LC for vendors via documentary payments

Is there a way for me to create documentary payments for VENDORS in the foreign trade module?
I can do this for customers, is it possible to do for VENDORS?

No answers so I have cancelled

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  • Tables for vendor invoice and payment

    Hi Gurus.
    I want to know from which tables i can get the information for folllowing points.
    1.       Vendor Invoices  - Complete (Header and Item)
    2.       Vendor Payments Details – Detail about payment method (check, wire, etc)
    Please tell me tje table names.

    There is no specific table for header/item data for vendor invoice. Various information regarding vendor invoice (FB60) are stored in the following tables( note: Ignore the structures in the list ).
    |Table Name               |Table Description                                           |
    |/BEV3/CHKOMPAZVV         |Append Structure CH -> CO PA                                |
    |/CWM/ACCIT               |Append Structure for Enhancement of Structure ACCIT in CWM  |
    |/CWM/KOMP                |Catch Weight Management Enhancement                         |
    |/DSD/TAXJURCD            |Ship From Tax Jurisdiction Code: for Header Prc Comm Str    |
    |/SAPNEA/J_SC_LFA1        |Subcontractor Information                                   |
    |/SAPNEA/J_SC_LFB1        |Subcontracting Management                                   |
    |/SAPPSPRO/A_FI2_LONGNUM  |IBU-PS:  Append structure for structure NONBSEG             |
    |/SAPPSPRO/A_LONGNUMBER   |additional fields for SPIIN number                          |
    |/SAPPSPRO/EADD           |Purchasing Document Header: Additional Data                 |
    |/SAPPSPRO/EADD_DATA      |Purchasing Document Header: Data Part Additional Information|
    |/VSO/R_KNA1_A            |Append to KNA1 for Vehicle Space Optimization               |
    |/VSO/R_KNA1_I            |Additional Data for Vehicle Space Optimization for KNA1     |
    |AACCHD_FMFG              |US federal fields                                           |
    |AACCHD_PSO               |IS-PS: ACCHD Append Structure for Payment Requests          |
    |AACCIT_GM                |Append for Grants Management                                |
    |AACCIT_PSO               |IS-PS: ACCIT Append Structure for Payment Requests          |
    |AACCIT_SSP               |Append for Payment Statistical Sampling Process             |
    |AACCIT_USFG              |Append structure for US federal government                  |
    |AAUSZ_CLR_USFG           |Clearing information for US Fed (Tresury Confirmation)      |
    |ABKPF_PSO                |IS-PS: BKPF Append Structure for Payment Requests           |
    |ABKPF_UMB                |IS-PS: Append Structure for Transfer Transaction FMITPO     |
    |ABSID_PSO                |IS-PS: Data appendix of open items customers                |
    |ABSIK_PSO                |IS-PS: Data appendix of open items vendors                  |
    |ABSIS_PSO                |Local Authorities                                           |
    |ABUZ                     |Help Structure for Line Items to be Generated Automatically |
    |ACCCR                    |Accounting Interface: Currency Information                  |
    |ACCCR_FKEY               |Key: Acctg Currency Data for Line Item Including Currency   |
    |ACCCR_KEY                |Key: Accounting Currency Data for Line Item                 |
    |ACCFI                    |Interface to Accounting: Financial Acctg One-Time Accts     |
    |ACCHD                    |Interface to Accounting: Header Information                 |
    |ACCHD_KEY                |Key: FI/CO Document Header                                  |
    |ACCIT                    |Accounting Interface: Item Information                      |
    |ACCIT_EXTENSION          |ACC Document: Additional Item Information                   |
    |ACCIT_JV                 |Joint Venture Accounting                                    |
    |ACCIT_KEY                |Key: FI/CO Line Item                                        |
    |ACCIT_WT                 |Withholding tax information for FI Interface                |
    |ACCRDF                   |Fields for Posting Small Differences: Preparation           |
    |ACC_DOCUMENT             |Accounting document                                         |
    |ACC_KONTEXT              |Context Info for FI Single Screen Transactions FB50 and FB60|
    |ACERRLOG                 |Return Parameter                                            |
    |ACGL_HEAD                |Fields for Document Header Entry Screen                     |
    |ACGL_ITEM                |Structure for Table Control: G/L Account Entry              |
    |ACSCR                    |Communication Structure for Field Modification SAPLFDCB     |
    |ACSPLT                   |Carrier for Split Information re: Current Account Line Items|
    |ACSPLT_WTNEW             |Proportion of New Withholding Tax                           |
    |ACSPLT_WTOLD             |Proportion of Old Withholding Tax                           |
    |ADDR1_SEL                |Address selection parameter                                 |
    |AEBPP_KNBK               |Additional Fields Bank Data Biller Direct                   |
    |AEBPP_LFBK               |Additional Fields Bank Data Biller Direct                   |
    |AFMIOI                   |Append for new fields ECC50/ERP                             |
    |AFMIOI_USFG              | SD order needs quantity                                    |
    |AFMISPS                  |Additional Fields for Table FMISPS                          |
    |AFM_ACCIT_EXTENSION      |Extension for FM Payment Update                             |
    |AFM_FAGL_GLT0_ACCIT_EXT  |Extension FM Account Assignments                            |
    |AFM_FI_BKPF_SUBST        |Append to Structure BKPF_SUBST                              |
    |AFM_FMFCTF               |Append for Fund Center substrings                           |
