Labview Scripting: Configurer le tracé des fils de liaison

Suite à mon premier post:
J'ai réussis à créer mes références de contrôles et à les insérer dans un tableau.
Cependant les connexions entre ces références et le tableau sont faites au hasard:
Je souhaiterai avoir des connexion dans ce style:
J'utilise la methode "connect wire" pour créer mes connexions, mais je n'ai pas trouvé de methode qui permet de configurer le tracé des fils...
Résolu !
Accéder à la solution.

C'est un peu brute de fonderie de déplacer chaque cable un après l'autre surtout quand il y'en a beaucoup comme dans ce cas précis.
Le plus simple est de laisser LabVIEW gérer la disposition via la fonction Nettoyage du diagramme qui peut être effectuée uniquement sur les éléments sélectionnés, ainsi on a une seule partie (celle qui nous intéresse) nettoyée.
Donc par Scripting on va sélectionner ce qui nous intéresse et le tour est joué.
Voir l'exemple modifié ci-joint en 8.6 qui est lié à mon exemple précédent.
Da Helmut
Pièces jointes : ‏57 KB

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    Is this possible? If so, can anyone explain how? 
    Message Edited by PhilipJoeP on 05-04-2009 02:09 PM
    Go to Solution.

    As much as I want you to take user.lib out of SCC I'll give you a tip, just as on Unix environments you can have symbolic links on Windows as well.
    I haven't tried them but I guess Google is your friend.
    To answer your original question you can instruct LabVIEW to read a different INI file on startup. See the LabVIEW wiki.
    You cannot move the user.lib folder, LabVIEW 8.0 had that option and it was one of the bigger mistakes of that release.
    Message Edited by TonP on 05-04-2009 10:41 PM
    Free Code Capture Tool! Version 2.1.3 with comments, web-upload, back-save and snippets!
    Nederlandse LabVIEW user groep
    My LabVIEW Ideas
    LabVIEW, programming like it should be!

  • How to find out the Correct Controlfile script Trace .trc file in /bdump

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    This is the most childish queries in this forum ..
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    Thanks & regards

    MZ_AppsDBA wrote:
    Hi Guys
    This is the most childish queries in this forum ..
    I wanna know how to Find out the correct trace file when we Issue alter database backup controlfile to trace at sqlprompt for Creating controlfile script.
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    if we 've to find the Alert log file in /bdump directory $ ls -l al* & we get the alert log file .... if there is any similar way to find out the controlfile script Trace file ?
    Thanks & regards
    MZcreation of the does not happen automatically. What script, and when does it run, do you have that creates the control file trace? Look for files in that time frame. Better, modify that script to specifically name the file .. BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO TRACE AS ....

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    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Bonjour Flavien_33,
    Si j'ai bien compris, vous souhaitez acceder au propriétés du Graph déroulant de façon dynamique. Si tel est le cas, vous devez utiliser des noeuds de propriétés liés à votre Graph Déroulant, ceci vous permet d'accéder à toutes les propriétés disponibles depuis le menu locale du Graph (clic droit sur le graphique pour faire apparaitre les propriétés), dynamiquement.
    Vous trouverez ci-joint un exemple (LabVIEW 2010) qui permet de modifier les propriétés dynamiquement pour un Graph Déroulant. Si vous utilisez une autre version de LabVIEW, pouvez vous me l'indiquer?
    Rémi D.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Les rencontres techniques de NI - Mesures et acquisition de données : de la théorie à la mise en ...
    Pièces jointes : ‏13 KB

  • Help with Script created to check log files.

