Launcher error: invalid user on Unix agent

I am getting theis error with an AD account when trying to run a script. The script will run with a local account. The UNIX admin assures me that all permissions are granted for this to work. Any ideas?

The AD account has all necessary file permissions. The UNIX admin tells me that SSH permission is not necessary to run the script.
I have used another Ad account and it throws the same error. A local account from another unix server gets the same error.
We checked the agent file, and the runtime uses that show up in the console show up in the agent file.

Similar Messages

  • 41439 Login Error  / Invalidation User password

    Portal Login Error 41439:
    I have Infrastructure and App Server (BI installation) on the same Win2K server. While trying to Login to Oracle10gAS Portal, I get following error.
    WWV-41439 - You cannot login because there is no configuration information stored in the enabler configuration table.
    The default domain is not set in the Apache configuration. When this occurs, only the hostname is shown in the login link and the domain is not included.
    Include the domain in the ServerName paramenter.
    Where should this ServerName be modified? (Which file? in which OracleHome?)
    Invalidation User Password:
    On a different note, what should be the password of 'Invalidator' in 'Web Cache Settingst'? (I tried invalidator). For any change in config, currently it gives ORA-00017 error.
    "Error in getting the Portal version INSTALL_ERROR : Could not obtain Portal version : ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied"
    Any suggestion will be appreciated.

    Regarding Invalidator password, it might be worth trying you OEM middle tier password (for ias_admin)

  • UDO creation error- invalid user

    i am trying to craeate UDO using coding .
    but error is coming like that
    lRetCode= -1120
    msg " invalid user & password"
    Any solution

    Check if user has a Professional License assigned.
    Have you managed to register other objects with problem before?
    Have you tried to register the object in the B1 GUI?
    Also I include code samples in how to register Master Data and Document Objects.
    Master Data with child table
    Private Function RegisterTRAD(ByRef oCompany As SAPbobsCOM.Company, ByRef oApplication As SAPbouiCOM.Application) As Boolean
            RegisterTRAD = False
            Dim oUserObjectMD As UserObjectsMD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oUserObjectsMD)
            Dim lRetCode As Long
                If Not oUserObjectMD.GetByKey("ADAT_TRAD") Then
                    oUserObjectMD.Code = "ADAT_TRAD"
                    oUserObjectMD.Name = "Traduções"
                    oUserObjectMD.ObjectType = BoUDOObjType.boud_MasterData
                    oUserObjectMD.TableName = "ADAT_TRAD"
                    oUserObjectMD.CanCancel = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanClose = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanCreateDefaultForm = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                    oUserObjectMD.CanDelete = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanFind = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanLog = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanYearTransfer = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.LogTableName = "AADAT_TRAD"
                    oUserObjectMD.ExtensionName = ""
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "Code"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Código"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_TableNam"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nome da Tabela"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_TableDsc"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Descrição da Tabela"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_FieldNam"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nome do Campo"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_FieldDsc"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Descrição do Campo"
                    lRetCode = oUserObjectMD.Add()
                    '// Verificar existência de erros ao adicionar o UDO
                    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
                        oApplication.MessageBox("RegisterTRAD(Add): " & lRetCode.ToString)
                        RegisterTRAD = True
                    End If
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                oApplication.MessageBox("RegisterTRAD(): " & oCompany.GetLastErrorCode & ", " & ex.Message)
                oUserObjectMD = Nothing
                lRetCode = Nothing
            End Try
        End Function
    Document with child table
    Private Function RegisterNR(ByRef oCompany As SAPbobsCOM.Company, ByRef oApplication As SAPbouiCOM.Application) As Boolean
            RegisterNR = False
            Dim oUserObjectMD As UserObjectsMD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oUserObjectsMD)
            Dim lRetCode As Long
                If Not oUserObjectMD.GetByKey("ADAT_NR") Then
                    oUserObjectMD.Code = "ADAT_NR"
                    oUserObjectMD.Name = "Nota de Recepção"
                    oUserObjectMD.ObjectType = BoUDOObjType.boud_Document
                    oUserObjectMD.TableName = "ADAT_ONR"
                    oUserObjectMD.CanCancel = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanClose = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanCreateDefaultForm = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                    oUserObjectMD.CanDelete = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanFind = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.CanLog = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.LogTableName = "AADAT_NR"
                    oUserObjectMD.CanYearTransfer = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.ManageSeries = BoYesNoEnum.tYES
                    oUserObjectMD.ChildTables.TableName = "ADAT_NR1"
                    oUserObjectMD.ChildTables.LogTableName = "AADAT_NR1"
                    oUserObjectMD.ExtensionName = ""
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "DocNum"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nº do Documento"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "Series"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Série"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_CardCode"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Código do PN"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_CardName"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nome do PN"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_RefNum"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nº de Ref. do Fornecedor"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_DataRcp"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Data de Recepção"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_HoraRcp"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Hora de Recepção"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_ItemName"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nome do Artigo"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_PrcName"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Nome do Parcelário"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnAlias = "U_FolhaNam"
                    oUserObjectMD.FindColumns.ColumnDescription = "Folha"
                    lRetCode = oUserObjectMD.Add()
                    '// Verificar existência de erros ao adicionar o UDO
                    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
                        oApplication.MessageBox("RegisterNR(Add): " & lRetCode.ToString)
                        RegisterNR = True
                    End If
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                oApplication.MessageBox("RegisterNR(): " & oCompany.GetLastErrorCode & ", " & ex.Message)
                oUserObjectMD = Nothing
                lRetCode = Nothing
            End Try
        End Function