    |AFM_FMFINCODE            |Append for Fund substrings                                  |
    |AIFM01D                  |Append for IFM01D                                           |
    |AKNA1_FMFG               |US Federal Government Customer Master Data Additional Fields|
    |AKNA1_PSO                |Local Authority Additional Fields                           |
    |AKNB1_PSO                |IS-PS: Customer Master Record, Additional Data (Co.Code)    |
    |AKNBK_PSO                |Bank Details Dependent on Time and Account Holder           |
    |ALFA1_FMFG               |US Federal Government Vendor Master Data Additional Fields  |
    |ALFA1_PSO                |Local Authority Additional Fields (Address)                 |
    |ALFB1_FMFG               |PS fields for company code-specific master data field       |
    |ALFB1_PSO                |IS-PS: Data Appendix Vendor Master Record (Company Code)    |
    |ALFBK_PSO                |Bank Details Dependent on Time and Account Holder           |
    |ALVDYNP                  |ALV dialog screen fields                                    |
    |ALV_S_FCAT               |Field Catalog (for LVC and for KKBLO)                       |
    |ALV_S_FILT               |Filter Criteria (for LVC and for KKBLO)                     |
    |ALV_S_GRPL               |Group Levels (for LVC and for KKBLO)                        |
    |ALV_S_LAYO               |Layout (for LVC and for KKBLO)                              |
    |ALV_S_PCTL               |Structure for Checking Print in ALV                         |
    |ALV_S_PRNT               |Print settings (for LVC and KKBLO)                          |
    |ALV_S_QINF               |Structure for Quickinfos of Exceptions                      |
    |ALV_S_SGRP               |Field Groups (for LVC and for KKBLO)                        |
    |ALV_S_SORT               |Sort Criteria (for LVC and for KKBLO)                       |
    |ANBZ                     |Help structure for asset line item                          |
    |ANLZACCOUNT              |Additional Account Assignment Objects in Asset Accounting   |
    |ANLZACCOUNT_FKBER        |Account Assignment Objects: ANLZACCOUNT with Function Added |
    |ARC_PARAMS               |ImageLink structure                                         |
    |AT003_XBLNR2             |Append structure for US federal government                  |
    |AUSZ1                    |Clearing Table 1                                            |
    |AUSZ2                    |Clearing Table 2                                            |
    |AUSZ_CLR                 |Assign Clearing Item to Cleared Items                       |
    |AUSZ_CLR_ASGMT           |Assgt of Clrg Items - Cleared Items with Acct Assignment    |
    |AUSZ_INFO                |Open item data for clearing transactions                    |
    |AVBKPF_FMFG              |US federal                                                  |
    |AVBKPF_PSO               |IS-PS: Append Structure VBKPF for Payment Requests          |
    |AVBSEGDPSO               |IS-PS: Append Structure VBSEGD for Payment Requests         |
    |AVBSEGKPSO               |IS-PS: Append Structure VBSEGK for Payment Requests         |
    |AVIK                     |Payment Advice Header                                       |
    |AVIP                     |Payment Advice Line Item                                    |
    |BALHDR                   |Application log: log header                                 |
    |BALMT                    |Application Log: Structure for a formatted message          |
    |BAL_S_CLBK               |Application Log: Return routine definition                  |
    |BAL_S_CONT               |Application Log: Context                                    |
    |BAL_S_MSG                |Application Log: Message Data                               |
    |BAL_S_PAR                |Application Log: Parameter Name and Value                   |
    |BAL_S_PARM               |Application log: Parameters                                 |
    |BAPIASCONT               |Business Document Service: File Content ASCII               |
    |BAPIBDS01                |Business Document Service: Reference Structure for BAPIs    |
    |BAPICOMFIL               |BDS: Command File for Transport Entries                     |
    |BAPICOMPO2               |SBDS: Enhanced Component Information                        |
    |BAPICOMPO3               |SBDS: Enhanced Component Information                        |
    |BAPICOMPON               |Business Document Service: Component Table                  |
    |BAPICONNEC               |BDS: Structure for BDS Links                                |
    |BAPICONTEN               |Business Document Service: File Content                     |
    |BAPIDPROPT               |BDS: Structure for Properties                               |
    |BAPIFILES                |Business Document Services: Transfer Table for File Names   |
    |BAPIPROPER               |BDS: Structure for Properties                               |
    |BAPIPROPTL               |BDS: Structure for KPRO Properties                          |
    |BAPIQUERY                |BDS Structure for Query Table                               |
    |BAPIRELAT                |Business Document Service: Relations                        |
    |BAPIRET1                 |Return Parameter                                            |
    |BAPIRETURN               |Return Parameter                                            |
    |BAPISIGNAT               |Business Document Service: Signature Table                  |
    |BAPISRELAT               |Business Document Service: Relationship Table with Signature|
    |BAPIURI                  |Business Document Service: URI Table                        |
    |BDCMSGCOLL               |Collecting messages in the SAP System                       |
    |BDCRUN                   |Batch input: Runtime analysis                               |
