Last Digit Deleted

I am trying to fill out a form and the last digit keeps on being deleted when I move to a new section.  It does not matter is the last digit is a letter or a number.  It also does not matter how long the text string is.
Any advice?

In the ALV, check the title name in field catalog of this particular column. Change this to a bit more lengthy one.  In your example if it is a 3 char length then change to 4 or 5 char lengthy.
Or else try setting  the OUTPUT LENGTH in the field catalog also.

Similar Messages

  • Last digit truncates while downloading to Excel from ALV Grid

    Hi All,
    I have been using REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY and REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY in my report program.
    While i use REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY and downloading the data to a local file(Excel) the last digit of the Vendor code is truncated. But in REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY the datas are downloaded correctly as displayed in the ALV.
    I have copied the code for the reference.
    REPORT  zfirp001                                .
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.
    TABLES: bsak.
    SELECT-OPTIONS:  s_bukrs FOR bsak-bukrs,
                     s_lifnr FOR bsak-lifnr,
                     s_blart FOR bsak-blart,
                     s_augdt FOR bsak-augdt,
                     s_zterm FOR bsak-zterm.
    PARAMETERS:      s_list AS CHECKBOX,
                     s_vari LIKE disvariant-variant.
    DATA: g_ext_num(24) TYPE c.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_bsak OCCURS 0,
            bukrs LIKE bsak-bukrs,
            lifnr LIKE bsak-lifnr,
            augdt LIKE bsak-augdt,
            gjahr LIKE bsak-gjahr,
            belnr LIKE bsak-belnr,
            blart LIKE bsak-blart,
            zterm LIKE bsak-zterm,
          END OF gt_bsak.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_bseg OCCURS 0,
            bukrs LIKE bseg-bukrs,
            belnr LIKE bseg-belnr,
            gjahr LIKE bseg-gjahr,
            wrbtr LIKE bseg-wrbtr,
            projk LIKE bseg-projk,
            shkzg LIKE bseg-shkzg,
            hkont LIKE bseg-hkont,
          END OF gt_bseg.
    DATA: gt_fieldtab TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
          g_save(1)   TYPE c,
          g_variant   LIKE disvariant.
    DATA: BEGIN OF gt_result OCCURS 0,
            bukrs       LIKE bsak-bukrs,
            lifnr       LIKE bsak-lifnr,
            name1       LIKE lfa1-name1,
            augdt       LIKE bsak-augdt,
            gjahr       LIKE bsak-gjahr,
            belnr       LIKE bsak-belnr,
            blart       LIKE bsak-blart,
            zterm       LIKE bsak-zterm,
            wrbtr       LIKE bseg-wrbtr,
            waers       LIKE bkpf-waers,
            ext_num(24) TYPE c,
            txt20       LIKE skat-txt20,
            usr00       LIKE prps-usr00,
            usr01       LIKE prps-usr01,
            usr02       LIKE prps-usr02,
            usr03       LIKE prps-usr03,
          END OF gt_result.
    CONSTANTS: c_credit(1)       TYPE c VALUE 'H',
               c_x(1)            TYPE c VALUE 'X',
               c_en(2)           TYPE c VALUE 'EN',
               c_mrc(4)          TYPE c VALUE 'CA01'.
      PERFORM initialize_variant.
      PERFORM pai_of_selection_screen.
      REFRESH gt_result.
    find clearing documents
      SELECT        bukrs
             INTO   TABLE gt_bsak
             FROM   bsak
             WHERE  bukrs  IN s_bukrs
             AND    lifnr  IN s_lifnr
             AND    augdt  IN s_augdt
             AND    blart  IN s_blart
             AND    zterm  IN s_zterm.
      CHECK NOT gt_bsak[] IS INITIAL.
      LOOP AT gt_bsak.
    read WBS items
        SELECT        bukrs
               INTO   TABLE  gt_bseg
               FROM   bseg
               WHERE  bukrs  = gt_bsak-bukrs
               AND    belnr  = gt_bsak-belnr
               AND    gjahr  = gt_bsak-gjahr
               AND    projk  > space.
        gt_result-bukrs = gt_bsak-bukrs.
        gt_result-lifnr = gt_bsak-lifnr.
        gt_result-augdt = gt_bsak-augdt.
        gt_result-belnr = gt_bsak-belnr.
        gt_result-gjahr = gt_bsak-gjahr.
        gt_result-blart = gt_bsak-blart.
        gt_result-zterm = gt_bsak-zterm.
    document currency
        SELECT SINGLE waers
               INTO   gt_result-waers
               FROM   bkpf
               WHERE  bukrs  = gt_bsak-bukrs
               AND    belnr  = gt_bsak-belnr
               AND    gjahr  = gt_bsak-gjahr.
    vendor name
        SELECT SINGLE name1
               INTO   gt_result-name1
               FROM   lfa1
               WHERE  lifnr  = gt_result-lifnr.
    for each accounting document
        LOOP AT gt_bseg.
    convert to external WBS
              edit_imp  = c_x
              int_num   = gt_bseg-projk
              ext_num   = gt_result-ext_num
              not_found = 1
              OTHERS    = 2.
    debit or credit
          IF gt_bseg-shkzg = c_credit.
            gt_result-wrbtr = gt_bseg-wrbtr.
            gt_result-wrbtr = gt_bseg-wrbtr * -1.
