Exporting large excel file exception

I am using Jasper reports within a j2ee application to generate an excel file, and this file is written on the reponse outputstream. It is deployed as a web application on Oracle application server 10g
When the generated xls file is large like 2 Mb or more, Oracle application server throws ServletException and sometimes NullpointerException.
The same application runs smoothly on the IBM Webshpere test server embedded on websphere application developer.
I tried to increase the reponse buffer size for AS10g but the problem is still there.
Could anyone help in this?

Hi Jason,
Unfortunately, Xcelsius is not designed to handle the large volume of embedded data that you have described.  There are basically 2 approaches to resolve your issue:
1) Try to aggregate the data and simplify the lookups, to reduce the total number of cells until Xcelsius is able to process it;
2) Store the large volume of data in an external data source and retrieve only the necessary subset of data via one of Xcelsius's external connectivity options including web services or XML etc.
Also, with 15 tabs, depending on the number of components you have within each tab panel, you may also be pushing the limit of how many total components Xcelsius can handle.  However, based on your comments, I would say the real issue is the 8MB Excel file, a size which Xcelsius simply cannot handle.

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    There's no control over per-cell formatting for Excel exports.
    Ted Ueda

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    Grant Bennet-Alder,
    It’s funny you mentioned using Activity Monitor.  I use it all the time to watch when a computation cycle is finished so I can avoid a crash.  I keep it up in the corner of my screen while I respond to email or work on a grant.  Typically the %CPU will hang at ~100% (sometimes even saying the application is not responding in red) but will almost always complete the cycle if I let it go for 30 minutes or so.  As long as I leave Excel alone while it is working it will not crash.  I had not thought of using the Activity Monitor as you suggested. Also I did not realize using a 32 bit application limited me to 4GB of memory for each application.  That is clearly a problem for this kind of work.  Is there any work around for this?   It seems like a 64-bit spreadsheet would help.  I would love to use the new 64 bit Numbers but the current version limits the number of rows and columns.  I tried it out on my MacBook Pro but my files don’t fit.
    The hatter,
    This may be the solution for me. I’m OK with assembling the unit you described (I’ve even etched my own boards) but feel very bad about needing to step away from Apple products.  When I started computing this was the sort of thing computers were designed to do.  Is there any native 64-bit spreadsheet that allows unlimited rows/columns, which will run on an Apple?  Excel is only 64-bit on their machines.
    Many thanks to both of you for your quick and on point answers!

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    Bitmaps in the workbook titles are not exported. I guess it was just too difficult to do when they added bitmaps into the titles.
    Rod West

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    Of course. No computer will open a file without an appropriate program to do so.  Search the App Store for "spreadsheets" to get an idea of what software is available. Aples own "Numbers" might be considered, or "QuickOffice" or several others,

