Lack of "Creative Media Toolox&qu

I bought my Creative Zen yesterday and want to put some videos on it, but I don't have the media toolbox or the program to convert videos even after installing everything. Any suggestions? ascending&page=

Similar Messages

  • Smart Playlists on Zen Vision:M and Creative Media Organizer Software

    I come from the iPod world, where, once a playlist is created in iTunes, the playlist is transferred to the iPod, and is automatically updated each time you sync. That's why it's called "smart" playlist.
    I can create a smart playlist using the Creative Media Organizer software. It automatically updates the playlist, based on the rules I defined. However, the playlist created on the Media Organizer does NOT get transferred to the Vision:M player! What's the point in that?
    I can, of course, copy the smart playlist to the Vision:M manually... but there are two HUGE problems with that...
    ) The smart playlist becomes a "static" playlist... it does not get updated when you sync -- the music in the playlist never changes (even though the original smart playlist is updated on each sync),
    2) The software recopies the *music* back to the Vision:M each time you create a playlist! This means that it overwrites the music that was there, with the (same) music in the playlist!! This takes FOREVER, if there are a lot of titles in the playlist! This is obviously a brain-dead way of doing things! All the software/Vision:M needs to do, is to copy the actual music files that don't currently exist on the player, and then create a text file that contains the *location* of the music... in other words, an M3U playlist file! One of the (many) issues with doing things the way this software does it, is that each time a track appears in a separate playlist, a duplicate entry for that song appears in the Vision:M's music list! So, if you have 5 playlists, and each one contains "Mozart's 5th", then when you list all the songs on your Vision:M, you'll get 5 copies of "Mozart's 5th" listed! Dumb!
    Any way around these problems? Can I have smart playlist that gets transferred to the player so that it contains only the songs I want? Does it *have* to recopy ALL the songs to the player, each time I create a playlist? Does it *have* to add duplicate entries to the list of files on my Vision:M?
    Is the software *really* as dumb as I think it is, or am I just being a BDU (Brain Dead User)?

    You can only automatically sync playlists using Windows Media Player 0 as far as I know. There's lots of other software out there that can use the Media Transfer Protocol of the Vision:M, but I'm not sure what they can do.
    Creative's software is desperately lacking in the playlist sync area, so you're not being a BDU

  • Creative Media Player does not work on my

    I have removed audio card rebooted and then istall the drivers but I can't get Creative Media Player to show up on my PC
    I'm using the following on my PC:
    Wlindows XP Professional SP2
    Microsoft Office Professional Enterprise Ed. 2003 SP
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    Are you installing only the drivers? Creative MediaSource is a separate installation from the audio software.

