Last stocktaking date for item

Is anyone knows how can i check the last stocktaking date for item (by select query)?
Thanks in advanced,

In SBO we can perform Stocktaking (In SBO menu: Inventory>inventory transactions>Initial Quantities, Stocktaking and Stock Posting).
how can i check when (in which dates) Stocktaking was performed for specific item (Stocktaking history)?

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    I need to create a report for PO, where I have created one screen tab in Header level(customer data), therefore I need to fetch last changed date for header , I must mention that I do not want last changed date for item level, only for header last changed date is required.
    Kindly assist me on this.

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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your reply.
    It is complete a Zcopy of a standard one, but we are facing one or two records are not updating correctly out of hundreds of customers in the worklist.

  • BAPI_PO_CREATE1 - In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item

    Currently I'm facing an error "In case of account assignment, please enter acc. assignment data for item" when create a Purchase Order using BAPI_PO_CREATE1. The condition of the data that need to pump into the system is that this PO is an open item PO where does not require a metarial code for input, but it will pump in Short Text and Material Group. Other than that, the account assignment category is "K" and the item category is "9".
    Below is the coding that I have implemented.
    IF wa_temp_upr1-waers IS NOT INITIAL.
           MOVE wa_temp_upr1-waers TO wa_header-currency.
           wa_headerx-currency = abap_true.
         MOVE: wa_temp_upr1-lifnr TO wa_header-vendor,
               wa_temp_upr1-unsez TO wa_header-collect_no,
               wa_temp_upr1-bukrs TO wa_header-comp_code,
               sy-datum      TO wa_header-doc_date,
               sy-langu      TO wa_header-langu,
               'KTN1'        TO wa_header-purch_org,
               wa_temp_upr1-bkgrp TO wa_header-pur_group,
               wa_temp_upr1-zterm TO wa_header-pmnttrms.
         wa_headerx-collect_no = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-po_number = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-comp_code = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-vendor = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-doc_date = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-langu = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-purch_org = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-pur_group = abap_true.
         wa_headerx-pmnttrms = abap_true.
         IF wa_temp_upr1-meins IS NOT INITIAL.
           MOVE wa_temp_upr1-meins TO zunit_e.
               INPUT                =  zunit_e
               LANGUAGE             = 'E'
               OUTPUT               = zunit_e.
           IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
             MOVE zunit_e TO wa_temp_upr1-meins.
           MODIFY it_upr1 FROM wa_temp_upr1.
         ADD 10 TO line_item.
             NR_RANGE_NR = '01'
             OBJECT      = 'SERVICE'
             NUMBER      = pckg_no.
         IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
             INPUT  = wa_temp_upr1-matnr
             OUTPUT = wa_po_item-material.
         MOVE: line_item TO wa_po_item-po_item,
               wa_temp_upr1-ewerks TO wa_po_item-plant,
               wa_temp_upr1-lgort TO wa_po_item-stge_loc,
               wa_temp_upr1-matnr TO wa_po_item-material,
               wa_temp_upr1-menge TO wa_po_item-quantity,
               wa_temp_upr1-peinh TO wa_po_item-price_unit,
               wa_temp_upr1-netpr TO wa_po_item-net_price,
               wa_temp_upr1-meins TO wa_po_item-po_unit,
               wa_temp_upr1-afnam TO wa_po_item-preq_name,
               wa_temp_upr1-eeind TO wa_po_item-price_date,
               ' ' TO wa_po_item-gr_ind,
               'X' TO wa_po_item-ir_ind,
               'X' TO wa_po_item-prnt_price,
               ' ' TO wa_po_item-distrib.
         wa_po_item-acctasscat = 'K'.
         MOVE pckg_no TO wa_po_item-pckg_no.
         wa_po_itemx-pckg_no = abap_true.
         IF wa_temp_upr1-bismt IS INITIAL.
           MOVE: wa_temp_upr1-short_text TO wa_po_item-short_text,
                 wa_temp_upr1-matl_group TO wa_po_item-matl_group,
                  '9' TO wa_po_item-item_cat.
           wa_po_itemx-short_text = abap_true.
           wa_po_itemx-matl_group = abap_true.