    I have a program we use in our organization on multiple workstations that connect to a MS SQL 2005 database on a Virtual Microsoft 2008 r2 Server. The program is quite old and programmed around the days when serial connections were the most efficient means
    of connection to a device. If for any reason the network, virtual server or the SAN which the virtual server runs off have roughly 25% utilization or higher on its resources the program on the workstations timeout from the SQL database and drop the program
    from the database completely rendering it useless. The program does not have the smarts to resync itself to the SQL database and it just sits there with "connection failed" until human interaction. A simple restart of the program reconnects itself
    to the SQL database without any issues. This is fine when staff are onsite but the program runs on systems out of hours when the site is unmanned.
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    have any desire to fix in the near future. 
    I wish to create a simple script that checks the log files on each workstation or server the program runs on and emails me if a specific word comes up in that log file. The word will only show when a connection failure has occurred.
    After the email is sent i wish for the script to close the program and reopen it to resync the connection.
    I will schedule the script to run ever 15 minutes.
    I have posted this up in a previous post about a month ago but i went on holidays over xmas and the post died from my lack or response.
    Below is what i have so far as my script. I have only completed the monitoring of the log file and the email portion of it. I had some help from a guy on this forum to get the script to where it is now. I know basic to intermediate scripting so sorry for my
    crudity if any.
    The program is called "wasteman2G" and the log file is located in \\servername\WasteMan2G\Config\DCS\DCS_IN\alert.txt
    I would like to get the email side of this script working first and then move on to getting the restart of the program running after.
    At the moment i am not receiving an error from the script. It runs and doesn't complete what it should.
    Could someone please help?
    Const strMailto = "[email protected]"
    Const strMailFrom = "[email protected]"
    Const strSMTPServer = "mrc1tpv002.XXXX.local"
    Const FileToRead = "\\Mrctpv005\WasteMan2G\Config\DCS\DCS_IN\alert.txt"
    arrTextToScanFor = Array("SVR2006","SVR2008")
    Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set oFile = objFSO.GetFile(FileToRead)
    dLastCreateDate = CDate(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\RDScripts\CheckTXTFile\CreateDate"))
    If oFile.DateCreated = dLastCreateDate Then
    intStartAtLine = CInt(WshShell.RegRead("HKLM\Software\RDScripts\CheckTXTFile\LastLineChecked"))
    intStartAtLine = 0
    End If
    i = 0
    Set objTextFile = oFile.OpenAsTextStream()
    Do While Not objTextFile.AtEndOfStream
    If i < intStartAtLine Then
    strNextLine = objTextFile.Readline()
    For each strItem in arrTextToScanFor
    If InStr(LCase(strNextLine),LCase(strItem)) Then
    strResults = strNextLine & vbcrlf & strResults
    End If
    End If
    i = i + 1
    WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\RDScripts\CheckTXTFile\FileChecked", FileToRead, "REG_SZ"
    WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\RDScripts\CheckTXTFile\CreateDate", oFile.DateCreated, "REG_SZ"
    WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\RDScripts\CheckTXTFile\LastLineChecked", i, "REG_DWORD"
    WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\RDScripts\CheckTXTFile\LastScanned", Now, "REG_SZ"
    If strResults <> "" Then
    SendCDOMail strMailFrom,strMailto,"VPN Logfile scan alert",strResults,"","",strSMTPServer
    End If
    Function SendCDOMail( strFrom, strSendTo, strSubject, strMessage , strUser, strPassword, strSMTP )
    With CreateObject("CDO.Message")
    .Configuration.Fields.Item("") = 2
    .Configuration.Fields.Item("") = strSMTP
    .Configuration.Fields.item("") = 1 'basic
    .Configuration.Fields.item("") = strUser
    .Configuration.Fields.item("") = strPassword
    .From = strFrom
    .To = strSendTo
    .Subject = strSubject
    .TextBody = strMessage
    On Error Resume Next
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "SendMail Failed:" & Err.Description
    End If
    End With
    End Function