  • How to Reinstall Creative Media Player Software

    October 2nd 2006
    If your update for Creative Media Source, Creative Media Player, and any associated programming has corrupted your system and you need to reinstall the older version or reinstall any of it period this information is critical to avoid serious frustration. It took me four days to figure this out fully and it was HARD to figure out with NO thanks to Creative Technical support. If anything Creative OWES me for this information since they are too stupid to answer my questions with anything but canned answers. It was posts on the Creative forum and several searches in Yahoo and Google that helped lead me to the conclusion of this issue and I feel that you as a Creative customer are not going to like this at all but hey, I?m just the messenger so please don?t kill me! Word of warning! Formatting your hard dri've and reinstalling all your software is far easier than what I am about to instruct you but what I figured out does work and seems to be the ONLY way of really fixing this bug. This applies to the Audigy Z 2S Platinum and should apply to ALL Creative Software in this line of Creative Products.
    What caused this in the first place:
    I was happily running the supplied creative Media Player, Media Source Go! software with THX, Dolby, and the other features that came with my Audigy Z 2S Platinum. As a conscientious computer user I like to keep things up to date and like to keep my software updated so I went to the Creative site and performed the automatic updates. BIG, BIG mistake! I lost the Equalizer, THX, the Mixer, and everything BUT the most basic of applications to this sound card. The point of me buying it in the first place was the features. The updates stripped me of them. When I tried to reinstall the original software the problems began. When using the supplied installation disk and attempting to uninstall the software was problem one. Creative never had the forethought of supplying an accurate uninstallation feature so when you use the ?Add/ Remove Program? feature you do not get the junk that Creative hides in your file system much like trying to extract AOL Files (which gave me the inspiration for getting rid of the corrupted installation of Creative Software). Like AOL software Creative is extremely invasi've and hides in a number of places you would not even think to look in.
    The Issues you will be facing and the associated Error messages:
    Upon reinstallation of the old software after my first of many attempts at removing the old installation I began to get the following error messages upon startup of the Media Source software, ?Exception-Created Object:Exceptions:FactoryNotFound Message:?Invalid Factory in Created Object: AudioChannelMappingMSG? and ?PFX file missing or corrupted, application will now terminate?, and the last of your nightmare messages ?Device not found by application and application will now terminate?. If you get any of these messages you are screwed and face a serious uninstallation procedure to correct this. Thanks to this you should be able to fix it all and get your reinstallation to take properly.
    Something to keep in mind and I only found out about this the day before I wrote this, Apple Quicktime 7 has a serious conflict issue with DemoShield and the removal process is the same for the Creative Software since uninstallation will not get Quicktime out either. Before you reinstall remove Quicktime 7 or you are going NOWHERE! Quicktime 6 does not appear to interfere with the installation. You will get the error message ?DemoShield has encountered a problem and needs to shut down? followed by the computer wanting to send an error report. This is a sure fire sign that Quicktime is interfering with the installation along with the file DEMO32.exe which will need to be deleted.
    Another thing I need to mention is that you WILL need the following software or something similar to eliminate all traces of Creative software, Error Expert, RegEditXP, Directory Cleaner, and Find Dead Links. This software will get the impossible and hidden stuff you will not find or be able to get rid of otherwise.
    Preparation for this task:
    Kick on some music, smoke a FAT joint, drink a beer, or do both because this process is involved and frustrating! If you don?t drink or smoke or both than I hope God is with you because you will be cursing and swearing when something does not go right. Remember, I was at this for four days FULL TIME with minimal information to go on. Patience is a MUST or be ready to pay an expert a LOT of money to deal with this.
    Now it begins:
    NOTE: It should not be necessary to uninstall the Card itself. The software and not the PCI card is the issue and the drivers are not what cause the hanging reinstallation. I did at one time in the process of figuring this crap out pull the card but when I managed to fix the problem I had left the card in. Again it is NOT necessary to pull the Sound Blaster card from it'ss slot to effect the fix for the software.
    NOTE: Should at any time in this extraction process you get the message ?Application cannot be removed? or ?Another application is using file and it cannot be removed? hit CONTROL/ALT/DELETE to open the Task Manager. Click APPLICATIONS and if Creative software is running click END TASK. You can then continue the extraction process.
    : TRY to save all of your important media files in another directory (preferably in another dri've or partition. Another dri've is preferred) before you begin this so you don?t loose your music and video files to an accident, misunderstanding, or software association. Making a special holding folder with an easily recognizable name not having Creative in its name will help keep you from accidentally deleting these files in the event the search turns them up.