    GL short Text
          SELECT SINGLE txt20
                 INTO   gt_result-txt20
                 FROM   skat
                 WHERE  spras  = c_en
                 AND    ktopl  = 'CA01'
                 AND    saknr  = gt_bseg-hkont.
    user fields
          SELECT SINGLE usr00
                 INTO  (gt_result-usr00,
                 FROM   prps
                 WHERE  pspnr  = gt_bseg-projk.
    append to result table
          APPEND gt_result.
      PERFORM initialize_fieldcat USING gt_fieldtab[].
      g_variant-report = sy-repid.
      g_save           = 'A'.
      IF s_list = 'X'.
            it_fieldcat = gt_fieldtab
            i_default   = 'A'
            i_save      = g_save
            is_variant  = g_variant
            t_outtab    = gt_result.
            it_fieldcat = gt_fieldtab
            i_default   = 'A'
            i_save      = g_save
            is_variant  = g_variant
            t_outtab    = gt_result.
    *&      Form  initialize_variant
    FORM initialize_variant.
      g_save = 'A'.
      CLEAR g_variant.
      g_variant-report = sy-repid.
          i_save     = g_save
          cs_variant = g_variant
          not_found  = 2.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        s_vari = g_variant-variant.
    ENDFORM.                               " INITIALIZE_VARIANT
    *&      Form  pai_of_selection_screen
    FORM pai_of_selection_screen.
      IF NOT s_vari IS INITIAL.
        MOVE s_vari TO g_variant-variant.
            i_save     = g_save
            cs_variant = g_variant.
        PERFORM initialize_variant.
    ENDFORM.                    " PAI_OF_SELECTION_SCREEN
    *&      Form  initialize_fieldcat
    FORM initialize_fieldcat USING p_fieldtab TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv.
      DATA: l_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
      CLEAR l_fieldcat.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'BUKRS'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Company'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '8'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'LIFNR'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Vendor'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '10'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'NAME1'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Name'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '35'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'AUGDT'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Cleared'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '10'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'GJAHR'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Year'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '5'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'BELNR'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Document'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '10'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'BLART'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Type'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '4'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'ZTERM'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Pay Terms'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '4'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'WRBTR'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Amount'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '13'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'WAERS'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'CURR'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '5'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'EXT_NUM'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'WBS'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '24'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'TXT20'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Short Text'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'USR00'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'H/O File Ref'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'USR01'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'Local File Ref'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '20'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'USR02'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'INFORM Agree ID'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '10'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
      l_fieldcat-tabname    = 'GT_RESULT'.
      l_fieldcat-fieldname  = 'USR03'.
      l_fieldcat-seltext_L  = 'INFM Prim Ag ID'.
      l_fieldcat-outputlen  = '10'.
      APPEND l_fieldcat TO p_fieldtab.
    ENDFORM.                    " INITIALIZE_FIELDCAT
    Could the experts do help to overcome the probs.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Anbalagan,
    i've tested your program - but it works fine (Rel. 4.6C,SAPKB46C30)
    download is ok and direct transfer (excel inplace) is ok.
    but i've a question to the selection of waers in your program -
    why do you select waers from bkpf and not from bsak ?
    i think sel. of bkpf is'nt necessary !
    regards Andreas