           wa_po_itemx-item_cat = abap_true.
           wa_potext-po_item = wa_po_item-po_item.
           wa_potext-text_id = 'F01'.
           APPEND wa_potext TO it_potext.
         MOVE wa_po_item-po_item TO wa_po_itemx-po_item.
         wa_po_itemx-plant = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-po_itemx = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-stge_loc = abap_true.
         IF wa_po_item-material IS NOT INITIAL.
           wa_po_itemx-material = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-quantity = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-price_unit = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-net_price = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-po_unit = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-preq_name = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-price_date = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-acctasscat = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-gr_ind = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-distrib = abap_true.
         wa_po_itemx-part_inv = abap_true.
         APPEND wa_po_item TO it_item.
         APPEND wa_po_itemx TO it_itemx.
               INPUT  = wa_temp_upr1-kostl
               OUTPUT = wa_temp_upr1-kostl.
           wa_account-costcenter = wa_temp_upr1-kostl.
           ADD 1 TO l_acc.
           ADD 10 TO v_po_item.
           MOVE v_po_item TO wa_account-po_item.
           MOVE '01' TO wa_account-serial_no.
           APPEND wa_account TO it_account.
           wa_accountx-costcenter = abap_true.
           MOVE v_po_item TO wa_accountx-po_item.
           MOVE '01' TO wa_accountx-serial_no.
           wa_accountx-SERIAL_NOX = abap_true.
           wa_accountx-po_itemx = abap_true.
           APPEND wa_accountx TO it_accountx.
    *********** services
           wa_services-pckg_no = pckg_no.
           wa_services-line_no = '0000000001'.
           wa_services-outl_ind = 'X'.
           wa_services-subpckg_no = pckg_no + 1.
           wa_services-quantity = wa_temp_upr1-menge.
           wa_services-base_uom = wa_temp_upr1-meins.
           wa_services-price_unit = wa_temp_upr1-peinh.
           wa_services-gr_price = wa_temp_upr1-netpr.
           IF wa_temp_upr1-short_text IS NOT INITIAL.
             wa_services-short_text = wa_temp_upr1-short_text.
           APPEND wa_services TO it_services.
           CLEAR:  wa_services,
           wa_services-pckg_no = pckg_no + 1.
           wa_services-line_no = '0000000002'.
           wa_services-quantity = wa_temp_upr1-menge.
           wa_services-base_uom = wa_temp_upr1-meins.
           wa_services-price_unit = wa_temp_upr1-peinh.
           wa_services-gr_price = wa_temp_upr1-netpr.
           IF wa_temp_upr1-short_text IS NOT INITIAL.
             wa_services-short_text = 'SERVICE 1'.
           IF NOT wa_temp_upr1-matl_group IS INITIAL.
             wa_services-matl_group = wa_temp_upr1-matl_group.
           APPEND wa_services TO it_services.
    ************* service account assignment
           wa_services_acc-pckg_no = pckg_no + 1.
           wa_services_acc-line_no = '0000000002'.
           wa_services_acc-serno_line = '01'.
           wa_services_acc-quantity = wa_temp_upr1-menge.
           wa_services_acc-serial_no = '01'.
           wa_services_acc-net_value = wa_temp_upr1-netpr.
           APPEND wa_services_acc TO it_services_acc.
               POHEADER          = wa_header
               POHEADERX         = wa_headerx
               TESTRUN           = pa_test
               NO_PRICE_FROM_PO  = 'X'
               EXPPURCHASEORDER  = va_ebeln
               EXPHEADER         = wa_expheader
               RETURN            = it_return
               POITEM            = it_item
               POITEMX           = it_itemx
               POACCOUNT         = it_account
               POACCOUNTX        = it_accountx
               POSERVICES        = it_services
               POSRVACCESSVALUES = it_services_acc
               POTEXTITEM        = it_potext.
    I have done some search regarding this error and try to implemented it, but still does not working.
    example website that i found for this error is:
    David Klein's Corner: SAP Purchase Order Creation Error via BAPI - &quot;In case of account assignment, please enter acc…
    PO Upload through BAPI_PO_CREATE1 - Problem in Service Item
    Currently my system is using: SAP_APPL SAPKH60604
    I am really stuck on this error. Hope you all can help me on this matter.

