Learning Java Beans

-- I am working in Forms 6i with 10g.
--I want to learn JavaBeans programming. Plz provide me some guide lines on learning same also if any pdf for learing.
Thanks to all.

This is a good point to start
and also this

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    is there any tutorial for learning java bean for beginners?

    i thank you very much.
    i am new to java beans, as such i do not have any knowledge about it.
    aren't there some tutorials with guided practice? it would be kind of you could tell me some links where i can have them.

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    - did you copy the JAR file in your /forms/java folder ?
    - did you add the JAR to your /forms/server/formsweb.cfg file ?
    - When you play with Java Bean, ALWAYS display the Java Console at runtime to see if any Java error is raised.

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    salam to all
    please help me to learn java beans. i need to know what is java beans invironment?All you need to compile and run Java Beans is the JDK. There used to be a Sun product called the Bean Box, but I don't think anyone uses it now.
    and we need to know how can i compile and run a java beans program?Compile using javac.exe; run using java.exe
    i hope to send a simple program to learn java beansGive this a look:

  • Starting Java Beans

    Hello Guys i'm starting to learn Java Beans but i've found that the BDK 1.1 is not available any more . now i'm clueless what should i download instead of the BDK.

    You can download it from suns web site
    got it

  • Learning about Java Beans. Help!.

    Hello all.
    I want to learn to create and use JavaBeans, but not by where to begin.
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    I've just started learning Java too on my own. What I know about JavaBeans for the moment is that a JavaBean is a visual component you can create and give methods(setters and getters).
    For example: JPanel, JLabel, JTextField, these are examples of JavaBeans, but you can also create them by yourself.
    I use JBuilder 5 Enterprise from Borland. You can download JBuilder 6, trial version I belief from www.borland.com. I'm not certain.
    How do I create JavaBeans in JBuilder?
    First you have to create a new Project. Then you can go to the menu File/New and you choose to create a JavaBean. Then JBuilder asks for some information, which package, name, base class...
    I've made a JavaBean, xJTextField. With each JTextField, ussually you also have a JLabel, so I've created a JavaBean xJTextField based on a JPanel. In that panel I've placed two components, a JTextField and a JLabel. I've added some methods and that's it. Now I can place an instance of xJTextField on every frame and automatically I have a JLabel and JTextField.
    I have just begon too with Java, I hope I helped you a bit. If you would like it, I can send you my project with my JavaBean and some explanation.
    Do you know some interesting websites about J2EE?

  • J2EE Java Beans and JSP

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    Thanks for help

    you'll probably want to have a central servlet that all your JSPs will talk to and acts as a traffic cop to direct navigation between pages. it can be the one to add JavaBeans as attributes to page/request/session/application scope. Your JSP can then get the Bean as an atribute and call its isValid method.
    Java Beans are NOT Enterprise Java Beans. Be sure you understand the difference. The former are Java objects that follow Bean conventions; the latter are Java objects that extend EJB types and run in a container. Very different.

  • Search in form by using java bean or PJC.

    hi all
    i am confused because i do not know java bean to much,is it possible to create a search button with one text item in java bean to display all records
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    is it possible?
    if yes please cany anyone send me a demo?
    here is my email add.
    [email protected]

    Francois thanks for the link and its very useful and i am studying the codes and also i downloaded demos and run them its working fine and its very very nice.
    i like java and trying to learn and its very useful.
    why i want to use java bean because one of my friend her name is sheela she wants me to do it but i am failed i did not do it in java bean
    so i thought lets try on the forum may be someone help u.
    so i posted a thread over here.
    thanks Francois.
    u r appreciated.once again thanks.

  • Enterprise Java Beans

    I am a java programmer. I have worked with applets,
    servlets, jdbc, etc., but I have never worked with EJB's
    Is there a good tutorial of it? Does it depend on certain
    API's? Where can I find the classes? I would like to learn
    and to develop some applications with EJB's. I will appreciate a lot if someone give me the 1,2,3... of EJB's.
    Thanks in advance

    There are suspisiously many tutorials and materials on the Web about EJB.
    The principals ones are at Sun's J2EE site:
    PetStore Demo
    JGuru Exercises:
    Also, look at TheServerSide.com
    Tutorial on Monson-Haefer "Enterprise Java Bean" book:
    Be careful, however, sometimes it is difficult to repeate
    what you have in tutorial.
    Good luck,
    Jacob Nikom

  • What are Java Beans?

