Lecroy Xi series vi's

I used to have a project style "driver" for the Lecroy Xi series, but now I can not find it...
I went to the Lecroy site and all they have for download now is an IVI driver
I do not understand how to use the IVI driver, from the looks of the examples it is something you would use in C not LabView....
Anyway does anyone have a copy of the old project style Lecroy drivers that had the vi's in it?

I guess I do not understand how to use IVI drivers. I went to the help file that comes with it and this is the example they gave.
This section provides step-by-step instructions for building a simple LabVIEW application with the LeCroyScope IVI-COM driver.
Accessing the LeCroyScope Driver from the Class Browser
The first step in building a LabVIEW application using an IVI-COM driver is to access the Class Browser and direct it to load the LeCroyScope IVI-COM driver. From LabVIEW's perspective, the LeCroyScope driver is simply a COM (aka "ActiveX") component. As such, it can be loaded via the ActiveX feature of the Class Browser.
To load the LeCroyScope into the Class Browser
From the View menu, choose Class Browser. The Class Browser window appears.
From the Object Library combo box at the top, choose ActiveX and then Select Type Libraries... The system will likely pause for several seconds as LabVIEW scans your system for all installed COM components.
From the Select Type Libraries dialog box that appears, check the checkbox labeled "IVI LeCroyScope 3.2 Type Library Version 3.2" and click OK.
From the Class combo box, select LeCroyScopeLib.ILeCroyScope.
The Properties and Methods window now displays the hierarchy of methods and properties available in the LeCroyScope driver. The items with small blue dots are interface reference properties and allow you to navigate to sub-interfaces on the driver. Double-click on one of these, such as the System interface and the Properties and Methods window is updated to display the methods and properties of the sub-interface. To navigate back to the root of the hierarchy, click on the System hyperlink in the Selected property or method textbox near the bottom.
Initializing the Driver
The two main LabVIEW primitives required to access IVI-COM driver methods and properties are the Invoke Node (for methods) and the Property Node (for properties). Conveniently, the Class Browser automatically creates and configures these nodes for you.
Before any Invoke Node or Property Node can execute on the IVI-COM driver, it must be instantiated. This is accomplished using the Automation Open VI from the ActiveX palette. The following procedure explains how to instantiate and initialize the driver.
To instantiate and initialize the the LeCroyScope driver
From the Class Browser, choose the Initialize node from the hierarchy displayed in the Properties and Methods window. Drag-n-drop the node onto the block diagram.
The Automation Open VI is used to instantiate the IVI-COM driver before executing the Initialize function. Right-click on the Initialize Invoke Node just at the top left corner at the reference input, and select ActiveX Palette and then Automation Open. This creates the Automation Open VI. Make sure the Automation Refnum output of the Automation Open VI is wired to the reference input of the Initialize Invoke Node. Also, make sure the error clusters of the two VIs are wired together.
The Automation Open VI requires an input control. Right-click on the Automation Refnum input of the Automation Open VI and choose Select ActiveX Class and then choose Browse.
From the Type Library combo box at the top, choose "LeCroyScope Version 3.2". Expand the LeCroyScope node and choose ILeCroyScope (the first interface under the expanded node). Click OK.
LabVIEW creates an Automation Refnum input control and wires it to the Automation Open VI. Make sure the error clusters of the two VIs are wired together.
At this point, the VI will not compile since some of the required inputs of the Initialize Invoke Node have not be supplied. Right-click on the ResourceName input of the Initialize Invoke Node and choose Create and then Constant. LabVIEW places a constant string on the diagram and wires it to the ResourceName input. In the string constant created, enter the appropriate VISA resource descriptor for connecting to the instrument.
Right-click on the IdQuery input of the Initialize Invoke Node, choose Create and then Constant. LabVIEW creates a constant boolean wired to the IdQuery input. Repeat this process with the Reset input.
At this point, the application is executable. LabVIEW will instantiate the LeCroyScope IVI-COM driver and call the Initialize function. However, we must properly close the IVI-COM driver. We must also have the ability to read and write driver properties. These final tasks are convered in the next sections.

