Label adding problem

<mx:HBox id="hb2" width="250" height="60" x="40" y="92" horizontalGap="0" creationComplete="cc();"/>
private function cc():void{
for(var i:int=25,j:int=1;i<=hb1.width;i=i+25,j++)
                    box = new Box();
                    box.height = hb1.height;
                    lab = new Label();
                    lab.text = "A"+j;
it's adding the boxes to HBox and inturn box contains the label inside it
it's working fine
but the problem is that when I provide rotation property for the hb2 i am not getting the labels
<mx:HBox id="hb2" width="250" height="60" x="40" y="92" horizontalGap="0" rotation="40" creationComplete="cc();"/>
please................ help me

Myriad fonts for free: Download Adobe Lightroom.
Ctrl-click on the Lightroom icon, and Show Package Contents.
Drill down to Contents:Frameworks:AgUI.framework:Versions:A:Resources and behold:
If this post answers your question or helps, please mark it as such.
Greg Lafrance - Flex 2 and 3 ACE certified
Flex / AIR Development, Training, and Support Services

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                        Dim vCustomer As SAPbobsCOM.BusinessPartners
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    Edited by: kishorebarik26 on Nov 9, 2010 3:24 PM

    Hello to All,
    This problem occurs, when you duplicate a Business Partner, and you make payment over the duplicated BP.
    You may check the OCRD table, and look for default contact field (cntctPrsn). please check he value inside, maybe this value is not belogns to the user.
    You may also check the BilltoDef and ShiptoDef fields, maybe the error comes from these fiedls, but the error message is put you into an incorrect path.
    I had similar problem in payments whith the addresses, so i know this situation from there. Also logged the support ticket to GSC, and the answer was: this issue is coming from the usage not from the application.

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                                                   1  am using Zebra printer for this label
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    Thnaks in advance

    Hi ,
    sort the internal table before supplying to the smartforms .

  • Label Printing Problem, Laserjet Professional p1566

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    Upgrade to CR XI R2 for free and test again

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    Any idea?

    Thanks Don
    Yes the same report is published in the BOE.
    From infoview, It prints on the screen eight (8) labels in two column on one A4 size page. While I want to have each label (W=3.9in x H 2.1in) as one page printed.  So that, each label can be printed as one page on label printer.
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    Edited by: GuroJee on Apr 28, 2010 1:36 AM

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    Try using currentTarget.
    As far as flex 'problems', flex 4 is in beta and as things change this could be considered a problem but its beta which means expect a little confusion
    fundamentally the basic stuff still work the same, spark has a bit of a learning curve which is to be expected when a product becomes more powerful.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
       xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
    protected function label1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
    lblResult.text = event.currentTarget.text;
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    <s:Label x="148" y="85" text="A Label that is clickable" click="label1_clickHandler(event)"/>
    <s:Label id="lblResult" x="148" y="115" text="result"/>

  • Activating Swap "FAILED" while booting + Label swap problem

    Hello everybody
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    # swapon -s
    Filename Type Size Used Priority
    # free -m
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 2761 2642 118 0 124 1312
    -/+ buffers/cache: 1206 1555
    Swap: 0 0 0
    # blkid
    /dev/sda1: LABEL="boot" UUID="5C187AF40E0AEC1C" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sda5: LABEL="arch" UUID="74bb0a35-feac-468a-a58f-f842c7fd5340" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/sda9: LABEL="disk" UUID="0ACFB85358B278B7" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sda10: UUID="62c63c59-8dc0-4b84-8752-0801a0ae9657" TYPE="swap"
    # cat /etc/fstab
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0
    LABEL=arch / ext4 defaults 0 1
    #LABEL=swap swap swap defaults 0 0
    /dev/sda10 swap swap defaults 0 0
    LABEL=disk /media/disk ntfs defaults 0 0
    here i tried to label the /dev/sda10 : swap =>
    # e2label /dev/sda10 swap
    e2label: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda10
    Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.
    # tune2fs -L swap /dev/sda10
    tune2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
    tune2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda10
    Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock.
    # mke2fs swap /dev/sda10
    mke2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
    mke2fs: invalid blocks count '/dev/sda10' on device 'swap'
    then i tried
    # swapon /dev/sda10
    # free -m
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 2761 2608 153 0 157 1290
    -/+ buffers/cache: 1161 1600
    Swap: 2998 0 2998
    i dont understand why i got always "FAILED" next to 'Activating Swap' while booting.... !!
    Last edited by hael (2012-01-01 11:18:07)

    See in /var/log/boot if it's really "activating swap", not a neighbouring entry, that's failing (someone on the forum made this mistake; your post seems to indicate you're booting without swap indeed).
    rc.sysinit (booting script) runs simply "swapon -a", so see if "swapoff -a; swapon -a" works. As the wiki says, you can use mkswap to set a label on swap - running mkswap might solve your problem anyhow, although "swapon /dev/sda10" wouldn't really work if the partition wasn't formatted as swap already.
    Do you hibernate?

