LDP Query length

I was wondering if anybody knows if there are limitations on the size of an LDAP query.
I have an application that is enumerating AD via group membership. Using the query (&(objectclass=group)(CN=Groupname*)) with Attribute of Member only pulls back the DN of the users where the application requires SamAccountName.
So. I have reversed the query and have searched for users that are memberof:
(&(objectclass=user)(| (Memberof=CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=Domain,DC=nonprod)( MemberOf=CN=APP_TH_Admin_DEV,OU=Groups,OU=User Groups,DC=Domain,DC=nonprod)))
This works in pulling back all members of each group
However, this statment does not...
(&(objectclass=user)(| (MemberOf=CN=APP_TH_ContentStudio_DEV,OU=Groups,OU=User Groups,DC=domain,DC=nonprod(MemberOf=CN=APP_TH_Admin_DEV,OU=Groups,OU=User Groups,DC=domain,DC=nonprod)))
The only thing I can think of is the size of the query?
Also, if anyone knows a way that you can pull back the SamAccountName from groups that would be even better :)

Glad to hear. I didn't know what the limit was but I didn't think length was the issue in that query ... take a look the length of some of the queries ADUC lets you create! For example, searching for users where the First Name starts with Mark and Department
starts with IT, ADUC generated this:
When it could have been covered by this:
ADUC is still useful for "how do I do this" and "does this work" questions though but maybe clean up the resulting query string a bit if you are going to use it in scripts, it'll make them a lot easier to read. I wouldn't want to type that first query into
a Get-AD* -Filter!! This site is very useful for this stuff:
And search this link for "Default Values for LDAP Administrative Limits":
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc755809%28WS.10%29.aspx#w2k3tr_adsrh_how_lhjt If MaxReceiveBuffer is the limit, you've got 10MB to play with ;) And a potential 256MB for the results!

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    How long is your query? The SELECT_LIST_FROM_QUERY function accepts the query as a varchar2, so it’s "limited" to 32767 characters.

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    Please check OSS notes 333517 and 357093. Both notes, though from 2000, contain detailed functionality and recommendation around u201Clength of serviceu201D.
    Hope this helps.

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    thank you for replying
    I used the followingcode in the source of the region
    str_sql varchar2(4000);
    select str1||str4||str3 into str_sql from dual;
    return str_sql;
    where str1, str3, str4 are functions that generate the query
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    1 error has occurred
    Function returning SQL query: Query cannot be parsed within the Builder. If you believe your query is syntactically correct, check the generic columns checkbox below the region source to proceed without parsing.
    (ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long)
    best regards.

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    I'm not sure.
    But one option is to build this mechanism on your own. Just popup a window to get the where clause and then use set_block_property(default_where) to attach it to the block.

  • Query length input-output

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    I have two doubts:
    1)     Has oracle a limit to the length of the query? (number of characters)
    2)     Has oracle a limit in the length of the output of a query? (number of characters)
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    I am using oracle 10g.
    Thanks, bye bye.

    1. Here is the text from the [Oracle Database Limits Reference|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/limits003.htm#i288032]:
    [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/limits003.htm#i288032]{code}2. I do not believe Oracle has as limit on the output of the program. I think this is the responsibility of the calling program, in this case SQL*Plus. As far as SQL*Plus limiting characters I believe it can/does depending on data type. I recommend you read the [SQLPlus Users Guide and Reference|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14357/toc.htm], specifically, Chapter 6 "Formatting SQL*Plus Reports."
    3. As far as XML, you should read the [XML DB Developers Guide|http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14259/toc.htm], specifically Chapter 3
    I hope this helps!
    Edited by: Centinul on Sep 1, 2008 8:22 AM
    I wish I knew this was a double post before hand.. doh!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    The query just got 'longer' which prompts the question:
    Is there an upper limit to the length (number of characters) of the query ?
    Thanks for all and any help,

    I cannot answer your direct question, but if your SELECT statement is hard-coded and not generated from PL/SQL, I can offer a possible work around. You could create a database VIEW using your SELECT statement and query the view in your SVG chart.