  • Businee logic Engine error:Invalid user name or password.Pl help

    I have installed Demantra on windows and I am getting this error only when opening Business logic engine.All other components work with the same user name and password dm/password but only this one throws an error.
    Can some one help me pl.I have installed Oracle AS as well on the same server to act as a webserver.
    Can you pl tell me where this BLE picks up the user name and passowrd or if some setting has to be changed ??
    This is fesh installation and only I changed te application URL in the BM

    Have you tried dm/dm ?
    Thank you.

  • Invalid user endpointid error

    I added an new e-mail (which is basically setup us a hotmail account) - it can send but not recieve.  so I went to delete it to go manually set it up and I get the following error:  Invalid user endpointid.  How do I get rid of this account, I tried managing e-mail on the verizon site,but I am not sure that worked to delete it from there.

    Has anyone found a solution to this yet? I am having the same problem.
    I have several email accounts. (One of which is a business email account)
    I had each of them setup on my phone.
    I later setup outlook on my laptop, to check my email for 2 of the accounts (one of which was my business email account).
    None of my accounts were staying synch'ed with my phone.
    Even when I tried to manually synch them, it took several tries and since I was always days out of synch, it always took about 15 minutes to get up-to-date. That's a real pain when you need to find that email from yesterday, NOW!... especially when the email is in the business email account!!!
    My yahoo and my gmail accounts are working perfectly.
    I went to the local Verizon store and asked for help
    The rep said there was nothing wrong with the setup... he said the WILL NOT automatically stay synch'ed, like yahoo and gmail do.
    (IS that true????)
    He suggested deleting one of my accounts from the phone.
    The account he deleted (REMOVE), was my business email account.
    We then added it back in.
    He said it would automatically synch when created.
    The account did not automatically synch. It did not download and emails.
    I tried to manually synch it.
    nothing happened.
    I tried to remove the account again, so I could try adding it again.
    That's when I first got the "Invalid User EndPointID" message.
    Has anyone found a solution to this yet?

  • Invalid user Id and password for signon to Application designer!!

    Hi There,
    I am trying to instal peoplesoft HRMS 9.0 on Vista and Oracle 10g release 2.
    - Installed Weblogic server
    - Tuxido
    - Installed Peopletools 8.49
    - Installed HRMS 9.0
    - Created initHCDMO and created the database
    - ran the scripts under the scripts/nt folder
    - logged onto datamover with 'system' as user and 'manager' as password and successfully ran the script
    - ran the rel849n.sql script and grants.sql after logging onto sqlplus with 'system' as user and 'manager' as password
    - after that when I am trying to login to the application designer in 2 tier mode, with PS as user and PS as password, I am getting the error 'Invalid User ID and password for signon'
    Can anybody please help me|?