  • C4280 label printing problem

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    Did you find a solution to this problem?  If not, I am contemplating sending HP an invoice for all of my label paper they are ruining.
    HP...can you provide any direction?

  • Color label setting problems in Develop module

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    As I write this I'm trying it out to notice a pattern.  What I see is photo 1, I click on the red label and the photo is labeled red and LR moves to photo 2.  I click on the red label and LR does not set any color label and moves to photo 3.
    Another thing that happened is I was then at photo 3 and clicked on the blue label.  LR did not set the blue label but jumped to photo 4 and put the blue label on that photo.
    This is very annoying.
    Where might I report this bug to Adobe?

    Same bug as with ratings.
    Flagging via the toolbar, also shows this problem.
    As noted above, use keyboard shortcuts.

  • MapViewer label placing problem status

    I would like to ask the status of the enhancement of label placement using the SDO_POINT in a SDO_GEOMETRY as anchor point. I would also like to place an enhancement request how to use the "anchor point", (CENTER, LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BELOW) in MapViewer.
    ---- Previous discussion in december 2004 -------------------------------------------
    MapViewer does not seem to use the SDO_POINT (3rd argument) that is contained in the SDO_GEOMETRY type for a polygon when placing labels.
    It seems to place the labels arbitrarily. From my point of view it would seem logical that MapViewer tries to place the labels on the SDO_POINT before trying other possibilities.
    For example: Imagine a big house on the corner of two streets and you want to display the house-number as a label of the house-polygon. You want to display the house-number on the side of the right street. Other Map Generators (like MapXtreme) place the label on the SDO_POINT of the house-polygon, MapViewer doesn't. This SDO_POINT is manually placed by CAD users and forwarded into Oracle Spatial and is therefore important information.
    You observation is correct. Currently MapViewer ignores the label point defined in a polygon for labeling. We are considering adding this to the next release.

    It's in our plan for next mapviewer release(not the one already on OTN).

  • Intermec PX4I Label Printing Problem

    We are facing issue while printing Bar Code Labels on Intermec PX4I label printer. While printing few labels could not print. When I tried to process the failed spool requests with the same settings again, the printer printed labels without any problem. After that the user was able to print the labels normally bust faces the smilar issue randomly. The user has to restart the printer to start the printer. We are facing similar issues on the other lable intermac lable printer as well.
    When i checked the error log, I could see the below error:
    SAP spool error log
    Print request processing log
    Character converter active when first problem occurred
    Data was saved with character set 4102
    Data will be converted to character set 1117 (synt = 1117)
    Errors occurred processing this print request
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    OTF module: Unknown print control SC400 should be output
    Most important attributes of spool request
    Request number 56457
    Request name LVS1   AKN
    Client 100
    Owner AKN
    Request attributes
    Time created   2010072522521300
    Remaining life  +00007215825
    Dispo 1 (Go/Hold) G
    Dispo 2 (Keep/Delete)     D
    Dispo 3 (Indirect/Direct) D
    Default output device AUTZ
    Default no. copies  1
    Format DINA3
    Main print request characteristics
    Spool request number 56457
    Print request number 2
    Print request attributes
    Time created   2010072600534800
    Output device AUTZ
    Format DINA3
    Character converter active when first problem occurred
    No information available
    Any suggestions to solve this problem?

    Hello Abhijeet
    As you rightly pointed out, inspite of the above error label printing is not impacted.
    The problem is that print control SC400 is not maintained in transaction SPAD.
    Please refer to OSS note 17559 for more information.
    Chokkalingam Pillai

  • CRVS2010 beta - mail label wizard problem

    I am trying to use the mail label wizard. On the Label screen, the Mailing Label Type drop-down list is not populated with a list of label sizes. The only option is "User-defined", which doesn't seem to work either.
    I searched this forum but did not see any messages about this problem.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    The missing list of mail label sizes is a bug with the beta release.  As a workaround, if you have CR 2008 installed, you can copy the labels_en.txt file to use with the CR for VS 2010 beta. 
    You can find, and copy, the Labels_en.txt file from the folder:
    \Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\
    ..and copy to the folder:
    \Program Files\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\
    Yes, there is another beta planned for August, but it may not contain the fix for the above issue.
    Hope this helps!