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    Public Sub Export()
    Dim ss As String = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
    Dim DataType As String
    Dim DataValue As Object
    'Dim DataView As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataView = m_DataGrid.ItemsSource
    'Dim ItemsSource As C1.Silverlight.Data.DataTable = DataView.Table
    Dim XmlSettings As XmlWriterSettings
    Dim ColumnBinding As Binding
    Dim FieldName As String
    Dim DataGridColumn As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridColumn
    Dim ColumnIndex As Integer
    Dim J As Integer
    Dim DataGridRow As C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridRow
    Dim CommonUtil As New GoldCRM.Core.Common.Util
    Dim PropertyInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo
    Dim CellFormat As String
    If m_DataGrid.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Try
    XmlSettings = New XmlWriterSettings
    XmlSettings.Indent = True
    XmlSettings.NewLineOnAttributes = False
    Using myXML As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(m_Stream, XmlSettings)
    With myXML
    .WriteProcessingInstruction("mso-application", "progid=" & ControlChars.Quote & "Excel.Sheet" & ControlChars.Quote)
    .WriteStartElement("Workbook", ss)
    .WriteStartElement("DocumentProperties", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office")
    .WriteElementString("Author", m_DocumentProperties.Author)
    .WriteElementString("LastAuthor", String.Format("{0} {1}", Application.Current.Resources("EmpFirstName"), Application.Current.Resources("EmpLastName")))
    .WriteElementString("Created", m_DocumentProperties.Created)
    .WriteElementString("LastSaved", m_DocumentProperties.LastSaved)
    .WriteElementString("Company", Application.Current.Resources("REPORTINGSITENAME"))
    .WriteElementString("Version", m_DocumentProperties.Version)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Document Properties
    .WriteStartElement("ExcelWorkbook", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel")
    .WriteElementString("WindowHeight", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowHeight)
    .WriteElementString("WindowWidth", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowWidth)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopX", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopX)
    .WriteElementString("WindowTopY", m_WorkbookProperties.WindowTopY)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectStructure", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectStructure)
    .WriteElementString("ProtectWindows", m_WorkbookProperties.ProtectWindows)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Excel Workbook
    For I As Integer = 0 To m_Styles.Count - 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, m_Styles(I).ID)
    If m_Styles(I).Name <> "" Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, m_Styles(I).Name)
    End If
    If Not m_Styles(I).Alignment Is Nothing Then
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Horizontal", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Horizontal.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical <> 0 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Vertical", ss, m_Styles(I).Alignment.Vertical.ToString)
    End If
    If m_Styles(I).Alignment.WrapText = True Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "WrapText", ss, "1")
    End If
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Bottom")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Left")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Right")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Position", ss, "Top")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "LineStyle", ss, "Continuous")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Weight", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Border
    .WriteEndElement() 'Borders
    Dim myFont As Excel.Styles.Font = m_Styles(I).Font
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FontName", ss, myFont.FontName.ToString)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Size", ss, myFont.Size)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myFont.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    If myFont.Bold = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Italic = True Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Italic", ss, "1")
    If myFont.Underline <> 0 Then .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Underline", ss, myFont.Underline.ToString)
    Dim myInterior As Excel.Styles.Interior = m_Styles(I).Interior
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Color", ss, myInterior.Color.ToString.Remove(1, 2))
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Pattern", ss, "Solid")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    Next I
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "DateStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Format", ss, "General Date")
    .WriteEndElement() 'NumberFormat
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("x", "Family", ss, "Swiss")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Bold", ss, "1")
    .WriteEndElement() 'Font
    .WriteEndElement() 'Style
    .WriteEndElement() 'Styles
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Name", ss, "WORKSHEET")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedColumnCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "ExpandedRowCount", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullColumns", ss, m_DataGrid.Columns.Count)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "FullRows", ss, m_DataGrid.Rows.Count + 100) 'Temporary fix: sometimes 1 row is not added.
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "DefaultRowHeight", ss, 15)
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridNumericColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is C1.Silverlight.DataGrid.DataGridDateTimeColumn Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitWidth", ss, 0)
    End If
    If DataGridColumn.Width.Value <= 100 Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, 100)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Width", ss, DataGridColumn.Width.Value)
    End If
    End If
    J = 0
    For Each DataGridRow In m_DataGrid.Rows
    J += 1
    If TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, "HeaderStyle")
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, "String")
    If DataGridColumn.Header IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, J + 1)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "AutoFitHeight", ss, 0)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Height", ss, 15)
    ColumnIndex = 0
    For Each DataGridColumn In m_DataGrid.Columns
    If DataGridColumn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible Then
    FieldName = String.Empty
    If TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridBoundColumn Then
    ColumnBinding = TryCast(DataGridColumn, DataGridBoundColumn).Binding
    If ColumnBinding.Path IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = ColumnBinding.Path.Path
    End If
    ElseIf TypeOf DataGridColumn Is DataGridTemplateColumn Then
    If DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath IsNot Nothing Then
    FieldName = DataGridColumn.FilterMemberPath.Trim
    End If
    End If
    If Not FieldName.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    ColumnIndex += 1
    Dim DataCellValue As Object = Nothing
    If Not (TypeOf DataGridRow Is GoldCRM.Controls.Filter.clsFilterRow) Then
    PropertyInfo = CommonUtil.GetProperty(DataGridRow.DataItem, FieldName)
    If PropertyInfo IsNot Nothing Then
    DataCellValue = PropertyInfo.GetValue(DataGridRow.DataItem, Nothing)
    End If
    End If
    CellFormat = String.Empty
    If DataCellValue IsNot Nothing Then
    Select Case DataCellValue.GetType.Name.ToUpper
    Case "BitmapImage".ToUpper
    DataValue = "Image"
    DataType = "String"
    Case "Hyperlink".ToUpper
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = "Hyperlink"
    Case "Decimal".ToUpper
    DataType = "Number"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    Case "DateTime".ToUpper
    If CType(DataCellValue, Date).Year > 1900 Then
    DataType = "DateTime"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    CellFormat = "DateStyle"
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End If
    Case Else
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = DataCellValue
    End Select
    DataType = "String"
    DataValue = String.Empty
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Index", ss, ColumnIndex)
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "MergeAcross", ss, 0)
    If Not CellFormat.Equals(String.Empty) Then
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "StyleID", ss, CellFormat)
    End If
    .WriteAttributeString("ss", "Type", ss, DataType)
    .WriteEndElement() 'Data
    .WriteEndElement() 'Cell
    End If
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Row
    End If
    .WriteEndElement() 'Table
    .WriteEndElement() 'Worksheet
    .WriteEndElement() 'Workbook
    End With
    End Using
    Catch ex As Exception
    Throw New Exception(ex.Message, ex)
    If m_Stream IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
    m_Stream = Nothing
    m_DataGrid.IsLoading = False
    DataValue = Nothing
    'DataView = Nothing
    'ItemsSource = Nothing
    XmlSettings = Nothing
    ColumnBinding = Nothing
    DataGridColumn = Nothing
    End Try
    End Sub

