Lead Capture Forms

Is there a way to create a Lead Capture form through the web interface and have the form populate B1 as either lead record, vendor record or Webtools as a prospect?
So in other words I would like to have at least 3 different types of forms, 1 to do a regular Lead capture that will turn into a lead in B1, another to do the same but it should not hit B1 since it will be a prospect record, and finally another form that I could publish for prospective Vendors/Consultants can fill out so we could get their information etc.
Furthermore, can a form be popultated with custom fields from B1 etc.
Ray Collazo

This is definately possible with custom work to the API, see the SDKWebPage directory on the cd for a few ideas, or the plugins/requestblock.ascx
below is the requestblock.ascx code for 2007 version that submits to prospect, the namespaces at the top can easily be modified to support 5.9 version. And Methods could be enhanced to create accounts (which synch to b1 BP) as well.
<%@ Control Language="c#" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="NP" Namespace="NetPoint.WebControls" Assembly="NetPoint.WebControls" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="netpoint.classes" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="netpoint.api" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="netpoint.api.prospecting" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="netpoint.api.account" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="netpoint.api.common" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="netpoint.api.utility" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %>
<script language="C#" runat="server">
    NPBasePage bp;
    private bool _SubmitToProspect = true;
    public bool SubmitToProspect {
        set { _SubmitToProspect = value; }
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
        bp = (NPBasePage)Page;
        if (!Page.IsPostBack) {
            NPUser u = new NPUser(bp.UserID);
            tbFirstName.Text = u.FirstName;
            tbLastName.Text = u.LastName;
            tbPhoneOffice.Text = u.DayPhone;
            tbPhoneMobile.Text = u.MobilePhone;
            tbEmail.Text = u.Email;
            //tbCompany.Text = u.AccountName;
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
        // check email validity               
        if (NPValidator.IsEmail(tbEmailTo.Text)) {
            //Send The Request
            NPCommunicationLog cl = new NPCommunicationLog();
            cl.Subject = tbSubject.Text;
            cl.Email = tbEmailTo.Text;
            cl.EmailFrom = tbEmail.Text;
            cl.Message = bp.StyleSheetLink;
            cl.Message += tbBody.Text;
            cl.Message += bp.ControlToHTML(GetTable());
            cl.Incoming = false;
            cl.LogStatus = "O";
            cl.LogType = "email";
            cl.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
            cl.AccountID = bp.AccountID;
            cl.UserID = bp.UserID;
            cl.OwnerID = bp.UserID;
            cl.TemplateCode = "requestblock";
            //Send The Response
            NPCommunicationLog clr = new NPCommunicationLog();
            clr.Subject = tbResponseSubject.Text;
            clr.Email = tbEmail.Text;
            clr.EmailFrom = tbEmailTo.Text;
            clr.Message = tbResponseBody.Text;
            clr.Incoming = false;
            clr.LogStatus = "O";
            clr.LogType = "email";
            clr.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;
            clr.AccountID = bp.AccountID;
            clr.UserID = bp.UserID;
            clr.OwnerID = bp.UserID;
            clr.TemplateCode = "requestblock";
            if (_SubmitToProspect) {
                NPProspect p = new NPProspect();
                p.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text;
                p.LastName = tbLastName.Text;
                p.CompanyName = tbCompany.Text;
                p.PhoneOffice = tbPhoneOffice.Text;
                p.PhoneMobile = tbPhoneMobile.Text;
                p.Email = tbEmail.Text;
                p.Notes = tbNotes.Text;
                p.Source = tbSource.Text;
            if (tbRedirectPage.Text != "") {
            else {
        else {
            Response.Write("<script>alert('" + errInvalidEmail.Text + "'); <" + "/" + "script>");
