palomino is XP2100, all faster XPs are Thoroughbred/Barton.

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    Have you installed the motherboard drivers yet? Here's the support page for it.

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    Do you have a athlon B-type or C-type? C-Type requires fsb133. 750/100*133=1000.
    Please read the trouble guide to identify your cpu.

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    Yeah! This is the board in question! But it has lots of versions, like K7T Pro, K7T Pro2 (my one!), K7T Turbo, K7T Turbo Limited Edition and K7T Turbo2, all of then are WS-6330 Lite...   They phisically diferent, but the BIOS seens to be the same... I want to know is this feature in the newer version is going to work or not on my board (MS 6330 Lite K7T Pro2 Ver:1) ....
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    If you don't have stability problems it's probably fine.
    You can buy an adapter to allow you to convert a mulex ( like you plug into an HDD ) to the 4 pin 12V plug.
    If you don't have one you might try looking in local shops for butn out PSUs that have them, cut the wire and solder it to your PSU's output ( yellow to yellow, black to black )

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    Originally posted by Rasika
    Well, K7T Turbo R is green and has everything u say it has
    Yes, I think that's my board, but without the optional RAID IDE connectors (the blue connectors in the lower left).
    BUT, the BIOS doesn't have the same options as what the motherboard manual says, and it doesn't allow my 1800+ Athlon XP cpu to go higher than 1150 MHz; I should be getting about 1530 MHz.  The cpu/clock options in BIOS are missing, so I can't set the CPU/clock ratio to 11.5 (133 FSB x 11.5 ratio = ~1530 MHz).  And YES I do have the latest BIOS (Award ver. 3.6).
    Plus the J17 jumper for FSB is not soldered on.
    So again, it looks like a dumbed down K7T TURBO with an MS-LITE controller instead of the regular controller.
    As a follow-up from yesterday, I was going to try turning the "High System Performance" option in BIOS on.  But unfortunately there IS NO option called that, even though the MB manual says there is.  So go figure.
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    Thanks for all the help everyone!

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    Any advice greatly received

    Without the Video Card you should have a Minimum of a 300W Power Supply, you do not even have that and you are adding a Vid Card that pulls another 75 watts!!!
    Go get a good brand name (Like Antec Truepower) power supply with around a  400W or better Rating.
    Take Care,

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    i really dont think that u should assume that the two mainboard are identical just because they look the same..
    Upgrading... Well... Its different from MB to MB... On MSI, all u have to do is plug the CPU and the MB configures it self.. (ALl u have to do is set the FSB).. But on other manifactires, u might have to set up the clock speed ratio and the core voltages manualy using jumpers.. U need the MB maunal to do this..
    clearing CMOS.. I dont c why u need to do this.. But if u really want to then there should be a small jumper of three pins with a cap in the first two pins. Pul it out and plug in into the next two pins and again plug it into the first two pins.. (DONT DO THIS WITH THE COMPUTER ON).. If this doesnt work then pull the battary out, wait for a few min ans put it back in

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    1.4Ghz AMD T-bird
    AGP Nvidia GeForce 4Ti 4200
    Lan Card 10/100
    56K Fax Modem
    Sound blaster Audigy
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    512 MB SDRAM
    OS: Win XP proffesional
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    Thank you

    would be happier if 3.3 was 30 or so
    any thing in pci slots 1 or 5 pull it out and reset navram and reboot as they share with agp

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