Keypad lights

Anyone besides me have this problem? Whenever I switch from letters to numerals, my keypad light goes out. It only comes back when I switch to letters. What kind of **bleep** is this? If you're in a dark room, you're screwed. It's like using braile.

I think you can try two things : the soft reboot, and if it does not work, the hard reboot. Don't worry, you can't lose data with these two reboots.
Soft reboot :
1) Hit the three following keys at the same time :
- Alt
- Right Shift
- Delete
2) wait 2 minutes for the Blackberry to wake up.
Hard reboot :
1) your Blackberry device is on
2) remove the battery and wait for a minute
3) Put the battery back
4) wait 5 minutes for the device to wake up.
Please tell us if it works for you.
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    I have the same phone...8 months old..actually it has been in for repairs 3 times..the new one they gave me to replace it is is for repairs as I type this.
    My keypad lights go off after a few hours...whatever buttons I press..the keypad lights will not come on.  Sometimes the delay is 3 or 4 days..but they eventually don't come on.  The only thing that resolves it for a few days/hours is to switch it off and on.
    I suggest you take it back to where you bought it.
    Hope it helps.

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    OK, I have a fix. 
    After spending about an hour online with Apple Care without success, I did a reinstall of the Lion OS. It fixed the problem.  I was concerned that I would lose data or settings, but the reinstall was seemless and everything was the way it was before the reinstall except that the "black screen on wake" problem was fixed.
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    Here is a link to the page on how to do the reinstall:
    Hope this helps.

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    Gopi A.

    I suppose it's not just on the E52 then. The light leakage also occurs in the E72 and many have mentioned this flaw, thinking it's only their unit that has this design defect.
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    Have you tried rebooting the device by removing the battery?
    If that doesn't work, have you loaded any 3rd party apps?
    1. Please thank those who help you by clicking the "Like" button at the bottom of the post that helped you.
    2. If your issue has been solved, please resolve it by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!

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    In the upper left corner in the front of the phone there's an ambient light sensor that has an impact on the keypad lights and display brightness.
    When the phone is in a bright environment according to the sensor, the keypad doesn't light up unnecessarily.
    When it is dark[er], the keypad lights turn on.
    Helps conserve battery power.

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    You can adjust the light sensitivity so that the screen & keypads brightness alters accordingly to the environment it is in.
    Tools> Settings> General> Personalisation> Display>
    Light Sensor. I have mine set in the middle of the slider bar so its not too bright in a dark place, yet bright enough outdoors. Its also a fairly good setting for battery life.
    Regards Matti
    Been a lover of Nokia since my 1st - a Nokia 101

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    the n73 has a built in light sensor. if the area is brightly lit, for example during the day or under a bright night light, the keypad will go off. go into a very dark room and the keys will keep lit up. the light sensitivity can be adjusted though.
    everything happens for a reason
    check out my blog @

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    I suggest you to go to your carrier support and have them look at this issue, and maybe change your device for another one.
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

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    restarting airport.
    restarting mac.
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    Phone is fried, phone is fried
    Bring it, and $199 to Apple for out of warranty replacement.  Bring it, and $199 to Apple for out of warranty replacement.

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