  • I recieve my reciepts from all of my Apple purchases via email to my email cllient "MS Outlook 2003" on a Windows 7 Home Premium platform. I cannot format the print appearance of HTML documents within Outlook and the print border cuts of the last digit?

    I use MS Outlook as my email client under Windows 7 Home Premium and when I receive a reciept from Apple for purchases made for my iPhone (Stores or iTunes) the HTML formatting cuts off the last digit of the price paid on my eReceipts (the only receipts I get). Outlook 2003 does not allow for HTML print formatting since they (HTMLs) are formatted from the source (Apple). Can you help me to get Apple to fix this or find a workaround?

    Just to recap, this is a collection of ports I have collected over time for people who needed this information when setting up the HP ePrint app so that they could view their email from within the app.  I am certain other applications also need this information.  Although lengthy, I could not find a more comprehensive place to retrieve this information.  Feel free to post additional information, faulty information, or other related topics below as this is simply a collection of data and it would be practically impossible to test all of them. Thank you!
    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

  • ALV truncates last digit of field when exported to Excel.

    Hello SAPients!
    I have an ALV grid that truncates the last digit of one of the fields (VBELN) when it is exported to Excel. The field is defined with reference to the standard field VBRK-VBELN.
    I'm working on SAP 4.6C.
    Any idea?
    Thank you for your help

    That's funny.  Make sure the the outputlen is big enough.
    RIch Heilman

  • ALV GRID download truncates the last digit of invoice

    Hi Experts,
                     I am facing a production issue related to ALV grid download. When we click export to local file -> spread sheet,
    if it is downloaded to Excel file, invoice last digit is truncated.
    Can any body face this problem ?
    Please let me know if any body has clue to solve this strange issue.

    check the type of field used for invoice list. Make it type vbeln. Also try using EXit_alpha_output FM and modify the table for invoice numbers.

  • PO history report when downloaded in excel it truncates last digit of vendo

    We have a customized report developed for PO history.When executed ,it displays the report.However when we transport that to excel spreadsheet,surprisingly the vendor number gets truncated at the last meaning the last digit of the vendor number doesnot show up.
    However in Quality,when downloaded,it looks perfectly okay.
    What could be the possibility.
    Please suggest
    Thanks in advance

    Let me share my experience regarding your situation. Last time I like to download reports from SAP to spreadsheet, however, the result not satisfy. What I did, download first using HTML format then from this file, I opened with excel and save it in excel format. As result the perfect report came out, my advice please try what I have done before.
    Hope this help

  • SPA3000 F/W 3.1.20(GW) last digit repetition within the dial plan is not working for gateway 0-4

    H/W: SPA3000
    F/W: 3.1.20(GW)
    Problem: The last digit repetition within the dial plan is not working for gateway 0-4.
    Line 1 Dial Plan: (****|<#,xx.<:@gw1>|1747xxxxxxxx.<:@gw1>)
    Dial "17474743246#" which works for gw1.
    Dial "#17474743246" which also works for gw1.
    Dial "17474743246" which doesn't work and actually goes through VoIP 1 but not gw1.
    It results in I have to specify a fixed number of digits for gw0-gw4 in the dial plan or it won't works. This could be very difficult for international calls.
    Is there any way to specify Interdigit Short Timer with <:@gw0>?
    BTW, it's strange that I have to include (****) in the dial plan to enter IVR. Without it I can't even hear any sound coming from gw1 (SIPphone). Maybe the SPA needs a factory reset. The test dial plan might look like,
    The last barring sequence "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!" is to make sure the Interdigit Short Timer works after the last digit dialed otherwise the number will be transmitted immediately which is not preferred.

