Keynote Export deleted folder - HELP!

I'm an idiot. While exporting a single Keynote file to my desktop as a jpg, I mistakenly named the export folder the same name as an existing folder and then clicked yes to replace the previous folder. Is there any way to recover the folder and contents that I overwrote? It is an extremely important folder with a huge amount of data.

I think your only hope is data recovery software.
I have used Data Rescue for many years and have been astonished at how effective it has been.
One example - I'v recovered most of the contents of a drive that was reformatted twice.
Recovering an over-written folder is a difficult one to sort out but its certainly worth a try.
The same company have image recovery software (its a lot cheaper) if the folder you lost contains only image files.
There is a free a free demo for all there products here:
Data Rescue 4
Please post back and let us know the outcome.

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    Try the computer apps PhoneView (Mac) or TouchCopy (Mac & PC):
    Best of luck.

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    Yeah not a problem. It does seem though that if you did not have a Time Machine backup then you may not be able to recover the deleted folder :/ But for future reference to prevent any of this, a Time Machine backup is a great investment.
    What it does is create an entire backup of your computer anything from personal information down to the screen saver.
    What you first need is a new external hard drive (I would recommend a 1TB or higher just to prevent running out of space soon).
    after that, just plug in the drive to your computer.
    once it is plugged in, in the top right hand corner, close to the wi-fi symbol, you should see a symbol that looks like a clock with a backwards arrow around it.
    click on that and select "open time machine preferences"
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    If you want to remove the library items that you exported, select them in the source list of the library inspector and delete them (File > Delete Original Images and all Versions).  Then empty the Aperture Trash, after checking that you did not trash more than you wanted.
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    The preferences for Disco Plus are set in the pref.txt file on the apps server and for Disco Desktop in the Windows Registry. I think the defaults are set on so unless you have changed them this is unlikely to help.
    I think I read somewhere that the 11g optimiser will remove unused outer joins or where there is a foreign key constraint. I may have made that last bit up as I cannot find a reference to it, but it may be worth exploring.
    To speed things up you could look at why this join is slowing things down. It could be that you need an index on the join column.
    The join actually is used, in that it has to check in the other table that a record exists. This is why Discoverer cannot remove the join from the complex folder query. If it did and there where no matching records in the other table then you would get a different result.
    Rod West

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    You've found one of my's the way it works:
    In keynote, you MUST set the slide delay for a movie to stay on screen, and you can see that you're able to transition before the movie is done by cutting the delay shorter than the movie. The draw back is, if you want the whole movie to play, you MUST set the delay to at least the same length as the movie.
    When exporting to QT, this doesn't work. The export forces the movie to play in its entirety. If you weren't trying to cut the movie short, you'd still have to remove your auto advance delay so that it transitions after the movie plays. This is why you're seeing that long hold, it's counting your movie length AND the delay time you added in Keynote.
    The only thing I can suggest is removing that transition delay and living with the movie playing through to the end. You could always trim the movie in QT Pro and use that in Keynote I suppose.

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    * Created on Jan 16, 2006
    * To change the template for this generated file go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
    * @author localusr
    * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
    class PrintUtils {
         static String folderName = "EISMENU_bak";
         static String path = "c:\\samik";
         static String outFilename = "";
         public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
              File inFileName = new File(path + "\\" + folderName);
              //make the zip file
              makeZip(inFileName, path, outFilename);
              //Now, delete the directory
              File inFileName2 = new File(path + "\\" + folderName);
              inFileName2.renameTo(new File(path + "\\" + "aaa"));
         public static void makeZip(File inFile, String path, String outFile) throws IOException {
              File[] filenames = inFile.listFiles();
              byte b[] = new byte[512];
              ZipOutputStream out = null;
              try {
                   out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(path + "\\" + outFilename));
                   for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {
                        if (filenames.isFile()) {
                             InputStream in = new FileInputStream(filenames[i]);
                             ZipEntry e = new ZipEntry(filenames[i].toString().replace(File.separatorChar, '/'));
                             int len = 0;
                             while ((len = != -1) {
                                  out.write(b, 0, len);
              } catch (IOException ioe) {
              } finally {
                   out = null;
                   filenames = null;
                   b = null;
         public static void print(ZipEntry e) {
              PrintStream sop = System.out;
              sop.print("added " + e.getName());
              if (e.getMethod() == ZipEntry.DEFLATED) {
                   long size = e.getSize();
                   if (size > 0) {
                        long csize = e.getCompressedSize();
                        long ratio = ((size - csize) * 100) / size;
                        sop.println(" (deflated " + ratio + "%)");
                   } else {
                        sop.println(" (deflated 0%)");
              } else {
                   sop.println(" (stored 0%)");
         public static boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
              boolean deleted = false;
              try {
                   if (dir.isDirectory()) {
                        String[] children = dir.list();
                        for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                             boolean success = deleteDir(new File(dir, children[i]));
                             if (!success) {
                                  deleted = false;
                             } else {
                   // The directory is now empty so delete it
                   deleted = dir.delete();
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   System.out.println("error: " + e);
              return deleted;

    Thanks it worked.
    The problem was, the folder I was trying to delete had .classpath, .project, .websettings files. It was encountering problem to delete these files because it internally also uses files of same name.
    May be that was the reason.
    I tried with any other folder, it worked.