    Thankyou for that link, it did help quite a bit. What i wanted was to move it to csript so i could run the wscript.echo in commandline. It all took to long and found a way to complete it via Batch. I do have a problem with my script though and you might
    be able to help.
    What i am doing is searching the log file. Finding the specific words then outputting them to an email. I havent used bmail before so thats probably my problem but then im using bmail to send me the results.
    Then im clearing the log file so the next day it is empty so that when i search it every 15 minutes its clean and only when an error occurs it will email me.
    Could you help me send the output via email using bmail or blat?
    @echo off
    echo Wasteman Logfile checker
    echo Created by: Reece Vellios
    echo Date: 08/01/2014
    findstr "SRV2006 & SRV2008" \\Mrctpv005\WasteMan2G\Config\DCS\DCS_IN\Alert.Txt > c:\log4mail.txt
    if %errorlevel%==0 C:\Documents and Settings\rvellios\Desktop\DCS Checker\bmail.exe -s -t [email protected] -f [email protected] -h -a "Process Dump" -m c:\log4mail.txt -c
    for %%G in (\\Mrctpv005\WasteMan2G\Config\DCS\DCS_IN\Alert.Txt) do (copy /Y nul "%%G")
    This the working script without bmail
    @echo off
    echo Wasteman Logfile checker
    echo Created by: Reece Vellios
    echo Date: 08/01/2014
    findstr "SRV2006 & SRV2008" \\Mrctpv005\WasteMan2G\Config\DCS\DCS_IN\Alert.Txt > C:\log4mail.txt
    if %errorlevel%==0 (echo Connection error)
    for %%G in (\\Mrctpv005\WasteMan2G\Config\DCS\DCS_IN\Alert.Txt) do (copy /Y nul "%%G")
    I need to make this happen:
    If error occurs at "%errorlevel%=0" then it will output the c:\log4mail.txt via smtp email using bmail.

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    Hi RRozanski,
    To meet your own requirement, you can firstly change the ConfigurationFile.ini file which is generated by SQL Server setup wizard. Then users can install SQL Server with the new ConfigurationFile.ini file via installer wizard as follows.
    Go to SQL Server Installation Center and click on the Advanced page. Click on Install based on configuration file, specify the location of the ConfigurationFile.ini file and the SQL Server setup.exe location. You can find setup.exe at the root level of the
    SQL Server installation media.
    Like a normal installation you can see all the screens with the prefilled information and this gives you the advantage to review or make changes if needed.
    For more details, please review below blog.
    Standardize SQL Server Installations with Configuration Files
    Lydia Zhang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Lydia Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Trace.txt file cannot be opened

    Dear experts,
    We currently face the issue that it's not possible anymore to open any trace.txt file from the import overview:
    When clicking on the link to the file another browser tab opens up and shows the following message:
    We checked as enterprise user for available logs:
    In the highlighted log we found an entry related to the opening of a trace.txt file:
    In addition we checked with the tool HTTP watch (basic edition) for additional details but only found a hint related to a http 404 error:
    We also checked with our internal IT if there is any issue related to the server but they couldn't find anything wrong or suspicious. They suspect the error to come from SAP Sourcing.
    Do you have any idea what might cause this behaviour or where we can check in addition to find the root cause of this? Any indication is very appreciated.
    Thank you,

    Hello Prasad,
    Thanks a lot for your quick reply. The vendor upload from the screenshot was just an example. The main issue is that we cannot open any trace.txt file from any import overview, no matter what kind of data we uploaded or if the import was successful or failed.
    Is it possible that custom scipts also prevent opening these trace files? If so I'm happy to turn off custom scripts and test it.
    I will post the rest results here asap.
    Thank you,

  • How to create a strictly typed refnum control using LabVIEW scripting

    I wish to use LabVIEW scripting to create a strictly-typed refnum control that is bound to my custom control (a type-defined cluster), but I'm unfamiliar with scripting and can't see how to do it.
    If I create a New VI Object, using Control Refnum as the Style, how do I provide my custom control to the VI Object Class terminal? When I try using a reference to my custom control.ctl file (using Open VI reference) I get an error: "Error 1057 occurred... Type mismatch: Object cannot be cast to the specified type."
    Or, if I create a new Control Refnum as above, using a standard Cluster as the VI Object Class, how do I then convert this refnum control to a strictly typed refnum that is bound to my custom cluster control type?
    Thanks in advance for any advice,
    Thoric (CLA, CLED, CTD and LabVIEW Champion)
    Go to Solution.