    IMHO , if there's a need for you to include *** on the dial plan to enter the IVR menu there might be a need to reset the unit.
    I believe that you can set the interdigit timer by including that on the dial plan ie: xxxxS0 just like on a hotline, i just never had a chance to try including that syntax when invoking gw0 on the dial plan , but i guess you may give it a try.

  • Numeric column, last digit of a numeric field is replaced by zero

    I have a annoying issue, this started when we upgraded to oracle10g and win 2k3
    The code downloads the rows and loads into text file..
    But sometimes the last digit of numeric field is replaced by zero.. e.g the value of field is 123.13 then will be displayed as 123.10
    And again if the same code is rerun the output is correct!!!
    This happens once in week, but no clue!! why it happens!!!

    But the oracle server is not replaced.. it is same what it was earlier...
    Only the application server is upgraded to win2003..
    And started to use "Oracle in OraClient 10G.." previously used "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle".
    And if its settings issue, Doesn't be happening consistantly.?
    Edited by: user9259846 on May 29, 2010 5:38 AM

  • The last digit of invoice vbeln is getting  truncated  in the file

    Hi Experts,
    I'm facing problem in both quality and production,the last digit of invoice vbeln is getting  truncated  in the file when i do export-> local file ->spread sheet.I'm having an alv report using grid display alv is getting display.when output is displayed  i'm getting vbeln as 0430098109 and when i'm trying to download into XLS file using export local file spread sheet i'm getting vbeln as 043009810, last digit not appering in the file
    Thanks in advance.