    Filling the service line have the problem,
    while filling the services we must follow correct order,
    Here You entering the new services, first manually create purchase order after that observe the table
    'ESLL' and use the FM;-' MS_FETCH_SPEC_FOR_LIST' how the services are inserting after that you also follow the same order.
    if service entries are created before the creation of the PO.
    then follow as bellow....
    SELECT * FROM esll INTO TABLE lt_esll WHERE packno = wa_tmp_spec-packno.
       IF sy-subrc = '0'.
         LOOP AT lt_esll.
           CLEAR :  lt_poservices.
           lt_poservices-pckg_no    = lt_esll-packno .
           lt_poservices-line_no    = lt_esll-introw .
           lt_poservices-ext_line   = lt_esll-extrow .
           lt_poservices-outl_level = lt_esll-rang .
           lt_poservices-outl_no    = lt_esll-extgroup .
           lt_poservices-outl_ind   = lt_esll-del .
           lt_poservices-subpckg_no = lt_esll-sub_packno .
           lt_poservices-service    = lt_esll-srvpos .
           lt_poservices-edition    = lt_esll-ausgb .
           lt_poservices-ssc_item   = lt_esll-stlvpos .
           lt_poservices-ext_serv   = lt_esll-extsrvno.
           lt_poservices-quantity   = lt_esll-menge .
           lt_poservices-base_uom   = lt_esll-meins .
           lt_poservices-ovf_tol    = lt_esll-uebto .
           lt_poservices-ovf_unlim  = lt_esll-uebtk .
           lt_poservices-gr_price   = lt_esll-tbtwr .
           lt_poservices-from_line  = lt_esll-frompos .
           lt_poservices-to_line    = lt_esll-knt_introw.
           lt_poservices-short_text = lt_esll-ktext1 .
           lt_poservices-distrib    = lt_esll-vrtkz .
           lt_poservices-pers_no    = lt_esll-pernr .
           lt_poservices-wagetype   = lt_esll-lgart .
           lt_poservices-con_pckg   = lt_esll-knt_packno.
           lt_poservices-con_line   = lt_esll-knt_introw .
           lt_poservices-matl_group = lt_esll-matkl .
           lt_poservices-taxjurcode = lt_esll-txjcd.
           lt_poservices-tax_code   = lt_esll-mwskz .
           lt_poservices-date       = lt_esll-sdate .
           APPEND  lt_poservices TO lt_poservices[].
           CLEAR lt_esll.
           spec_packno            = wa_tmp_spec-packno
    *     ONLINE_DATA            = ' '
    *     LIMIT                  =
           servicetab             = lt_ml_esll1
    *     LIMITTAB               =
           no_specification_exist = 1
           OTHERS                 = 2.
       IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
       LOOP AT lt_ml_esll1 INTO DATA(ls_ml_esll1).
         CLEAR :  lt_poservices.
         lt_poservices-pckg_no    = ls_ml_esll1-packno .
         lt_poservices-line_no    = ls_ml_esll1-introw .
         lt_poservices-ext_line   = ls_ml_esll1-extrow .
         lt_poservices-outl_level = ls_ml_esll1-rang .
         lt_poservices-outl_no    = ls_ml_esll1-extgroup .
         lt_poservices-outl_ind   = ls_ml_esll1-del .
         lt_poservices-subpckg_no = ls_ml_esll1-sub_packno .
         lt_poservices-service    = ls_ml_esll1-srvpos .
         lt_poservices-edition    = ls_ml_esll1-ausgb .
         lt_poservices-ssc_item   = ls_ml_esll1-stlvpos .
         lt_poservices-ext_serv   = ls_ml_esll1-extsrvno.
         lt_poservices-quantity   = ls_ml_esll1-menge .
         lt_poservices-base_uom   = ls_ml_esll1-meins .
         lt_poservices-ovf_tol    = ls_ml_esll1-uebto .
         lt_poservices-ovf_unlim  = ls_ml_esll1-uebtk .
         lt_poservices-gr_price   = ls_ml_esll1-tbtwr .
         lt_poservices-from_line  = ls_ml_esll1-frompos .
         lt_poservices-to_line    = ls_ml_esll1-knt_introw.
         lt_poservices-short_text = ls_ml_esll1-ktext1 .
         lt_poservices-distrib    = ls_ml_esll1-vrtkz .
         lt_poservices-pers_no    = ls_ml_esll1-pernr .
         lt_poservices-wagetype   = ls_ml_esll1-lgart .
         lt_poservices-con_pckg   = ls_ml_esll1-knt_packno.
         lt_poservices-con_line   = ls_ml_esll1-knt_introw .
         lt_poservices-matl_group = ls_ml_esll1-matkl .
         lt_poservices-taxjurcode = ls_ml_esll1-txjcd.
         lt_poservices-tax_code   = ls_ml_esll1-mwskz .
         lt_poservices-date       = ls_ml_esll1-sdate .
         APPEND  lt_poservices TO lt_poservices[].
         CLEAR ls_ml_esll1.
       CLEAR : lt_poservices.
    *& Filling the po service values internal table from service internal table
       LOOP AT lt_poservices[]  INTO lt_poservices WHERE gr_price GT 0.
    READ TABLE lt_ml_esll1 INTO wa_msll WITH KEY  packno = lt_poservices-pckg_no
                                               introw = lt_poservices-line_no
                                            extrow = lt_poservices-ext_line..
         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
           CLEAR lt_posvalues.
           lt_posvalues-pckg_no    = wa_msll-packno.
           lt_posvalues-line_no    = wa_msll-introw.
           lt_posvalues-quantity   = wa_msll-menge.
    *      lt_posvalues-net_value  = wa_msll-netwr.
           lt_posvalues-serno_line = '01'.
           lt_posvalues-serial_no  = '01'.
    *      lt_posvalues-percentage = '100'.
           APPEND lt_posvalues TO lt_posvalues[].
           CLEAR : wa_msll.
    note:- if  it is correct give points