    |BDIDOCSTAT               |ALE IDoc status (subset of all IDoc status fields)          |
    |BDI_SER                  |Serialization objects for one/several IDocs                 |
    |BDN_FKT                  |Business Document Navigator: Functions to be Excluded       |
    |BDWFAP_PAR               |Parameters for application function module - IDoc inbound   |
    |BDWFRETVAR               |Assignment of IDoc or document no. to method parameter      |
    |BDWF_PARAM               |Parameters for workflow methods for IDoc inbound processing |
    |BKDF                     |Document Header Supplement for Recurring Entry              |
    |BKDF_SUBST               |Process Interfaces: Substitutable fields during posting     |
    |BKORM                    |Accounting Correspondence Requests                          |
    |BKP1                     |Document Header Supplement for Update                       |
    |BKPF                     |Accounting Document Header                                  |
    |BKPFBU_ALV               |Document Overview: Display Document Headers in ALV Grid Ctrl|
    |BKPF_CARD                |Credit Card: Append for BKPF                                |
    |BKPF_LINE                |Item Category for XBKPF_TAB                                 |
    |BKPF_SUBST               |Process Interfaces: Substitutable Fields During Posting     |
    |BKPF_USFED               |Append structure for US federal government                  |
    |BLNTAB                   |Document Number Table for Financial Accounting              |
    |BNKA                     |Bank master record                                          |
    |BNKAAPP                  |Appendix to Table BNKA                                      |
    |BNKT                     |Conversion of temporary to internal bank keys               |
    |BOOLE                    |Boolean variable                                            |
    |BSEC                     |One-Time Account Data Document Segment                      |
    |BSEC_LINE                |Item Category for XBSEC_TAB                                 |
    |BSED                     |Bill of Exchange Fields Document Segment                    |
    |BSEE                     |Changeable Fields in the Line Item                          |
    |BSEG                     |Accounting Document Segment                                 |
    |BSEGL                    |Document Segment: Fields Derived for Line Layout Variant    |
    |BSEGS                    |G/L Item Transfer Structure for Single Screen Transactions  |
    |BSEGT                    |Transfer Table for the Tax Postings to be Generated         |
    |BSEGZ                    |Financial Acctg Doc.Segment: Extras and Temp. Storage Fields|
    |BSEG_ALV                 |Document Overview: Document Item Display in ALV Grid Control|
    |BSEG_LINE                |Item Category for XBSEG_TAB                                 |
    |BSEG_SUBST               |Process Interfaces: Substitutable Fields During Posting     |
    |BSET                     |Tax Data Document Segment                                   |
    |BSEU                     |Line Item Additional Information (Update)                   |
    |BSEZ                     |Line Item Additional Information (Online)                   |
    |BSEZ_LINE                |Line Item Category for XBSEZ_TAB                            |
    |BSID                     |Accounting: Secondary Index for Customers                   |
    |BSIK                     |Accounting: Secondary Index for Vendors                     |
    |BSIP                     |Index for Vendor Validation of Double Documents             |
    |BSIS                     |Accounting: Secondary Index for G/L Accounts                |
    |BSIX                     |Index table for customer bills of exchange used             |
    |BTXKDF                   |Fields for Exch.Rate Difference Posting for Taxes           |
    |BVOR                     |Intercompany posting procedures                             |
    |CACS_A_CRM_SALES_COND    |Additional CRM Fields (Construction) From Sales Order Area  |
    |CACS_A_CUST_COND         |Commissions: Customer Fields Condition Technique            |
    |CACS_A_FIELDSPRICING     |Append for Condition Technique Fields from Commission System|
    |CACS_S_CRM_SALES_COND    |Additional CRM Fields (Construction) From Sales Order Area  |
    |CACS_S_CUST_COND         |Condition Attributes                                        |
    |CACS_S_FIELDSPRICING     |Comm.: All Condition Technique-Relevant Commission Fields   |
    |CACS_S_FSINS             |Customer Fields for Condition Technique of Insurances       |
    |CCDATA                   |Payment cards: Database fields relevant to both SD and FI   |
    |CFW_LINK                 |CFW: Link Info of a Container                               |
    |CI_COBL                  |Extension                                                   |
    |CKI_ACCIT_ML             |Transfer from MM to ML in accit-structure                   |
    |CNTLSTRLIS               |Control stream list                                         |
    |COBK                     |CO Object: Document Header                                  |
    |COBK_ONLY                |Non-key fields only in COBK (INCLUDE structure)             |
    |COBL                     |Coding Block                                                |
    |COBLF                    |Coding block: Tax table structure                           |
    |COBL_COKZ                |Assignment types for CO account assignments                 |
    |COBL_DB_INCLUDE          |Include with Additional Account Assignments for DB Tables   |
    |COBL_EX                  |Coding Block for External Applications (Not CO/FI)          |
    |COBL_FI                  |Fields from COBL that Must not Be Overwritten in FI         |
    |COBL_FM                  |Additional Fields for FM                                    |
    |D010SINF                 |Generated Table for View D010SINF                           |