    PERFORM reset_component_price.
    LOOP AT tab_documenti .
        IF tab_documenti-waerk = co_krw .
          tab_documenti-netwr = tab_documenti-netwr * 100 .
        ENDIF .
        MODIFY tab_documenti .
      ENDLOOP .
    DESCRIBE TABLE tab_documenti LINES num.
      IF num > 0.
        IF importa = 'X'.
          PERFORM esporta_file.
          PERFORM stampa2.
    *&      Form  recupero_trigger_fatturazione
    FORM recupero_trigger_fatturazione.
      SELECT vkorg fkdat kunnr vbeln vtweg spart vbtyp
             FROM vkdfs
             WHERE vkorg IN s_vkorg
              AND  fkdat IN s_edatu
              AND  kunnr IN s_kunnr
              AND  vbeln IN s_vbeln
              AND  vtweg IN s_vtweg
              AND  spart IN s_spart
              AND  vbtyp IN s_vbtyp.
    FORM termino_reperimento_dati_docum.
      IF NOT port IS INITIAL. "APAB 26/01/04
        REFRESH l_tab_vbak. CLEAR l_tab_vbak.
        SELECT vbeln
               erdat ernam                "APAB 26/01/04
               vkorg vtweg spart kunnr
               vkbur vkgrp vbtyp auart augru
               INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE l_tab_vbak
               FROM vbak
               WHERE vbeln IN s_vbeln "EQ tab_vkdfs-vbeln Ceriati
               AND   ernam IN s_ernam "APAB 26/01/04
               AND   kunnr IN s_kunnr
               AND   vkorg IN s_vkorg
               AND   vtweg IN s_vtweg
               AND   spart IN s_spart.
        CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
        LOOP AT l_tab_vbak WHERE vkbur IN s_vkbur AND
                                 vkgrp IN s_vkgrp AND
                                 auart IN s_auart AND
                                 augru IN s_augru.
          REFRESH l_tab_vbap. CLEAR l_tab_vbap.
          SELECT vbeln posnr pstyv werks kondm matnr netwr waerk kwmeng
                 netpr prodh taxm1 knumh                "APAB 26/01/04
                 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE l_tab_vbap
                 FROM vbap
                 WHERE vbeln EQ l_tab_vbak-vbeln "tab_vkdfs-vbeln.Ceriati
                   AND pstyv IN s_pstyp. "Ceriati
          CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    APAB 26/01/04 start - find order reason
          CLEAR l_tab_vbak-bezei.
          SELECT SINGLE bezei INTO l_tab_vbak-bezei FROM tvaut
                              WHERE spras EQ sy-langu
                              AND   augru EQ l_tab_vbak-augru.
    find client description
          CLEAR : l_tab_vbak-name1,l_tab_vbak-land1.
          SELECT SINGLE name1 land1 INTO (l_tab_vbak-name1,l_tab_vbak-land1)
                                                                   FROM kna1
                                              WHERE kunnr = l_tab_vbak-kunnr.
    Ceriati imposte
          SELECT SINGLE taxkd INTO tab_documenti-taxm1 FROM knvi
                                     WHERE kunnr = l_tab_vbak-kunnr
                                     AND  aland = 'IT'
                                     AND  tatyp = 'MWST'.
          LOOP AT l_tab_vbap WHERE werks IN s_werks AND
                                   kondm IN s_kondm AND
                                   matnr IN s_matnr.
            IF l_tab_vbak-auart = 'Z1OI' AND ( l_tab_vbap-pstyv = 'TAX' OR
                                               l_tab_vbap-pstyv = 'TAD' ).
              SELECT SINGLE * FROM vbup WHERE vbeln = l_tab_vbap-vbeln
                                        AND   posnr = l_tab_vbap-posnr.
              CHECK vbup-fksaa NE 'C'.
            CLEAR vbep.
            CLEAR: qta_uscita_t, qta_cons_t.
            REFRESH l_tab_vbfa.
            SELECT vbelv posnv posnv vbeln posnn vbtyp_n rfmng
               FROM vbfa
               WHERE vbelv EQ l_tab_vbap-vbeln  AND
                     posnv EQ l_tab_vbap-posnr AND
                     vbtyp_n EQ 'J'.
            LOOP AT l_tab_vbfa.
              qta_cons_t = l_tab_vbfa-rfmng + qta_cons_t.
            REFRESH l_tab_vbfa.
            SELECT vbelv posnv posnv vbeln posnn vbtyp_n rfmng bwart
               FROM vbfa
               WHERE vbelv EQ l_tab_vbap-vbeln
                 AND posnv EQ l_tab_vbap-posnr
                  AND BWART NE SPACE
                 AND ( vbtyp_n EQ 'R'
                  OR   vbtyp_n EQ 'h' ).
            LOOP AT l_tab_vbfa.
              IF l_tab_vbfa-vbtyp_n = 'h'.
                l_tab_vbfa-rfmng = l_tab_vbfa-rfmng * -1.
              qta_uscita_t = qta_uscita_t + l_tab_vbfa-rfmng.
            SELECT * FROM vbep WHERE vbeln EQ l_tab_vbap-vbeln AND
                  posnr EQ l_tab_vbap-posnr
                 AND edatu IN s_edatu
                  ORDER BY edatu.
              CHECK vbep-bmeng NE 0.
              MOVE vbep-bmeng TO tab_documenti-menge.
    CLEAR: qta_uscita,qta_cons.