    private Table GetTable() {
        Table t = new Table();
        t.CellPadding = 2;
        t.CellSpacing = 0;
        t.BorderWidth = 1;
        TableRow tr1 = new TableRow();
        TableCell tc11 = new TableCell();
        TableCell tc12 = new TableCell();
        tc11.Text = ltlName.Text;
        tc11.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        tc12.Text = tbFirstName.Text + " " + tbLastName.Text;
        TableRow tr2 = new TableRow();
        TableCell tc21 = new TableCell();
        TableCell tc22 = new TableCell();
        tc21.Text = ltlCompany.Text;
        tc21.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        tc22.Text = tbCompany.Text;
        TableRow tr3 = new TableRow();
        TableCell tc31 = new TableCell();
        TableCell tc32 = new TableCell();
        tc31.Text = ltlPhoneOffice.Text;
        tc31.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        tc32.Text = tbPhoneOffice.Text;
        TableRow tr4 = new TableRow();
        TableCell tc41 = new TableCell();
        TableCell tc42 = new TableCell();
        tc41.Text = ltlPhoneMobile.Text;
        tc41.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        tc42.Text = tbPhoneMobile.Text;
        TableRow tr5 = new TableRow();
        TableCell tc51 = new TableCell();
        TableCell tc52 = new TableCell();
        tc51.Text = ltlEmail.Text;
        tc51.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        tc52.Text = tbEmail.Text;
        TableRow tr6 = new TableRow();
        TableCell tc61 = new TableCell();
        TableCell tc62 = new TableCell();
        tc61.Text = ltlNotes.Text;
        tc61.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
        tc62.Text = tbNotes.Text;
        return t;
<asp:Panel ID="SubscribePanel" runat="server">
    <table class="npbody" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
                <asp:Literal ID="ltlName" runat="server" Text="Name"></asp:Literal></td>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbFirstName" runat="server" Columns="15"></asp:TextBox>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbLastName" runat="server" Columns="25"></asp:TextBox></td>
                <asp:Literal ID="ltlCompany" runat="server" Text="Company"></asp:Literal></td>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbCompany" runat="server" Columns="50"></asp:TextBox></td>
                <asp:Literal ID="ltlPhoneOffice" runat="server" Text="Phone (Office)"></asp:Literal></td>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbPhoneOffice" runat="server" Columns="15"></asp:TextBox> 
                <asp:Literal ID="ltlPhoneMobile" runat="server" Text="(Mobile)"></asp:Literal>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbPhoneMobile" runat="server" Columns="15"></asp:TextBox></td>
                <asp:Literal ID="ltlEmail" runat="server" Text="Email"></asp:Literal></td>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbEmail" runat="server" Columns="50"></asp:TextBox></td>
                <asp:Literal ID="ltlNotes" runat="server" Text="Notes"></asp:Literal></td>
                <asp:TextBox ID="tbNotes" runat="server" Columns="40" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="4"></asp:TextBox></td>
            <td align="center" colspan="2">
                <asp:LinkButton ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click"></asp:LinkButton></td>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbEmailTo" runat="server" Visible="False">[email protected]</asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbSubject" runat="server" Visible="False">Request From Website</asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbBody" runat="server" Visible="False">Request From Website</asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbResponseSubject" runat="server" Visible="False">Response Message</asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbResponseBody" runat="server" Visible="False">Response Message</asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbRedirectPage" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbSource" runat="server" Visible="False" Text="RequestPage"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Literal ID="errInvalidEmail" Text="Invalid Email address" Visible="False" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