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    I'm trying to communicate with my computer Lecroy WaveJet 324A oscilloscope, using the examples that come in LabView but sends
    Error 85 occurred at Scan From String (arg 1) in LeCroy WaveJet Series.lvlib: Error Query.vi-> LeCroy WaveJet Series.lvlib: Autosetup.vi-> LeCroy WaveJet Series Waveform.vi Acquire Math
    can someone help me with this problem please
    Ofmara Acosta

    Hi dave66,
    Are you actually looking at the number of returned bytes?  I just did some testing and discovered that with the ENET interface, I have no issues, but with the USB interface, I get a "\r" then "+00000" so a probe on the return string does not appear to have any data but it is there.
    I did some further digging and found that when I send more than one command in a single write, the scope responds with a "\r" as the first character for the next query I send.  I am not sure how soon we can get this fixed.  I have to file it as a bug and then allow our engineers to find the fix and implement it in the next release of the firmware for the scope.  The current release as of today (April 5th, 2013) is version 5.06.  You can check for the latest release from here:  http://teledynelecroy.com/support/softwaredownload/firmwareupgrade.aspx
    The alternative (not the right solution, but will take care of this) is to go into the write vi and modify it so that if it is trying to send more than one command, you parse the command and send one at a time in a loop.
    I don't like this solution because although it will work, the right solution is to make the scope behave the same regardless of the interface.  But it will at least get you up and going until our engineers can address the issue.
    Let me know what version of LabVIEW you are using and if I have it available, I am happy to modify the vi and provide it to you.
    Leonard Brown
    Applications Engineer
    Teledyne LeCroy

  • Bad resolution waveform transferred from Lecroy oscilloscope to PC

    I am currently using Lecroy WavePro 7300A to analyze waves. When I tried to acquire the waveform from this oscilloscope to my nearby PC via Ethernet cable (using VICP::x.x.x.x as VISA address) I got problems with the resolution of the waveform picture.
    In fact, as you can see from my attached pictures, the BadRes.jpg picture represent the captured waveform when the vertical scale of the oscilloscope was set to 50mV/div and the GoodRes.jpg represent the waveform when the vertical scale was only 10mV/div. The peak value of the waveforms is around -12.5mV to 12.5mV
    It is quite obvious that the main trends of the two waveforms captured are the same, but from my point of view, it is like you have 2 pictures of the same scene and size, but one of them has only 1 megapixel resolution, and the other one has 5 megapixel, so the second one looks sharper when the size of the pictures is large enough.
    Consider the LabView VIs, I have enclosed my GetWave.vi as you saw in the pictures, and all other the sub VIs either comes from the default VIs (when install LabView), or VIs from the installation of LabView Driver CDs, or VI from the installation of Lecroy Drivers  "lcwave" and  "LeCroy Wave Series". I am currently using LabView 8.2.
    Finally, I would like to ask if there is any to get a good resolution of the waveform even when I set the vertical scale of the oscilloscope to very large, say 100mV, for example.
    Thank you for your reading.
    GetWave.vi ‏40 KB
    BadRes.JPG ‏119 KB
    GoodRes.JPG ‏118 KB

    Hi - Alan from LeCroy Tech Support here...
    Let's start with the 10mV/div setting.  With a signal that is 25mV peak to peak, you are only using about 31% of the scope's full scale range. (31% = 25mV / (8divs * 10mV/div). When you change to 50mV division, you are only using 6% of the full scale range.  The resolution drops in the same way;  the scope is an 8 bit digitizer over the full scale range.  31% of this range is = 0.31*255 = 83 levels;  6% is only about 15 levels.  This is what you are seeing in your images; the volts per ADC code increases by a factor of 5 when you change the gain from 10mV to 50mV.  Since your signal is small compared to full scale, you don't have much resolution.  In general, you always should use as much of the grid as possible to get the best resolution.  See LAB WM308 for more information and examples: http://www.lecroy.com/tm/library/LABs/PDF/LAB_WM308.pdf
    Note that Scope Explorer can retrieve the volts per ADC code.  Go to the Traces screen, right-click on a channel, and choose "Show Trace Properties". For 50/div, the vertical_gain is only 0.00220973 (2.2mV per ADC code). For 10mV/div, the value is 0.000441946  (442uV).
    Feel free to contact me for more discussion!
    Best Regards,
    Alan Blankman, Technical Product Marketing Manager and LabVIEW Developer
    LeCroy Corporation
    800-553-2769 x 4412
    [email protected]

  • Lecroy DSO internal control

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    I hope somebody who familiar DCOM and Labview can give us some advise.
    about automatic API, pls see:  www.catc.com 