    |D020S                    |System table D020S (screen sources)                         |
    |D020T                    |Screen Short Description                                    |
    |DBSEG                    |Dialog Supplementation BSEG (Taxes)                         |
    |DD02L                    |SAP Tables                                                  |
    |DD03P                    |Structure                                                   |
    |DD03V                    |Table fields view                                           |
    |DD07V                    |Generated Table for View DD07V                              |
    |DD23L                    |Matchcode ID                                                |
    |DD32P                    |Interface structure for search help parameters              |
    |DDSHDEFLT                |Description of a default value for search help fields       |
    |DDSHDESCR                |Interface: elementary search helps of a search help         |
    |DDSHFPROP                |Characteristics of search help parameters                   |
    |DDSHIFACE                |Interface description of a F4 help method                   |
    |DDSHRETVAL               |Interface Structure Search Help <-> Help System             |
    |DDSHSELOPT               |Selection options for value selection with search help      |
    |DDSUX030L                |Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT                    |
    |DDSUX031L                |Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF                 |
    |DDTYPES                  |Table of all Dictionary types and classes                   |
    |DFIES                    |DD Interface: Table Fields for DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET           |
    |DISVARIANT               |Layout (External Use)                                       |
    |DOKHL                    |Documentation: Headers                                      |
    |DPPROPS                  |General property structure for data provider                |
    |DTC_S_LAYO               |Structure for Design of Double Table Control                |
    |DTC_S_TC                 |Structure for table controls in the double table dialog box |
    |DTC_S_TS                 |Tab Title Structure                                         |
    |DYNPREAD                 |Fields of the current screen (with values)                  |
    |E071                     |Change & Transport System: Object Entries of Requests/Tasks |
    |E071K                    |Change & Transport System: Key Entries of Requests/Tasks    |
    |EAPS_20                  |Field Enhancements for EA-PS 2.0                            |
    |EDIDC                    |Control record (IDoc)                                       |
    |EDIDS                    |Status Record (IDoc)                                        |
    |EDIFCT                   |IDoc: Assignment of FM to log. message and IDoc type        |
    |EDIMESSAGE               |Transfer Structure with all Sy Fields for T100              |
    |EDI_DS                   |Status record for interface to EDI subsystem                |
    |EDI_HELP                 |Help Structure for Reference Fields in EDI Function Groups  |
    |EK05A                    |Communication Area Purchasing - Financial Accounting        |
    |ESKN                     |Account Assignment in Service Package                       |
    |EUDB                     |Development Environment Objects                             |
    |EUOBJ                    |Workbench: Development Objects                              |
    |EXCLTAB_LINE             |Lines of EXCLTAB with OK Code to be Deactivated             |
    |EXISTING_DOC             |Original Document                                           |
    |F05ACTRL                 |Control Fields for SAPMF05A and Subprograms                 |
    |FAGLBSEGL_S              |Additional Sender Flds from General Ledger for Doc. Overview|
    |FAGL_GLT0_ACCIT_EXT      |Line Information for Document Splitting                     |
    |FAGL_MIG_S_BUKRS_LEDGER  |Combination of Company Code and Assigned Ledgers            |
    |FAGL_SPLIT_FLD_S         |Characteristics Permitted for Split                         |
    |FAGL_S_APPLICATION       |Application and Subapplication                              |
    |FAGL_S_BALDIM            |G/L Characteristics of Document Split in New General Ledger |
    |FAGL_S_BUKRS             |Structure with Company Code                                 |
    |FAGL_S_BUKRS_EXT         |Structure: Company Codes --> Ledgers                        |
    |FAGL_S_CURTYPES          |Currency Types of a Ledger                                  |
    |FAGL_S_MIG_001           |Structure for Table FAGL_MIG_001 & FAGL_MIG_001_S           |
    |FAGL_S_MIG_MGPLN_EXT     |Structure: Extended Migration Plan Information              |
    |FAGL_S_T8G40_BS          |Split Fields with Characteristic "Balance Sheet"            |
    |FCRD_VBKPF               |Credit Card: Include for Appends for BKPF, VBKPF            |
    |FCRD_VBSEG               |Include for Appends for VBSE*                               |
    |FDM_AR_CASE_ATTR_1       |FSCM DM:                                                    |
    |FDM_AR_LINE_ITEM         |FSCM: DM                                                    |
    |FDM_AR_RFPOS             |FSCM-DM: Enhancemt of Line Item Disp. with Dispute Case Flds|
    |FELD                     |Screen Painter fields (internal)                            |
    |FICCO                    |Adjustment Values for External Document Items               |
    |FICCT                    |Totals Information for Interclient Posting                  |
    |FICTX                    |Tax Information for ICT                                     |
    |FIELDINFO                |Field attributes for a specific field                       |