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    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" xmlns:wsu="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd">
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    <ProcessSalesOrderFulfillmentEBM xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/EBO/SalesOrder/V2" xmlns:coresalesorder="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/EBO/SalesOrder/V2">
    <corecom:EBMHeader xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:ContactName>Siebel contact</corecom:ContactName>
    <corecom:ContactEmail>[email protected]</corecom:ContactEmail>
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    <corecom:Identification xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="SALESORDER_ID_GUID">31343933343333353331383237343632</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="OrderNumber">TEST-ALALL-2</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="OrderId">TEST-ALALL-2</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:Status xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:CurrencyExchange xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessUnitReference xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
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    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="InventoryOrganizationId">300000001130177</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="OrganizationId">300000001130053</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="OrganizationId">300000001130053</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:CustomerPartyReference xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_PARTYID_GUID">2d383037373236333033353335383233</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="AccountId">300000002605080</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="CUSTOMERPARTY_ACCOUNTID_GUID">2d363038363737353331313735393632</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="AccountId">300000002605080</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:Identification xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="SALESORDER_LINEID_GUID">31373632363632373039363139343635</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="LineNumber">1</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="LineId">101</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="IntegrationId">88290</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ParentSalesOrderLineIdentification xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="SALESORDER_LINEID_GUID">31373632363632373039363139343635</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="LineNumber">1</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="ParentLineId"/>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="IntegrationId">88290</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:RootParentSalesOrderLineIdentification xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="SALESORDER_LINEID_GUID">31373632363632373039363139343635</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="LineNumber">1</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="RootParentLineId"/>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="IntegrationId">90</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:EffectiveTimePeriod xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <coresalesorder:OrderQuantity unitCode="EA">1</coresalesorder:OrderQuantity>
    <corecom:Status xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:ItemReference xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="ITEM_ID_GUID">61</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="ProductId">AS85008</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="ProductId">AS85008</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:CustomerItemID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="ProductId"/>
    <corecom:Identification xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:BusinessComponentID schemeAgencyID="AIA_01" schemeID="SALESORDER_SCHEDULE_GUID">31373632363632373039363139343635</corecom:BusinessComponentID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="SalesOrderScheduleNumber">1</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="SalesOrderScheduleId">101</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ID schemeAgencyID="SEBL_01" schemeID="IntegrationId">201</corecom:ID>
    <corecom:ShipmentSet xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <coresalesorder:ExtendedAmount currencyCode="USD">18762.00</coresalesorder:ExtendedAmount>
    <coresalesorder:OrderQuantity unitCode="Ea">1</coresalesorder:OrderQuantity>
    <coresalesorder:ServiceLevelCode>Next day air</coresalesorder:ServiceLevelCode>
    <corecom:CarrierPartyReference xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:Status xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:PaymentTerm xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
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    <corecom:ID>Line # 1</corecom:ID>
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    <corecom:Amount currencyCode="USD">18762.00</corecom:Amount>
    <corecom:UnitSalePrice xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <corecom:Amount currencyCode="USD">18762.00</corecom:Amount>
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    <coresalesorder:SalesOrderShipToParty xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <coresalesorder:SalesOrderBillToParty xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <coresalesorder:SalesOrderCustomerParty xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    <coresalesorder:TotalAmount currencyCode="USD">70.94</coresalesorder:TotalAmount>
    <corecom:SourceDocumentReference xmlns:corecom="http://xmlns.oracle.com/EnterpriseObjects/Core/Common/V2">
    Can I get a help on this and my question is in j developer when I make a web service data control and drag and drop that method in to my pages submit button with text box taking this EBM or xml as entry and when I submit this its giving a null pointer exception. How can I overcome this.
    Satbir Singh