    Alan from LeCroy Tech Support here....
    A few comments...
    1. The Automation API is described in the manual http://www.lecroy.com/tm/library/manuals/X-Stream_Scopes/Automation_Manual/Entire_X-Stream_Automatio... The link to www.catc.com is for the protocol analyzer products.
    2. If you choose to run LabVIEW on the scope, take care not to impair the performance of the scope application (For example, avoid loops that hog CPU or memory.)
    3. Using the lcwave or LeCroy Wave Series driver will be *much* easier than using the automation interface.  You should download the VICP passport from the LeCroy website, and install it on the scope... You'll also need NI-VISA (at least the runtime version...)  
    Good luck! Feel free to contact me at 800-553-2769.
    Best Regards,
    Alan Blankman, Technical Product Marketing Manager and LabVIEW Developer
    LeCroy Corporation
    800-553-2769 x 4412
    [email protected]

  • LeCroy wavesurfer acquisition loop slowdown

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    More information:
    - I am using the example vi, "LeCroy Wave Series Acquire Waveform In Loop.vi," from the 3.2 revision of the driver package and have not modified it.
    Thank you in advance for any tips/suggestions.
    LeCroy Wave Series Acquire Waveform In Loop.vi ‏24 KB

    Might want to check the following whitepapers:
    Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and Handle 80 Percent of Your Data Acquisition Applications
    Timing and Synchronization Features of NI-DAQmx

  • Lecroy Wavesurfer 454

    hello everibody.
    i am new in labview and i am tryng to use the Lecroy Wavesurfer 454 with labview 8.6.
    unluckly i am not able to use the example vi in the driver file.
    i run the example finder for Wavesurferand, then run lecroy wave series acquire waveform.VI and correctly setted the tcpip instruction with TCPIP:: and run the VI.
    the error that i received is: 
    VISAHex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resources is not present in the system
    even if with the ping command works correctly.
    Go to Solution.

    To solve your problem, I invite you to check those links :
    VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in...
    GPIB Installation/Configuration Troubleshooter
    Steve M.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Vidéo-t'chats de l'été : présentations techniques et ingénieurs pour répondre à vos questions

  • Error -1073807339

    I am new with Labview and I am currently trying to connect a Lecroy HDO6034 oscilloscope via USB to perform a data acquisition using a NI driver.
    I can see in NI MAX that the scope is connected to the computer but when I try to use a driver I get this error message :
    Error -1073807339 occurred at VISA Clear in LeCroy Wave Series.lvlib:Initialize.vi->LeCroy Wave Series Acquire Waveform.vi
    Possible reason(s):
    VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
    I looked it up online but it did not help me to resolve the problem.
    Also when I go in the Visa Test Panel in the USB Control (input/output) I get this in return data :
    USB Control In
    wIndex: 0x0
    wValue: 0x0
    bmRequestType: 0x80
    bRequest: 0x0
    wLength: 0x0
    VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0078) La valeur de certains paramètres n'est pas valide (ces paramètres ne sont pas connus).
    Is someone capable of helping me resolve this ?
    Thank you..

    A time out error is saying the scope did not respond to something. (Or, you have tried to read something from it when there is nothing there to read).
    The error you are getting from the VISA tool is because you are not using it correctly.
    Go to the "Basic I/O" tab and hit the "Query" button and you will see the scope respond to the "*IDN?" query that is there by default:
    i.e. Not this:
    Instead, use this:
    Leonard Brown
    Applications Engineer
    Teledyne LeCroy

  • Waverunner 610Zi

    I am trying to control Lecroy WaveRunner 610Zi connected through local network using Ethernet cable (not cross Ethernet cable which is recommended if connected directly to PC).  I have set the static ip: for the scope and for the PC (attached screenshot). In such situation I can ping from the PC (attached screenshot).  After that I downloaded the “LeCroy Wave Series” software, unzip and moved the unzipped folder to “C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\instr.lib”.  Now I am trying to run some test program from the folder, say “Read Single Waveform” from “C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\instr.lib\LeCroy Wave Series\Public\Data”.  However, I am able see the “Visa resource name out” only, not the waveform (attached screenshot).  I have tried a few other programs too, however could not get the desired output.  Please suggest me the next step.  Thanks in advance.
    troubleshoot.docx ‏846 KB

    Dear Mr. Brown,
    Thank you very much for the reply.  I have changed the remote connection to LXI(VXI11) (attached screenshot) and everything remain unchanged.  Now I run the program “Read Single Waveform” from “C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\instr.lib\LeCroy Wave Series\Public\Data”, I saw “Error 85” (attached screenshot).  To be mentioned that I am using SRS delay generator to trigger the scope connected to channel C1 of the scope and monitoring the same pulse.  Trigger mode is “Normal”.  While the program showed the error and stopped, simultaneously the Trigger in the scope “Stop” automatically.
    For the other solution, I have downloaded VICP passport and installed in my PC (attached screenshot).  The VISA system was configured using the NImax (screenshot attached).  The interface in scope “Remote->TCPIP(VICP)” was set (attached screenshot).  While I was doing this, there appeared some error regarding alias (attached screenshot).  I stopped there.  So please suggest me the next step.
    troubleshoot_1.docx ‏2096 KB