    Can someone tell me what they do please?
    Saple codes might help too

    Here's a simple Java Bean:
    import java.io.Serializable;
    public class SampleBean implements Serializable
        private static final String DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "Do a Google search on 'Java Beans next time'";
        private String message;
        public SampleBean() { this(DEFAULT_MESSAGE); }
        public SampleBean(final String message) { this.message = message; }
        public String getMessage() { return this.message; }
        public void setMessage(final String newMessage) { this.message = newMessage; }
    }Do a Google search to learn more. Sun has Java Bean tutorials.

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    it's generally accepted as better design to separate presentation from logic. meaning, the java code in the jsp should be used to support displaying data, as oppsoed to implementing the application - like database access, etc.
    when the logic is separated from the presentation, it allows you to reuse logic components within several jsp pages.
    if you decide to change the presentation layer in the future (to support wap, for example) you don't need to rewrite your entire application, since the "guts" of the application is outside of the jsps.
    it is also a good idea to separate your business logic from your data layer. adding a "buffer zone" between these layers helps in the same manner as in separating presentation from logic. if you're using flat files for storage now, upgrading to a database wouldn't require rewriting all your business logic, just the methods which write out the data to a file, for example.
    once you feel comfortable with separating the various layers, check out the struts framework at http://jakarta.apache.org/
    to answer your second question, to get parameters passed in from HTML forms, use ServletRequet's getParameter() method.
    in tomcat:
    <% String lastName = request.getParameter( "lastname" ); %>
    to answer your third question: when displaying the HTML from withing a jsp, print out the string to a javascript variable or a hidden form element:
    <% String firstName = "mike"; %>
    <input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="<%= firstName %>">
    <script language="javascript1.2">
    var firstName = "<%= firstName %>";
    this jsp results in the following html:
    <input type="hidden" name="firstname" value="mike">
    <script language="javascript1.2">
    var firstName = "mike";

  • Java Bean Connectivity and Closing Connections (XI 3.0)

    Hi guys,
    We have existing Java Beans that we would like to use with Crystal Reports. Our current Java beans return a disconnected GridModel and explicitly close the connection immediately after so that they can be returned to the connection pool (Oracle).
    Once we modified these beans to return ResultSets we found that closing the connection also closes all the associated ResultSets and Statements.
    What is the best practice here?
    Modify the Java bean to close the connection in the finally block?
    Will Crystal clean up after itself?
    I also see there is something called a CachedRowSet which is disconnected:
    Is this supported by Crystal?
    Kevin D Lee =)

    Hello Kevin,
    Enterprise XI 3.0 CRConfig.xml points to Java JRE 1.5 provided with the install, so you should be ok with the CachedRowSet. 
    It's used by other customers for disconnected operation.
    Since you're going to Oracle, you'd likely encounter issues mapping Oracle fields to POJO property types.
    Furthermore, POJO Factory libraries that were shipped with Crystal Reports XI Release 2 aren't shipped with Enterprise XI 3.0, so you'd not find that an out-of-the-box option. 
    Another alternative to CachedRowSet is to define callback method in your JavaBeans class that Crystal will call when it's done with the data source. 
    This has been implemented in XI 3.0 (track ADAPT00877915) - excerpt from the track note:
          Customer can configuration the <CallBackFunction/> to let CR know
          which function should be invoked when loging off.
    Advantage of CachedRowSet is that you can immediately close it after you've read all the data, disadvantage would be the default implementation stores all data in memory.
    Advantage of the callback method is that it would use the JavaBean you've supplied (and not load all data immediately in memory), but callback won't be called immediately, but only after the report is done with.
    Ted Ueda

