Keychain has changed its own password?

Firstly I installed some Canon drivers today and at that point my account's password was accepted and OK. Also did tried to do some 'mount -t smbfs ... ' with Terminal.
Later today iTunes wanted to upgrade iPod software and *suddenly my password was not accepted!*
Rebooted the machine but even the login failed. Then I used the '10.5 install DVD' to boot to *reset the password to the same as it has always been*. Thereafter the login was OK but now there is no way to get Keychain to accept the same password.
Any ideas what is the password that keychain wants now?
BRG, Petri

It is a lower case upper case issue at the keychain, but the inital admin password issue looks very much as bug at 10.5.1

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    It is possible to change their password in EP 7 with eu_role(Everyone Role). After you  are login in the portal, just go to your personalize and select the User profile in the personlize. In that user porfile having number of tabs, you should select the General Information and click the Modify button, after you getting the edit mode with the changing the password option. It ask old and new password, after you give the password and save it.Once you change the password, just you have to log off and Re - Login with new password. Its working fine.
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    [testuser@xxxxxxx01 ~]$
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    $ passwd
    Changing password for user dude.
    Changing password for dude.
    (current) UNIX password: asdfasdf
    passwd: Authentication token manipulation error
    $ passwd
    Changing password for user dude.
    Changing password for dude.
    (current) UNIX password: correct_password
    New password: How_will_1_ever_remember
    Retype new password: How_will_1_ever_remember
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
    $ old_pwd='How_will_1_ever_remember'
    $ new_pwd='My_secret_passord_1'
    $ echo -e "$old_pwd\n$new_pwd\n$new_pwd" | passwd
    Changing password for user dude.
    Changing password for dude.
    (current) UNIX password: New password: Retype new password: passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
    Edited by: Dude on Sep 25, 2012 4:36 PM

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    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings

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    = i.IDNO-1
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    12/23/13 10:41
    12/23/13 10:41
    12/23/13 9:21
    12/23/13 9:21
    12/23/13 9:22
    12/23/13 9:22
    12/23/13 9:22

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