    for complex services like this the recommendation is to use a JAX-WS proxy client, put a POJO in front (wrapper) to access information and methods to expose in the application and create a POJO DC from the wrapper. This not only is more powerful and allows you to intercept data calls, it also gives you a netter option for debugging and error handling in case something fails.

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    "CDD-23572: The connection to Oracle has been lost. Unsaved changes will be lost."
    The only thing my form contain is a component created by the "Data Block Wizard" that gets data from a simple table, and layout created by the "Layout Wizard" that is connected to the data block.
    The form I try to capture is created in Oracle Form Builder release
    Oracle Designer version:
    PS: When i run the capture in the capture mode "Capture ONLY module design", it works perfectly fine.
    Does anyone out there have a workaround/ hint to what I'm doing wrong? :)

    It seemed like the problem lied in the database version i was running, 10.1. When I installed 10.2 instead, Designer didn't crash.

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    You can capture forms built in messages in ON-MESSAGE trigger. But the message u given 'do you want to save changes' can eliminate by giving exit_form(no_validation') statement.

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    How can I do it? Thanks in advance.

    Oh excellent!
    Thank you very much, Anton!
    Best regards,

  • Problems capturing form data

    I'm new to PHP and I'm having a few problems. I've put
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    the names of all 'checked' checkboxes within my form and exclude
    all unchecked data. I know i must be doing something stoopid but i
    can't work it out. I just get a list of all items with their value
    next to them if checked. Any help would be really appreciated.
    Thanks. Here's my script:
    /* Subject and Email Variables */
    $emailSubject = 'Subject';
    $webMaster = '[email protected]';
    /* Gathering Data Variables */
    $A = $_POST['A'];
    $B = $_POST['B'];
    $C = $_POST['C'];
    $D = $_POST['D'];
    $total1 = $_POST['total1'];
    $total2 = $_POST['total2'];
    $total3 = $_POST['total3'];
    $total4 = $_POST['total4'];
    $total5 = $_POST['total5'];
    $day = $_POST['day'];
    $email_address = $_POST['email_address'];
    $comments = $_POST['comments'];
    $body = <<<EOD
    Item A: $A <br>
    Item B: $B <br>
    Item C: $C <br>
    Item D: $D <br>
    Price  $total1 <br>
    Data A   $total2 <br>
    Data B   $total3 <br>
    Data C   $total4 <br>
    Data D   $total5 <br>
    Ordered For:   $day <br>
    Email Address:   $email_address <br>
    Instructions/feedback:   $comments
    $headers = "From: $email_address\r\n";
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html\r\n";
    $success = mail($webMaster, $emailSubject, $body, $headers);
    /* Results rendered as HTML */
    header ('Location: '.$URL);
    <td><input name="A" onClick="change(this)"
    value="160g" type="checkbox"></td>
    If its relevant, onClick="change(this)" relates to:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function change(obj) {
    var tr=obj.parentNode.parentNode;
    if(obj.checked) {
    tr.className+=' pink';
    else {
    tr.className=tr.className.replace(' pink', '');
    Please can someone explain where i'm going wrong?

    My advise is to buy the ColdFusionMX7 Web Application
    Construction Kit. This will answer all of your questions and
    provide you with a solid understanding of ColdFusion basics to
    include: form handling and database interaction..
    http://www.amazon.com/Macromedia-ColdFusion-Web-Application-Construction/dp/0321223675/ref =sr_11_1/105-7037147-7486858?ie=UTF8&qid=1187788238&sr=11-1

  • How capture Form Details in XML for a View and how to retrieve in 2nd View

    Hi all
    I have one typical requirement
    in a View i have a form when i submit the form then those form details i need to store (capture) in one form and retrieve the same values from the XML file into another View.
    if anybody worked on this requirement then can you please share the output.
    can anybody have the documents or related sample codes then can please share to me?

    For this you have to create an XML file with the data from your view1 and in form2 call that XML file and read data from the XML file and display...
    below links helps you in reading and creating XML files...
    Reading XML file in web dynpro

  • Capturing form info - including action

    I'm looking at error handling. I'm wondering (right now) if
    there's a means
    by which to capture a form's action. I'm looking to have a
    page for my delete items tha can say be universal and so
    route pages to
    their proper places after confirmation has been done.
    I may also just do a JavaScript confirmation, but I'm not as
    big on that.
    Also searching other avenues, so any suggestions are more
    than welcome.
    Jon Parkhurst

    I guess that was a pretty big morning question. :O)
    I'm goign to redirect all of my forms to a general error
    checking for, an
    then have a hidden field that redirects the form from there -
    that should
    work, no?
    "crash" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:ejspt4$npe$[email protected]..
    > I'm looking at error handling. I'm wondering (right now)
    if there's a
    > means by which to capture a form's action. I'm looking
    to have a
    > confirmation page for my delete items tha can say be
    universal and so
    > route pages to their proper places after confirmation
    has been done.
    > I may also just do a JavaScript confirmation, but I'm
    not as big on that.
    > Also searching other avenues, so any suggestions are
    more than welcome.
    > --
    > TIA,
    > Jon Parkhurst
    > PriivaWeb

  • Capturing Form Data

    I am very new to Macromedia Coldfusion, I have a user
    registration form and would like to capture / store & for
    debugging purposes echo (print) the form data using a CFscript. The
    form’s name is Registration one of the text fields name is
    FirstName. I am having a problem referencing the value entered into
    the field. My reference is as follows …….
    Registration.FirstName but it isn’t recognized what is the
    correct way to reference form data. Does anyone have a colfusion
    script to capture, store and print form data and a query to store
    it in MySql

    My advise is to buy the ColdFusionMX7 Web Application
    Construction Kit. This will answer all of your questions and
    provide you with a solid understanding of ColdFusion basics to
    include: form handling and database interaction..
    http://www.amazon.com/Macromedia-ColdFusion-Web-Application-Construction/dp/0321223675/ref =sr_11_1/105-7037147-7486858?ie=UTF8&qid=1187788238&sr=11-1

  • Capturing form values with javascript (not working in Safari!)