    2: Go to the ?Add Remove Programs? in the control panel and remove all instances of Creative you can find. When that is done go to Run\msconfig and select ?Selecti've Starup? and UNCHECK ?Load Startup Items?.
    3: Restart the computer. Now the fun begins. Put on your hunting hat, you are on digital safari!
    4: When the computer starts up you will be notified by msconfig that changes have been made to the way the computer starts. Hit the red X and close the message and do the same for msconfig. You will see the prompt ?restart computer? or ?close without restarting?, select ?close without restarting?.
    5: Open Windows Explorer, Start\Programs\Accessories\ Windows Explorer. The search feature here is a great help but for the moment get the obvious crap first.
    6: In Windows Explorer click ?View? and select ?Show hidden files? in the selection menu window. This will allow you to get the stuff that regular uninstallation can't get at nor will a regular search reveal. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT STEP DO NOT TRY TO WORK AROUND IT OTHERWISE YOU WILL FAIL EXTRACTING ALL THE JUNK!!!!!
    7: Look for these three directories first:
    C:\Documentsandsettings\USERNAME\StartMenu\Program s\Creative
    C:\Documentsandsettings\Aministrator\StartMenu\Pro grams\Creative
    C:\Documentsandsettings\USRNAME\Applications\Creat ive
    Delete them!
    8: Now go to the C:\Programs\Windows directory. This gets touchy. WORD OF WARNING TO NOVICE AND INTERMEDIATE COMPUTER USERS ALIKE (Experts should need no warning about this) BE VERY CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT YOU DELETE HERE! THERE ARE FILES HERE CRITICAL TO THE OPERATION OF ALL OTHER APLICATIONS ESPECIALLY WINDOWS AND DELETING THE WRONG ONE WILL RESULT IN A COMPUTER THAT WILL NOT START! You can confirm who made the file by pointing at the file in question with your cursor and it should display the maker of the file.
    You will be hunting any and all programs with the following beginnings, CT, SB, ct. The files beginning with ?ct? can either be Creative or Microsoft, CONFIRM EACH BEFORE YOU DELETE THEM.
    The Windows files you will be looking in are:
    Lower down in the Explorer window you will find the following files that also need to be deleted:
    That gets the obvious and less obvious stuff out but the hunt is not over by a long shot.
    9: This is where it begins to get complicated. In Windows Explorer you will be using the Search button.
    Click Search and look for these files:
    HKLM\Software\Creative Tech\Software Installed !!DELETE THIS FILE!!
    Demo32.exe !!DELETE THIS FILE!!
    {5CDDF96A-BC34-4D72-9ABA-EFFF0C39977} !!DELETE THIS FILE!!
    AC3 !!Delete any and all files found associated with Creative. With the AC3 files MAKE SURE they are Creative file before deleting them. There are AC3 files unassociated with Creative and they will appear in your search. ATI uses AC3 decoders as well and you DON?T want to screw up an application that is not the problem.!!
    0: Run Directory Cleaner and set it for Creative Audio and click CLEAN followed by setting it for Creative Audio Light and again Click CLEAN. Shut down Dri've Cleaner when you are done with this step.
    : Run RegEditXP and fix all issues it finds and close it when it is done.
    2: Open Error Expert and set it to Scan for Registry Errors. This gets the stuff RegEditXP misses. When it has found the problems it can select FIX.
    3: While still in Error Expert select ADVANCED SYSTEM TOOLS and select STARTUP LIST MANAGER. Remove Creative from the list in any form you find it. Close Error Expert when done.
    If you do not have Quicktime 7 then open msconfig, reset your computer to ?Normal Startup?, click ?Apply?, then close msconfig and restart. You can now reinstall your original software.
    4: Removing Quicktime 7:
    This sucks as well. Uninstalling Quicktime 7 from the ?Add/remove Programs? will not work. First make sure it is OFF. If it is acti've it will not be removable. Check with the task manager and in your system tray at the bottom right hand corner of your computer monitor. If you see the blue ?Q?, close it before beginning the extraction process or it will get very complicated.
    Windows Explorer Search found all the files I needed to remove but like Creative reference all the same folders in C:\Programs\Windows as you did for removing the Creative Software and remove all references of Quicktime you find;
    Windows Explorer will lead you to other programs it hides in and the one file I could not remove under any and all circumstances was the one in C:\Programs\Adobe. That one reference will not interfere with anything so you can leave that one. Once you have removed Quicktime 7 go to msconfig and select ?Normal Startup? and restart your computer.
    After your computer boots up fully slap the CD ROM in the dri've and it should begin to start up as if it was never installed in the first place. You will get the prompt to, ?Modify, Repair, or Uninstall? software. Uninstall is a joke since it does not work and it is unnecessary. There should be nothing to repair after all of this so I chose Modify. I now have the original software that worked right when I first got the Audigy Z 2S sound Card and it works fine. As a footnote to all of this I did get one error message when I restarted after the installation. It said ?cdrw32.dll missing? but it had no apparent effect on my computer. A subsequent reboot and the message never reappeared. I am not looking this any deeper than I have to since the message never reappeared and I suspect it had something to do with the reinstallation process of Creative Media Source and the media player.
    The End!