  • After the last up date for Safari (Mac OS X 10.8.5 in a iMac mid 2011 21.5 inch 2.8GHz Intel Core i7) The window don't open or they are there  and only in an outline, kind of like they're behind the screen. I have also done a system update and then a syst

    After the last up date for Safari (Mac OS X 10.8.5 in a iMac mid 2011 21.5 inch 2.8GHz Intel Core i7)
    The window don't open or they are there  and only in an outline, kind of like they're behind the screen.
    I have also done a system update and then a system reinstall.
    What now? incident nr, 526941222.

    After the last up date for Safari (Mac OS X 10.8.5 in a iMac mid 2011 21.5 inch 2.8GHz Intel Core i7)
    The window don't open or they are there  and only in an outline, kind of like they're behind the screen.
    I have also done a system update and then a system reinstall.
    What now? incident nr, 526941222.

  • How to find Last Payment date for vendor

    I am working on ALV  Vendor report details.
    1) How to find the last payment date for the vendor.
    2) In input paramter field  
       I want to validate the user input in the selction screen for downloading the file in the presentation server..
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    pl help me give details.
    Thanks in advance.

    1) use table REGUH field ZALDT or VALUT
    2) use fm like EPS_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES

  • Storing the last modified date for files in a HashMap

    This method gets a list of all the .java files in the source subdirectory, gets the last modified date for them and stores the file name and last modified date in a HashMap.
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class myClass
         public static void main(String[] args)
              HashMap result = getLastModified();
         static FilenameFilter javaFilter = new FilenameFilter()
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
                return name.endsWith(".java");
         public HashMap getLastModified()
              HashMap lastModified = new HashMap();
              ArrayList javaFiles = new ArrayList();
              File sourceDir = new File(".\\Source");
              File currentFile;
              long lLastModified;
              //get a list of all the .java files in the source directory
              //for all .java files get and store the last modified date
              for(int i=0; i<javaFiles.size(); i++)
                   lastModified.put(currentFile, lLastModified);
              return lastModified;
    }The problems I am getting are:
    The method listFiles(FilenameFilter) is undefined for the type myClass
    The method put(Object, Object) in the type HashMap is not applicable for the arguments (File, long)
    can anyone help? What's the best way to go aobut this?

    Thanks for the replies abenstex I modified it so that javaFiles is now a File[] and made the change you suggested but I still have the second problem, here's the code so far:
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class myClass
         public static void main(String[] args)
              HashMap result = getLastModified();
         static FilenameFilter javaFilter = new FilenameFilter()
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
                return name.endsWith(".java");
         public HashMap getLastModified()
              HashMap lastModified = new HashMap();
              File[] javaFiles = {};
              File sourceDir = new File(".\\Source");
              File currentFile;
              long lLastModified;
              //get a list of all the .java files in the source directory
              //for all .java files get and store the last modified date
              for(int i=0; i<javaFiles.length; i++)
                   lastModified.put(currentFile, lLastModified);
              return lastModified;

  • How to know last access date for the schema's

    Dear all,
    could u plz tell me How to know last access date for the schema’s
    Srinivasa rao.P

    could u plz tell me How to know last access date for the schema’s
    In Oracle, we don't access schemas but schema objects.And this informationis not kept anywhere persistantly.As Amit also mentioned,if you do need it,you have to enable Auditing.

  • Last Entry Date for Each Quarter

    I want to find out the last entry date for each quarter. The query I am using is this:
    Country.Name as Country,
    CONVERT(DATE,MAX([CreationDate])) as LastDateOfClipEntry,
    DATEPART(Year,([CreationDate])) as Year,
    DATEPART(Quarter,([CreationDate])) as Quarter
    JOIN Office on Office.Code = Clip.Office
    JOIN Country on Country.Code = Office.Country
    WHERE YEAR(CreationDate) IN (@YEAR)
    GROUP BY Country.Name,DATEPART(Year,([CreationDate])) ,DATEPART(Quarter,([CreationDate]))
    ORDER BY Country.Name
    Now based on the column group I added in my report the result is coming correct but not properly formatted as I want.
    Below is the snapshot how its coming now:
    I don't want the extra blanks coming for each occurrence. There should be only one line for Australia and in the single line it should show the last entry date for that quarter. How can I achieve that ? Below is the snapshot showing current config:
    Thanks a lot in advance. Any help would be appreciated.
    Vivek Kamath