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    And thanks again!

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    first see what your server settings are.
    how do you treat a deleted email.
    second see what your inbox folder settings are
    Do you delete messages older than 14 days?

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    trying to export a folder from iPhoto to canon's my image garden

    Is there a question there?
    This User Tip
    has details of the options in the Export dialogue.
    Once exported to the Finder see the help on the Canon app or service you refer to.

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    The files are ok I started imovie 9 and the import fine, but no such luck with 10.0.1
    I get the no importable files dialog.
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    quicktime movie inspector shows
    Video H.264, 960 x 540
    FPS 0,4
    This is a slide show export from keynote and or powerpoint.
    Just checked a .mov from a canon camera does import ok.

    Yes .mov files can use a variety of codecs some of which are not importable into iMovie 10.  You will need to convert them into something which is accepted.  If you open them in Quicktime 10 you should be able to save them in another format or you can use a third party app like the free Media Converter (

  • Exporting a folder using iOS

    How can I export a folder using iOS?

    Jim Bridger wrote:
    Not sure how I can tell if the Library is OK? Library being exported originates on the laptops HD. I export it to an external HD. The Images in the original Library are managed but when I export I select the option to export Previews with the catalog. I then copy the original images over to my main Drobo then reconnect them to the Aperture Library. Both systems are running the most up to date Aperture and Mac OSX software. Thanks for your interest to help.
    OK lest see if I got this straight.
    The original library is on the laptops internal HD. You connect an external HD to the laptop and export to this external HD connected to the laptop. So at this point you could open that library with Aperture on the laptop.
    Images in the original Library are managed but when I export I select the option to export Previews with the catalog. I then copy the original images over to my main Drobo then reconnect them to the Aperture Library.
    OK this bit is a got me confused. So the images on the laptop are managed. So then the images in the exported library are also managed, no? But then you say you are copying images to the Drobo and reconnecting them to Aperture.  Could you explain this in more detail.
    Another thing you can try is to plug in the external HD to your main computer and open the Aperture library from it before you do anything with the Drobo.
    BTW it's not the library that is on the Drobo correct, only images?

  • Geotagged a folder of ~200 photos then accidentally deleted folder.  How to recover geotagging data?

    I had a folder of around 200 photos that I imported into Lightroom (Version 3.6) and manually geotagged using Lightroom with Jeffrey Friedl's Geoencoding Support Plug-in.  This took several hours of work in Google Maps, determining where each photo was taken then individually labeling each photo with the exact GPS coordinates in Lightroom, so it was pretty annoying when I realized that I accidentally deleted that folder earlier this week in an attempt to free up some space on an external hard drive.
    I *do* have two back-ups of the same photos that were in that folder, however -- one on another external hard drive and one on a laptop -- but the photos in those folders are untagged and don't have any of the geotagging data that I manually applied to the ones in the other (now deleted) folder in Lightroom.
    When I go into Lightroom now and look at Previous Import it shows thumbnails of all the deleted images along with the text "The file named (imagename.jpg) is offline or missing."  However, in the Metadata panel on the right under "Geoencoding" I can still see the GPS coordinates I applied to each of the photos.  I could individually write down each of those sets of coordinates along with the numbers of the images they belonged to and then manually type in all those coordinates for the 200+ photos in the folder with the untagged photos but it seems like there has to be an easier, faster way to do this.  Is there?
    Let me reiterate what I'm asking.  I have 200 photos in Folder A on one external hard drive and the same exact 200 photos in Folder B on another external hard drive.  I manually geotagged all of the photos in Folder A using Lightroom but then accidentally deleted Folder A.  I still have all the same photos in Folder B but without the geotagging data.  I can still view the geotagging data of the pictures that were in the now-deleted Folder A in Lightroom.  Is there any way to transfer that data to the same pictures in Folder B, using Lightroom or any other program?
    Any help would be much appreciated.  Thanks!

    Outside LR, just copy Folder B back to the same place as Folder A was, and make sure it has the same name as Folder A. That's it. You haven't lost the metadata, including the geotagging info....that's all still in the catalog. But because you've deleted the folder outside Lightroom, you get the "File is offline or missing" messages (in fact if you look in the Folders Panel you should see Folder A listed also with a '?' mark) just putting the folder back in place should fix the issue.

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