    Thanks Nicholas,
    It solved my problem, and I have moved on with the rest of the steps and I am stuck at starting the Application server. I have ran all the datamover scripts and all other configurations for the database. I can login to the database, with sql plus with SYSADM, SYSADM.
    Quick-configure menu -- domain: ps
    Features Settings
    ========== ==========
    1) Pub/Sub Servers : No 15) DBNAME :[HCDMO]
    2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE]
    3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[SYSADM]
    4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[SYSADM]
    5) Jolt Relay : Yes 19) DomainID :[TESTSERV]
    6) WSL : Yes 20) AddToPATH :[D:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\BI
    7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people]
    8) Event Notification: Yes 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e]
    9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[]
    10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7000]
    11) Analytic Servers : Yes 25) JSL Port :[9000]
    12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100]
    13) Load config as shown
    14) Custom configuration
    h) Help for this menu
    q) Return to previous menu
    when I boot the domain, I get the following error:
    Command to execute (1-10, q) : 1
    PeopleSoft Domain Boot Menu
    Domain Name: ps
    1) Boot (Serial Boot)
    2) Parallel Boot
    q) Quit
    Command to execute (1-2, q) [q]: 1
    psappsrv.cfg has changed archiving old one...
    Copying ps\Archive\psappsrv.cfg to ps\Archive\psappsrv_070609_1915_55.cfg
    Attempting to boot bulletin board...
    tmadmin - Copyright (c) 1996-1999 BEA Systems, Inc.
    Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
    All Rights Reserved.
    Distributed under license by BEA Systems, Inc.
    Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
    No bulletin board exists. Entering boot mode.
    INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level (none)
    INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
    INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV
    Booting admin processes ...
    exec BBL -A :
    process id=492 ... Started.
    1 process started.
    Attempting to boot ...
    INFO: BEA Tuxedo, Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch Level (none)
    INFO: Serial #: 650522264137-2065448083901, Expiration NONE, Maxusers 1000000
    INFO: Licensed to: Oracle-Peoplesoft-ISV
    Booting server processes ...
    exec PSWATCHSRV -A -- -ID 52849 -C psappsrv.cfg -D TESTSERV -S PSWATCHSRV :
    process id=3120 ... Started.
    exec PSAPPSRV -s@..\psappsrv.lst -s@..\psqcksrv.lst -sICQuery -sSqlQuery:SqlRequ
    est -- -C psappsrv.cfg -D TESTSERV -S PSAPPSRV :
    CMDTUX_CAT:1685: ERROR: Application initialization failure
    tmboot: CMDTUX_CAT:827: ERROR: Fatal error encountered; initiating user error ha
    tmshutdown -qy
    Boot attempt encountered errors!. Check the TUXEDO log for details.
    Do you wish to see the error messages in the APPSRV.LOG file? (y/n) [n] :y
    PSADMIN.2228 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:42](0) Begin boot attempt on domain ps
    PSWATCHSRV.3120 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:50] Checking process status every 120 second
    PSWATCHSRV.3120 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:50] Server started
    PSAPPSRV.2104 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:51](0) PeopleTools Release 8.49 (WinX86) start
    PSAPPSRV.2104 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:51](0) Cache Directory being used: D:\PSHOME\a
    PSAPPSRV.2104 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:51](1) GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon
    : Invalid user ID or password for database signon. (id=SYSADM)
    PSAPPSRV.2104 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:51](0) Server failed to start
    PSWATCHSRV.3120 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:52] Shutting down
    PSADMIN.2228 (0) [07/06/09 19:28:58](0) End boot attempt on domain ps
    Do you wish to see the error messages in the TUXLOG.070609 file? (y/n) [n] :y
    192842.PSOFTSERVER!PSADMIN.2228: Begin attempt on domain ps
    192844.PSOFTSERVER!tmadmin.436.428.-2: TMADMIN_CAT:1330: INFO: Command: boot -A
    192846.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.876.3860.-2: 07-06-2009: Tuxedo Version 9.1, 32-bit
    192846.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.876.3860.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:1851: INFO: TM_BOOTTIMEOUT is
    set to 60 seconds
    192846.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.876.3860.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:1855: INFO: TM_BOOTPRESUMEDFAI
    L option is selected
    192848.PSOFTSERVER!BBL.492.3540.0: 07-06-2009: Tuxedo Version 9.1, 32-bit, Patch
    Level (none)
    192848.PSOFTSERVER!BBL.492.3540.0: LIBTUX_CAT:262: INFO: Standard main starting
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.3456.3228.-2: 07-06-2009: Tuxedo Version 9.1, 32-bit
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.3456.3228.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:1851: INFO: TM_BOOTTIMEOUT is
    set to 60 seconds
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.3456.3228.-2: CMDTUX_CAT:1855: INFO: TM_BOOTPRESUMEDFA
    IL option is selected
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!PSWATCHSRV.3120.1072.-2: 07-06-2009: Tuxedo Version 9.1, 32-b
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!PSWATCHSRV.3120.1072.-2: LIBTUX_CAT:262: INFO: Standard main
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!PSAPPSRV.2104.2068.0: 07-06-2009: Tuxedo Version 9.1, 32-bit
    192850.PSOFTSERVER!PSAPPSRV.2104.2068.0: LIBTUX_CAT:262: INFO: Standard main sta
    192851.PSOFTSERVER!PSAPPSRV.2104.2068.0: LIBTUX_CAT:250: ERROR: tpsvrinit() fail
    192851.PSOFTSERVER!tmboot.3456.3228.-2: tmboot: CMDTUX_CAT:827: ERROR: Fatal err
    or encountered; initiating user error handler
    192855.PSOFTSERVER!BBL.492.3540.0: CMDTUX_CAT:26: INFO: The BBL is exiting syste
    192858.PSOFTSERVER!PSADMIN.2228: End boot attempt on domain ps
    I have followed the steps as mentioned in the installation manual.
    Please help.
    Thanks Partha