    Here we go...
    You have to create a new Control VI and then specify the VI Type as Typedef.
    Da Helmut
    Attachments: ‏22 KB

  • Script to open all PST files in a directory and open with Outlook.

    Hi!  I am looking for a script that opens all PST files in a directory, opens it in outlook, and writes to a log to see if it completed correctly.  I'm new to VBscript and just want to see how the script would be written.
    Thank you!!

    Thank you for all the input!  JRV, I went through the repository and couldn't find anything about importing into Outlook.  I will use it for future references and I appreciate you directing me there.
    Grant, I need to be able to locate all PST files within a directory, not point it to a specific pst.  I also need it written to a log file.  Here is what I have...Don't laugh, I'm very new...
    const ForAppending = 8
    set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile ("C:\Users\jimmy.nguyen\Desktop\Lucky.txt", ForAppending, True)
    set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    strCommand = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\outlook.exe"
    Set objExecObject = objShell.Exec(strCommand)
    wscript.sleep 4000
    Set myOlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set myNS = myolapp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    myNS.AddStore ""
    Sub ShowSubFolders(fFolder)
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(fFolder.Path)
    Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
    For Each objFile in colFiles
    If UCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName( = "pst" Then
    End If
    For Each Subfolder in fFolder.SubFolders
    End Sub
    strResults = ShowSubFolders(fFolder)

  • How can I script moving paths from one file to another?

    Hello. I have 1 image with various color correction layers. The other is the exact same size but only contains paths. How can I script moving paths from one file to another? Thanks, in advance, for any help you can offer. Thanks!

    Thanks! This one actually worked for me. Thanks for your help.

  • Tdms-files: Is it possible to prevent LabVIEW and DIAdem from creating .tdms_index files?

    is it possible to prevent LabVIEW and DIAdem from creating .tdms_index files when opening/creating/editing a .tdms file?
    I think I have no benefit from the .tdms_index files because our applications create a lot of little .tdms-files (repeat measurements). With the additional .tdms_index files we have unnecessary memory consumption and it takes longer for Windows to open the containing folder. Also it´s confusing when searching for a certain file.
    Best Regards
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Baui,
    I'm afraid there's a direct way to disable creating .tdms_index file now from LabVIEW and DIAdem. You can use TDMS Advacend API in LabVIEW, which doesn't create any index file, or you can just make some simple programming and delete the .tdms_index file after closing the TDMS file. 
    This is a request for a long time, we'll consider to add this feature for TDMS in future releases.
    Yongqing Ye
    NI R&D

  • Shell Script not getting invoked in File adapter

    Hi all,
    PI need to pick the file from source directory and send it to target directory using SFTP.
    I'm using SCP command for this purpose.
    When I run the shell script (with simple SCP command) from command prompt, script is working fine.
    Same script is called from PI File adapter but script is not getting invoked.
    In the communication channel logs, "Executed OS command" is available. There are no Error/Warning messages in the log.
    NFS transport protocol is used in the File communication channel.
    Complete directory path of the shell script is mentioned in File channel -> Run Operating System command after message processing.
    Even the following simple command is not working from PI receiver file channel:
    echo "Test file" >> /data/test.txt
    Please let me know if I'm missing out something.

    Hi Geetha,
    I think the syntax u are using is not correct. Please follow the below syntax:
    /path/<script_name> %F
    for ex: /staging/Interface/XI/Script/FTPData %F
    use the above in the communication channel.
    %F should be after a space.
    FTPData is the script name
    /staging/Interface/XI/Script/ is the location where the script is present
    Edited by: Souvik Chatterjee on Apr 14, 2011 3:38 PM

  • System error 988 whlie loading the LabView eun-time engine (C:\Program file\....\\lvrt.dll)

    I am trying to use NI devices with Lazarus (there is no pascal section, so I post here).
    When I try to run my application:
    DAQmxBaseCreateTask('TaskHandle', TaskHandle);
    I get the following error message:
    „System error 988 while loading the LabView eun-time engine (C:\Program file\....\\lvrt.dll)
    nidaqmxbaselv requires a version 2010 (or compatible) LabView run-time engine. Please contact the vendor of nidaqmxbaselv to correct this problem.“
    I installed LabView run-time engine 2012, but I still get the same error.
    Then I tried to install LabView run-time engine 2010- the same result.
    I removed LabView run-time engine 2012- same result.
    I tried to install LabView run-time engine 2010 again (since I did not see it in the add/remove list)- then I noticed, that the installer shows „A newer version is already installed".
    What shall I do?

