Kaffeine jittery when watching tv from usb dvb Hauppauge 850

At first, I could not get kaffeine to detect channels. Ubuntu, kaffeine worked great so I copied firmware folder from ubuntu to arch. After doing that, kaffeine had no problem detecting channels. When I go to a channel it plays jittery. Thought that this may be due to signal strenght so I did move the antenna around to see if the channel played better. No change. The quality is great. Just that it seems it is slightly out of sync. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance,

At first, I could not get kaffeine to detect channels. Ubuntu, kaffeine worked great so I copied firmware folder from ubuntu to arch. After doing that, kaffeine had no problem detecting channels. When I go to a channel it plays jittery. Thought that this may be due to signal strenght so I did move the antenna around to see if the channel played better. No change. The quality is great. Just that it seems it is slightly out of sync. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance,

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    640K Should be enough for everybody
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