  • Maximum length of query string for functions return a SELECT

    Hi all,
    I have a report that gets it's SELECT statement from a function, instead of being coded into the region. All was well but I suspect now I'm blowing some kind of limit as I'm getting an error :
         ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
         Error      ERR-1101 Unable to process function body returning query.
    However if I run the procedure out of ApEx and grab the SELECT statement then it works fine. The length of the query is 8636 bytes (yup, it's a beauty!).
    Does anyone know if there is a hard limit to the size of the string that can be returned?
    I'm using ApEx 3.1.
    Steve H

    I do have a similar painfull scenario - Although my query length is very less i.e 618 bytes only.
    I have defined a stored function, which returns an SQL query string, this return SQL string executes fantastic but when I tried to to call this function from a APEX report it gives error. the details are as follows. Please help.......
    The function code:
    return VARCHAR2
    msql VARCHAR2(32767);
    msql:='Select null,statusname,AgeInd, ';
    For m_stat in (select statusname from a02_status)
    msql:= msql || q'[decode(statusname,']';
    msql:= msql || m_stat.statusname;
    msql:= msql || q'[',count(id),0) ]';
    msql:= msql || m_stat.statusname|| ',';
    end loop;
    msql:= msql||' from ';
    msql:= msql||'( ';
    msql:= msql||'select a.id, round(sysdate-a.registeredon) TimeSpan,';
    msql:= msql||'case ';
    msql:= msql||q'[when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<=7 then 'Week' ]';
    msql:= msql||q'[when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)>7 and round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<14 then 'Fortnight' ]';
    msql:= msql||q'[when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)>14 and round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<30 then 'Month' ]';
    msql:= msql||q'[else 'More...'  end ageind,]';
    msql:= msql||'a.status_id,b.statusname ';
    msql:= msql||'from a02_task a,a02_status b ';
    msql:= msql||'where b.id=a.status_id) ';
    msql:= msql||'group by statusname,AgeInd;';
    return msql;
    end TEST_C_QRY;
    The Output SQL comes from this is
    SQL> Select null,statusname,AgeInd, decode(statusname,'Scheduled',count(id),0) Scheduled,decode(statusname,'Executing',count(id),0) Executing,decode(statusname,
    'Completed',count(id),0) Completed from ( select a.id, round(sysdate-a.registeredon) TimeSpan, case when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<=7 then 'Week' when round
    (sysdate-a.registeredon)>7 and round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<14 then 'Fortnight' when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)>14 and round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<30 then
    'Month' else 'More...' end ageind, a.status_id,b.statusname from a02_task a,a02_status b where b.id=a.status_id) group by statusname,AgeInd;
    The result that comes when I execute the above resultant SQL is as follows.
    Completed More... 0 0 4
    Completed Week 0 0 1
    Scheduled Week 1 0 0
    Completed Month 0 0 3
    Executing More... 0 1 0
    Executing Month 0 6 0
    Scheduled More... 1 0 0
    7 rows selected.
    But the surprising error that comes from Oracle XE when I use the following code for stacked bar chart
    return TEST_D_QRY;
    Error thrown by XE report builder is as follows:
    1 error has occurred
    Failed to parse SQL query!
    Select null,statusname,AgeInd, decode(statusname,'Scheduled',count(id),0) Scheduled,decode(statusname,'Executing',count(id),0) Executing,decode(statusname,'Completed',count(id),0) Completed from ( select a.id, round(sysdate-a.registeredon) TimeSpan, case when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<=7 then 'Week' when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)>7 and round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<14 then 'Fortnight' when round(sysdate-a.registeredon)>14 and round(sysdate-a.registeredon)<30 then 'Month' else 'More...' end ageind, a.status_id,b.statusname from a02_task a,a02_status b where b.id=a.status_id) group by statusname,AgeInd;
    Certain queries can only be executed when running your application, if your query appears syntactically correct, you can save your query without validation (see options below query source).

  • Execute a DML query its length exceeds 4000 characters with execute immediate statement.

    I want to execute a DML query with execute immediate statement. That DML query length exceeds 4000 characters. This query has Xquery related conditions, i can not split the query. when i tried execute it is giving "string literal too long".  I tried with DBMS_SQL.Parse() and DBMS_SQL.Execute also, but it is giving same error. I have to execute this DML query inside a Procedure. Please help me to resolve this. We are using oracle 10g version
    Thanks & Regards,