    Audio Console is included in the latest drivers, the easiest way to reinstall it is to reinstall the drivers but if you want to reinstall only the app, uncompress the drivers package with WinRAR and run the setup program from the AudCon Folder. If your X-Fi is OEM you may need to mod CL's drivers, or get a package from Dell that includes AudioConsole.

  • Having trouble with Creative Media Sour

    I was using Creative Media Organizer to organize and tag all my MP3 files before transferring them to my new player ( a Zen v Plus 2gb) I have the player plugged in and can access and see the player in My Computer but the Creative software doesn't see the player and I therefore can't use it to sync my mp3s. I could use another method of getting the music on there but I want to use my playlists and such that I made and it would be a pain to import those into a different program.
    So, does anyone have anyone idea how to get Creative Media Source to realize that my player is connected to the computer?
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hey buddy
    same problem with me. The zen got little moist due to rain, after that it froze at the 'Creative screen' that too comes on when i connect it to charger. I disconnected the battery, it worked for a while but it is back to same position now. It dosent responds to resetting pin... nothing happens it is dead. Only when i disconnect battey and connect charger ... give it a big whack it works for a while then hangs again.
    Still trying my stuff on it. Otherwise i will format it and reload the firmware later on.
    if u get any solution let me know on [email][email protected]][email protected][/url]

  • Creative zen firmware update now trouble with creative media sou

    I wanted to start downloading music from an online store and was advised that I needed a firmware upgrade for my creative zen, which I did (version 2.2.02) and could download music. However since I have done this my zen is no longer recognised when I connect to my pc - which is running on Windows XP. I took advice from creative and reloaded my firmware after starting my player in recovery mode and then I reloaded the creative media source organiser software. After that I could find the player in the organiser but everything was laid out differently with all my music in folders which made it really tricky to navigate.
    The icon is this grey thing which doesnt look like a creative at all! Although I can move files around it is still not recognised on the bottom right of my pc and I can't safely remove the hardware because of this. I am also having problems with syncing from the pc library to the zen and it is not picking up duplicate files but adding them again so I am getting loads of copies of the same music - nightmare. When I am deleting it is just not recognising and I have been through this process a few times now and its getting pretty tiresome!
    Should I reinstall the organiser again and do a clean up in recovery mode?

    The Zen MicroPhoto is an MTP Device.
    Minimum System Requirements:
    Microsoft? Windows? XP (Service Pack or higher)/XP 64-bit
    You might find a work-around for not having the minimum system requirements in this thread or this thread.

  • Windows Vista--again- Cannot install Creative Media Sou

    Hello. I have a Zen Microphoto. I bought a new computer running window vista home premium 32 bit. I have been tryng to install the creative media source 5 to manange my music and playlists. I prefer this over Media Player. Every time I try to install the program, the setup program stalls with an error message, "searching for installed components" I have tried installing the program with the ZEN plugged into different USB ports and I have tried deleting the driver from the device manager and reinstalling it. Can anyone help me with this??

    I would work through the reset procedures given under the various FAQ threads and then try the firmware upgrade again after getting it out of recovery mode as that seems to be the issue. There seem to be a number of threads with things to try. I would not give up but first work through the various suggestions to get it out of recovery mode. Then post separately re the recovery mode problem to see if anyone has ideas for solving that first. Did it go into recovery mode immediately after the firmware upgrade? Will it let you try to do the firmware again?When I connect it takes about 20 secs before the player is recognized by media player. In terms of transfer to your own laptop - do you have a burner on the friends PC for burning a DVD or 2. Or a slower way is multiple transfers using a USB memory stick.

  • How to play MPEG4 music files using Creative Media Source

    I use iTunes store for buying music pretty much and receive files in MPEG4 format.
    Instead of converting to MP3 I would prefer that my Creative Media Source player/organiser could handle the MPEG4 format. I'm using the Media Source player with an Audigy2ZS and sometimed the older Soundblaster-USB for notebooks.
    Is there an upgrade that I have overlooked or ...
    Or shall I buy a more professional player, like BMP studio?
    I don't like the iTunes player very well!