    |FIN1_PARAM               |OBNG: Trans. structure for official doc. numbering (global) |
    |FIN1_PARAM_FI            |OBNG: FI parameters                                         |
    |FIN1_PARAM_MM            |OBNG: MM Parameters                                         |
    |FIPEX_STRUC              |Subfields Commitment Item                                   |
    |FIPOEXT                  |Help structure for line items to be generated automatically |
    |FIREVDOC                 |Transfer Structure for Dialog Module FI_DOCUMENT_REVERS     |
    |FISTL_STRUC              |Substructure Fund Center                                    |
    |FM01                     |Financial Management Areas                                  |
    |FMBLSTRING_COMPONENTS    |Component of the BL String                                  |
    |FMCI                     |Commitment items master data                                |
    |FMDY                     |FIFM: Screen Fields                                         |
    |FMFCTR                   |Funds Center Master Record                                  |
    |FMFG_ACCIT_EXTENSION     |Extention for all fields that have to be transfered into BL |
    |FMFINCODE                |FIFM: Financing code                                        |
    |FMFPO                    |FIFM: Commitment Item                                       |
    |FMHRBA_NEG_DOC_TYPES     |HR Integration: Doc. Types for Negative Funds Commitments   |
    |FMHRBA_SETTINGS          |Integration with HR: Settings                               |
    |FMHRBA_VAD_SETTINGS      |HR Integration: Generate Value Adjustment Docs for Changes  |
    |FMICCN                   |FM: Append Structure for FMIOI (CCN Fields)                 |
    |FMIDATA                  |Common Data for Funds Management Actual Data                |
    |FMIDATAFI                |Clean FI Data for Funds Management Actual Data              |
    |FMIDATAOI                |Clean Open Item Data for Funds Management Actual Data       |
    |FMIFIIT                  |FI Line Item Table in Funds Management                      |
    |FMIKEY                   |Common Key for Funds Management Actual Data                 |
    |FMIKEYFI                 |FI - Key for Funds Management Actual Data                   |
    |FMIKEYOI                 |Common Key for Funds Management Actual Data                 |
    |FMIOI                    |Commitment Documents Funds Management                       |
    |FMIOIKEY                 |Key for Table FMIOI                                         |
    |FMIOI_USFG               | SD order needs quantity                                    |
    |FMIREF                   |Ref. Funds Management Actual Data to Preceding Document     |
    |FMISPS                   |General Parameters for Funds Management                     |
    |FMIT                     |Totals Table for Funds Management                           |
    |FMMRESERV                |Include for the Reduction of Funds Reservations (FM)        |
    |FMRFC                    |Function Modules and their RFC Destinations                 |
    |FMSP_SPLIT_FIELDS        |PSM Fields used in multiple account splitting               |
    |FMT001                   |Additional Customizing for Funds Management                 |
    |FMUP00T                  |Update Profiles                                             |
    |FMUP01                   |Update Control with Value Type Dependency                   |
    |FMUP_INV_KEY             |Extension for FM Update: FI Key of Invoice                  |
    |FMUP_PAY_KEY             |Extension for FM Update: FI Key of Payment                  |
    |FS006                    |Fields for Optical Archiving                                |
    |FTCHECK                  |Foreign Trade: Import Simulation - Ctrl Fields for Pricing  |
    |FTEXTS                   |Communication Structure for Additional Components           |
    |FTGENERAL                |Foreign Trade: General Fields Item                          |
    |FUND_STRUC               |Substructure Fonds                                          |
    |FVD_TZB0A                |Append to TZBOA: Loans Fields                               |
    |GLACCOUNT_CCODE          |G/L Account Master Record: Company Code                     |
    |GLACCOUNT_CCODE_DATA     |G/L Account Master Record: Company Code - Data              |
    |GLACCOUNT_CCODE_INFO     |G/L Account Master Record: Company Code - Information       |
    |GLACCOUNT_CCODE_KEY      |G/L Account Master Record: Company Code - Key               |
    |GLX_ORG_INFO             |Organizational Assignment                                   |
    |GMBSEGZ                  |Grants Management Add-on                                    |
    |GXXLT_H                  |XXL interface: horizontal features                          |
    |GXXLT_O                  |XXL_interface: texts for online display                     |
    |GXXLT_S                  |XXL interface: structure of the semantics table             |
    |GXXLT_V                  |XXL interface: vertical features                            |
    |HELPVAL                  |Restrict Value Range - Transfer Table                       |
    |HELP_INFO                |Transfer Values for the Help Processor                      |
    |HELP_VALUE               |Structure or Function Module HELP_VALUE_GET_FOR_TABLE       |
    |HHM_COBL                 |Include for COBL from FM                                    |
    |IADDR_PSO                |Local Authority Additional Fields (Address)                 |
    |IBKPF_PSO                |IS-PS: Include Structure BKPF Payment Request Doc.Header    |
    |ICDIND                   |Structures for generating change document update programs   |
    |ICON                     |Icons table                                                 |
    |ICONS                    |Icons                                                       |
    |ICURR                    |Interface for Currency Translation                  