              IF qta_cons_t = 0.
                CLEAR qta_cons.
                IF qta_uscita_t NE 0.
                  IF qta_uscita_t > vbep-bmeng.
                    qta_uscita = vbep-bmeng.
                    qta_uscita_t = qta_uscita_t - vbep-bmeng.
                    qta_uscita = qta_uscita_t.
                    CLEAR qta_uscita_t.
                IF qta_cons_t > vbep-bmeng.
                  qta_cons = vbep-bmeng.
                  qta_cons_t = qta_cons_t - vbep-bmeng.
                  qta_cons = qta_cons_t.
                  CLEAR qta_cons_t.
                IF qta_uscita_t NE 0.
                  IF qta_uscita_t > vbep-bmeng.
                    qta_uscita = vbep-bmeng.
                    qta_uscita_t = qta_uscita_t - vbep-bmeng.
                    qta_uscita = qta_uscita_t.
                    CLEAR qta_uscita_t.
              qta_cons = qta_cons - qta_uscita.
    CLEAR: tab_documenti-inco1, tab_documenti-vsart,
                     tab_documenti-bstkd, tab_documenti-bstdk.
              SELECT SINGLE inco1 vsart zterm bstkd bstdk
                                                INTO (tab_documenti-inco1,
                                                      FROM vbkd
                                           WHERE vbeln = l_tab_vbap-vbeln
                                           AND   posnr = l_tab_vbap-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
                SELECT SINGLE inco1 vsart zterm bstkd bstdk
                                                  INTO (tab_documenti-inco1,
                                                                  FROM vbkd
                                             WHERE vbeln = l_tab_vbap-vbeln
                                             AND   posnr = '000000'.
    CLEAR makt.
              SELECT SINGLE * FROM makt WHERE matnr = l_tab_vbap-matnr
                                          AND spras = sy-langu.
              IF sy-subrc = 0.
                tab_documenti-maktx = makt-maktx.
    IF qta_cons = l_tab_vbap-kwmeng.
                tab_documenti-qta_c = vbep-bmeng.
                tab_documenti-qta_a = l_tab_vbap-kwmeng - qta_cons
                                                        - qta_uscita.
                CLEAR qta_cons.
               qta_cons <= vbep-bmeng.
                tab_documenti-qta_c = qta_cons.
                tab_documenti-qta_a = vbep-bmeng - qta_cons - qta_uscita.
    l_tab_vbap-netwr = l_tab_vbap-netpr * ( tab_documenti-qta_a +
                                                     tab_documenti-qta_c ).
    MOVE: l_tab_vbak-vbeln TO tab_documenti-vbeln,
                    l_tab_vbak-vkorg TO tab_documenti-vkorg,
                    l_tab_vbak-vtweg TO tab_documenti-vtweg,
                    l_tab_vbak-spart TO tab_documenti-spart,
                    l_tab_vbak-kunnr TO tab_documenti-kunnr,
                    l_tab_vbak-vkbur TO tab_documenti-vkbur,
                    l_tab_vbak-vkgrp TO tab_documenti-vkgrp,
                    l_tab_vbak-vbtyp TO tab_documenti-vbtyp,
                    l_tab_vbak-auart TO tab_documenti-auart,
                    l_tab_vbak-augru TO tab_documenti-augru,
                    l_tab_vbak-bezei TO tab_documenti-bezei, "APAB 26/01/04
                    l_tab_vbak-erdat TO tab_documenti-erdat, "APAB 26/01/04
                    l_tab_vbak-ernam TO tab_documenti-ernam, "APAB 26/01/04
                    l_tab_vbak-name1 TO tab_documenti-name1, "APAB 26/01/04
                    l_tab_vbak-land1 TO tab_documenti-land1, "APAB 26/01/04
                    tab_vkdfs-fkdat  TO tab_documenti-fkdat.
              MOVE: l_tab_vbap-vbeln TO tab_documenti-vbeln,
                    l_tab_vbap-posnr TO tab_documenti-posnr,
                    l_tab_vbap-pstyv TO tab_documenti-pstyv,
                    l_tab_vbap-werks TO tab_documenti-werks,
                    l_tab_vbap-kondm TO tab_documenti-kondm,
                    l_tab_vbap-matnr TO tab_documenti-matnr,
                    l_tab_vbap-netwr TO tab_documenti-netwr,
                    l_tab_vbap-waerk TO tab_documenti-waerk,
                    l_tab_vbap-netpr TO tab_documenti-netw1, "APAB 26/01/04
                    l_tab_vbap-prodh TO tab_documenti-prodh.
    MOVE: vbep-edatu TO tab_documenti-fkdat.
    IF  NOT tab_documenti-qta_a IS INITIAL
              OR  NOT tab_documenti-qta_c IS INITIAL.
                APPEND tab_documenti.
    CLEAR tab_documenti.
        CLEAR tab_documenti.
    IF NOT boll IS INITIAL. "APAB 26/01/04
        LOOP AT tab_vkdfs WHERE vbtyp EQ 'J'.
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM vbuk WHERE vbeln EQ tab_vkdfs-vbeln.
          CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
          IF vbuk-wbstk = 'C'.
            PERFORM prendi_dati.
            IF port EQ 'X'.
              PERFORM prendi_dati.