  • Labeled-unicast problems

    Hi all,
    We're run into an interoperability problem between Cisco and Juniper that seems insurmountable at this time which I'm hoping that someone else has encountered and, potentially, identified a workaround for.  
    In short, we have 4 route-reflectors: 2 x Cisco and 2 x Juniper.  Each of our PE have a BGP session to all 4 RR.  We run all address-families (IPV4/IPV6 unicast/multicast/vpnv4/6).  On 5 of our PE, labeled-unicast in used in conjunction to all the other address-families. 
    What we've discovered on the 5 PE configured with labeled-unicast is that if a new unicast prefix is learnt, the prefix is advertised to the router's route-reflector as an AFI1/SAFI1 route and the RR installs the route into the appropriate routing table (if applicable - inet.0 in the case of Juniper) who in turn advertise this route out to the other PE routers on the network.  This works perfectly.
    However, when said prefix is withdrawn, the PE sends an MP_UNREACH_NLRI message type 4 (SAFI4 or labeled-unicast) withdraw message out to the route-reflectors which doesn't result in the route being flushed on the Juniper route-reflectors since the prefix does not exist in the Juniper's inet.3 table, rather in the inet.0.  On the Cisco route-reflectors the route is withdrawn correctly.  See attached trace for more details.
    When the prefix in question is labelized, the insertion and the removal of the route works perfectly on both Juniper and Cisco, since the Cisco withdraw message correctly targets the correct routing table on the Juniper (inet.3).  
    In order to resolve this interoperability problem, it would seem that Cisco would need to send an MP_UNREACH_NLRI containing both an SAFI1 and SAFI4 withdraw message as Juniper seems to do, even though this is not openly recommended in RFC 3107 or in RFC 2858.  I assume this to be the case, since Juniper-Juniper labeled-unicast works flawlessly.
    Any ideas?
    Kind regards,

    Thanks for your reply.  Please see CSCui82452 for more details.  The only workaround that currently exits is to use 2 different loopbacks to establish two different BGP sessions BGP sessions to each of the RR -- one that does labeled-unicast only (send-label AND a route-map to set mpls-label on the appropriate prefixes) and the second one for all the other IPv4 address families.  It's certainly not pretty especially if you have a 3rd BGP session for IPv6, but it's the only workaround that exists.   
    P.S.  I spoke with Cisco today regarding the following problem who told me that "it’s a difficult and risky fix & that’s why Development team kept it this way. So, I assume that if this behavior is to change, it won’t happen any time soon."
    Kind regards,

  • Views labels localization problem

    I've some workspace views and presentations that contains several labels coming out from project variables.
    These vars are correctly setted up with 2 languages but when I deploy the project, the language remains English. In addiction some of the labels, when modified, remains as they were.
    After each deploy we do an engine restart. We waited enough time to let the directory refresh itself. The option to update custom views and presentation is switched on.
    What else is missing?
    Please any suggestion is welcome!
    Thaks a lot

    I have the same problem once and was because when you deploy as the variables already exist then you map the variables that come from the exported file to those variables and then even you localize them in studio it is not reflected in enterprise. so you have to localize them in enterprise.

  • Christmas Mailing Labels (format problems) ?

    I was unable to use address book to do my Christmas mailing labels on my new mini mac, I ended up having to use my old 1996 PC with the Access program.
    After entering all the recipient's names, spouse's names, childrens names and addresses in my mini mac the label would print out like this: Lisa Smith and John and Alicia
    Mailing labels are already not as personal as hand writing, but this is really embarrasing. I spent a lot of time entering all of the names in my new mini mac, isn't there some kind of update that will automatically correct this problem? I would like the label to read like this: Lisa, John and Alicia Smith
    Thank you for your help and attention.

    I not sure I have a definitive answer for you, but wanted to voice that you are not alone in your frustration. I agree that the Address Book label function was very disappointing for Christmas list use.
    Some of my labels printed out exactly as you mentioned. However, a few of them printed out like your desired result (Lisa, John, and Alicia Smith). I noticed in my case the ones that printed out with the spouse's name included before the last name were the ones in which I had inadvertantly used complete first and last names in the spouse field (ie "John Smith"). Give that a try, and see if your resultant label changes.
    I will warn you though, in my case, Address Book is acting very erratic. Some of the labels left out the information in the "spouse" field entirely. Yes, even though the spouse field was properly present and entered on the Address Book card, the name did not show up on all of the labels. Some did, some didn't. Very embarrassing if I were to send a card to a person and their child, leaving out the spouse. So I had to hand check each label against the information on each Address Book card.
    If anyone knows of a way to "rebuild" the Address Book data base to maybe clear up some corruption that could be causing Address Book to sporatically leave out information...or any other solution...please help, and thank you.

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