  • Pb communication TCP/IP avec un oscillo Lecroy 6100 et librairie Visa

    I am trying to communicate with a remote Lecroy 6100 scope through TCP/IP, using the visa library.
    I have configured my device with MAX but it can not
    open an INSTR session. I have check the IP address, my
    device respond to a ping. I have installed a VisaServer
    on my device but from my PC, no INSTR session can be
    Does someone have any idea ?
    Thank you.

    First of all, I advice you to use the instrument driver for your device:
    * WR 6100 - WaveRunner 6000 series Oscilloscope
    NI-VISA 2.5 (and higher), on Windows32 platforms only, allows you to connect to ethernet instruments via TCP/IP. This is done by specifying a TCP/IP Instrument (INSTR) Resource or TCP/IP Socket (SOCKET) Resource. The syntax for each is as follows:
    TCPIP[board]::host address[::hostname][::INSTR]
    To use the INSTR resource type, the device must support the TCP/IP Instrument Protocol, also known as VXI-11.
    TCPIP[board]::host address[::host name]:ort:OCKET
    The SOCKET Resource exposes the capability of a raw ne
    twork socket connection over TCP/IP (usually, but not restricted to, an ethernet interface). Without TCP/IP Instrument Protocol support, you must use the SOCKET resource type.
    If there is only one interface type present on the host machine, then the board type is optional. For example, "TCPIP0::..." is the same as "TCPIP::...", because 0 after TCPIP is optional. Also, host name has to be used only when there is more than one hostname (instrument) in the host address.
    Refer to the link below for more informations:
    * How Do I Configure an Instrument to Communicate via TCP/IP in MAX?
    Hope this helps.
    Matthieu Gourssies
    National Instruments

  • Lecroy 9450 Driver

    I have a major problem recieving data from a LeCroy 9450 using LabView-GPIB.
    I downloaded the driver from the internet (both from LeCroy and from National
    Instruments), and implemented the necessary subvi's in a LabView-VI.
    I can control the scope (setting timebase and triggering information), but
    I'm not able to get the waveform data (using single shot) from the scope
    back to my PC.
    Can anyone give me some hints on what I possibly did wrong,
    or is there something wrong with the driver (it is actually the driver
    for the 9420-series).
    Or, can somebody send me an easy-to-use example on how you
    have to implement the "get waveform"-vi.
    (I'm using LabVIEW 5.1 under Windows 95 and Windows NT4.0,
    and a AT-GPIB-TNT card from National
    I hope to get some answers soon, it has taken up too much of
    my time already .
    Koen Van Den Abeele

    we don't use Labview, but we have a Lecroy 9450, too. We read the waveform data
    with the activeDSO-Software from Lecroy, which you can download from the
    Lecroy-Server. We wrote some programs in visual basic to read the waveformdata
    and store it on the harddisk. These files are ascii-files and can be read with
    any software.
    It works perfectly.
    stefan.lichtenberg.vcf ‏1 KB

  • New DVR Scheduler Bugs: Priority Settings No Longer Working, Scrolling Series Schedules is Flakey

