Lambda expressions and compiler extensions

Hi guys,
I'm working on a project that is designed to play nicely with closures (anonymous functions) and it would be really nice if lambda expressions were supported due to the abbreviated syntax.
I posted a question on these forums last year and the reply mentions a "custom asc extension". Is the compiler (even if it's just 4.0) extensable in a way that support for lambda expressions could be added? If it's not *that* extensible, how much effort would be involved?
If it's simply not possible, can I make a language request for the next release?
PS. FYI, here are the requirements for a lambda expressions as they would work in the AVM:
"x:int => x + 1" is equivalent to "function (x:int) : int { return x+1; }"
"(x:int) => methodThatReturnsVoid(x)" is equivalent to "function (x:int) : void { methodThatReturnsVoid(x); }"
"() => 5" is equivalent to "function () : int { return 5; }"
"_ => 5" is equivalent to "function (_ : Object) : int { return thereIsAnArgumentButIWontUseIt(); }"
"() =>
    return butIHaveToUseReturn();
is equivalent to
    return butIHaveToUseReturn();
... etc

I think you misunderstood my post. I was asking for a pointer in the right direction to implement the support myself, and how the extension would integrate into an existing sdk installation.
I realise that AS3 is not intended to match C# feature-for-feature, but I've been working on a port of Rx and lambda-syntax for anonymous functions would be much more pleasing on the eye.
Besides, if I were set on requesting a feature, it'd be proper generics support!

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    Besides your issue with System.Core, you also have a problem with the logic of our code, particularly your variables. It is confusing what your variables represent. You have an infinite loop, so the last section of code is never reached. Take a look 
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.IO;
    namespace consAppFileManipulation
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string fullPath = @"c:\temp\trace.log";
    string folderPath = @"c:\temp\";
    string fileName = "trace.log";
    string output = "";
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    You have a fairly complicated set up, so I suggest that it would make sense to tackle things in stages, testing each stage as  you go, before proceding to the next stage.
    Stage 1 would be setting up the A1392 first to the cable modem, and then making sure that everything is working correctly on the A1392 Express
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    # $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.51 2004/12/16 22:03:19 judd Exp $
    # Maintainer: dorphell <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Benoit Chesneau <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="A high-level scripting language"
    depends=('openssl' 'libjpeg' 'freetype2' 'libpng' 'pam'
    'gdbm' 'libxml2' 'openldap' 'ncurses' 'curl' 'libxslt')
    makedepends=('apache' 'mysql' 'imap' 'postgresql' 'bzip2' 'smtp-server'
    'gd' 'fam' 'sqlite3' 'unixodbc')
    source=($pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz php.ini)
    md5sums=('bf89557056ce34d502e20e24071616c7' 'd5b9b37fbb746f0967d795763106735a')
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --with-apxs2 --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
    --with-ttf --enable-mailparse --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc
    --enable-bcmath=shared --enable-calendar=shared --enable-ftp=shared
    --enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-magic-quotes --enable-posix=shared
    --enable-session --enable-shared --enable-shmop=shared --with-imap
    --with-imap-ssl --with-ncurses --with-readline --with-sqlite=shared
    --enable-sysvsem=shared --enable-sysvshm=shared --enable-track-vars
    --enable-trans-sid --enable-safe-mode --enable-sockets=shared
    --enable-xml --with-bz2=shared --with-curl --with-mime-magic
    --enable-dba --without-db2 --without-db3 --with-inifile --with-flatfile
    --with-gdbm --with-freetype-dir=/usr --with-gd=shared --enable-exif
    --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-mysql=/usr --with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config
    --with-mysql-sock=/tmp/mysql.sock --with-openssl --with-gettext
    --with-pear=/usr/share/pear --with-dom --with-dom-xslt
    --with-pgsql=shared --with-pgsql-sock=/tmp/pgsql.sock
    --with-png-dir=/usr --with-regex=php --with-zlib --with-fam=shared
    --enable-mbstring=all --enable-mbregex
    # fixes a build error in sqlite support
    ln -s main/php_config.h ./config.h
    make || return 1
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/apache
    # cp config_vars.old
    # sed "s|^INSTALL_IT.*$|INSTALL_IT = apxs -i -a -S LIBEXECDIR=$startdir/pkg/usr/lib/apache -n php4 libs/|" config_vars.old >
    sed -i "s|-i -a -n php5|-i -n php5|g" Makefile
    make INSTALL_ROOT=$startdir/pkg EXTENSION_DIR=/usr/lib/php install
    cp ../php.ini $startdir/pkg/etc

    i suggest filing a feature request through the bug tracker.
    As for why such features may not be compiled in is that whoever maintains the package may have never had the need to have such features in php or experienced any issue because of it. You will experience this with many distros so I suggest not getting accusatory and simply request the feature through the proper channels.
    Each persons needs and experience are different and that is why developers write their code to encompass as many features as their users request.  How robust a package needs to be in arch is up to people like you giving the crucial feedback.
    (btw i don't see why your request would not be granted. I suggest the feature request though because i know the maintainer of the PHP package is not a frequent visitor to this forum but he will get your request if you make to the bug tracker)

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    This is the same extension cord that comes with most Apple notebooks.
    Hope this helps!

