K9N2 Diamond shuts down upon install of Windows

I am new to MSI and have started w/ an K9N2 Diamond. I have fully assembled the system and have run into a problem when starting a installation of Windows. I have no troubles entering BIOS and can stay there for any length of time. My problems start as soon as Windows tries to install (Windows 7). The white bar that goes from left to right gets about 90% across and then shuts the system down. I have tried this repeatedly w/ the same result. During the 5 - 6 attempts I was still able to try and boot from BIOS, still no problem with BIOS starts.
My system is comprised of the following:
1 MSI K9N2 Diamond Mobo
2 AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black
3 8gb Kingston HyperX 800mhz
4 Antec Truepower 750w
5 XFX 9800 GXT+
6 WD 750gb HDD & WD 300gb HDD (only 750 connected for initial install)
7 DVD/CD RW drive (SATA)
I have tried moving the SATA cables to different locations and switched HDDs, each w/ the same outcome. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

It's not a restart. All but the processor and memory are equal to the system the PSU was pulled from! The PSU is only 6 months old. I took apart this build, which it was running fine.
ASUS A*N32 SLI Deluxe, 4gb 800mhz Kingston HyperX, 2 XFX 9800GTX+ in SLI, 2 HDD (same one in this build, again only using one), 2 dvd-rw/ cdrw drives, a zelman 939 series cpu cooler.
So in either case (ASUS or MSI build) I'm not over powering the PSU.
If I pull a couple sticks of ram could this make a difference?

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    System Preference > General > Number of recent items
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    Genieo Adware is installed.  Removing it will help.
    If you have another browser installed, use it.
    If not, launch App store and get another  browser for temporary use.
    Remove it afterwards.
    1. Use  free  AdwareMedic by clicking “Download ” from here
        Install , open,  and run it by clicking “Scan for Adware” button   to remove adware.
        Once done, quit AdwareMedic by clicking AdwareMedic in the menu bar and selecting
        “Quit AdwareMedic”.
        Remove the adware  manually  by following the “HowTo” from Apple.
    2. Safari > Preferences > Extensions
         Turn those off and relaunch Safari to test .
         Turn those on one by one and test.

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    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
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    If you normally open with Organizer perhaps it is encountering a corrupt image in its cached folder on opening.
    I just installed PSE 10 and set up a shortcut to go right to the full editor. See if that works for you.
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    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4031101#4031101. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Forums
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

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    Hello Ellabelle,
    Your computer will not wake up correctly.
    It sounds like you may need to completely reinstall windows 8.
    Here is a link to all the driver updates for your system.
    At the top of the page there is an option to scan now and let HP scan your system for missing and out of date drivers.
    Use this option.
    Let me know how everything goes.

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    Hi Ted,
    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    Ignore the MacKeeper ad no matter what else you decide.
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 6 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 6 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    Trash old Log files.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files! :-)
    Disconnect the USB cable from any Uninterruptible Power Supply so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Just sits there occupying very little space & never interfering, unless you need to invoke it in Single User Mode.
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 6 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 6 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    Trash old Log files.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files! :-)
    Disconnect the USB cable from any Uninterruptible Power Supply so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Just sits there occupying very little space & never interfering, unless you need to invoke it in Single User Mode.

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    Can you restart from the menu and hold the shift key down, until the Mac
    boots in a SafeBoot login screen; then choose Disk Utility (shortcut under
    GO in Finder window, to Utilities folder) and run 'repair disk permissions'
    then restart the computer normally...(?)
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    installer disc and choose from an option menu there (not to install)
    and choose to use Disk Utility from the booted installer disc, to run
    'repair disk' from there? You could also run 'repair disk permissions'
    while booted from that installer disc, but maybe you'd still have to
    repair those from the running system for best effect once it is back
    running from the hard drive's system.
    Some minor issues can happen after an update, usually just repairing
    disk permissions before installing the update, and/or running up in
    SafeBoot, can help. There are other things to try and do, if these don't
    help that much. The state of the system prior to an update is important;
    since an update can't fix anything otherwise non-related to an update.
    Maintenance issues aside, after you repair disk permissions, safeboot,
    and restart, if there still is an issue, you could try to download the Combo
    OSX 10.5.3 update file and install it over your system; and then repair
    disk permissions again after it finally restarts normally.
    Was the 10.5.3 update a smaller (delta) file or was it the Combo (large) file?
    Good luck & happy computing!

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    did you use OS X Internet Recovery to reïnstall Mountain Lion onto your MacBook Pro?