    Actually Query is a dynamic query. Query length will exceeds if the no of domains\domain values \products exceeds. Any way Below one is current dynamic query, which is generated within procedure
      ,EXTRACTVALUE(IVT.DOCUMENT_IVT,'//elementInternalName/text()') AS INTERNALNAME
      AND  IVT.DOCUMENT_IVT.existsnode('.//domain[domainName="Jurisdictions" and (domainValue="Delhi" or domainValue="Bangladesh" or domainValue="Mumbai" or domainValue="India" or domainValue="Pakistan" or domainValue="Nepal" or domainValue="Maldives" or domainValue="Kolkata" or domainValue="Bhutan" or domainValue="Chennai" or domainValue="ALL")]')=1 AND  IVT.DOCUMENT_IVT.existsnode('.//domain[domainName="Channels" and (domainValue="Agents" or domainValue="SBI" or domainValue="Maruti" or domainValue="Direct" or domainValue="CitiFinancial" or domainValue="SCB" or domainValue="BankAssurance" or domainValue="CitiBank" or domainValue="Employees" or domainValue="GE" or domainValue="Brokers" or domainValue="Telemarketing" or domainValue="Agency" or domainValue="ALL")]')=1 AND  IVT.DOCUMENT_IVT.existsnode('.//domain[domainName="ModeofDelivery" and (domainValue="Walkin" or domainValue="Internet" or domainValue="ALL")]')=1 AND  IVT.DOCUMENT_IVT.existsnode('.//context[(productName="ALL" or productName="A009" or productName="A010" or productName="A046" or productName="AccidentShieldClassic" or productName="AccidentShieldOnline" or productName="AM01" or productName="AM02" or productName="AME_Cancellation" or productName="ARHG" or productName="ARPA" or productName="B003" or productName="B004" or productName="B007" or productName="B008" or productName="B009" or productName="B010" or productName="B012" or productName="B013" or productName="B015" or productName="B016" or productName="B017" or productName="BC04_PA" or productName="BC06_FDP" or productName="BC06_PA" or productName="BC09" or productName="BC10" or productName="BC12" or productName="BC13" or productName="BF03" or productName="BS01" or productName="BS02" or productName="C017" or productName="C035" or productName="C036" or productName="C037" or productName="C038" or productName="C040" or productName="C041" or productName="C041Gold" or productName="C041New" or productName="C045HomeContents" or productName="C048" or productName="C049" or productName="C054" or productName="C057" or productName="C060Building" or productName="C060Contents" or productName="C060FDP" or productName="C061Building" or productName="C061Contents" or productName="C062" or productName="C063" or productName="C067" or productName="C070" or productName="C072" or productName="C074" or productName="C077" or productName="C081" or productName="C082" or productName="C087" or productName="C088" or productName="CITIFOREVER" or productName="CITISECURE" or productName="CITICHILDPLAN" or productName="D001" or productName="DB01" or productName="DD01" or productName="DD02" or productName="DD03" or productName="DD04" or productName="DD09" or productName="DD10" or productName="E005" or productName="E011" or productName="E016" or productName="E020" or productName="E030" or productName="E034" or productName="E040" or productName="E041" or productName="E045HCP" or productName="E045HSP" or productName="E049" or productName="E049New" or productName="E052" or productName="E053" or productName="E054FDP" or productName="E055" or productName="E056" or productName="E057" or productName="E058" or productName="E061" or productName="E061BATCH" or productName="E062" or productName="E063" or productName="E064HCP" or productName="E064HSP" or productName="E066" or productName="E069" or productName="E073" or productName="E075" or productName="E076" or productName="E088" or productName="E090" or productName="E093A" or productName="E093B" or productName="E095" or productName="E099A" or productName="E099B" or productName="E106" or productName="E107" or productName="E110" or productName="E112" or productName="E114" or productName="E115" or productName="E116" or productName="F001" or productName="FamilyHealthInsurance" or productName="FamilyHospitalBenefits" or productName="FamilyHospitalisationCoverBenefit" or productName="G001" or productName="G002" or productName="HealthShieldOnline" or productName="Health_B005" or productName="Health_S057" or productName="HealthSheild" or productName="HealthWalkin" or productName="HomeContentOnline" or productName="HomeShieldOnline" or productName="HomeShieldWalkin" or productName="HospitalCashOnline" or productName="J001" or productName="J008" or productName="K001" or productName="KV02" or productName="LC03" or productName="ML01" or productName="MP02" or productName="MP03" or productName="MR01" or productName="O005" or productName="PO01" or productName="PO02" or productName="PO03" or productName="PO04" or productName="PO05" or productName="PO06" or productName="RR02" or productName="RR03" or productName="RR04" or productName="S006" or productName="S033" or productName="S049" or productName="S051" or productName="S054" or productName="S057" or productName="S060" or productName="S061" or productName="S065" or productName="S065TM" or productName="S068" or productName="S076" or productName="S077" or productName="S079" or productName="S080" or productName="S081" or productName="S084" or productName="S085" or productName="S086" or productName="S087" or productName="S088" or productName="S091" or productName="S092" or productName="S093" or productName="S094" or productName="S095" or productName="S097" or productName="S098" or productName="S099" or productName="S100" or productName="S101" or productName="S102" or productName="S103" or productName="S104" or productName="S106" or productName="S107" or productName="S108" or productName="S109" or productName="S110" or productName="S111" or productName="S113" or productName="SCBNAC" or productName="SF02" or productName="SS01" or productName="SS02" or productName="SUNFHM" or productName="SurgicalShield" or productName="TD01" or productName="TD02" or productName="TP01" or productName="U002Building" or productName="U002Contents" or productName="U004Building" or productName="U007" or productName="U009" or productName="U013" or productName="U014" or productName="U015" or productName="U016" or productName="V001" or productName="V002" or productName="V005" or productName="V006" or productName="V008" or productName="W008" or productName="W020" or productName="W021" or productName="W022" or productName="W023" or productName="W024" or productName="W026" or productName="W027" or productName="W028" or productName="W029" or productName="W105" or productName="W106" or productName="WI01" or productName="WI02" or productName="WI03" or productName="WI07" or productName="WI08" or productName="WI09" or productName="WI10" or productName="WI11" or productName="WI12" or productName="WI13" or productName="WI14" or productName="WI17" or productName="WI20" or productName="WI21" or productName="WI21_Health" or productName="WI23" or productName="WI24" or productName="WI26" or productName="WI30" or productName="WI31" or productName="WI33" or productName="WI34" or productName="X001" or productName="X002" or productName="X003" or productName="X004" or productName="X005" or productName="X008" or productName="Y001" or productName="Y007" or productName="Y009" or productName="Y010" or productName="Y011" or productName="Y011H" or productName="Y020" or productName="Y020N" or productName="Z008" or productName="ZI001")]')=1