  • Changing the last digit of the lan ip?  Necessary due to FIOS VoD.

    Due to the way FIOS tv works, the actiontec router that is currently running in bridged mode must have as the ip address in order for video on demand to work.
    Is it true that the last digit of the lan ip on the AEBS cannot be changed from 1 (x.x.x.1)? Are there any known workarounds?

    That is true and there are no workarounds.

  • Round Decimal value based on last digit

    Hi Experts,
    I'm trying to round the decimal value based on its last digit. If the last digit is >5 then add +1 to the digit before that and remove the last digit else just remove.
    -59664.15000000005 should become -59664.15
    -21308625.00000002 should become -21308625
    -85234500.00000006 should become -85234500.0000001
    18288102.85714287 should become 18288102.8571429I tried with Round Function but it did not help,
    Pls assist.

    Got it done just took the length and did the change.. sorry for this lame question.. should have tried before posting the question. Tx for your time...

  • WD My Cloud URL address last digit keep randomly changing

    Hi. I hope someone can help. The WD MyCloud device that  have seems to just ramdomly change the last digit on the URL address for no apparent reason. One day it wil be 4 and the next I know it will have changed to 3 or 2 or whatever t decides. When this happens I  am unable to access the device from my laptop until I have changed the target URL address on the shortcuts. Also I get an network connecteion error message 906 on my smartphone so I then need to remove the device from my smartphne and mannually add it again. Surely this cannot be right! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    It's the IP address. Your router is changing it because you have IP address selected by dynamic DHCP. Use your router's control panel, and look for a page called something like 'Devices', find your MyCloud, and change the IP assignment method to something like  'fixed', 'always use this address'address', 'infinite lease period", or simply change it from DHCP to Static.

  • How to skip the last digit?

    I have to skip the last digit in a material no (MATNR) .
    If the matnr is 12345A
    I need to take out the last digit which is 'A' and store the material no as '12345'.
    Please let me know how can we do this easily?

    Like this.
    report zrich_0001 .
    data: len type i.
    data: matnr type mara-matnr.
    matnr = '12345A'.
    len =  strlen( matnr ) - 1 .
    clear matnr+len(1).
    write:/ matnr.
    Rich Heilman

  • How can i get the last delete picture's info from tlf?

    if i delete the picture from the tlf i can't make the tlf undo
    and I want to get the picture'info with I last time delete from tlf 

    Can you let us know what you are doing to delete the picture, and also how you are undoing it? If it is being deleted through the EditManager delete function, the delete should undo correctly. Some example code to illustrate the problem would help.
    Once the picture has been deleted, TLF has no further reference to it. If you want to keep a reference, you will have to get it before it has been deleted. If you don't have control over the delete, you could find out when the image is deleted by listening for FLOW_OPERATION_END events.
    - robin

  • Last Deleting in Draft Document

    I found that last row deleting problem occurred while user try to delete last row of Draft Document.
    if we change last row's item, then SBO delete last row.
    Can any body provide me solution

    There is no authorization issue:
    I going to write here complete scenario:
    Requestee department use "Draft Goods Issue" for as request of  material issuance from store department.Store department issue material and finally add "Draft Goods Issue" documents.   
    If requestee department prepared "Draft Goods Issue" for following three items
        Item Description        Request Qty
    1. Item A                          10
    2. Item B                           15
    3. Item C                           20
    Store department can delete row no 01 and 02 easily but when try to delete row 03 means last record but to no response.
    I found "work around" that if store department change row no 03 Item then row no 03 record can be deleted.
    why user store department or even "manager" user can't delete row 03 record easily as row 01 and 02.
    Please answered me.
    I'm usinG SAP 7 SP 1

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