Laptop substitute? - iPad with keyboard and stand

I don't want to spend the money on a laptop and I don't like laptop keyboards.
I want to do my Spanish homework reclined on the sofa or propped up with a pillow in bed. 
I like a full sized keyboard, preferably a Spanish/international one or as long as the iPad has this as an option internally, I know the keys by heart that are different.  I want to be able to type easily in Spanish
I want to be able to access the internet and use Skype.
I did an internet search and I saw keyboards with stands for iPads.  Unfortunately, the international keyboard for iPad did not have a slot to prop the iPad up.  Maybe  I can find one or just change the keys on an English keyboard.
I need it to run Pages or some compatible document program.  I have pages 09 for my mac mini.  It is on a disk.  Is there a way to get that into an iPad and would it work with the iPad operating system.
If this idea works, would it also work on iPad mini?  I don't know if the screen is too small to be practical. Currently I look at a page document on my computer screen that is 9 inches wide. 
Plus all of this would be lighter than a laptop.  My husband has one and I don't really like the keyboard or the weight.
This would make it easy to do homework when I didn't want to sit up at my computer.
I am thankful for any tips you can give me.

You can use an iPad as a laptop, but you need to go into it with your eyes open and be willing to find and use the workarounds that many laptop users take for granted (lack of non-internet file transfer, ease of printing, compatibility of programs to name a few)
Functionality for the dollar, a small laptop will get you more bang for your buck. There are a lot of 10-12 inch laptops or tablet/laptop convertibles that can have the connections to make things easier while still having the portability of an ipad. (often also with much more storae)
That said if you prefer the apple environment with a keyboard case the willingness to use the workarounds, you can get by with an iPad.

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    AS Tesserax said you must
    disconnect your laptop from the existing wifi network
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    christopher rigby1 wrote:
    It may be that if you already bought the iPad versions using your iTunes account, you get a discount on the Mac versions? (That's just a guess - it applies with FileMaker, but I don't know if it does with iWork).
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    Does Axis say it is compatible with a 4G iPod with iOS 6.1?
    Sometimes this works
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
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    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up           
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    (b) If this is impossible, could the good people at Apple pass this feedback to someone who could implement it? So easy, and such an important shortcut.

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    You just need to enable VoiceOver, then you can switch app  with CMD-Tab, CMD-Shift-Tab
    CTRL-OPTION-S btw will disable the sound, which might be disturbing

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    i do not know what to do.....Does anybody else knows....

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    pm8m-v motherboard
    2-256MB memory PC-2700 DDR 333Mhz
    intel P4 2.6GHz
    codegen power supply 300W
    gateway CDW
    western digital 40 harddrive
    the rest is on board stuff
    the problem is still there and it is driving me crazy, can you please help?

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    There are a couple of things that you can try.
    1. Quit iTunes, restart or reboot your iPad, restart your computer and then try again.
    2. Delete any old backups that you have in iTunes and then try again.
    Try no. 1 and see what happens.

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