Learning the gestures

I will soon buy a new desktop imac, and I want to learn the gestures. Have always used a mouse so far.   I am not finding any instructions.  Can anyone suggest what to search for?
This must be written down somewhere>
Thank you

The best way is to visit System Preferences, then click on Trackpad. You will see videos of each of the Gestures.

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    Hi Laura_mac !
    Does it depend on the application?
    Using Yosemite I added
    tas to Keyboard ====> Text
    so that TAs becomes TAs
    It worked via Safari 8.03
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    It did not work in BBEdit
    nor Firefox
    nor Word
    If you do a lot of text substitution I found the following app quite helpful.  You can customize to a great degree.

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    create table loans
    (acc_id number,
    balance number(10,2));
    insert into loans
      (acc_id, balance)
      (100, 20000);
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      (acc_id, balance)
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           120       7000
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             1 Vajaal                      110
             2 Mostert                     130
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    Would it be wrong if i say, EXISTS operator
    can be used when you want to return all rows in the
    Outerquery which has matching records in the
    Innerquery.Depends on what you understand with "matching".
    See following examples:
    In this case matching means "<>" i.e. return all loans who have at least one row that differs in defaulters table (of course it returns all loans, because defaulters has 2 rows with different acc_id, BTW look also for NULLs and comparisons involving NULLs)
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select acc_id from loans
      2  where exists(
      3    select 1 from defaulters
      4*   where loans.acc_id<>defaulters.acc_id)
    SQL> /
           130See also following query:
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  select acc_id from loans
      2  where exists(
      3    select 1 from defaulters
      4* )
    SQL> /
           130There isn't any condition at all, so any row in defaulters is "matching" row in this case.
    So I'd stick with explanation in documentation this time ;)
    Gints Plivna

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    If only plan data entered, try to delete the planning data before delete the object and then re-create it again. Otherwise you may have to leave it as is and change the description for the usage by the different company code.

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    thank you very much!
    Moderator Message: There are many ways to learn a new technology - classroom training, on-the-job training, googling for documents and studying on your own, etc... Asking for documents here is against the Rules of Engagement of the forums
    Edited by: kishan P on Sep 15, 2010 9:47 AM

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    Best regards

    why didn't u use my tip?
    var contatiner = new Sprite();
    contatiner.x = bigBox.techChart.x + bigBox.techChart.width/2;
    contatiner.y = bigBox.techChart.y + bigBox.techChart.height/2;
    bigBox.techChart.x = -bigBox.techChart.width/2;
    bigBox.techChart.y = -bigBox.techChart.height/2;
    Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;
    stage.addEventListener(TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_ZOOM, fl_ZoomHandler_2);
    function fl_ZoomHandler_2(event:TransformGestureEvent):void
               if(container.scaleX*event.scaleX > .20 && container.scaleX*event.scaleX < 1)
                          trace("I'M ZOOMING OUT");
              container.scaleX *= event.scaleX;
              container.scaleY *= event.scaleY;
                          if(container.scaleX*event.scaleX > 0.9 && container.scaleX*event.scaleX < 1){
              trace("IM NORMAL AGAIN");

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    Hi Sravan,
    Views do not store any data in HANA
    All data resides in tables
    To know how to join tables in Views, watch videos on SAP HANA Academy | SAP HANA
    For BW on HANA check:
    Blog: BW 7.4 on HANA in a Nutshell | SAP HANA
    SAP BW 7.4 SP5 on SAP HANA Overview and Roadmap
    Also follow BW on HANA Space on SCN SAP BW Powered by SAP HANA
    If you want to learn about HANA , check my blog:
    Want to learn SAP HANA?Where to Start?Certification?
    To know more about BW on HANA,check below blog for links to BW on HANA Materials:
    HANA Reference for Developers - Links and SAP Notes(Part-2) Updated 04.12.2013

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    The most logical order is dictated by your own needs. Sorry to be so blunt, but trying to determine the order of which tools and workflows based on "I'm hip when I know Photoshop." or similar is bound to take you nowhere. Any of the individual programs has more features than even pros who use them every day will ever use. Everyone only uses the part relevant to get the work done. That being so, you could be watching tutorials for the next 5 years every day and still not have learned anything relevant. With that in mind there's realyl only two reasonable ways to learn:
    a) Attend a structured course.
    b) Come up with an idea for a specific project of your own.
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    SERbrainware : Learn, learning error (7)
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    Cannot create Brainware Dictionary for BrainwareView : DefaultView
    SERbrainware : Create/AppendDictionary, preprocessing error (3)
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi All,
    The below mentioned error were resolved after adding documents in Void Class.
    Edited by: 903667 on Jan 31, 2013 8:34 PM

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    The folks at PixelmatorTutorials.net have in my opinion the best tutorials to date for those who want to learn image editing. They have a series of tutorials called back to basics and these go into the details of image editing. Explaining everything from what a pixel is, to how it gets its color etc. They also explain the app itself in detail. I'd recommend following them. They usually pubilish 1 to 2 tutorials a week. They have some handy tips in every tutorial I watched so far. Like shorcuts that I never knew existed and are not even mentioned in the Pixelmator manual.
    The link: http://pixelmatortutorials.net
    Good luck.

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