    i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

  • Can i export an excel file to my I-Cal & if so how?

    Hi.  I have a large amount of data/dates in an excel file and I would like to easily export these into my I-Cal. Please advise.

    But if it's a big album, be sure to create a new folder on the desktop first, to export them into. Having hundreds of individual photos on your desktop will slow your computer to a crawl.

  • Export to excel file problem

    When I export my Crystal report to excel file (97-2000)
    it does not show the Boxes and lines in excel file.
    I am using CR 11 and MS Office 2003
    please guide me how to solve this problem
    Edited by: mian ghous on Feb 10, 2009 1:59 PM

    But, DUDE, it IS possible using borders!  Each of the border options has a formula field that you can code to tell Crystal in effect "on this line of the report, I want xxx borders". 
    Let's start with the easiest example:  Say you want the line to go around the column heading (full box). then lines down each side of the column until the end, then for the the subtotal you want lines on three sides (all but top).  Set all four borders for the heading field to Single, set the right and left borders for the data field to Single, and set all but the top border for the subtotal field to Single.
    To expand this, let's say there is no subtotal, and you want the last value in the field to have a bottom border.  Set the header and data field borders as above, except for the bottom border of the data field, use the following formula (basic syntax):
    if {field} = NextValue({field}) then
      formula = crNoLine
      formula = crSingleLine
    end if
    If you want the line across the top of the data field on the first detail row (i.e., not around the header), use the same logic as above, except using PreviousValue().
    Edited by: Carl Sopchak on Feb 11, 2009 8:25 AM

  • Error message exporting large picture file from Aperture 3.5

    Recently I took a large panaramic comprised of 165 pictures using Gigapan Epic Pro and stitched together using software provided with Gigapan. I exported the stitched file into Aperture to perform final edits.  When I go to export the final version I keep getting an error message. The file size will be approximately 2.0 GB. I've been able to export a 0.7 GB file without problems (it did take several minutes). I have a late 2009 27" iMac with 3.3 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 16 GB memory. Any suggestions?  Not sure if this is an Aperture problem or if my system is not up to the task. Below is the error mesage I receive.  Thanks for your assistance.