  • Rounding off differences for Vendor and Customer payment

    Dear All,
    Rounding off differences for vendor payment in T Code F-53 is giving the following error when I want to post.
    Item category 06000 not allowed in accounting transaction 1000/0001
    Message no. GLT2001
    The online document splitting is active in your system. Here, each document is assigned to a accounting transaction variant and each document row to an item category.
    You determine for each business transaction variant which item categories can or must be posted here.
    The following error occurred for the document you entered:
    Item category 06000 in accounting transaction 1000, variant 0001 is not allowed.
    System Response
    The document cannot be posted.
    Check the document entered, the derivation of the business transaction variant, the derivation of the item category, and the assignment of the item categories to the business transaction variant.
    Please advice

    Thx for the quick answer Andreas. n further discussions we found that the actual requirement is to only have the payment history data for both the vendor and the customer only as a referece. I mean they dont want to have the actual accounts posted for historical data, since we have to anyway have a conversion for the GL accounts related data afterwards.
    I hope i cleared what we want here. Do we have any way we can update the data in this case. Is there anyway we can have data stored in LIS possibly for such cases..
    Any ideas

  • Payment not  clearing for Vendor through Automatic Payment Program

    I had setup automatic payment program for my vendor to take $ from my GL account. When I run the payment program, it ran without any error, however, the vendor account was not cleared. The balance in GL and Vendor account remains the original amounts.
    The log shows the following.
    Job started
    Step 001 started ( program SAPF110S, variant &0000000001081, user ID XXXXXXX)
    Log for payment run for payment on 01/12/2008, identification XXXX
    End of log
    Job finished
    Can anyone help ?

    I have not proposed a solution. Now go to F110 and go to the table additional tab and press proposal log button on the lower right hand side. this will give a detailed log. Either analyse this error set right error or send the error log for analysis.
    First run the proposal run and if it is successful, run the payment run and then to print run.
    It should be run in the above sequence.
    Edited by: Sivakumar Gopalakrishnan on Jan 12, 2008 7:54 PM

  • How do I create a new payment method in PeopleSoft 9.1 for Vendor payments via external bank program?

    We have contracted with a major banking institution to utilize their credit card program to transact vendor payments.  Basically, we generate a formatted file from our Pay Cycle.  The file is sent to the bank, who in turn notifies the participating vendors that their payments are available.  The vendors access their accounts and draw down our payment via their merchant credit card terminals/system.  We need to create a Payment Method 'CCD'; to be used by the PeopleSoft to update the vendor payables options, and indicate vouchers paid by this method.  PeopleSoft only delivers a few of the payment methods, but not one for credit card programs. Can anyone provide some direction on this and on how to create a new payment method?  Does PeopleSoft 9.2 have this payment method available? 

    Thanks for the suggestion...I did read up on the count function, but I don't think it will give me what I want. I need a a counter that increments for each payment made to a supplier, not a total of the number of payments made to that supplier.
    Any other suggestions, please?

  • Automatic Payment program: Payment method not defined for vendor abroad

    Hi All,
    I have a situation wherein the client has a company code in Poland . The Company code is trying to make a payment via f110 to a vendor based in sweden. The vendor wants payment to the invoice to be made in Polish Currency i.e. it wants clearing to be done in Company codes local currency.
    But F110 is throwing the error Payment method not defined for vendor abroad. Can you suggest what could be the possible Error.

    Have you followed the above advice, i.e. used the same medium format just allowing foreign payments for it?
    AFAIK, the Poland banks require a separate format for foreign payments, if only because international bank nbr SWIFT has to also be given and not just the IBAN.
    At my company, the Deutsche Bank Poland requested IDocs to be set up instead, I'm working on it now..

  • Payment block for vendor  based on value.

    Hi Friends,
    Is there any way to set like,
    If the payment is >$5000 for vendor 100100, Invoice must be blocked for payment automatically.
    If the payment is <$5000, Invoice should not block for payment.
    Best regards,

    Unfortunately this is not standard SAP.
    There are Vendor specific tolerances but these are not set upper value limits, they are tolerance ranges for value and so do not do what you are asking for.
    There are also value tolerances that can be used to block all invoices over a certain value, but these are not vendor specific.
    So if you REALLY MUST have this then a user exit or modification would be required.
    Or set the payment block on the vendor and block ALL invoices and then release the lower value ones (manually) and leave the others blocked until you want them to be paid?
    Sorry that there is no SAP solution for this via config.
    Steve B

  • Which number range is used for down payment requests for vendors?

    Which number range is usually used for down payment requests for vendors?
    I would like to use it for:
    Y002 vendors (emplyees)
    Y004 vendors (1-time vendors)
    Y005 vendors (confidential vendors)
    The invoice will be posted via FI via Tcode FB60, FB65 & FB10 and F-02.
    Thank you for your feedback.
    Kind regards,

    For down payment request the Document type is KA hence the number range which is applicable to KA is applicable for vendor downpament also.
    In your case the number range is based on document types and not related to vendor types.