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    obj = $('formslider".$this->id."');
    obj.getElementById('registerfirstname".$this->id."').value = callbackfirstname".$this->id.";
    obj.getElementById('registersurname".$this->id."').value = callbacksurname".$this->id.";
    obj.getElementById('registeremail_addr".$this->id."').value = callbackemail".$this->id.";
    obj.getElementById('registertelephone".$this->id."').value = callbacktelephone".$this->id.";
    obj.getElementById('registerrequest_type".$this->id."').value = requesttype_callback".$this->id.";
    This basically takes the values of the "callback" form and places them into the appropriate input boxes of the "register" form. However it seems to lose the values when moving to the next form. Please note, I am not refreshing - I am using Ajax to change the form so new content simply replaces an existing content, not transfering to another page. I use Sessions so it shouldn't forget the values.
    Can anyone help? It's quite an important thing as I need to migrate hidden form inputs too which are needed for this particular request system.

    I'm seeing this same issue in Mavericks, 10.9.2.  Althought JavaScript is enabled in Safari, it just doesn't work, for any pages.
    I've tried different user accounts, including a new account, on the same machine, but they all do the same thing, so it's a machine-wide issue.
    I have plenty of other Mavericks machines, including my own, where it is working just fine, however, with the same settings.

  • What's the first step to get marketing automation going?

    Looking to learn how other folks have gotten the entire process going.  From restructuring your web presence to SEO, CONTENT, KEYWORDS, etc...to get lead generation going?  Seems like a lot to tackle and I'd love to hear how others are doing it? Is it scale-able ?  Where do you start?  and how much will it cost? Thanks!

    Having just finished my first year in Eloqua, I've learned a few lessons, and thought I'd share.
    1. Share your hunger. For me, learning about Eloqua was an incredible experience - it tied together the marketing fundamentals I learned in school with the analytics practices I learned on the job. I thought I'd finally found marketing nirvana. My first real task was to help other people see the potential as well. This goes beyond cheerleading - it's getting people to commit some of their time and resources to supporting the effort. Figure out how you can create alignment between your stakeholders and marketing automation.
    2(a). Focus on implementation. This took us way too long. When we were implementing, we had a beautifully redesigned 6-month old web site and it was mentally painful to think about ripping apart our meticulously designed on-site lead capture forms. We spun our wheels looking for a plugin that would work with our CMS, to no avail. When we finally decided to bite the bullet, it took about a week to embed the forms. No, they're not as pretty (only for lack of front-end dev resources on our side), but they work.
    Having functional lead capture on our site pages has unlocked a good deal of the potential I saw in the beginning. Suddenly, the sales team is loving seeing data flow into the SDFC contact record and they're consistently helping me out with new ideas / assets.
    2(b). Get training. Eloqua University is an amazing resource. If you have access, take as many classes as you can. They will help you understand the underlying strategy and the mechanics of putting everything together.
    3. Start small and increment. Once you have your hands on the tools and everything is working, you're going to get excited about everything you can do. Focus on starting with small, simple things. Don't build huge, complex campaigns at first. Get good at the fundamentals - getting assets together quickly, being consistent with messaging and information collection, thinking through your customer's experience, both in the micro-transaction, in the campaign, and finally in their buying cycle.
    4. Keep an eye on the future. Always have a plan for what you want to do in 1, 6, or 12 months. Right now, I'm looking at next investments - SEO, content writing, creative/design, targeting/retargeting and data augmentation - all of which require more budget and resources to leverage. With that in mind, I routinely validate my assumed needs (more tools) with the results I'm getting with what I have now. Do the results support the wish list, or do they call out an unexplored need?

  • Using Interactive Adobe Forms in LEAD processing(SAP CRM 7.0)

    I am new to Adobe forms. I want to create it for lead. After creation of lead adobe form should get mailed to required partner automaticaly. This partner will fill the data and send back to update the system.
    Please suugest me any documentation to achieve this.