    I use iTunes store for buying music pretty much and receive files in MPEG4 format.
    Instead of converting to MP3 I would prefer that my Creative Media Source player/organiser could handle the MPEG4 format. I'm using the Media Source player with an Audigy2ZS and sometimed the older Soundblaster-USB for notebooks.
    Is there an upgrade that I have overlooked or ...
    Or shall I buy a more professional player, like BMP studio?
    I don't like the iTunes player very well!

  • What is better creative media source or Windows media player?

    Hey I just bought a new Zen player, and I noticed while ripping and uploading songs that the album art does not come along with it if I'm using the creative media source software. Now if I use my windows media player that came with my vista computer I do get the album art. So now my question is if Creative media source can't even do this simple task what is the benefit of using creative's media source? Are there things that it can do that windows media player can't do? Which is a better product to use? :smileyindifferent:angry:

    tapdiggity wrote:
    And I guess another benefit to creative mediasource is converting video files for playback on the zen. Windows media player I don't think has a converter for video files for the zen.
    That is part of the Creative Media Explorer not MediaSource. The Video Converter is slooow & not that great. I do use the Media Explorer it is better for making & editing playlists.

  • Recording from Creative Media Aborts

    Hi all,
    I have been experiencing some probelms trying to record onto my computer via the creative media console. I have sound, and the computer registers the sound, but after a certain amount of time, the program simply stops recording and prompts a message "the recording process was aborted".
    I run win XP with a sound blaster audigy 2 sound card. The drive I am recording onto has over 39 gigs of space and I am recording from a pioneer djm 500 mixer plugged in via rca cables to the aux line 2.
    I am trying to record dj mix sessions and needless to say it is quite aggrevating to realize that nothing is recorded. The maz time I have tried is around 80 min (that of a cd).
    Here is the record settings I have been using:
    Channel: Auxiliry 2
    WAV, STEREO, 96,000 Khz, 16bit sample rate.
    Any thoughts?
    Thanks in advance - Michael

    Personally I've never heard of one. I know that Notmad can backup playlists onto the PC, but I'm not sure what format they're in. I'm thinking it isn't M3U though.

  • Creative Media Source 5 and Zen

    I own the Zen VW and use the Creative Media Source 5. The problem I find is when I try to transfer songs to the Zen. I am trying to copy my smart playlist of fi've star tracks over. On the pc it has over 000 tracks, but only 550 or so end up on my Zen, what can I do to make sure all the tracks transfer over?

    What I have to do to make sure that every song gets transfered over, is to copy them in sets of 50 at a time. But with each set of 50, I dont get every song on the Zen, I have to delete how ever man of the 50 came over, and transfer the set of 50 again, the second time, every of the 50 songs transfers over. This is a pain when I have a play list of 000 songs. I have tried the whole list of 000 songs in one transfer, and I only get about half, and with a second transfer, I dont get much more.
    What can fix this problem?

  • Creative media source and Live!

    Does anybody knows what is list of selected cards that can use crossfading in Creative media source?
    Why Li've! 5. cannot? Not even EAX?
    Thanks in advance

    If you have the newer 24-bit versions of the Li've cards then disregard the following.
    Perhaps you've installed some of that updated modded stuff? (I've tried it at times too, but always returned to the official 252 driver/software Uni-Pack stuff.)
    The software you've got is not designed for the Li've series of cards. If you used the official cd's for the Audigy 2 series (not ZS), it all works as long as you choose not to install EAX Console and Speaker Calibrator. You should also not install MediaSource Player, choosing instead the PlayCenter 3.02.52 and , on XP, updating it to 3.02.70.
    You'll probably need to use the ctcomp.exe (search) on the Audio\language\Setup\Setup.exe file. So you'd need the cd copied to a folder on your harddri've so you can let ctcomp adjust the files.
    Then you run AudioHQ and choose to run on startup and load in systray in the options dropdown and use the EAX Control applet to control your effects. The AdvancedEQ effects work as long as you choose the effect, click the ParametricEQ in the center, then tick the volume slider tab with your mouse, exit and save. You need to do this everytime you apply an effect.
    Or, you can install the U-UPAX stuff which has been modded (driverheaven forum for links). I believe MediaSource works with their setup.
    I'm telling you though, your card will not give you any extra stuff it is not hardware designed to provide. So, you still only get EAX and 2, no Advanced HD EAX 3 or 4.
    And, the sound quality for music is superior with the official 252 Li've Uni-Pack setup. Unless you like overwhelming, booming bass and the midrange missing sounds. Those updated Audigy 2 and up drivers may have settings and files for the Li've, but they are tuned for the Audigy 2 and up.
    The 3 best optimizations made for the Li've were the old Li'veware 3.0 vxd drivers, the APS mod for the Li've (both for 9x), and the kXProject drivers (for XP). By far the most problem free software package was the Li've Uni-Pack. And it sounds okay.
    So there you go. Now, if after you uninstall whatever you've got, the setup file of the package you select doesn't say "No SoundBlaster hardware installed" you'll be lucky. Modern Creative drivers oftentimes remove something when uninstalled that messes up the hardware detection and if installing with CTZAPP doesn't magically let the software setup recognize the card again then only a format will fix it.