  • Auto-update: invalid user name / password

    I have changed out the CCO username and password for an IPS configured for auto-update but cannot get the IPS to correctly update its signature any longer.  I have verified that the CCO login is correct and that it can download a signature file directly using a web browser interface. However, every attempt to get the IPS to update automatically results in the following error:
    Auto Update Statistics
       lastDirectoryReadAttempt = 15:05:29 UTC Mon Sep 29 2014
        =   Read directory:
        =   Error: invalid user name/password combination
    (Note: I have the URL set to '')

    FYI - just to close my own issue.
    The issue was resolved by using the cli to set the values and perform a one-time update. Once that was successful, all future signature updates have worked fine through the gui.

  • Invalid or corrupt jarfile agent.jar

    Dear All
    when i try to configure agent on target host its giving this error Invalid or corrupt jarfile agent.jar
    i donload this agent.jar from audit vault and copy to target host and tried
    -bash-3.00$ pwd
    -bash-3.00$ ls -ltr
    total 2587492
    drwxrwxr-x 9 grid oinstall 512 Nov 6 2009 grid
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 grid oinstall 1179516027 Jul 21 2010
    drwxrwxr-x 3 grid oinstall 512 Jul 22 2010 Database
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 144604814 Mar 26 08:58 agent.jar
    -bash-3.00$ java -jar agent.jar -d avagent
    Invalid or corrupt jarfile agent.jar
    please advice me.

    please see my java
    -bash-3.00$ which java
    -bash-3.00$ java -version
    java version "1.5.0_36"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_36-b03)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.5.0_36-b03, mixed mode)

