Keying fire

Hey all... I am trying to create a flame burst effect on some letters using footage of real fire, trying to key out the black background, but it's not working... here is my workflow:
1) I decided to forego buying an effect, because a) I don't have the loot for it, and b) none of them looked that great.
2) I cut out letter from posterboard, put a black foam board up, used a dowel and put each letter on the end of the dowel, then poked the dowel through the foamboard so that the foamboard is the background, and it's far enough away from the physical letter that it would not pick up a lot of the fire glare.  My goal was to get footage of pure fire, nothing else.
3) I set up the camera a few feet away, and at a 90 degree angle so that I had more vertical room for the flames. 
4) I have the clips in After Effects now, rotated and ready to go... I tried using a few things to key out the black, but it's not working.  I tried keylight, and I screwed around with the luma setting on the video. 
The end result that I'd like to have is basically a flame that I can overlay on any background layer, but I can't get rid of the black. 
I wondered if I could somehow create a matte using the flame, but I guess I'm just not that skilled of an AE artist as I need to be to pull that off.
Any ideas on how to do this? 

See more help about mattes.

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    function activateKeyListener($state:Boolean) {
    if ($state) {
    if (!isActivateKeyListener) {
    isActivateKeyListener = true;
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
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    function keyReleased(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
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    Hi Kamran!
    What happens is that when the focus is on outline fields, the enter key
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    could cause some unexpected behavior if someone were counting on the Enter
    (or a mouse double-click) to behave in our standard way."
    Andrew Small
    Enterprise Distributed Solutions National Practice
    BORN Information Services
    [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Shafi, Kamran [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, July 08, 1999 12:49 PM
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: OutlineField and the Default Button
    Hello all,
    We are currently using the Forte 3.0.G.2. I have recently come
    across the situation where I am unable to understand the behavior of the
    default button. The situation is this:
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    any of my windows that particular window will not respond to the default
    button. I am attaching the pex file so you can run the test windows and see
    the problem.
    Can someone please tell me if I am doing something wrong or is this a
    known/unknown bug?
    Thanks in advance.
    Kamran Shafi
    Systems Engineer
    EDS Medi-Cal XIX
    Phone: (916) 636-1093
    Email: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    I have a problem in submitting form by pressing enter key.The enter key fires the first occurring HTML <input/button type="submit"> element in the entire HTML <form>, if any. Maybe your h:form component is covering much more than only the actual form. Maybe you´re using commandlinks somewhere in a navigation menu in the same page and the same form or so?

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    MAX=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness`
    ACT=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness`
    if [ $1 == "+" ]; then
    if [ $((ACT+STEP)) -le $MAX ]; then
    echo $((ACT+STEP)) > $DEV
    elif [ $1 == "-" ]; then
    if [ $((ACT-STEP)) -ge $MIN ]; then
    echo $((ACT-STEP)) > $DEV
    exit 0
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    root@pbr-laptok:~# cat /etc/sudoers | grep pabre
    pabre ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/,/usr/bin/pacman -Sy
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    pabre@pbr-laptok:~$ sudo /usr/local/sbin/ -
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    awful.key({ }, "XF86MonBrightnessUp", function () awful.util.spawn("sudo /usr/local/sbin/ +") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86MonBrightnessDown", function () awful.util.spawn("sudo /usr/local/sbin/ -") end),
    among others like touchpad toggling, volume control, etc (which are working without issues)
    And now, guess what... Those keys fire that script, change the brightness and after second or less - it comes back to old value! You can see that display blinks (for example gets brighter and moment after - it goes back to previous state).
    I tried to debug it, putting to the script something like:
    if [ $1 == "+" ]; then
    if [ $((ACT+STEP)) -le $MAX ]; then
    echo $((ACT+STEP)) > $DEV
    cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness >> /tmp/br.log
    sleep 1
    cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness >> /tmp/br.log
    And the first entry was that what it was supposed to be, while te other (second after) Was again the old value.
    Does anybody have any idea what "reverts" my changes to the /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness and why it works without issues when simply run from a terminal?
    Last edited by PaBre (2014-03-16 17:10:54)

    I think that I've found partial answer.
    When I changed key binds to another keys - it works!
    But even then, when I press XF86MonBrightnessUp or XF86MonBrightnessDown, the brightness level gets reset. And now they are not bind to anything (at last not explicit).
    So it looks that I have to found how to decouple the internal, not working as expected, bind to these keys.

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    You can upgrade from within Windows using Anytime Upgrade:
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as helpful if they help, or as answers if they answer your question. Please also unmark the answers if they provide no help.
    Zach Roberts
    Independent Microsoft Community Support Advisor
    Disclaimer: I don't work for Microsoft. Any advice given is my own and does not represent Microsoft.
    Follow me on Twitter:

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    Shut everything down
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    mila, PJR

    You have to perform key mapping to get the Key-Enter trigger to work.
    Open your forms90\fmrweb.res file in a text editor. Find the line:
    10 : 0 : "Return" : 27 : "Return"
    Change it to:
    10 : 0 : "Return" : 75 : "Return"
    Save the file and run the form again. The key-enter trigger should then fire when you press the Return key, but not when you press the Tab key.

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    In home page,Virtual key board functionality has been implemented and working fine in IE and Chrome but not in Fire Fox(all versions)
    The value typed in first field(ex.12345) is getting appended in the second fiied value when we type abcd in second field like 12345abcd

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    Observed that //window.document.keyboard.SetVariable("out_ti.text", sendTextVKB);// is not working in fire fox and hence old value itself is avil.
    Do we have any other option to get the above funcationality(setVariable)
    Pls help me

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