  • How to generate payment advice in F110 and send it to Vendors Via Email

    Dear SAP Experts
    Could anybody tell me how to generate payment advice in F110 and send it to Vendors Via Email?
    It would be much appreciated if someone can provide the configuration procedure, thanks so much in advance.
    Cheers & Best Regards

    Hi Sama,
    Thanks for your post, here I just share some of my idea.
    The following step is to configure the payment advice.
    In OBVU (payment methods in cpy code) I entered my payment advice form
    In OBVU (payment methods in cpy code)  set  "Always pyt advice"
    In OBVCU (payment method by country)  leave the payment medium program (RFFOD__T)
    For the email sending program, should develp some customized program to realize that, Thanks.
    Cheers & Best Regards

  • Scheme of Entries for vendor payment under EBS system

    Hello Friends,
    I am setting below the scheme of entries as I think is appropriate for making a vendor payment. The scenario is that we will make a payment to the vendor where the payment will be released through BACS (we are working for a UK based client). After the payment run is made the payment is not actually made for some reasons and are returned. Then we make the payment again and this time the payment run goes through smoothly.
    I would request you to please let me know if I am wrong in the scheme of entries and if yes, what would be the proper scheme.
    When Invoice is raised (FB60)
    GR/IR a/c        Dr        100
    VAT a/c          Dr          20
        To Vendor a/c Cr            120
    At this point there is one open item that is created in the vendor account.
    When payment run is made (F110)
    Vendor a/c                          Dr              120
          To Unclear BACS a/c     Cr                     120
    At this point the entries in the vendor account are cleared by entry no 1 and 2 and there are no open items.
    When Bank returns the payment as unsuccessful and we clear the entry (F-03)
    Return BACS a/c             Dr          120
        To Vendor A/c             Cr                     120
    At this point there is one open item that is created in the vendor account
    When payment is once more made and this time successfully
    Vendor a/c                       Dr             120
       To Unclear BACS a/c    Cr                       120
    At this point entries 3 and 4 clears the open items in the vendor account and there remains no other open items.
    Can someone please confirm if the sequence is correct or is there an additional step involved for resetting of any document after entry 2 when the payment run fails?
    Suvarghya Dutta

    When you have done step 2, immediately you will not come to know that your cheque is failed, only when you receive the bank statement.
    In that case I would not expect you to post to a different account "Return BACS a/c". I do not see any reason for this account. I would expect you to debit to the same account "Unclear BACS a/c", which has been used in order to make the payment.
    If you are using a different account for reversal, then you have to take two accounts for reconciliation purpose.
    GRIR Account Dr
      To Vendor Account
    Vendor Account Dr
      To Bank Sub-account (In your case Unclear BACS a/c)
    FF67 or FF.5
    If successfully paid
    Bank Sub Account Dr
      To Bank Main Account
    If returned or unsuccessful (*)
    Bank Sub Account Dr
    To Vendor Account
    If you are posting the entry (*) through bank statement, then no need to use FBRA.
    Use FBRA immediately once you run F110 and you know that you have paid the vendor erronously. But once it reached bank and bank has issued bank statement, I would not expect you to run FBRA, but I would like to use FF67 process.