  • Creative Media Source Prob

    Whenever I transfer albume to and from my Zen V Plus, Media source insists on adding the album title to the song name. This makes very long titles which can't be easily read in the Zen V. I have tried a number of transfers, and media source always appends album names to song titles. Is there a way around this, or is this Creative Media Source bug. It's a real pain to have to edit every title on every transfer. Thanks for any clues.My Zen V firmware and Media Source software are up to date.

    Which mediasource did you download? I believe you have downloaded the mediasource installation mean for their MP3 player and that's why you cannot install. Their sound card mediasource don't have any standalone installation as far as I know. If you need, you will need to install the mediasource from your installation CD. If you don't have the installation CD, you can download the ISO CD image here.

  • Creative Media Source Player not fo

    Hi... I am lost & confused!!!! I purchased a new hard dri've & motherboard. I reinstalled my audigy 2zs card & loaded the install disk. To my suprise media player did not fact I can't even find it on the original install disk!! I used the media player all the time and even plugged in my old hard dri've and player was on that hard dri've!! Can anybody tell me why it is not appearing on the original install disk whenin fact it was there when I loaded it the first time I purchased the card? It appears everything else will load off the install disk EXCEPT media source player.

    There are differences in the details of how the various Creative soundcards work, and it would help me if I knew which one you have. I get the impression it came in the computer, and you don't actually know the answer. Where exactly are you trying to select what u hear? The Creative Media Source Player program (I've not used it, but it seems odd for a "player" program to do recording)? The mixer program? Which mixer, Windows or Creative's?
    [email protected]

  • Creative media organi

    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>I have all my songs tagged correctly which took me forever to do through creative media software and all is set now. It asks me if i would like to backup the music library when exiting program, and i do , but my question is, where is that info saved and backed up to?
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>My mother has an IPOD and i also have that softwate on my PC and i would like to transfer all the songs with all the taggs i created through media source to her IPOD.
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>I dont want to transfer just the songs from MY COMPUTER because then they wont have all the taggs assisnged to them and i would have to do them all again.
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>Has anyone came across this scenario ?
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>Is there anyway to either write over MY COMPUTER directory with all the new updated info i linked to songs through media source organizer ?
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>bottom line, If i ever got an IPOD myself is there a way to transfer all my songs to it with all the info i have in media source organizer that way i dont have to go back and retag songs with genre , albums, etc.....

    italiangspot wrote:
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>I have all my songs tagged correctly which took me forever to do through creative media software and all is set now. It asks me if i would like to backup the music library when exiting program, and i do , but my question is, where is that info saved and backed up to?
    It's saved in a directory called backup from the original database directory (in Windows 2000/XP this is saved under C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Application Data\Creative\Media Database). I've said before that it needs to be somewhere you specify (and it's on my wishlist page), and it's a silly function to be missing.
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>My mother has an IPOD and i also have that softwate on my PC and i would like to transfer all the songs with all the taggs i created through media source to her IPOD.
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>I dont want to transfer just the songs from MY COMPUTER because then they wont have all the taggs assisnged to them and i would have to do them all again.
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    <FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>Has anyone came across this scenario ?<FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#6633ff>
    Did you edit the tracks on the player itself?

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