Labview or Matlab?

Does anyone know a nice site for comparing these two software(Labview/Matlab)?
I'm working on the area of Signal Monitoring and Analysis. I prefer to use Labview for my programming but I have to show them the advantage of Labview rather than Matlab.
Thank you in advance.

I will say the 2 are different. In LV you can do different things and signal
processing/DSP etc. are 1 part of it. Matlab, Signal Processing are the
core, other things like instrument control, GUI are sides. Depends what you
want to do. In my company DSP/RF guys use Matlab exclusively as it is much
easier for them to do the math in matlab than in LV. Programmers will prefer
a more extensive development environments like LV, CVI or VC++. You can
always interface to Matlab if you can't so something in LV or C.
"woodst23" wrote in message
news:[email protected]..
> Does anyone know a nice site for comparing these two
> software(Labview/Matlab)?
> I'm working on the area of Signal Monitoring and Analysis.
I prefer to
> use Labview for my programming but I have to show them the advantage
> of Labview rather than Matlab.
> Thank you in advance.

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    I agree, the VNC route is overkill.  What I think you should do is write a standalone LabVIEW application that reads an INI file and executes the desired M-files.  To control the program remotely over a network, simply incorporate a Remote Front Panel and webservices into theLabVIEW VI. Just go toTools --> Web Publishing Tool to add this functionality to your VI.  Also make sure that the appropriate settings are enabled in the Web Services section of Tools --> Option.  The LabVIEW help should have all the information you need to get going.
    Then what you will have is a LabVIEW executable (only LabVIEW runtime engine needs to be installed on that machine, and MatLAB of course) running on the remote machine that you can control through your web-browser on the machine you are sitting at.  Follow the links below for some more information.
    Developing Remote Front Panel LabVIEW Applications
    Web Publishing Tool Dialog Box
    Chris Bakker
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer
    Check out LabVIEW 2009 and the New X-series DAQ!

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Sanchu,
    As TCP/IP is such a generic protocol then you should be able to fairly easily build TCP/IP interfaces for both your LabVIEW and Matlab code and transfer data using ASCII, or variants etc depending on what sort of data you are trying to transfer. I'm not too familiar with Matlab, but on the LabVIEW end there are some very good TCP/IP server and client examples that ship with LabVIEW.
    Another option that you may want to consider, and the reason I'm answering this is that I've recently done a project whereby we took some legacy Matlab code which we wanted to transpose into LabVIEW so that we could then fully automate a test system we have using TestStand. Much of it we were able to derive LabVIEW equivalent functions, but for some functions where LabVIEW didn't appear to have a suitable equivalent, or where it was simply more efficient, we simply copy and pasted the Matlab code into either in the first instance MathScript nodes (not dependant on Matlab) or Matlab script nodes (which will hopefully return to at a future date to fully transpose over to LabVIEW so that we are no longer dependant on a Matlab licence).
    In both instances the relative ease of doing this was very impressive, and we were able to wrap huge amounts of Matlab code within LabVIEW with very few issues. As an idea, have you considered wrapping your Matlab functionality in this way and then keeping all the TCP/IP client and server comms within LabVIEW?
    N.B. if you haven't found it search the palette for 'Matlab Script'
    Best of luck,
    David Clark
    CLA | CTA
    CLA Design Ltd
    Hampshire, England

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    Attachments: ‏1263 KB

    Hi Srinivas,
    Just another note, I noticed that the Math Interface Toolkit version (MIT) 1.0 is not compatible with LabVIEW 7.1. You’ll need version 1.0.1. of the MIT toolkit in order for it to work with LabVIEW 7.1.
    The LabVIEW 7.0 lvanlys.dll is also attached. I had to rename it with a .txt extension, so you’ll want to delete the extension.
    lvanlys.dll.txt ‏516 KB

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    Hi Mark,
    (I already posted this answer in your other thread, but let's keep THIS thread alive - it makes more sense here in the LabVIEW forum than in Instrument Control forum.)
    Since the DAQmx Task is not a native data type that can be passed directly to MATLAB from LAbVIEW, try flattening the DAQmx Task to a string before passing to MATLAB. However, I doubt that you can access the task from within MATLAB, but feel free to give it a try.
    Good luck!
    - Philip Courtois, Thinkbot Solutions

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    Labview 8.5
    Matlab R2009b
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    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    Sorry, I haven't quantified the "sometimes" yet. 
    matlabsResult.jpg ‏29 KB
    LV.png ‏84 KB

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    data file1.txt ‏37 KB

    Out of curiosity, have you tried another software, like Octave? When you have two software that is different, which one is incorrect?
    Also, have you tried to use the DST function in LabVIEW directly?
    Another think to keep in mind... When you try to run a sequence for so long, small round-off errors could be cummulative and show later on the analysis. Also, it depends on how you load the data into each software. Hopefully when moving the platforms, the string conversion would not truncate the number. The best is not using string, but some kind of binary format...
    These are some ideas to check...
    Barp - Control and Simulation Group - LabVIEW R&D - National Instruments

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    If you search the Web for "Levy Flight", you will find Matlab code.
    Bob Schor

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    Maybe you can use Java.
    Or, get excel Viewer.
    Knowledge is the only thing that I can give you, and still retain, and we are both better off for it.

  • Labview and Matlab inferfacing with each other

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    So my question is how should I go about editing the matlab script? Or is there a module I could download that would allow me to just call it directly from my mathscript RT module.

    The Mathscript RT node does not actually run code in MATLAB®, but simply runs m script code. If you look in the help for the Mathscript RT Module there is no function call listed to open and run Simulink®. You may be able to accomplish this task using the MATLAB® Script Node which uses ActiveX to call MATLAB® software. If you'd like to try this you can find this node under, Functions >> Mathematics >> Scripts & Formulas >>Script Nodes. 
    You can find some more information about the Model Interface Toolkit and it's new features here, or on it's product page. 
    MATLAB®, and Simulink® are the registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.
    Miles G.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Bob Young
    Bob Young - Test Engineer - Lapsed Certified LabVIEW Developer
    DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Alliance Member
    mailto:[email protected]

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    Thank you !
    E-mail: [email protected]

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    dotnet ‏168 KB

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