    Dear Nitin,
    The first I am not sure, so hopefully someone else can help you with that.
    For the second, If you want a Z-field to be used in the action conditions, you should add an attribute to your BOR-object in SWO1.
    How to do this can be found here.
    Hope it helps...
    Pieter Rijlaarsdam

  • Can I set up form results to be viewed in a password protected area?

    I am trying to create a form to capture leads for my new lead capture website. I have a bankruptcy business and would like another, new website that I can capture bankruptcy leads from a form. A lead would, of course, be someone who comes to my site and is interested in contacting with an attorney to schedule a free consultation by filling out an online form - "name, state, county, debts, etc.)
    What I would like to do is set up a nationwide site and sell, refer, give, trade? leads from other states to other local attorneys.
    So, my question is, could I set up a form with FormsCentral that I could integrate with a password protected section of my website that the other lawyers could login to in order to check form results? Could it be set so many different users (ie lawyers advertising on my site) could login to check results for their personalized form (for example lawyer A in State A can log into his own private page to check results from Form A, lawyer B in State B can login to a private page to check results from form B and so on and so forth...) Would I need a developer to code this application? Any help would be appreciated.
    Obviously this project was a larger than I expected.
    Thanks a lot!

    We likely wouldn't be a good fit for this. You'll likely have to build a custom application (developer doing coding) to support your use case.

  • How to issue print command from report/form server to client printer on web

    1) We have a client server application which is to be deployed on the web environment. The reports generated in our application are having a destination type as File. These reports are printed after applying some print format (escape sequences) which are passed on to the printer programmatically at runtime while printing.
    Now when this application is shifted on to the Application server (Forms server & Reports Server )in web environment ,the report outputs would be generated in the application server as against the client in client server environment as the report server is on the application server.
    Now while printing/accessing the report the output file will not be available to the client unless it is pushed on to the client side from the server . I am able to see reports in pdf/html output but in this case layout of my reports gets changed and I dont want to change my layouts or reformat my report layouts.
    How do I redirect the report output from the application server on to the client within the D2k context and then execute print commands?
    Note: In this case we want to use both DMT and Laser printing. Also note that we use escape sequences to adjust reports in desired printing papers.
    2) We have second set of reports which we call as document because these are printed after capturing data from 'Form' using text_io utility (please note that for these documents we are not using any Report 6i functionality)and we print it from file using printing mechanism as mentioned above. These are working well in client server application. We adopted this methodology for getting better performance (in terms of speed as database server and network traffic is not involved) of printing. But now we are converting our application for web, we are finding it difficult how to capture Form's data from browser to client's machine and then executing printing commands which are stored in our application liabrary.
    If you help me out by giving some suggestions, I shall be grateful to you.

    I wonder if you ever solved this problem.
    I have a very similar problem with Photoshop CS5 on Mac OSX 10.6 + HP Photosmart C7180.
    If I choose "Photoshop Manages Colors" the results are lousy.
    If I choose "Printer Manages Colors" the results are OK. not necessarily great.
    I believe I have all the correct settings after going through books and web advice (and wasted a lot of paper and ink).
    As far as I can see, "ColorSync" is the internal Mac management which is the only option available with "Photoshop Manages Colors" and "Vendor Matching" appears to mean the printer vendor (ie HP) will provide the matching. Either can be selected if "Printer Manages Colors" is used. It seems the type of paper can be set in three different places. if That's all a bit academic as the results are poor regardless.
    My wife suggests I buy a new printer - Epson's looking good.
    Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.

  • Error in generating form with 6i

    I have installed designer 6i rel 2 with form developer 6i on NT
    When in design editor, I want to generate the form with generate
    module, the system generate "CDR-21600: A running Generator or
    Utility has failed."
    Also in action column writes: " It is possible that the internal
    cache is now in an inconsistent state. You are therefore
    recommended to close and restart the application."
    Could anyone tell me what is the problem and how to solve it.