       Can I ask the same question too?
       I am using
       Windows 7 sp1 x64
       Visual Studio 2010 pro 
       NI USB-6009  
       ni-daqmx base 3.4.5 
       I created a empty win-32 console project and putted the ANSI C Example program: acquireNScans.c with the include file and lib file of nidaqmxbase in the same folder. I added this line on the top of the source code #pragma comment(lib,"nidaqmxbase.lib"), built without any error. When I tried to run it, I got this same message.
      I tried changing to shared dll mfc and delaying linking lvrt.dll, but did not work.
      Looking forward to your reply.
    all the best.

  • Script to merge 2 Indesign files on alternating pages

    I have created a data merge document for a book I am writing (Luckily I already had everything in Excel) . I created a template with the style headings and graphics frames positioned and sized exactly where I wanted them.My master page had repeating elements etc.
    Loved the process and it worked beautifully. It literally saved me a weeks worth of formatting and inserting graphics work. However the file basically created the Left hand page ONLY of a 2 page spread.
    My understanding from studying tutorials on data merge is that they can only create ONE page output altho I know you can change it to 2 page spreads afterward.
    The second data merge created a file what would ideally be the right hand page of every spread.
    This is a reference/encyclopedia type book with each 2 page spread a distinct entity devoted to a subject
    I need to join the 2 files together.
    The first file would be the left hand or EVEN page
    The second file would be the right hand or ODD page.
    The document is 350 pages.Each page is the same size,margins and subject matter but with different headings and graphics
    (Dragging pages would be too tedious and I have had problems with ID crashing. Don't want to go there again)
    I did read an answer by Dave Saunders (  9. Nov 1, 2008 5:03 PM (in response to Al Ferrari) Re: Script to interleave two InDesign files of equal page counts )
    Would that work do you think?
    I have ID CS4 6.0 running on windows vista.
    I have ZERO scripting experience but I can follow directions.
    Is there any way, scripting wise, I could (or should) accomplish this?
    Thank You in Advance for any help

    My understanding from studying tutorials on data merge is that they can only create ONE page output altho I know you can change it to 2 page spreads afterward.
    That isn't true. Data merge can be done with many pages. See my response to this post:
    In response to the OP's script request, i can't be of any help.
    What i'm hoping is that after reading how to make a data merge with both left and right hand pages from the post i've linked, that the data could be merged again... assuming there was little (or no) post-processing of the file after the merge was performed.

  • Script to merge multiple CSV files together with no duplicate records.

    I like a Script to merge multiple CSV files together with no duplicate records.
    None of the files have any headers and column A got a unique ID. What would be the best way to accomplish that?

    OK here is my answer :
    2 files in a directory with no headers.
    first column is the unique ID, second colomun you put whatever u want
    The headers are added when using the import-csv cmdlet
    first file contains :
    second file contains :
    the second file contains the line : 2;b wich is the same in the first file
    the code :
    $i = 0
    Foreach($file in (get-childitem d:\yourpath)){
    if($i -eq 0){
    $ref = import-csv $file.fullname -Header id,value -Delimiter ";"
    $temp = import-csv $file.fullname -Header id,value -Delimiter ";"
    foreach($line in $temp){
    $objet = new-object Psobject
    Add-Member -InputObject $objet -MemberType NoteProperty -Name id -value $
    Add-Member -InputObject $objet -MemberType NoteProperty -Name value -value $line.value
    $ref += $objet
    $ref should return:
    (get-childitem d:\yourpath) -> yourpath containing the 2 csv file

Maybe you are looking for

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