  • "Invalid User ID" error while running OSoft Application in browser

    I have installed BPC 7.5 SP04 in Multi Server environment where SQL Server, OLAP Server, Reporting Server on one machine and Application Server and Web Server on other machine, After installing I tried to run Osoft application via url "http://Application Server name/OSoft" as suggested in Install guide but receiving "Invalid User ID" error
    Error Information
    Server Error in '/OSoft' Application.
    Invalid UserID
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
    Exception Details: System.Exception: Invalid UserID
    Please guide me on this as what can be the cause of this error and how to fix it.
    I have used Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7.
    Edited by: Khatak Rohit on Mar 18, 2011 10:57 AM

    First login must be done with Installation user.
    In your case you tried to login from your PC where you were conected with your user.
    This user  is used to connect to BPC and this user has no rights into BPC.
    It was used this user because BPC allow Windows authentication.
    So you have to go into IE - Tools - Internet Options
    Select Security Tab - Select Intranet
    Push Custom Level
    Go to section - User Authentication - select "Prompt always user and pwd"
    Close IE
    Open again and try http://nameofserver/osoft you will receive now a prompt for user and pwd.
    Input an user and pwd with access to BPC and you will see this time the page will be load correct.
    Sorin Radulescu

  • Transport user error: invalid object name while starting CMS in CCM

    Hi Experts,
            I'm not able to start the CMS in CCM.It was working fine. Suddenly it went down due to some data base access failure. After that Iu2019m not able to start the CMS.
    Kindly find the event viewer error and information.
    Error: The root server reported an error Initialization Failure.
    Error: Failed to register object..   Reason: Transport user error: invalid object name..
    Information: Central Management Server stopped
          Could you please tell me how to start the CMS in CCM? Since I can able to setup CMS Database and audit database successfully.

    Hi ,
            Thanks for the response.I have trace the CMS.I found some error in log file.any idea on the following errors,
    trace message: CNSClientManager::VerifyConnection() : search fails(37) - Transport user error: object with the specified name not found.
    trace message: CNSClientManager::VerifyConnection() : Failed to query for APSs.  Empty cluster list returned.
    trace message: TheAPSServer::RegisterApsInNameServer: Fail to register the current APS(Transport user error: invalid object name.)
    trace message: CNSClientManager::ClusterInfo::InvalidateAPS: Removing APS  from m_ActiveMembers and adding to m_InactiveMembers
    trace message: SIServerController:run: Fail to initialize or uninitialize.  Reason is The root server reported an error Initialization Failure.:

  • Error when install Oracle XE in Ubuntu: invalid user && ...

    When I install Oracle XE in Ubuntu I got message from Terminal
    /bin/chown: `oracle:dba': invalid user
    /bin/chown: `oracle:dba': invalid user
    /bin/chmod: cannot access `/etc/init.d/oracle-xe': No such file or directory
    /var/lib/dpkg/info/oracle-xe-univ.postinst: 30: /sbin/chkconfig: not found
    -e You must run '/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure' as the root user to configure the database.
    I don't know how to resolve this problem!
    Have anyone can help me?
    Thank you anyway!

    I don't know how to resolve this problem!
    Have anyone can help me?
    I have done a number of Oracle Database XE installations and one thing I am very confident about is that fact that the only certified Linux distros are below.
    <li>Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL3 and RHEL4</li>
    <li>Suse SLES-9</li>
    <li>Fedora Core 4</li>
    <li>Red Flag DC Server 5.0/MIRACLE LINUX V4.0/Haansoft Linux 2006 Server (Asianux 2.0 Inside)</li>
    <li>Debian 3.1</li>
    The only way you can sort out this issue is by installing your software on a Linux Distro that has been certified for Oracle Database XE.
    You perhaps might want to go through the installation manual; unlike the other Oracle Database Installation manuals, it is something you can finish reading in less than an hour.
    There is an Oracle Database XE forum here {forum:id=251}; do a quick search and see if you will find people who have managed to install XE on Ubuntu

  • GWWS_CAT:1022: SOAP Error: Invalid SOAP Body While processing Valid Soap Request