    Here is an document which describes some known causes of CDR-
    21600 errors. I hope it will help you.
    To describe some known causes of CDI-21600 errors and to
    suggest possible solutions and workarounds.
    This note was written for users of Oracle Designer releases 2.1.x
    and 6.0.
    CDI-21600 errors occur most frequently during Design Capture and
    when generating forms with the Forms and WebServer generators.
    Investigating CDI-21600 errors
    In Oracle Designer Release 2.1.2 and Release 6.0, this error has
    the form:
    CDI-21600 'A running generator or utility has failed'
    The Release 2.1.1 error message was: 'Generator or Utility throw
    an Exception'
    The CDI-21600 error message means that the generator is hitting
    an unhandled exception, also known as a GPF (general protection
    fault). The CDI-21600 error masks the underlying exception error.
    To see the real error do the following:
    1. Go into the Registry Editor (REGEDIT).
    2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\oracle\des2_70
    3. Set EXCEPT_HANDLING to 0 (by default it is 1).
    Repeat the action that resulted in the error.
    Known Causes of CDI-21600 Errors and Possible Solutions
    Some of the reasons why CDI-21600 errors occur are listed below.
    1. A common cause of CDI-21600 errors is failure to install the
    Developer patches.
    See [NOTE:64630.1] Developer Patches required to run
    Designer with Developer
    2. Check that Designer is running on a supported database. Also
    check that the
    TNS connection is correct.
    See [NOTE:60705.1] Designer Certification Matrix (HTML)
    3. Check for 'dangling' foreign keys, in other words FKs no longer
    owned by any
    table in the repository. Delete all invalid constraints.
    Invalid constraints may be created if you use the repository
    dump utility to
    dump and restore external foreign keys referencing tables
    shared into the
    application system, without dumping and restoring the tables
    that own them.
    If you restore a complete dump (rather than a 'skeleton' one),
    and then use
    the 'Reconnect Share Links' option when restoring, you may be
    able to
    resolve this problem.
    To get a complete list of 'dangling' constraints in your
    repository, connect
    using SQL*Plus and use the following query:
    SELECT app.name, key.name
    FROM ci_application_systems app, ci_constraints key
    WHERE key.table_reference IS NULL
    AND key.application_system_owned_by = app.id;
    You can also run CKAZANAL.ANAL_REFERENCES on your
    repository and delete all
    the invalid constraints that it finds. You can run the Repository
    from: Front Panel -> Repository Administration Utility -> Utilities.
    NOTE: There may be inconsistencies in the repository that the
    Analyzer cannot fix. You might solve such problems by
    dropping all the
    tables of your application, recreate them from the ERD,
    then use the
    DDT and recreate your modules.
    [BUG:847190] CDI-21600 during forms generation: 'dangling'
    foreign key
    "Since the generator is running on a repository that contains
    constraints and the Repository Analyzer solves the problem,
    bug closed as
    unfeasible to fix."
    4. Check your modules for invalid or missing references such as
    missing window
    5. Try generating your module against default templates and
    object libraries.
    6. When capturing forms or libraries, try capturing the form or
    library without
    application logic, then capture the application logic on its own.
    See [NOTE:1064690.6] CDI-21600 when capturing design of
    form with
    application logic
    [BUG:757541] DESCAP: CDI-21600 error reported when
    capturing with
    application logic
    Fixed In Ver: 6.0
    [BUG:926383] Duplicate of [BUG:757541] This has been fixed in
    2.1.2 patch
    779559. However you would be advised to apply a later patch
    such as 855635
    which fixes more bugs in this area.
    7. Make sure that all objects that are referenced by the form have
    captured into the repository before capturing the form.
    8. A CDI-21600 will occur if a lookup usage displays only one
    column of
    datatype DATE or if the column of datatype DATE is displayed
    as the first
    item in the block.
    Add more column usages to the lookup block and do not
    display the DATE data
    type column usage as the first item in the block.
    9. [BUG:810472] CDI-21600 when 'Argument in Caller' is set
    Fixed In Ver:
    Make sure that you have an argument in the called module that
    is mapped to
    the "Argument Passed Value" in the calling module. The only
    way to get this
    mapping back once the APV has the <Module Argument> label
    is to delete it
    and recreate it.
    10. [BUG:801736] CDI-21600 on design capture of a form with
    subclassed object
    Fixed In Ver: (backport)
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5
    You have an item that has been subclassed to an object.
    Checking the Design
    Capture option 'Capture Control Blocks' causes the CDI-21600
    error. Uncheck