  • Select query is working on oracle 10.1.0 but its not working in 10.2.0

    select query is working and retrieving some data from oracle database server, but same query is not working in database server, its throws(ORA-00942: table or view does not exist)
    But schema related tables and relevant details are same in database server, so don't think that table is missing on that schema.
    Note: Query length is upto 480 line
    I have validate all the things, everything is fine, i don't why that query is not executing in different version.
    I am in helpless in this situation?, anybody faced this issue?
    Thanks in advance

    Validated means all the tables and and columns are verified, i just running in sqlprompt,
    Say for example:
    sql> select * from table1;
    One thing i observed while executing the query its showed error in one location of select sql. i mean particular word in select sql.
    After that i combined some three lines of huge select sql into single then i am getting error in different location i mean different word...
    My question is how same query executing in Oracle 10g Release 1, same dump (its exported from Release1) imported into oracle 10g release 2 is not executing. its shows Table or view doesn't exit.

  • How to use lengthy query in a "SQL Command from Variable"

    My oracle SQL Query length is more than 14000 characters, so how can i use this for "SQL command from variable".

    Either create a view or a table valued UDF. Using stored procedure in OLEDB source has some gotchas it will not pick up metadata information by default due to late binding.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ---------------------------- http://visakhm.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/VmBlogs

  • In Query mode, date items does not accepts more than 10 characters..Why?

    Dear All,
    In my form, While querying my date items, it does not accepts more than 10 Characters. Could it be changeable.
    Actually i want to search like greater than specified date( >01/01/2007 ).
    But i can specify like >01/01/07. After tabbing out from that item, it displays like >01/01/200.
    How to overcome this issue.
    Please help.

    You are absoletely correct Francois!
    Previously i have made a mistake that both of my maximum length and query length property to 20. That time it was not worked. Now i changed my maximum length to the old one like 11 and i changed only the query length to 20.
    Now it is working. I understood the concept wrongly.
    Thanks Francois!

