Labview Executable Form

I am New to Labview.So, i have few doubts regarding labview.
The major role of Labview in my current project is for GUI development.
1. How can i save the final Labview GUI?, i mean shall i save it as exe file and execute in a system in which Labview is not installed?
2. How can i communicate to an I/O device through USB?, is it possible with VISA USB Control?
3. If i have a USB to CAN converter, Shall i communicate to Target Board with the help of Driver DLL file?
I would be greatful if anybody comment on this as early as possible.
Muhammed Favas P. 
Go to Solution.

Thank you very much rolfk for your valuable inputs.
1. So  i have to purchase the Labview for saving GUI in executable form, right?
2. Ok.
3. Yes, the converter is from a third party and they have the integrated labview library.
if so shall i directly call those Driver APIs (C-API) from Labview?
Muhammed Favas P. 

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    Don't hesitate to ask more info if you need some.
    LabVIEW 2012, Windows 8.1.
    Go to Solution.

    Bob_Schor wrote:
    Once you have an Executable, does it matter that the underlying Development system is LabVIEW, rather than (say) Visual Studio, or Matlab?  I suppose you could write an application that "knows" to, for example, listen to a TCP/IP port and interpret/execute commands, but that doesn't sound like the question being asked.
    LabVIEW-built executables still run as VI's in the RTE, though.  Their identities have not been abstracted away into one single object or anything, and they still have name-based VI server access.
    You can configure a build specification to include almost nothing, and require the VI files to be present in expected locations (i.e build specification's data or support directories).  By default, all items in an executable application build specification are set to be put in the same location as their caller, which results in most things going into the .exe file, internally referenced in a directory-esque form like crossrulz mentioned, "MyExecutable.exe\".

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    greetings from the Netherlands

    Hi Albert,
    Long time no see... Perhaps at the user group meting okt. 5?
    We (Andre) did some experiments with this just last week. He copied everything from the normal installation directory (program files) runtime directory to a new directory on a clean PC. In the same directory he put an executable, and it did run properly (although I think he also copied the models directory to get proper control images).
    Only thing is that at the startup of the exe, we get a dialog "Installing...". Still working on that. This might even work from a CD...
    He made a big effort to remove all previous LabVIEW stuff, but to be honest, we didn't try it on a completelly "clean" system.
    "Albert Geven" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]..
    Hi We need t run a LabVIEW executable without the need to install the runtime engine first.In fact we use a LabVIEW program to distribute LabVIEW within our company.We add our own library and a special license request form and make it possible to install a LabVIEW development environmentwith only the push of one button.In LV8.2 however this no longer works. First the runtime environment has to be installed before we can run our LabVIEW application.Previous LabVIEW versions worked OK.Are we missing an option in the installer somewhere or can somebody show the way to make this work again otherwise we have to keep 8.01 until infinity....

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    Dennisvr wrote:
    I'm looking for
    (simple) ways to improve the loading times in a Linux LabVIEW
    executable. We're using a low performance, low cost CPU board, and
    loading times are terrible. The CPU is capable of doing everything
    after the application is loaded, but takes forever to get there.   One
    of the problems is the size of the executable, that grows everytime you
    just look at it. Are there ways to create smaller executables? It runs
    from a Compact Flash card, which is ofcourse much slower than hard disk.   Another
    problem is a dynamic vi, that is started for every TCP connection that
    connects to the application. It takes a long time to load, and
    connecting too fast can even effectively hang up the system. Starting a
    handler task takes about half a second, up to a few seconds for the
    first task.   We're using the LabVIEW 7.1 runtime, system is a 300 MHz cyrix SBC, running from a Compact Flash.
    not sure about the first part of your question. LabVIEW is highly
    binary and does a lot of memory allocations before even one VI is ready
    to be started. So maybe the memory manager is a problem. Another issue
    is that the Macintosh like resource file format that is used by LabVIEW to store its VIs etc. results in
    lots and lots of individual disk accesses with a rther random like
    character inside a single file. So if you can configure the read
    caching of your disk to use more memory this may significantly increase
    the speed of loading LabVIEW VIs or applications.
    And finally spawning VIs through VI server is a rather costly operation
    especially on low resoruce systems. A VI is more like an executable in
    many ways as far as resource consumption is concerned rather than a
    thread. A much better way would be to avoid spawning subVIs altogether
    and implement a queued TCP/IP server similar to the Date Time Server
    example. It is a little extra work to work with this shift register
    architecture but it will not have the issues of long load times for
    every new TCP/IP connection coming in.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Message Edited by rolfk on 03-07-2006 06:33 PM
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    The dialog that you've created isn't being directly called by the OI at all and shouldn't need to be included in the same directory as the OI for distribution. Since you are modifying the PreUUT of the default process model, you will give the path to the VI in that step, create a deployment and then manually copy the VI to the directory referenced in the step. The VI is considered a support file for the process model and is not related to the OI at all.
    Test Engineer - CTA

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    ...unleashed the power, explore and share ideas on power supply testing
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    Hi cmdrb,
    to run an executable you use SystemExec function.
    To get the output of your (LabVIEW-made) executable you need to program some data transfer means: you may use network functions or file functions. In both cases your "LabVIEW executable" needs to provide that options…
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