    This is really simple so no instructions are necessary.
    Plug in the new Express when you get it and have it "Join the existing network"...
    Give the iTunes Music section a name like "Front Room Stereo" and that's it...
    Plug the stereo into the Express and select it in iTunes for playing music.
       Joseph Kriz
           <img src="" alt="wheel"

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    Thank you.
    -----------------------------------  mysql compile script -------------------------------
    PATH=/opt/SUNWspro/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/usr/local/bin:.:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/etc:/usr/local/cmake/bin; export PATH
    CC=cc; export CC
    CXX=CC; export CXX
    /usr/local/cmake/bin/cmake . -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/mysql -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/home1/mysql_data -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc -DWITH_INNOBASE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1

    Each compilation is single-threaded. When you run a serial make, you get one compilation at a time.
    The way to improve throughput is to use a parallel make that can run more than one task simultaneously. I am not familiar with cmake. I took a quick look at the documentation at, but could not tell whether cmake offers a parallel make option. Both GNU gmake and the dmake that comes with Studio do. (Studio dmake is the same as Solaris make, with extensions for parallel and distributed job management.) Assuming  there is enough memory, I use a rule of thumb of setting the max parallel jobs at 1 per core. You can find out the number of cores on Solaris this way:
         /usr/sbin/psrinfo | grep -c on-line
    Setting up the makefile for parallel make requires some attention to be sure you don't try to build parts out of sequence. Either all dependencies must be made explicit, or you need a way to say "wait for A to be done before starting B". (Both gmake and dmake have this feature.)  I don't know whether mysql makefiles are ready for parallel make, but you can probably find out at, along with whether it works with dmake or gmake. (Each make variation has some usually minor incompatibilities with the others.)
    Message was edited by: Steve_Clamage

  • Installing and Compiling COBOL on Windows

    Hi, I am at Installing and Compiling COBOL on Windows of PeopleTools_8.52_Installation_Oracle.pdf. After I typed in (basic syntax from pdf):
    CBLMAKE.BAT [] [ALL] [wildcard filename[ALL]] [wildcard filename | wildcard filename without extension[INT | GNT | EXE]] [EBCDIC] [LIST]
    This error appears:
    'wildcard' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    Any advise? Thanks

    but now my step is after this already---> cblsrc PS_HOME C:\temp\compile
    After this step, it asks me to change directories to the compile directory which i think is (cd C:\temp\compile), and run CBLMAKE.BAT, using the basic syntax..... and I got that error... How can I do about it?

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    I have an XML file containing regular expressions and i parse the file, extract the pattern from it and search for it using java regex package. The problem is it works fine when patterns are words but when the pattern is something like
    write \\d+ (write followed by a space followed by one or mre digits) it doesn't work.
    I wrote the same code but with the pattern embedded in it,ie. without using XML and it worked. But when extracting with XML it fails.
    Also if the pattern is write[0-9] it only extracts write[0-9 and gives an error of no closing bracket.
    Could anyone please tell me what i am missing out
    Thank you

    thank you for your replies. Well i have still no got over the problem so i am posting my code here and hoping it can get solved
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    class textextractor extends DefaultHandler{
         boolean regex=false;
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI,String localName,String qn,Attributes attr)
    public void characters(char [] text,int start,int length)throws SAXException {
              String t=new String(text,start,length);
              boolean flag=false;
                Pattern pattern;
                  String w=new String(t);
              pattern = Pattern.compile(w);
              Matcher matcher;
              matcher=pattern.matcher("there is a bat   read  write 13    error at line ");
               System.out.println("I found the text \"" + +"\" starting at index "
               + matcher.start() +"and ending at index " + matcher.end() + ".");
               System.out.println("not found");
    public class saxt2 {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              try {
                    XMLReader parser= XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
                    ContentHandler handler=new textextractor();
                  }catch (Exception e) {
    }The xml file is
                      <REGEX>write \\d+</REGEX>
                      </RegularExpression>by running the code you can see that write is found,write \\d+ doesn't match write 13 in the string and read[0-9] gives and error.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated

  • Airport Express and HP F4180 All in One Printer

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    Does anyone have a clue?
    Thanx in advance
    HP F4180 All in One printer,
    Apple Airport Express (latest version),
    Apple Bonjour (latest version),
    Linksys E200 wireless
    Apple Airport Express installed as extension of existing network

    This combination SHOULD work but it often does not.  I have replaced several base routers from non-Airport to Airport and resolved issues like this - USB printers, AirPlay issues, etc.  Its the only way I know how to make it work, sorry.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

  • Airport Express and piano

    I am currently using my MAC to send midi files through a Yamaha UX16 to my player piano to have it play the files. It uses "port 1", the USB out of the MAC.
    Will the USB of the Airport Express act just like the USB "out" of the MAC (as if it was plugged in directly)?
    In other words, can I send the midi file to the Airport Express and let it be called a port?

    No, the USB port on an AirPort Extreme does not work like that. It cannot be used as an extension of the USB port on a computer. It can only be used for sharing a USB printer.

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    Hi Steven,
    Thanks for the response. I have managed to get it working by following pretty much what you said.
    I defined a new IP phone service with type Messages and subscribed my phone to it and when I press the Messages button I get two options on the screen - "Voicemail" which when selected launches the CUC TUI and VoiceView Express.
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    My problems are now how to remove the Voicemail option - it is an Enterprise subscription and then how to subscribe the Extension Mobility User Device Profiles to the new VoiceView Express service as BAT does not support doing this
    I guess I should have done a bit more testing before configuring all the users.
    I do think that Cisco maybe need to review which IP phone services need to be Enterprise Subscriptions by default. I would like to see Voicemail and Personal Directory modified so they are not Enterprise subscriptions out of the box.
    Thanks again

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