  • Query not ended properly..

    hi frenz
    I am running this program , taking data froom a file n passing it between th IN clause but when more that 100 values are passed to
    it gives thae error that "Query not ended properly.."
    plz help as soon as posible
    String query = "SELECT * FROM "+service+"."+fileName + " where " + fileName + "." + colNames[0] + " IN (";
    System.out.println("Curr Qry >>> "+query);
    try {
    String newFile = filePath+fileName+".CTL";
    bufWrite = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(newFile));
    bufWrite.write("LOAD DATA INFILE * APPEND INTO TABLE " + service + "." +
    fileName + "\n");
    bufWrite.write("FIELDS TERMINATED BY '" + delimiter +
    for (int x = 0; x < fileDataFormat.length; x++) {
    counter = 0;
    while (counter < dateFields.length) {
    System.out.println(" checking >> "+fileDataFormat[x]+" with >>> "+dateFields[counter]);
    if (fileDataFormat[x].equals(dateFields[counter])) {
    bufWrite.write(" DATE 'yyyymmdd' ");
    System.out.println("EQUALITY check >>> "+fileDataFormat[x]+".equals("+dateFields[counter]+")"+fileDataFormat[x].equals(dateFields[counter]));
    if ( (x+1) != fileDataFormat.length) {
    bufWrite.write(") BEGINDATA \n");
    con = SQLUploader.getConnectionObj(uName, uPass, driver, url);
    //Check the code from here
    enumer = hash.keys();
    String personId = null;
    while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) {
    //Getting personid's in array
    personId = (String) enumer.nextElement();
    if (ctr != hash.size())
    query += qryBuff.toString() + ")";
    System.out.println("Query generated >>> " + query);
    stmt = con.createStatement();
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);

    Unreadable. Use code tags
    Awful code. Appears to be a muddled mess to me.
    That doesn't look like ANSI standard SQL to me. Which database uses "FIELDS TERMINATED BY"?
    Some databases have a max query length and a limit to the number of entries in the IN clause. Maybe you've hit that.
    Print out the SQL you've generated and see if it's correct. Hard to tell in code.
    You should use PreparedStatement if your query involved Dates.
    All that writing is confusing and messy. I'd prefer something like Log4J that I could turn off and on.

  • Problem Querying Oracle Forms Using a Date Field and a Format Mask

    We are experiencing a problem with Oracle Forms that I was wondering if you can help me with.
    We have several Forms that have single database blocks assigned to Oracle tables. The Forms are queryable and one of the fields we’re querying on is assigned to a field on the base table which is Not Null and has a Type of DATE. We are storing date/time information in this field on the database table. The item on the form is set up as a Date field with a Maximum Length of 7, a Format Mask ‘MMDDYY’ and having a Query Length of 10.
    We’ve seen a discrepancy in how these fields are used to query the base table block. On some user’s computers they are able to enter a 6 digit date followed by the % sign (e.g. ‘091808%’) and they get the expected results. Other users get ‘FRM-40301: Query caused no records to be retrieved. Re-enter’. Do you know why we are experiencing this difference?
    - The Oracle Database version we are running is Release
    - The Forms Developer version that we’re experiencing the problem with is

    There is no obvious reason that I can see.
    Version 4.5 is very old so you might have problems calling Oracle Support. If you can reproduce the same problem o0n 10.1.2 you should call have them analyze the problem.

  • Handling korean charset  in Query string

    I'm testing final release of S1AS7 SE.
    When a query string is urlencoded, parameter value using korean charset was properly processed.
    When not urlencoded, parameter value using korean charset was broken. Though Tomcat4 returns correct value.
    S1AS and Tomcat returned different Query length. Yes, S1AS returned incorrect length.
    It seems that NSAPIConnector fails to handle http request correctly when query string contains korean characters.

    use static sql whereever possible (not tested).
        v_query VARCHAR2(32767);
        v_where VARCHAR2(1000);
        IF (prefer_this_construct)
            INSERT INTO mytable
                SELECT efirstname, elastname
                FROM   employee
                WHERE  sickdate BETWEEN hiredate AND
                       nvl(officialdate, to_date('01/01/9999', 'mm/dd/yyyy'));
            v_query := 'insert into mytable ' ||
                       'select efirstname, elastname ' || 'from employee ' ||
                       'where sickdate between hiredate and nvl(officialdate, :officialdate) ';
            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_query
                USING to_date('01/01/9999', 'mm/dd/yyyy');
        END IF;
    /Message was edited by:
    Kamal Kishore

Maybe you are looking for