    Testing: Exporting a large TIFF - the original is 24512 × 23016 (564,2 MP), 1.05 GB
    The exported file that I am seeing on my Desktop after 10 minutes, is showing this in the Preview:
    But after exporting there was no message at - neither an error message nor the usual alert when finished "Export 1 version completed - Reveal ...".
    So, I am not yet conviced that the export went well, but Aperture can export gigantic TIFFs.
    What is the file format you have been using? My test was done with TIFF, 16 bit.
    Aperture 3.5.1

  • Export to Excel - File Name WAD 7.0

    Hi All,
    I am using Export to Excel Functionality with WAD 7.0 to export the report to excel format.
    I have used button web item, with an excel picture above it. The functionality works fine.
    But while exporting the name of excel file shown is WAD 7.0 name.
    ex. My WAD 7.0 name is IFIOP_C07_W700, the excel file also gets saved in this name.
    I want it to be made customizable.
    Can you throw some pointers.
    Sri Arun Prian

    i have the same issue now where i need to populate the xport file name as report name. can you send me your solution please.

  • Room Data not getting exported to excel file

    I am facing a small issue regarding collaboration rooms.
    I created some Rooms and Created few Tasks in each room. I tried to export the task details in a excel file. For most of the rooms it is working fine but for few rooms either data is not getting exported or some data is missing in the generated excel file.I am working on EP 7.0  and all the rooms are created from the same user.
    What could be the possible reason for such a behaviour ?  Kindly Help me with this.

    i believe you can use GUI_DOWNLOAD simply for this purpose.
        FILENAME                        = 'c:\abc.xls'
       FILETYPE                        = 'ASC'
       WRITE_FIELD_SEPARATOR           = 'X'
        DATA_TAB                        = ITAB
    it will work, i believe.

  • Another question about import/export to excel file?

    Hi, I need to know urgently if it's possible to import/export excel files from/to JSP with unpredicted number of fields each row. For example, row 1 in the excel file can have 5 columns of data, row 2 has 3 columns of data, etc...
    Does reading from excel file in JSP require that we know beforehand how many columns there are and what each column represent?

    go read http://jakarta.apache.org/poi !!!!!!
    No it doesnt. the POI api provide method to determine the number of cells in a row.

  • How can I take the photo by capture the photo, plot the graph(control chart) in the same times and export to Excel File

    I want to do my sample of the project  following these steps.

     1. Create the template for compare other objects.
     2. Save the template and ready for compare realtime with other objects  
    1. Use the CCTV video camera Sony capture the picture of the object (lego toys).
    2. Calculate the size of the objects and change to mm.
    3. Compare with the template and plot graph(Control chart) by length
    4.  Export the data to Excel Files
    Go to Solution.

    Nice project !
    I sincerely hope you are not expecting us to do your homework.
    What is your experience with LabVIEW ? 
    May be you should try to start to code something and then come back later with some more specific question ?
    Message Edité par chilly charly le 01-02-2009 08:40 AM
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

  • Export large xml file in PL/SQL

    How to export large or big xml (XMLTYPE) into file system.
    I have tried with...
    1. UTL_FILE.PUT -- it has a limitation of 32767 chars
    2. DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE supports little more than UTL_FILE but not in MB's
    i'm looking for options to export a xml file which is more than 5mb
    any suggestions?

    user12020576 wrote:
    I have tried with...
    1. UTL_FILE.PUT -- it has a limitation of 32767 chars
    It might have but this is not a problem, if you programmatically break it up in pieces.
    Have a look at https://forums.oracle.com/message/9748097#9748097
    The method demonstrates how to dump/write a CSV in binary format to disk.
    I used it to dump/write files way bigger than 10++ MB in size...

Maybe you are looking for


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