  • Im Trying To Learn Java :o(

    Hey All,
    I have decided to get my mind active and randomly learn Java. I say randomly because i am going to be a student again in IT but i like the kinda 3D side and modelling and nice pictures and flash actionscript lol not all this stuff.
    Anways i would just start by saying that Java offends me massivly, i know something happened with M$ and Sun and ever since then all i have had with the sun download is problem after problem and crashing and all iw as tryin to do was play some Jippii games. This aint a recent problem, it always happens and i must have reformatted xp around 7 times. So i stay away from applets!!!
    Anyways in 2002 when i started learning Flash it was because i seen a site i liked and wanted to do that. The equivelent is kinda like me saying "OK GUYS I HAVE JAVA NOW HOW DO I MAKE DOOM" anyways 2 and a half years later im happy with what i can do and have used alot of different apps and learned alot from 3dsmax to aftereffects etc.
    Anyways my goal out of this whole Java thing is to make a game like one i used to play when i was younger on the Amiga 500. No where has this game and a modern one would be great to play. The graphics suck but the physics were really nice.
    So my questions are:
    1) Java. Ok im going to be honest, i know nothing about Java, i dont even know if it can do what i want and what i really dont want is to spend a while learning this to be stuck with no effects for my game, ie are small particle effects possible in Java? I know Java is pretty slow for a proper language compared to C/C++ but how slow? Can you shift a hundred particles around the screen and still add physics in the background?
    2) Java. The whole thing confuses me massivly. Im not a big posting person as i tend to prefer searching but i dont even know where to begin. I will bite the bullet and say i aint going to have alot of problems with the syntax of the language itself. It all looks kinda how i expect it, obviously i dont mean i aint gonna have problems and lot of them but it is not REALLY alien to me to look at a bit code. At the same time it is. I need to know alot of stuff, things that the 2 ebooks i have just ignored. For example, when i compile something, i thought that meant it compiled to the EXE but infact it turned my "heyworld.java" into a "heyworld.class" file. This just makes no sense to me atall because i HATE command line stuff, i see it as reinventing the wheel so im trying to follow through on first of all netbeans (an that went off almost instantly) and a free one that got my hey world to work (well, class). I need to know if a compiler dont make a exe then whats the class for and what exactly is a class file. You know just stuff like that? Does anyone know i kinda dictionary so to speak? baby talk i mean, so far all i seem to get is explainations with words i dont understand.
    3) How difficult is it to make a 2D game in Java? To make this plainer, i aint having an applet run somewhere, i want a nice downloadable exe. Of course i will need to start at the beginning but i mean to get a ship on the screen with keys to move it and a "cave" roof to crash into, is this going to take a long long long time to get to that stage? You see, as i said before unless after a few days i have a object on screen to work with, i just get too bored to continue. for example "the object of this is to make a red circle move across the screen" REALLY interests me where as "today we are going to make a mock system for a small business user" sends me back to 3Dmax and the lighting i was reading about lol I tend to look at a piece of code and be devestated by its complexity then try and make it make sense over time. Is this possible with Java? It does work for me this, i was picking apart a isometric code in actionscript before i knew what a tween was.
    4) Theres so many different J*** J"EE things floating around that i dont actually know what one i am meant to use? I got 1.4.2 i think but thats all i know. Id like any other things that helped yourselfs start off in Java?
    Sorry to go into a bit detail here, its just that with this degree im starting, it soon branches off into 2 groups. Programmers and Designers. I feel i know the design side well enough to make a comparison but it would be rude to leave this side of the things out and write it off without atleast giving it a shot.
    Thank you very much for your time :o)
    Kind regards,

    If you want an idea of what's possible with Java, do a google search for "java games" or something like that. I've seen occasional postings of what are supposed to be pretty cool games that have been written in Java, but I'm not into games, so I've never bothered to check 'em out personally.
    As to whether you can do it, well, you'll have to figure that out. Learning Java well enough to create a video game is not a trivial task. I don't just mean the syntax of the language, I mean the many APIs you'll be using, concepts like multithreading and exception handling, good OO principles, etc. Without a good handle on that stuff, your code will quickly turn into a morass that will be difficult to enhance, maintain, or debug.
    I suspect that the code to make a particular graphical event occur will be more verbose and complex in Java than in ActionScript, given that Java is a general purpose language and AS is more geared to GUIs. Nonetheless, I'm sure there are APIs out there (some free, some not) that will provide some higher level constructs than the core APIs to make some of that easier. You'll still be operating in the idiom of a general programming language though.
    There may also be a hybrid solution available--where you use Java to express the game logic and another language to express the graphics. I don't know anything about this kind of stuff though, so that's just speculation.
    You may get more precise advice in the GUI Building forums on http://forum.java.sun.com/ than here.
    Here are some resources to get you started on Java in general.
    Sun's basic Java tutorial
    Sun's New To Java Center. Includes an overview of what Java is, instructions for setting up Java, an intro to programming (that includes links to the above tutorial or to parts of it), quizzes, a list of resources, and info on certification and courses.
    http://javaalmanac.com. A couple dozen code examples that supplement The Java Developers Almanac.
    jGuru. A general Java resource site. Includes FAQs, forums, courses, more.
    JavaRanch. To quote the tagline on their homepage: "a friendly place for Java greenhorns." FAQs, forums (moderated, I believe), sample code, all kinds of goodies for newbies. From what I've heard, they live up to the "friendly" claim.
    Bruce Eckel's Thinking in Java (Available online.)
    Joshua Bloch's Effective Java
    Bert Bates and Kathy Sierra's Head First Java.