    I Following tuxedo version on AIX 6.1 Power 7 64 bit.
    INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version, 64-bit, Patch Level 095
    Service Meta Information is :
    svcdescription=This service is used to demo security and xml buffer interop.
    this is actually picked from salt sample packaged with version 10.3.
    Request Message:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    I put GWWS under tracing and found following.
    Response Messag:
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --WAKEUP-->Created
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Inbound-->Receive
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Found-->ParseHTTP
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:HTTP Parsing: Buffer length 1140 -- POST /secsapp HTTP/1.1^M
    User-Agent: gSOAP/2.7^M
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8^M
    Content-Length: 437^M
    Connection: close^M
    SOAPAction: "StockQuote"^M
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:chema"
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:parse_header_field() return 6
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --OK-->HTTPDispatch
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:A HTTP message is received, SCO index=4095
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:Finding endpoint, soap->path is /secsapp, request_uri is /secsapp
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Post-->ParseSOAPHeader
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Default-->ParseHeaderRoot
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:A SOAP message is received, SCO index=4095
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --None-->ParseSOAPBody
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Default-->ParseBodyRoot
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --OK-->ParseBodyElement
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:Begin data transformation of request message, buffer type = XML, SCO index=4095
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Fail-->SOAPFault
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --OK-->PackSOAPBody
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --OK-->PackSOAPHeader
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Default-->WSRMHandle3
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --OK-->PackHTTP
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:SCO[4095] FSM State Transition: --Default-->Send
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:Sending HTTP Header: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error^M
    Server: gSOAP/2.7^M
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8^M
    Content-Length: 311^M
    Connection: close^M
    150237.uaix4070!GWWS.5767178.1046.0: TRACE:ms:Sending SOAP Message: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault><faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode><faultstring>GWWS_CAT:1022: SOAP Error: Invalid SOAP Body.</faultstring></SOAP-ENV:Fault><
    Is there something wrong with the request ? Are there known bugs with handling of Soap request in this version ?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Ajeet Tewari

    I believe that may be caused by the fact that the payload is empty (<inbuf></inbuf>). The gateway is very strict on that...

  • IPhone "FIOS remote" app update caused 'Invalid User Credential'

    Hey there,
    I recently updated my "FIOS remote" app on my iPhone and started getting 'Invalid User Credential' when checking my DVR in the app or the TV listings, also wasnt able to submit feedback.
    TheAbout screen says I'm using "Verizon FIOS mobile remote version 3.1.56 build number 16"
    I called Verizon support who helped me.
    The fix:  Open a browser and go to and logon. 
    Feedback in the app still doesn't work so I thought I'd post this here for others.  By the way, I think a 100 character limit is too small for feedback.

    LawrenceH wrote:
    I have been trying to get the FiOS Remote app to work, but it keeps giving me problems with the sign on.  I don't think my sign on is the issue.
    My signon works for ...
    1. My FiOS app - in which I can pull my account information
    2. the Verizon mobile website - in which I can login and see all my information
    Within the My FiOS app when I try to manage my DVR, it launches the FiOS remote app.  This app won't let me sign in.  I constantly get the "Sign In Error" User ID or Password is invalid.  Please try again."
    I know this error is erroneous because of my ability to login everywhere else.
    Please advise on what I can do next.
    Hi, I know that app requires that you are connected to the wifi in your home and not on the iphone's 3g.  If you have verified that you are on the Actiontec WiFI (not a second router's wifi) and that your login is correct at all those sites, then you might need to email the dev from the apple store.  It gives you a link to email them there.

  • Could not complete your request because of missing or invalid user personalization information on Vista?

    I recently tried to install PhotoShop CS4 on a Vista machine.  I could not get it to activate, found out from Adobe that it was a bad serial number.  So, I uninstalled it, and tried to reinstall my good old standby - Creative Suite 1.0.  This has worked for YEARS!
    Now, I get the error "could not complete your request because of missing or invalid user personalization information" when I try to launch PhotoShop 8.0.  All other applications of the Creative Suite are working.  There is no serial number posting in the window of PhotoShop when I launch it.
    I am sure it is something in the registry.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times with no success.
    Can anyone help?
    Thank you,

    You need to run the CS4 clean script to remove traces of the installation.