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    > I have a customer requirement for two LabVIEW executables. Based on
    > their current setup, they need to run executable "A" or "B", both of
    > which are under independent revision control. I have created a third
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    > executable (such as Windows Explorer) everything works fine.
    As with the other poster, I suspect a path problem. You might try the
    path out in a shell window, and if it works, copy the complete absolute
    path to LV to see if that works. LV is basically passing the comma
    nd to
    the OS and doesn't even know what is in it, so you should be able to get
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    The other poster commented on subpanels, which is a good suggestion, but
    without going to LV7, an EXE can have open more than one VI. You can
    use the VI Server and the Run method to fire up another top-level VI.
    The decision is whether you want both to be in unique processes.
    Greg McKaskle

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    I believe the INI file must be in the same directory as the executable. You can use the keys found in the LabVIEW.ini file and they will apply to your executable without any special programming on your part. That being said, you can always create a custom settings file or files anywhere you like to store configuration information specific to your application.
    If we could specify some other path for the executable settings file, it would probably hurt more than help in the long run. The same directory as the executable is the only one whose existance you can be sure of..... or of whose existance you can be sure.
    Dan Press
    PrimeTest Corp.

  • Error while executing Form 16-SAP HR

    hi All,
    we ahve done upgradation from 4.7 to ecc 6.
    We are getting the following error,
    in 4.7 we use to execute form 16 but after upgradation we are getting the following error
    it shows the status message as mentioned below. The FORM 16 is not generated further.
    I think some note is missing here, can you please tell em note number .

    This a Blunder from SAP. And this issue we are getting in almost all the client.
    For this we have to download respective Form from Golder client 000 and upload again in our working client.
    Better please raise an OSS message with SAP to provide you the steps.
    Thanks & Regards
    Rupesh Jain

  • Error while executing Form URL

    Dear Experts,
    Install and configure weblogic server and then Oracle Portal, Forms, Report, Discoverer are successfully.
    But I have problem when executing Form URL such as HTTP://localhost:8090/forms/frmservlet.
    Failure of server APACHE bridge:
    No backend server available for connection: timed out after 10 seconds or idempotent set to OFF.
    Build date/time: Oct 27 2009 13:34:24
    Change Number: 1013
    Would you give me some advices how to solve this error.

    URL such as HTTP://localhost:8090/forms/frmservlet
    Is the port 8090? WebLogic server default HTTP port is 7001

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    Thanks for your time.

    What is the application doing?  (if that even matters)
    If it were performing a data-acquisition hardward process then that might matter..
    I haven't experienced this problem.

  • Labview executable does not open excel...

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    thanks in advance for the help.

    That is probably the reason.  Microsoft is notorious for the way they change their activeX components between office versions.
    At the minimum, you need to install the LabVIEW runtime engine on the other PC.  It needs to be the same version as the version of LabVIEW you developed in.  You can either search the NI website and download and install the run-time engine, or you can create an installer for your application from the development PC that will include the run-time engine.
    You may need some other run-time engines such as VISA or DAQmx if your application is using any of those functions.

  • Problem executing form 10G

    Hi Buddies;
    I'm trying to execute FORM 10G, but when I choose Run Form, I get this error message;
    Internet Explorer has closed this webpage to help protect your computer
    A malfunctioning or malicious add-on has caused Internet Explorer to close this webpage.
    Previously I could execute the form, but after some problems in my laptop and had to reinstall the OS.
    Now I got this problem.
    Have any idea how to solve this?
    Also, I was trying using Firefox, but getting similar error message.
    Suggestions are welcome.

    You have to replace the JVM.DLL in the directory *<Program Files>\Oracle\JInitiator\bin\hotspot* with the latest jvm.dll(2.2Mb) from here.
    And if you are using Explorer 8, then do the following.
    1. Open Internet Explorer 8
    2. Go to Tools, Internet Options
    3. Click on the Advanced tab.
    4. Scroll down into the Security section and find “Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks”.
    5. Uncheck “Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attacks”.
    6. Click Ok and Ok again.
    7. Reboot your computer.Regards,
    If my response or the response of another was helpful or Correct, please mark it accordingly

  • How to start a LabVIEW executable programmatically.

    I created a LabVIEW executable and want to start it programatically from another PC.
    I know how to start LabVIEW remotely but not how to handle an application.

    If you have NT/Win2k machine, then you can launch labview built exe using DCOM. Here is example that tells you how to do that.
    Another one
    A Rafiq

  • Best way to create a Windows service from a LabVIEW executable​?

    What would be the best way to run a LabVIEW executable as a service? I needed this recently and I think I have set up such a service using srvany.exe from the Windows 2003 Resource Kit, but that seems like a bit of a hack. The Kit is not offically supported in Server 2008, but seems to work. I don't know about Server 2012 or beyond.
    So what would be the "proper" way of going about creating a Windows service from a headless LabVIEW application?

    The proper way is to interface to the according Windows service control API. That is however not a trivial task to do. We used to sell a LabVIEW toolkit which supported a full interface to this, but it's not currently actively marketed.
    srvany.exe is sort of a hack but works reasonably well for most use cases, as long as you do not need any further interaction with the service manager interface in Windows than to start and stop your service.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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