    'Capture Control Blocks' and the problem does not occur. Open
    the FMB in
    Forms*Builder and look at Data Blocks -> Items. Break the link
    to the
    object, save the FMB, and the form will capture (similar to
    Alternatively, ensure the link can be established.
    11. [BUG:850436] CDI-21600 on generation of a form with template
    subclassed object group
    You try to generate a form out of Designer that uses a user-
    template. If a collection of objects in the template is grouped
    into an
    object group, dragged into the object library and then either
    copied or
    subclassed into a form, when the form is generated you get a
    12. [BUG:822659] Module generation fails (CDI-21600) with multi-
    column PK having
    long prompt text
    Fixed In Ver:
    Module generation with multi-column primary key having long
    prompt text
    causes CDI-21600 with preference MSGSFT set.
    Shorten the prompt text of PKs may not be not applicable. You
    may loose end
    user information.
    You may have the same problem with a mandatory compound
    FK. CASEOFG tries to
    generate a message '<P1> must be entered', where <P1>
    contains all the
    prompts of the bound items from the FK. If you reduce the
    length of the
    prompts, or set MSGSFT = NULL or WEDI = S or property
    Mandatory?=No, it
    works correctly.
    13. [BUG:792542] Capturing application logic causes CDI-21600
    (V2 style
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.5
    After removal of the v2 triggers, the form captures/merges OK
    provided patch 875027 has not been applied.
    14. [BUG:790877] CDI-21600 if the primary/foreign keys have no
    key components
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.11
    Generating a module with tables having a primary key not
    correctly defined
    (no PK component) will cause a CDI-21600 error. This can
    occur when
    unloading a module from the RON. If you pick up the module
    (and only the
    module) in the unload set, the table and its PK are unloaded as
    a skeleton.
    Loading the .DAT file into a new application will create a PK
    without a
    15. [BUG:771549] CDI-21600 if cannot connect to the DB with
    connect string in
    Options (Compile)
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.13
    If you cannot connect to the DB with the connect string
    specified in options
    (Compile), the forms generator will fail with CDI-21600.
    This problem occurs when you cannot connect to the DB
    - the username or password is wrong;
    - or the SQL*Net alias is not defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA
    - or the SQL*Net listener is not started;
    - or the DB is down.
    16. [BUG:785106] CDI-21600 when generate master detail form
    with preserve layout
    [BUG:855812] is a duplicate of this bug.
    Fixed In Ver: (Bug:860426 Backport request for 2.1.2)
    Fixed In Ver: 6.0
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.3
    You have a master-detail Form with the Master having items
    partly on a TAB
    Canvas. Generate Module works OK. You enter Forms Builder
    and move some
    items on the tabs (just small changes, items are still on the
    same tabs).
    You change the look of the Detail and change Records
    Displayed. Now in
    Designer you generate the Module with Preserve Layout. You
    get a CDI-21600
    error. The problem might reproduce without doing any changes
    in Forms
    Builder, just by generating with Preserve Layout.
    17. [BUG:891306] If primary key column of lookup in check
    constraint comment of
    base table
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.5
    Do not use the name of the bound item that is based on the
    primary key
    column of the lookup table in a check constraint comment of
    the base table.
    18. [BUG:896026] Forms gen throws assertion failure in
    Fixed In Ver: 6.5.7
    A problem is caused by a PL/SQL definition (function, package,
    being defined as a called module for the module you are trying
    to generate.
    To resolve the problem and enable the module to be generated,
    remove all
    Called Modules that are PL/SQL definitions (functions,
    procedures or
    See [NOTE:2107207.6] CDI-21600 during generation of module
    or Assertion
    Failure \cv\cvi\cvibni.cpp
    19. [BUG:812333] CDI-21600 generating a web module after
    adding an unbound item
    Fixed In Ver:
    Backport [BUG:1280667] raised to fix by
    You add an unbound item (SQL expression) to a Web module.
    When you try to
    generate the module you get a CDI-21600 error. If you delete the
    item the Web module generates correctly.
    In a test case the problem occurred during validation of the
    text, if the master module component was in a different module.
    A workaround
    was to rearrange module components so that this was not the
    CDR-21605: Failed while processing Module <mod> in function
    CCVDiag::TraceGeneratorMessage BOF
    The generator failed due to an unexpected error - the
    error indicates the object the generator was processing
    when it failed.

Maybe you are looking for