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    My push to talk, and setting in Vent Setup, are all set (L-Alt and USB Headset). My outbound/inbound settings are where I've always had them. The mute buttons are set to off also. What I've noticed is that on the Volume Control of the headset the "on air" light turns off as soon as I log onto a vent server or try to use the Windows media recorder. When I turn those things off, the light comes back on. When I run the setup of Ventrilo, the light comes back on, but when I try to engage the Test Mode (in the Setup menu) the light shuts down (and thus the mic does also).
    I've tried testing the hardware (via Control Panel>Sounds), but when I get to the stage where I'm asked to speak and the mic is engaged, the light turns off (and I assum I'm muted).
    I've updated to the new drivers about 10 minutes ago, with no fix. I reapplied the latest (October) firmware as well.
    Edit: XP Pro, [email protected]
    Message Edited by MennoniteDan on 03-22-2009 09:37 PM

    Yep..exact same thing happened to me. I plug in my older Logitech into onboard jacks..fine. Plug in the USB Fatality, vent stops working, have to restart. So, desperate gamer that I am, I shoot out the Microcenter and pick up a Fatality headset with 3.5mm jacks instead of USB (frankly..its been flaky since day 1). Started fine, but after a "mic check" I got complaints of robot and garbled voice..then nothing. 3 minutes..completely unusable. I tried changing the settings(in Vista) and the Sounds panel would crash when I tried to set the headset mic as default as opposed to "What you hear." general exception faults..uninstalled/reinstalled all software and drivers. I then install my Fatality X-Fi XtremeGamer card, still no dice..restart, and the old Logitech works. plug in the Fatality, dead. I sighed a few times, then I tried another card, X-Fi XtremeMusic. I wasn't expecting much and thats what I got, nothing. So I am back to the onboard sound and a 2 year old Logitech head set with no left ear action, but it works. It seems interesting I am only having problems with the Fatality stuff.

  • My wireless router keeps shutting down after installing firefox 8.1

    After installing firefox 8.1 my wireless router keeps shutting down. I am using Windows Vista, Gateway Laptop, x64 system. I have a belkin wireless router.

    Firefox 8.0 is no longer being maintained or offered for download. The latest version is Firefox 10.0: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
    Please make sure to download Firefox from a legitimate site. Also please note that Firefox by itself doesn't and cannot change OS network settings or hardware settings, other than trying to use different configurations in itself.

  • K8N Diamond shutting down with FX-57

    Hi all,
    My water cooling solution suffered a water pump failure which in turn led my comp to shut down after hitting the heat safety ceiling of 60deg. I replaced the water pump, turned back on only get CMOS checksum errors. I tried to enter BIOS setup but the system would not enter the setup, instead just displaying a flashing underscore immediately after the SilRAID startup screen. I reset the BIOS via the SW1 Clear CMOS button and also by disconnecting power and removing the battery. Neither did any good. I then reflashed the BIOS to v1.8. Flash was succesful but still could not enter BIOS setup. I need to get in there because I run a RAID0 array off the Nvidia RAID controller which needs to be configured within the BIOS.
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    I feared that perhaps the CPU was damaged when the cooler failed so I tried to swap the CPU's from the problem computer and another computer. Both the FX-57 from the problem comp and the FX-53 from my other comp ran fine on the other's mobo, managing to complete benchmarking / run games / stay on overnight. So the CPU was fine.
    I thought it was simply that the second K8N Diamond just didn't get along with FX-57, for whatever reason, maybe just those two particular components were not working seeing as I had no problem with the original K8N Diamond staying powered. So I bought a brand new K8N Diamond, installed, powered on - same problem!!! Computer shuts off in less than 5 seconds again...   
    I tried alternative PSU's (Silverstone 600w and Thermaltake 680w), two vid cards (each of my 7800GTX 512's), diff memory (Corsair 2-2-2-5 and OCZ EL  Dual Channel Platinum Elite), stock cooler / water cooler, with and without HD's connected / powered. Even tried booting with just the CPU, CPU cooler and graphics card plugged in and drawing power - still shuts down in 3 seconds. 
    I'm at a loss to explain this and not to mention extremely frustrated. The computer ran fine for 3 months, staying powered 24 / 7 but after the cooling failure, I can't even get it to boot on 3 different K8N Diamonds and all different components. Yet an FX-53 in any of them works fine, and the FX-57 on another motherboard is fine.
    After all that, does anybody have any ideas / suggestions? Any help would really be appreciated. Otherwise I'm off to buy my 3rd! () motherboard for this comp, and after all this hassle, it won't be an MSI should it come to that. Sad because before this, I had a good experience with MSI.
    Thanks in advance for any help...

    OK you tried a different MB, CPU and RAM... What else did you have in the system when it failed that you haven't swapped out? The Vid card maybe.
    If the board works with an FX 53 and not the FX 57 that would lead me to think right off that the chiop was cooked. Yet if it works in another rig then that scraps that idea. And it sounds like you chasing your tail in these other items as well. My first thought would also be a PSU and maybe the one you swapped in was not heavy enough to handle the load. You did not say so that is also suspect.
    You may have to use that second rig as a temporary testbed to check each part out until you find what failed as well. You may have messed up more than one part and you could chase yourself forever trying stuff in the machine that dropped the pump.

Maybe you are looking for

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