  • OAM 11g throws error when user store is changed

    We have OAM 11g integrated with OIF 11g as the SP. We need to change the OAM User store from OID to OVD. I added a new User store in the OAM console and set that as the default store. In the OAM console, under System Configuration -> Common Configuration -> Data Stores -> User Identity Stores, I added the OVD repository we want to use and set it as the default store. When I make this change in OAM data stores, OAM throws an error.
    On the browser I see the error: System error. Please re-try your action. If you continue to get this error, please contact the Administrator.
    In the OAM diagnostic logs, I see the following errors:
    [2012-08-11T08:37:27.016-04:00] [oam_server1] [ERROR] [OAMSSA-20005] [oracle.oam.user.identity.provider] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 3480b637355d0d24:-ed7c663:13913246a02:-8000-000000000000040f,0] [APP: oam_server] Error initializing User/Role API : null.
    [2012-08-11T08:37:27.021-04:00] [oam_server1] [WARNING] [OAMSSA-20007] [oracle.oam.user.identity.provider] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 3480b637355d0d24:-ed7c663:13913246a02:-8000-000000000000040f,0] [APP: oam_server] Unable to connect to the User Store. User Store may not be initialized : Error initializing User/Role API : null..
    [2012-08-11T08:37:27.021-04:00] [oam_server1] [ERROR] [OAMSSA-12126] [oracle.oam.engine.authn] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '0' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <anonymous>] [ecid: 3480b637355d0d24:-ed7c663:13913246a02:-8000-000000000000040f,0] [APP: oam_server] Cannot assert the username from DAP token.
    The user exists in OVD and appropriate attributes have been set.
    Comparing the trace for the two, in the OID trace, I see a 302 for the URL at /oam/server/dap/cred_submit. In the OVD trace, I see a 200 for the same URL.
    Following is a successful request when OID is set as the default user store:
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
    Accept-Language: en-us
    UA-CPU: x86
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
    Connection: close
    Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:42:32 GMT
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Set-Cookie: OAM_ID=VERSION_4~8u5oPtHwZW/uJbd8ybw87A==~I2VDurl3pyBxQdHBmwHXXu5AabtNgaGcQx1FJ6v3sVzuoU0WOvMyDi40pizUWNrSIUkCIrl7Fc6cumRyKUAU0yHSHEtzwtiGO3bmiC7rOXKglLnO9Iw0eNUATA1AuJ7m9a6JxE5fX2vDFDYzk/H9eK5/74mO9TKNP0HTcKF6NzEluuTT3sRlQH3dAzBhPouTCO6yMmd00SmQEhrQxCpUc+ec78GFQgfKrE+6mDNTFSO9gHEB0JQ+xzGzzsr34BDCTB2FC41d0Q3tTGXANSHHRg==; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    Set-Cookie: OAM_REQ=invalid; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
    X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 3480b637355d0d24:-ed7c663:13913246a02:-8000-000000000000042d
    X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1
    Following is a failed request when OVD is set as the default user store:
    Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, */*
    Accept-Language: en-us
    UA-CPU: x86
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
    Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:37:26 GMT
    Pragma: no-cache
    Content-Length: 2051
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Expires: 0
    Set-Cookie: OAM_JSESSIONID=0VksQmSHwhpr2vT33Kq1ZgqWgxrtk2BXxpr4PgmL1LwThMxYSlKQ!-450564370; path=/; HttpOnly
    X-ORACLE-DMS-ECID: 3480b637355d0d24:-ed7c663:13913246a02:-8000-000000000000040f
    X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1

    Hi AV,
    we had the same problem
    the reason was a wrong definition in cutomizing
    Partner Processing -> Define Partner Determination Procedure -> User Interface Settings
    there for the relevant procedure we had to define this sequence of functions :
    1. Activity Partner
    2. Contact Partner
    3. Employee Responsible
    4. Sales Representative

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