    After this last HD DVR update, I have two new problems:
    1) I can no longer set the priority of most of my series schedules. I have about 100 series schedule entries, which the DVR update probably wasn't tested for.
    Now when I try to set a series priority, it LOOKS like it worked, but if I get out of DVR options and go back into Manage Recordings, 90% of the time I find that the series priority is either unchanged, or (even worse) has bounced up to some unexpected random priority - Thus, I have to search the series list  to find it - Then I cannot move it back to where it's supposed to be!
    It seems that only moving a series priority a little bit will sometimes work, but moving the series from near the top of the list to near the bottom (or vice-versa) doesn't work at all, even though it may appear like it worked until the list is refreshed (either by paging up and down the list a few times, or by exiting the DVR manager and going back in).
    2) The scrolling is messed up now in the series schedule manager - When setting Priority, as I scrool up or down from the middle of the list using the arrow or Page buttons,  the list will end unexpectedly, making it impossible to actually drag the series to the bottom or top of the list. Then if you deposit the series at the "end" of the list, suddenly the rest of the list will then magically appear (of course, the series schedule you deposited there will no longer be where you deposited it - See problem #1). Obviously the list is running out of buffer space, so the next part of the list isn't being loaded while you're in the process of changing a series priority..
    Scrolling is also messed up just scrolling through the list without changing priority: Scrolling through my series schedules USED to be very FAST and painless using the Page (Channel) up/down button, I could scroll from top to bottom of my 100 series schedules in a matter of like 5 seconds. NOW, it takes forever and is a real pain to scroll from top to bottom, because the scrolling pauses on just about every other page - As though it ran out of buffer space and is having trouble loading the next buffer.
    I have a lot of series schedule entries so all the First-run Programs are at the top of the priority list, then all the re-runs are in the bottom half of the list. That's the only way I have found to prevent Re-Runs from hijacking new programs, since there's no DVR option to prevent re-runs from inteferring with new episodes (BTW, in order for this to work, the First-Run schedule must be created first. Then a duplicate First-Run and Reruns schedule must be created - Creating them in reverse order will throw a "Duplicate" error message).
    The DVR software has always been buggy and feature-depribed, but this is rediculous - To think the programming team didn't even test the scrolling and priority of series schedules is as bad as the ObamaCare website, and that's setting a very low bar! You HAVE to test EVERYTHING when you release new updates, even if the programmers say it won't affect anything else, because from my experience programmers develop tunnel vision (been there, done that myself), and if you have more than one person on the programming team, neither programmer will communicate their changes to anyone else (been there, done that too).

    I have the identical problem after the recent software upgrade which VERIZON did to my DVR.
    In addition, I have "Manual Series" listed under the "Manage Series Recordings" section of my DVR for about 10 of the tv shows that I have tagged to be recorded weekly. Several others have reported this seemingly related problem to this forum.
    I've tried twice to report the latter problem to VERIZON's technical support staff, but met with indifference in the first attempt (a guy recommended that I replace my DVR with a new one - an utterly ridiculous suggestion), and in my second attempt I got a somewhat helpful lady who couldn't correct this glitch and was unaware of others having same problem but promised to send it up the flagpole to higher level tech folks (best action that I realistically could get).
    As I told VERIZON's techies, I likely was not the only customer experiencing these problems - and your and others postings to this forum confirm my initial hunch.  VERIZON leaves a lot to be desired in the testing of their software "upgrades".

  • I am having a major issues to report machine -G6 series

    Hi. Team
                    This is a serious customer issue that I have to report .I am Owning an HP G6 series laptop. After 7 months of purchase I am facing lots of issue with this. The system is getting stucked sometimes and the controllers  of Keyboard and mouse are not working, While the time of boot up it is making big noise. All these issues I have reported to authorized service center of HP Maha electronics(Cochin).And the engineers over there observed the issue and replaced my hard disk two times. But the fact is like I am still facing the issue. Till today I have given two times to authorized HP service center (Maha electronics )Cochin. Days after the second time repair I had gone to US and I was unable to report the issue for the third time. I recently came to India and I have reported the issue in HP authorized service center (Maha Electronic)Bangalore. But by that time I came to know that my machines warrantee got over.And they neglected my request saying it cannot be done under warrantee.
                    Team, Please think that I have reported the problem during the time of warrantee itself, And your engineers couldn’t able to repair it properly to me.Frankly speaking, They have kept my laptop more than weeks under their custody for observation. But they were failed to find out the root cause of the issue. The folks reading this mail might be thinking that this issue can be, Now because of damage of some other stuff, but it’s absolutely no, Why because, You folks can check the description of the problem with the laptop during my first repair visit(Check the slip’s issue’s reported description) With this serial no([Personal Information Removed]).And still they are not specific about the root cause. This was happened mainly in (Maha Electronics)Cochin. They are not specific about the issue changing all parts by parts without any logical sense.
                    Folks, Act sensibly to your customer. It’s because of deep sadness I am saying these words. I was having 100% trust with your product(HP).But Now ,if anyone ask me about to which laptop to go with, I am having no words to tell them. How can I believe your engineers and give my words to my fellow beings.
    Thanks And Regards.
    Nijil [Personal Information Removed]

    Sorry to say we folks are not HP employees and have no access to your service records so there is not much help we can provide other than moral support

  • SSRS 2008 Column Chart with Calculated Series (moving average) "formula error - there are not enough data points for the period" error