  • Problem with java beans and jsp on web logic 6.0 sp1

              HI ,
              I am using weblogic6.0 sp1.
              i have problem with jsp and java beans.
              i am using very simple java bean which stores name and email
              from a html form.
              but i am getting following errors:
              Full compiler error(s):
              cannot resolve symbol
              symbol : class userbn
              location: class jsp_servlet._savename2
              userbn ud = (userbn) //[ /SaveName2.jsp; Line: 7]
              cannot resolve symbol
              symbol : class userbn
              location: class jsp_servlet._savename2
              userbn ud = (userbn) //[ /SaveName2.jsp; Line: 7]
              cannot resolve symbol
              symbol : class userbn
              location: class jsp_servlet._savename2
              ud = (userbn) java.beans.Beans.instantiate(getClass().getClassLoader(),
              "userbn"); //[ /SaveName2.jsp; Line: 7]
              3 errors
              in which directory should i place java bean source file(.java file)
              here is my jsp file:
              <%@ page language = "java" contentType = "text/html" %>
              <jsp:usebean id = "ud" class = "userbn" >
              <jsp:setProperty name = "ud" property = "*" />
              <li> name: <jsp:getProperty name = "ud" property = "name" />
              <li> email : <jsp:getProperty name = "ud" property = "email" />
              here is my bean :
              import java.io.*;
              public class userbn implements Serializable
                   private String name ;
                   private String email;
                   public void setName(String n)
                        name = n;
                   public void setEmail(String e)
                        email = e;
                   public String getName()
                        return name;
                   public String getEmail()
                        return email;
                   public userbn(){}
              pls help me.

              You realy can do it like Xiang says, but the better way is to use packages. That's
              the way BEA is designed for. If you use packages you can but your bean classes
              in every subfolder beneath Classes. Here for example we have the subfolders test
              and beans:
              You have to declare the package on top of your Bean Source Code:
              package test.beans;
              In your JSP you don't need the import code of Xiang. You only have to refer the
              path of your bean class:
              <jsp:useBean id="testBean" scope="session" class="test.beans.TestBean" />
              There are some other AppServers that only can deploy Java Beans in packages. So
              if you use packages you are always on the right side.
              ciao bernd
              "sravana" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >Thank you very much Xiang Rao, It worked fine.
              >Thanks again
              >"Xiang Rao" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >><%@ page import="userbn" language = "java" contentType = "text/html"
              >>%> should
              >>work for you.
              >>"sravana" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>>HI ,
              >>>I am using weblogic6.0 sp1.
              >>>i have problem with jsp and java beans.
              >>>i am using very simple java bean which stores name and email
              >>>from a html form.
              >>>but i am getting following errors:
              >>>Full compiler error(s):
              >>>cannot resolve symbol
              >>>symbol : class userbn
              >>>location: class jsp_servlet._savename2
              >>> userbn ud = (userbn) //[ /SaveName2.jsp; Line: 7]
              >>> ^
              >>>cannot resolve symbol
              >>>symbol : class userbn
              >>>location: class jsp_servlet._savename2
              >>> userbn ud = (userbn) //[ /SaveName2.jsp; Line: 7]
              >>> ^
              >>>cannot resolve symbol
              >>>symbol : class userbn
              >>>location: class jsp_servlet._savename2
              >>> ud = (userbn) java.beans.Beans.instantiate(getClass().getClassLoader(),
              >>>"userbn"); //[ /SaveName2.jsp; Line: 7]
              >>> ^
              >>>3 errors
              >>>in which directory should i place java bean source file(.java file)
              >>>here is my jsp file:
              >>><%@ page language = "java" contentType = "text/html" %>
              >>><jsp:usebean id = "ud" class = "userbn" >
              >>><jsp:setProperty name = "ud" property = "*" />
              >>><li> name: <jsp:getProperty name = "ud" property = "name" />
              >>><li> email : <jsp:getProperty name = "ud" property = "email" />
              >>>here is my bean :
              >>>import java.io.*;
              >>>public class userbn implements Serializable
              >>>     private String name ;
              >>>     private String email;
              >>>     public void setName(String n)
              >>>     {
              >>>          name = n;
              >>>     }
              >>>     public void setEmail(String e)
              >>>     {
              >>>          email = e;
              >>>     }
              >>>     public String getName()
              >>>     {
              >>>          return name;
              >>>     }
              >>>     public String getEmail()
              >>>     {
              >>>          return email;
              >>>     }
              >>>     public userbn(){}
              >>>pls help me.

  • Crystal report generation with Java Bean AS  Data source on RAD

    <p>Hi,</p><p>&#160;</p><p>          Our company wants report generation in IBM RAD 7.0  using crystal reports with a Java Bean as data source. i HAVEN&#39;T FOUND ANY ARTICLES TO WORK ON RAD. Any inputs appreciated..</p><p>&#160;</p><p>Thanks,</p><p>Manju</p>

    Look for Java POJO in the doc, i'm using RAD 7.0 and it's working like RAD 6.0

Maybe you are looking for

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