    Hi Vik2907,
    According to your description, you have a matrix which shows you those unexpected cells. Right?
    In this scenario, the reason caused this problem is the group setting. Mostly, you set the row group on a wrong field. As we tested in our local environment, if you set the row group on LastDateOfClipEntry, it will render the data as the screenshot you post.
    Please check both Row and Column Group setting, make sure they are group on proper field.
    Tables, Matrices, and Lists (Report Builder and SSRS)
    Understanding Groups (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • Last Logon Date for Deleted Users

    How can I checked to see last logon date for a deleted user-SAP ECC 6.0?

    > ... chekcing USR02 the TRDAT field has been reset.
    In lower releases you could easily have made a big mistake doing that.
    In all releases the security audit log (SM20) is the correct tool for this, but you cannot retro-fit it.
    If the SM20 log is not activated for logon events, then there are several other ways of reconstructing parts of the information but they are all incomplete and a big effort.

  • Expiry date for items

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    Is it possible to set Expiry date for Item. if so, how?
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    thanks in advance

    There is no Expiry date field available in the Item Master Data. However, you can check the option of the Validity dates in Item Master Data or if your item is a batch managed item, then you can have the batch expiry date.
    Kind Regards,
    SAP Business One Forum Team

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    which table is involved??
    Yours kindness will be appreciated

    You can take a look at table AUSP as well as CRMD_AUSP_HIST.
    The "changed by" and "changed at" are logged on attribute level, not on attribute value level. When you change one specific value, the system does a "re-insert" of all existing values of this attribute.
    Take a look at the SAP notes 938426 and 966670  these may assit you in resolving the issue.
    William Laverde

  • Last Use Date for iViews/Pages/Workset - Portal clean up of old items

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    I am hoping there is a script that can be run which produces a report stating Last Used/Executed date. If there is nothing like this, does any one know if there is any Data Base table or fields that can identify this type if data so we can create/write our own script?  The PDC inspector may do this but its a very manual effort and we'd like something that is automated and runs in the background.
    I know we can turn on metrics, but that will not work for us because it completely bogs down our systems and we can't afford that. Hence we are looking for something that runs in the background and will not effect our environments.

    Thanks everybody for trying to asnwer the first question.
    But I guess what I am really looking to find out, for every item we have in the PCD, is there a way to find the last used date? We don't want to turn on the metrics for a period of time like some of the solutions have suggested since that will bog down out production system and it still won't help us identify in our DEV and Test regions items that might still be valid but haven't been touched for a while or are still in development phases. 
    I was hoping that there would be a way that SAP would allow us to enter in a folder name, iview, workset, page, role, etc and then have the system tell us the last used/accessed date for that item or all of the items in the PCD folders.   Kind of the reverse thought to get this data instead of letting the metrics tell us which users have hit which pages, etc.
    Does any one know of that type of option? 

  • Issue with Apex and IE , losing data for items on submit

    Hi All,
    I am facing one problem in APEX when i run my page on IE 8. When i submit the page i lose the data for all my items while the same does not happen on Firefox mozila and Google chorme.
    Actually i have one select list which has one dynamic action associated with it when i select the options from this list other object become enable and disable with that action and page get submit.
    but when i select this list in IE page get submit and my value which i selected also get lost.
    Please let me know if this is some issue with IE or Apex as soon as possible.
    This is bit urgent.

    Modify your code as below and run the page in debug mode and note the value shown for p610_x DECLARE
    wwv_flow.debug('value for p610_x is ' || :p610_x);
    l_vc_arr2 := APEX_UTIL.STRING_TO_TABLE(:P610_X,'~');
    FOR z IN 1..l_vc_arr2.count LOOP
    htp.p(l_vc_arr2(z) || '

  • Customer communication date for items on allocation  hold

    When a product is on allocation hold, the order confirmation to the customer, which is communicated via email or fax, is showing a delivery date.  This delivery date is usually wrong since the allocation hold is overriding the schedule line.
    what is a good date to communicate for all items on allocation hold? "Unconfirmed Delivery Date" ??

    Can you make it more clear on the ,
    When product is on HOLD It means is it product allocated to some other Order /customer?
    Or Is it in stores (Ready for sale) , whenever you want someone has to allow this stock to that order?
    If it is 2 one: You can do Re-scheduling V_V2 then you send mail/fax to customer.
    It may give promt date for your customer(If you keen on you capacity)

Maybe you are looking for

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