Latest Twitter API

Can anyone point a latest Twitter API for adobe air? I want to upload photo from adobe air app.
Thanks a lot.

I'd check at Twitter, it wouldn't be AIR specific.

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    Revision: 14984
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-24 07:23:14 -0700 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Updating to work with the latest logging API changes.
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    Revision: 14984
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-24 07:23:14 -0700 (Wed, 24 Mar 2010)
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    Updating to work with the latest logging API changes.
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  • Twitter API help needed immediately

    I have developed a twitter API in Flash Professional CS4. It works fine when it plays in the flash player locally. But when I publish the file and play it in a browser it asks for settings to be modified. Since those were the local settings I have modified them and played the file in browser and it worked fine.
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    3rd method:
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    Hi Peter
    so, what do you really suggest? Can you help me regarding this
    ? I need this very badly and little bit urgently.... any suggestions
    are appreciated.
    and Darshan,
    Thanks, a lot. Your links were very helpful. Could understand a little bit better about cross domains.

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  • SAPUI5 sending tweet using twitter API

    Hello Experts,
    I was wondering if i could simply tweet something from SAPUI5 directly onto twitter ?
    I just want to have a textarea where i put in my tweet's text, and then i just push the button tweet.
    Any of you have more information regarding this ?
    Kind Regards,

    you can use twitter API to create SAPUI5 application. you will find more information at Overview: Version 1.1 of the Twitter API | Twitter Developers
    But it requires API key and OAuth access. earlier I developed few application based on JSON Rest APIs. you will find more info on this blog Creating SAPUI5 Applications based on Public JSON APIs or Web Services
    also check this blog UI5 & Twitter - Designing the Solution from Gareth Ryan related to this subject.

  • CF Library for Twitter API

    Hey ColdFusion developers.  Haven't been active on the forums in quite a few years, but what the heck right.
    The last few months I've been knee deep in a Twitter API integration, and low and behold a nifty little component/function set was developed along the way.  So I figured there's gotta be more than a few other CF Developers out there who might benefit from a library such as this one.
    Hope you enjoy...

    If you are not aware of it, you may want to check out RIA Forge for ColdFusion Community tools like yours.

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    Hello Rajkumar,
    Twitter do have an API (, it requires OAuth though which Power Query AFAIK don't support (yet). See this thread for more info:
    Facebook has limited support through built-in functionality in Power Query.
    Best regards,

  • Twitter API and Edge Animate not working

    I have watched great video about using Twitter API in Edge Animate on Adobe TV and I thought I would give it a go.
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    try {
        // Read tweets, set number of tweets to display
        var 0 = { username: "adobeedge", count: 4};
        var twitterUrl = ""+o.username+"&count="+o.count;
        // AJAX function for communicating to Twitter API
        $.ajax( {url: twitterUrl, dataType: "jsonp"} )
            .success(function(data) {
            $.each(data, function(index, item) {
                var itemRenderer = sym.createChildSymbol("itemRenderer", "tweetContainer");
                itemRenderer.$("tweet").html( item.text );
                itemRenderer.$("image").css("background-image", "url("+item.user.profile_image_url+")");
    catch(error) {
            alert("Error: "+error.toString());
    Any suggestions?

    Please, could you replace "adobeedge" by "adobeanimate".
    try {
                var o = { username: 'edgeanimate', count: 4 };
                var twitterUrl = ''+o.username+'&count='+o.count;
                $.ajax({url: twitterUrl, dataType: 'jsonp'})
                    .success(function(data) {
                       $.each(data, function(index, item){
                            var itemRenderer = sym.createChildSymbol("itemRenderer", "tweetContainer");
                            itemRenderer.$('tweet').html( item.text );
                            itemRenderer.$('image').css( "background-image", "url("+item.user.profile_image_url+")" );
                   index * -100 );
    catch(error) { alert("Error: "+error.toString()); }

  • Twitter API

    I've gone through the "Episode 1: Edge and the Twitter API" video ( many times and have tried to recreate Simon's example but it just doesn't work. I can only surmise that there have been changes from the Edge preview and the release of Egdge Animate. Can someone please post the correct code for using the Twitter API in Edge Animate?

    You replace line 15: } catch {
    by: } catch(error) {
    Then, you replace line 3: var o = { username: "adobeedge", count: 4 };
    by: var o = { username: "edgeanimate", count: 4 };
    Now, your code will return 4 tweets but you see only 3.
    You can select "Stage" or "tweetContainer" (panel Elements) and:
    You select "auto". I chose "Tweetcontainer".
    Now, your code will return on your Stage 4 items.
    var itemRenderer = sym.createChildSymbol("itemRenderer", "tweetContainer");
    var result = item.text.replace(/(http|https)\:\/\/\S+/gim, "<b><a href='$&' target='_blank'>$&</a></b>");
    result = result.replace(/@\w+/gim, "<b><a href='$&' target='_blank'>$&</a></b>");               
    result = result.replace(/\s(#)(\w+)/g,' <b><a href="$2" target="_blank">#$2</a></b>');

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    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-06-15 16:37:33 -0700 (Mon, 15 Jun 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixed bug in flex4test testWheel app; it needed to be updated to the latest effects API after motionPaths changed from an Array to a Vector.
    Modified Paths:

    Walter Laan wrote:
    almightywiz wrote:
    Walter Laan wrote:
    The security popup really messes with the focus in Firefox (3.6.16) though.Not saying you're wrong, but I'm using FireFox 3.6.16, as well, and I have none of the focus troubles you've described.Cannot reproduce it now either. Weird.I got the impression you were referring to keyboard focus, so I did some further tests on focus behavior. The test results are listed in the Accumulated Results table on the 1st post.
    The only browser so far that works as I'd expect, or at least as I'd like, is IE.
    Applets and keyboard navigation have always been a PITA. Some time ago I vaguely recall seeing an update involving a new parameter to regulate initial focus (applet or page, ..or another applet), but for the life of me I cannot locate it now. Given that it was a parameter for initial focus, I doubt it would help in this case.
    Edited by: Andrew Thompson on Mar 26, 2011 6:18 PM
    Removed table which has now been expanded & added to 1st post.

  • Twitter API authentication

    HI, I'm making a flex mobile app which should shome some feeds with a certain hashtag.
    After a long search i found the guide from adobe , build first mobile flex app pdf, with the twitter trends.
    But i got stuck at excercise 3. I got an error from the API about ssl. Then I realized that the guide used the previous version of the API.
    with the new version an authorization os needed but I have no idea how i need to do this in flex.
    i'm a total beginner in flex and flash builder and hope that someone could help me.

    This forum is for Adobe Business Catalyst - Their CMS. This is for That API, not other Adobe Products.

  • Is "2013-08" the latest REST API version or is the documentation outdated?

    I'm wondering if the Azure Notification Hubs REST API documentation is
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    aren't there any changes worth updating the documentation?
    Moreover the documentation for "Read All Registrations of a Channel" states to use
    following request URI, which doesn't work: https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/registrations/?$filter=DeviceToken eq ‘{deviceToken}’&api-version=2013-08
    Even more confusing, the german version uses double quotes, which doesn't work either: https://{Namespace}{Benachrichtigungshub}/registrations/?$filter=DeviceToken
    eq "{Gerätetoken}"&api-version=2013-08
    I found out that the correct request URI must be like this to work: https://{namespace}{NotificationHub}/registrations/?$filter=DeviceToken+eq+'{deviceToken}'&api-version=2013-08 ,
    so + instead of spaces and '' (apostrophe / straight single quote - U+0027) instead of ‘’ (single curved quotation marks - U+2018 and U+2019) or "" (straight double quote - U+0022), e.g.$filter=DeviceToken+eq+'2ED202AC08EA9033665E853A3DC8BC4C5E78F7A6CF8D55910DF230567037DCC4'&api-version=2013-08
    Is the documentation just wrong by mistake or is it not up-to-date? How are people even using the REST API without a 100% correct documentation? Is
    there something I am missing? Do you get a manual when you buy a Azure Notification Hubs subscription or is the REST API not even supported officially?

    The latest version is 2015-01. All or most of features works with starting version 2013-08.
    Version in documentation indicates that minimum version required for working that feature. Hence, all documentation is pointing to 2013-08.
    You should do the URL encoding before making http request. Otherwise special characters such as blanks and punctuation are passed in an HTTP stream without encoding, they might be misinterpreted. Hence your request failed due to space. You can use the following
    method to do the URL encoding.
    Yes, REST API is fully supported. May be there could be few gaps or bugs. We are putting constant efforts to fix all bugs as we find and improve it further.
    Mark Post as helpful if it provides any help.Otherwise,leave it as it is.

  • Episode 1: Edge and the Twitter API | Create Like Crazy with Adobe Edge | Adobe TV

    Adobe Edge is not limited to sexy web animations; you can also build apps and integrate third-party APIs easily. In this lesson, connect to Twitter, pull tweets, and visualize them using an item renderer built using Edge, thereby learning how to consume APIs and create elements programmatically within Edge.

    So I have attempted to integrate the API as you have suggested. I am not a coder so I have no idea what I am really doing but check out what I have pulled together so far:
    What I would like to do is be able to change the query to something custom so that anytime I hove over the button, a new tweet with the query of my choosing slides up  and the old one Fades out.
    Can you help with this? I really appreciate it. Thanks for posting this amazing tutorial.

  • Episode 1: Edge and the Twitter API | Learn Edge Preview 6 | Adobe TV

    Adobe Edge is not limited to sexy web animations; you can also build apps and integrate third-party APIs easily. In this lesson, connect to Twitter, pull tweets, and visualize them using an item renderer built using Edge, thereby learning how to consume APIs and create elements programmatically within Edge.

    So I have attempted to integrate the API as you have suggested. I am not a coder so I have no idea what I am really doing but check out what I have pulled together so far:
    What I would like to do is be able to change the query to something custom so that anytime I hove over the button, a new tweet with the query of my choosing slides up  and the old one Fades out.
    Can you help with this? I really appreciate it. Thanks for posting this amazing tutorial.

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    ajf2811 wrote:
    Is this Dreamweaver API Reference (for CS5 & CS5.5) the most current refference?
    Yes, that's the most up to date API reference. It hasn't been updated for either CS6 or CC.
    The Dreamweaver API documentation has never been completely up-to-date. There are a lot of undocumented features, but the JavaScript files in the main configuration folder are usually well commented.

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