    I have a simple column chart grouping on 1 value on the category axis.  For simplicity's sake, we are plotting $ amounts grouping by Month on the category axis.  I right click on the data series and choose "Add calculated series...".  I choose moving average.  I want to move the average over at least 2 periods.
    When I run the report, I get the error "Formula error - there are not enough data points for the period".  The way the report is, I never have a guaranteed number of categories (there could be one or there could be 5).  When there is 2 or more, the chart renders fine, however, when there is only 1 value, instead of suppressing the moving average line, I get that error and the chart shows nothing.
    I don't think this is entirely acceptable for our end users.  At a minimum, I would think the moving average line would be suppressed instead of hiding the entire chart.  Does anyone know of any workarounds or do I have to enter another ms. connect bug/design consideration.
    Thank you,

    I was having the same error while trying to plot a moving average across 7 days. The work around I found was rather simple.
    If you right click your report in the solution explorer and select "View Code" it will give you the underlying XML of the report. Find the entry for the value of your calculated series and enter a formula to dynamically create your periods.
    <ChartFormulaParameter Name="Period">
                      <Value>=IIf(Count(Fields!Calls.Value) >= 7 ,7, (Count(Fields!Calls.Value)))</Value>
    What I'm doing here is getting the row count of records returned in the chart. If the returned rows are greater than or equal to 7 (The amount of days I want the average) it will set the points to 7. If not, it will set the number to the amount of returned rows. So far this has worked great. I'm probably going to add more code to handle no records returned although in my case that shouldn't happen but, you never know.
    A side note:
    If you open the calculated series properties in the designer, you will notice the number of periods is set to "0". If you change this it will overwrite your custom formula in the XML.

  • SSRS show trend chart over column chart per series groups

    Need help in designing following report in SSRS, where I have a chart report with 2 category grouping fields and 1 series group field (as with category grouping, the reason being, i need to show columns in group of 4 joined together based on their grouping
    on top) .
    Below are my queries
    1. how to show my category grouping values on top of chart (showing group in different color) and series grouping values on bottom of chart (under each bar)
    2. I need to show trend line over each series group data.
    For example, First category group is over hotel name, second category group is over room type (deluxe, executive & suite) and one Series group over week number (for a month report), and the chart value is total occupancy (per hotel per room type per week
    number). Now for point 1, Hotel name and room type needs to be on top of the column (total occupancy) chart, where a week iteration number (1,2,3,4 for a month) at the bottom of the chart under every column.
    And for point 2, I need to show trend line per room per week occupancy was improved or not.
    Regards, Sujay

    Hi Sujay,
    According to your description, you want to display the two category group values at the top of the total occupancy value. Also you want to create a trend line over series values.
    For your first requirement, you can specify the Label data as a combination of two category group values and total occupancy values. Then change the location of series group value legend. Please refer to below screenshot.
    For your second requirement, you can add additional total occupancy values to the Chart Data panel, then change the chart type as Smooth Line.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSRS Chart group dataset by Year (series groups)/Month (category groups) force intervals to start at JAN?

    Hi all,
    trying to figure this out in REPORT BUILDER, but I guess I can go to VS if needed...
    I've got a data set that says "sales" and its basically order summarycontaining:
    id, dateplaced, and other stuff...
    I want to use this dataset to show trendline for annual qty of orders
    created line chart with "countDistinct(id)" as the series for X
    category groups = groupby "=Month(dateplaced)" and label "=MonthName(Month(dateplaced)"
    series groups = group by "=Year(dateplaced)" and label the same.
    I think this is working as intended, please correct if not.
    The PROBLEM I'm seeing is that since my dataset returns data starting around september so my "axis" starts in september... I really would prefer it starts at Jan and ends in December... I can't see any way to do this...
    The only things I could think of are;
    put fake data in dataset that returns "empty" values for jan in the first year of data...
    change the query completely to make sure tehre are "year" "month" groupings... somehow...
    but both of these approaches seem to be "hacky" and not very maintainable or clear...

    Hi noJedi,
    According to your description, you want to you have the category group in your chart always start from January. Right?
    In Reporting Services, when we set category group, the records will sort by the sequence of data in database by default. However, we can apply expression in
    Sorting so that those records can sort by the month. We have tested your scenario in our local environment, here are steps and screenshots for your reference:
    1. Create a chart and put the corresponding expression into category and series group.
    2. Right click on category group. Go to Sorting tab. Put the expression below into sorting expression.
    3. Save and preview. The result looks like below:
    Sort Data in a Data Region (Report Builder and SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

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