Layout created in BIPublisher_11.1.1.3_Desktop

Hi all..
Recently i installed BIPublisher_11.1.1.3_Desktop.I created a layout using Microsoft Office2007. The XML Query loads successfully, even previewing the layout shows the data. However when i attach this layout with a query in apex(apex4.0), it gives an error that "Adobe Reader could not open this file. it is either not supported or it is damaged........". The blank layout(having no xml data...only word table for example) displays fine..
The BI Server runs.Other reports (layout created with a previous version of BI Desktop) runs fine.
What can be the problem.
Hoping for a quick reply...

I am not sure this is a bug. Such mandatory checks will often only apply to administrative changes from the GUI. You may not always be able to enforce the same quality of data in reconciled data as you wish to impose for changes made through OIM, and it may prove an issue in some cases if such users could not be reconciled. In this case the use will go into OIM, but you will be forced to populate a value in the mandatory field if you later try to update them in OIM.

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    Hope this helps

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    go to Site Actions -> Site
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    This works for me. I see the text file "test.cvs" as an attachment in my email program (Outlook Express) and is not inline. Maybe this is dependent on the email program. What email program do you use?
    conn utl_smtp.connection;
    conn := demo_mail.begin_mail(
    sender => 'Me <[email protected]>',
    recipients => 'Someone <[email protected]>',
    subject => 'Attachment Test',
    mime_type => demo_mail.MULTIPART_MIME_TYPE);
    conn => conn,
    inline => FALSE,
    filename => 'test.csv');
    conn => conn,
    message => 'title 1,title 2,title 3'||UTL_TCP.CRLF);
    conn => conn,
    message => 'vale 1,value 2,value 3');
    demo_mail.end_attachment(conn, TRUE);
    demo_mail.end_mail( conn => conn );

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    can we extend the net price decimal point form two to 4 decimal point?

    Better you use "per" unit price rather that change the decimal currency, eg: 2500 USD per 1000PC, you can read several thread that similiar with your question:
    Re: Purchase price to have 4 digits after decimal point
    Decimal Place
    decimal places in Purchase orders

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    Thank you kindly,

    Thank you. I was trying to do that yesterday, but it was grayed out. It seemed to work alright today.

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    The following are valid substitution strings:
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    l_report_blob := apex_util.get_print_document(
    p_application_id => l_application_id,
    p_report_layout_name => l_report,
    p_report_query_name => l_report,
    p_report_layout_type => l_output_format,
    p_document_format => l_output_format,
    p_print_server => null);
    Where could I set these substitution variables ? I'm simply calling a report query and layout created under Shared Components.

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    l_report_layout clob;
    l_report_layout_id number;
    for c1 in (
    select blob_content from wwv_flow_files
    where name = :P539_LAYOUT_FILE
    ) loop
    l_report_layout_id := wwv_flow_id.next_val;
    l_report_layout := wwv_flow_utilities.blob_to_clob(c1.blob_content);
    insert into wwv_flow_report_layouts (
    ) values (

    Hi Guys,
    If you're going to provide the DIAdem axis scaling information from LabVIEW, your going to have to send the axis scaling information to DIAdem and then run a DIAdem VBScript to apply that scaling information.  My recommendation is to continue using the DIAdem that ships with LabVIEW, but use it to run a VBScript instead of load a REPORT layout file (*.TDR).  This means you will need to create a TDMS file that contains the parameters you want to pass to DIAdem, then have the VBScript that LabVIEW tells DIAdem to run always load that TDMS file to receive those parameters, then run VBScript commands that use those parameters.
    I'm including an example,
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments
    DIAdem Report File ‏92 KB

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    You can’t have a print layout and DPS layout in the same file. You really need to create a new file at 1024x768 with digital publishing as the intent.
    From there you can use the content collector tools or just copy/paste. Alternatively, use the save as command to create a new file and then do the adjustments to the layout.
    For follow-ups please post in the DPS forum.

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