  • UserExit or Customer Exit for F110 - '*' on Vendor Line Item Payment Run

    Dear all,
    Currently in F110, when processing for vendor payments, the item text ( or segment text) is only printed out when item text begins with an asterik ' * '. The asterik is meant to indicate that this document/item is posted from external system. You may do a F1 on the text field for detail explanation.
    In the event, asterik is not present on the item text even if the text is not blank, it will not be printed at all.
    Here are two OSS notes on the asteriks: 312623 and 1292333.
    *------- Segementtext
      IF REGUP-SGTXT(1) NE '*'.
    User is requesting for item text to be printed at all time, when the text exist, regardless of ' * '.
    Does anyone know of a user exit / customer exit that i could use to do modification for SGTXT ?
    Would appreciate it, if you could share your suggestions / experiences - on this matter, even if it doesn't need to be resolved through user exits.  Thanks in advance have fot following exits for F110;
    Transaction Code - F110                     Parameters for Automatic Payment
    Enhancement/ Business Add-in            Description
    RFFOX074                                Frame for user exit RFFOX074 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX075                                Frame for user exit RFFOX075 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX081                                Frame for user exit RFFOX081 (in program RFFOF__T)
    RFFOX082                                Frame for user exit RFFOX082 (in program RFFOF__T)
    RFFOX100                                Frame for user exit RFFOX100 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX101                                Frame for user exit RFFOX101 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX102                                Frame for user exit RFFOX102 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX103                                Frame for user exit RFFOX103 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX104                                user exit
    RFFOX105                                Frame for user exit RFFOX105 (in program RFFOUS_T)
    RFFOX200                                Frame for user exit RFFOX200 (in program RFFONZ_T)
    RFFOX210                                Frame for user exit RFFOX210 (in program RFFOAU_T)
    RFFOX211                                Frame for user exit RFFOX211 (in program RFFONZ_T)
    RFFOX230                                General program for user exit RFFOX230 (in program RFFOJP_L)
    RFFOX240                                Enhancement for User Exit 240 (RFFOAT_P)
    RFFOX250                                Enhancement for User Exit 250 (RFFODK_E)
    RFFOX901                                Framework for user exit RFFOX901 (in program RFFOM100)
    RFFOX902                                Framework for user exit RFFOX902 (in program RFFOM100)
    FDTAX001                                Enhancement to Transaction FDTA (event after the download)
    FEDI0002                                Function exits for EDI DOCS in FI - Incoming pyt adv.notes
    FEDI0003                                Function exits for EDI docs in FI - Save PEXR segments
    FEDI0004                                Function exits for EDI docs in FI - particular events
    FEDI0006                                Function Exits for EDI-docs in FI: Save IDCR Segments
    RFFOX003                                Frame for user exit RFFOX003 (in program RFFOM100)
    RFFOX041                                Framework for user exit RFFOX041 (in program RFFOBE_I)
    RFFOX042                                Framework for user exit RFFOX042 (in program RFFOBE_E)
    RFFOX043                                Framework for user exit RFFOX043 (in program RFFOBE_D)
    RFFOX061                                Frame for user exit RFFOX061 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX062                                Frame for user exit RFFOX062 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX063                                Frame for user exit RFFOX063 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX064                                Frame for user exit RFFOX064 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX065                                Frame for user exit RFFOX065 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX066                                Frame for user exit RFFOX066 (in program RFFOCH_P)
    RFFOX071                                Frame for user exit RFFOX071 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX072                                Frame for user exit RFFOX072 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    RFFOX073                                Frame for user exit RFFOX073 (in program RFFOCH_U)
    Business Add-in
    FI_BSTM_MC_EXIT                         FI Account Statement: Exit from MultiCash Conversion
    FI_F110_SCHEDULE_JOB                    F110: Check before scheduling a proposal/update run

  • Letter of Credit for Vendor Payments

    Hi All,
    We are implementing ECC 6.0 Version.
    The client requirement is to create Letter of Credit for Vendors and to capture data relating issue of Letter of Credit, Terms of Payment and Expirition Date. Against a Single Letter of Credit issued to a vendor client may receive more than one Invoice till the Expiry period of the Letter of Credit and Value. Further, client may also amend the Old Letter of Credit by extending the validity period or the value of the LC.
    I know that we can create letter of credit through Special GL indicator 'L'. But it is one Letter of Credit to One invoice for clearing. How to map one letter of credit to multiple invoices and how we can capture expirition date of LC.
    Further same vendor can have multiple LC opened against them for different projects. Please let me know detailed configuration steps.
    Best Regards,
    Edited by: Bhargava  Ram on Oct 3, 2008 3:40 PM

    Sorry i guess my question is not clear. It is not to link any LC with PO
    The client will raise a single LC against any import vendor. Since these are large CAPEX related purchases, the vendor will send multiple invoices. The bank will adjust the LC against the invoices. Post adjustment the bank will send th advice to the company.
    My question was how we can adjust multiple invoices against a single LC

  • Standard report for vendor payments made monthwise for acct grp

    My client needs a report with below fields and selection criteria based on the account group.:
    Vendor Number             Vendor Name                Amount(Payment per month)    Month
    Is there any standard report i can look in to.If not standard report then to custom report what fields do i need to go for.Please suggest.

    Selection Criteria being Account Group..Better try creating with Report Painter.

  • FEBAN - FB05 - error F5243 for vendor payment

    I kindly ask for a hint.
    The vendor payment is included in eleclonical bank file.
    From transaction FEBAN (Edit bank statement) for item which is not fully cleared we get to trans. FB05 (post with clearing) and try to post to account type K (vendor) - changed manually from D (customer) which is defaulted to K and vendor account number entered. The document type is not visible on selection screen when FB05 is accessed through FEBAN.
    The document type for vendor payment should be KZ.
    Somehow the transaction intend to hold DZ (customer payment) --> and when we hit enter an error message appears:
    Account type K is not defined for document type DZ
    Message no. F5243
    Not sure what is driving this ...
    Please, advise ...
    Thanks a lot

    Please check your configuration:
    IMG => Financial Accounting => Bank Accounting => Payment Transactions => Electronic Bank Statement => Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement
    Give your chart of accounts
    Double click on posting rules.
    Check the document type given for the posting rule you are using to post.
    You need to change from DZ to KZ.

  • Badi/User-exit for vendor down payment request in f-47

    hi all,
    is there any badi/user-exit available for vendor down payment request?
    I need to trigger a workflow when a vendor down payment request in transaction code F-47.
    how can i do this?
    Pls guide me.
    Thanks & regards,

    Did it using a business transaction event

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