Lecture flash

Tous les ordinateurs Apple lisent le flash. Ce n'est pas le cas de l'iPhone et de l'ipad. Mais comment peut-on encore se passer d'une technologie qui se retrouve sur de très nombreux sites.
Mon iPad me sert pour les recherches internet sans avoir besoin d'allumer mon ordinateur. Donc c'est la frustration quand je le retrouve bloqué sur la home d'un site en Flash.
Et les AppStore type Skyfire sont totalement inutiles car elles transforment les animations Flash en video, donc pas de navigation possible.

Tant pis. Obtenir quelque chose d'autre.

Similar Messages

  • Captivate 4  dossier localisation

    D'apres la documentation le dossier localisation devrais etre la :
    Localisation de la barre de lecture Flash
    L’anglais est la langue par défaut des barres de lecture Flash. Adobe Captivate installe également des barres de lecture Flash traduites en français, en allemand, en italien, en espagnol et en japonais. Ces barres de lectures Flash sont stockées dans le dossier :\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 4\Gallery\PlaybackControls\SwfBars\Localisation\.
    nous utilison la version francais de captivate et le dossier n'est pas la
    nous desiron faire un prijet ou les menu sont en anglais il semble que
    Lorsque vous copiez l’une de ces barres de lecture Flash dans le dossier C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 4\Gallery\PlaybackControls\SwfBars\, les versions localisées apparaissent dans le menu déroulant Barre de lecture de la boîte de dialogue Editeur d’habillage. Les infobulles de ces barres de lecture s’affichent dans la langue sélectionnée.
    Vous pouvez également ajouter une nouvelle langue si celle que vous désirez n’est pas disponible. Le fichier de barres de lectures SWF par défaut est stocké dans le dossier C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 4\Templates\PlaybackFLA.
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    merci de m'indiquer comment faire

    "Cela ne fonctionne pas"
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  • Sleeping Soundcard - Solution

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    Some of you may have noticed that the computer seems to put the sound card to sleep if it idles for about 30 seconds.  If you're wearing headphones, you can tell when this occurs because the background hiss becomes pure silence.  It presents a problem for some people, because there's a small delay between when the sound card wakes up and when a sound is played.  If the sound is very short (such as an alert, or the "click" of changing the volume) the sound may not play at all.  In my case, I am listening to online lectures (flash-based, rather than Quicktime-based), pausing to write notes, and I frequently need to rewind the lecture upon playing it because the first few words are cut off as the sound card wakes up.  It's an annoyance, and given that I have many lectures ahead of me, a big waste of time.
    Others have had this issue, but the discussions occurred long enough ago that they were archived and I couldn't reply to them.  Some suggested a free program called SoundOn! that would play a silent sound every 20 seconds in order to keep the sound card awake.  That program is very old and requires Rosetta to run; furthermore, I couldn't find a place with working download links.
    But you don't need that program, just the idea behind it.   Get a sound file and open it in Quicktime.  Play it, set it to loop, and mute the volume or set the volume slider as low as it can go - either seems to work.  You won't hear anything, but the sound card will not "sleep."  You can do this using iTunes and probably other sound programs, as well - it doesn't have to be Quicktime.  Quicktime was just the least resource-intensive program that I could think of to have in the background.
    Hope it's helpful.

    Today I run out of trial of Keyclick. After reinstall and run keyclick prefpanel I got information that trial expired so i started to search for workaround.
    Easy as pie. I'm using GeekTool to display temperatures, date etc, so I created really short, silent and low tone in SoundStudio then (in geektool) I put shell on desktop and set command to:
    afplay /nibycisza.aif
    witch is located on system partition and set "refresh every" parameter to 25 second
    In links you will find audio file and screenshot with settings
    PS. sorry for my english

  • Problème lecture vidéos Flash

    J'ai un petit problème pour lire certaines vidéos Flash sur un site.
    Je tiens d'abord à préciser que sur le site d'adobe il est bien indiqué que je possède la derniere version de Flash Player, et tout marche parfaitement sur Youtube and co.
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    - A propos d'Adobe Flash Player 10...
    Est ce que quelqu'un saurait comment je peux faire pour lire ces vidéos?
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    Navigateur: Chrome ou IE8 (même problème)

    What is your Flash Player version on Firefox?
    What is your Flash Player version on Internet Explorer?
    Both check with http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html#main_Find_the_Flash_ Player_version_installed_on_your_machine

  • Flash sites does not work on iphone safari Can anyone know the alternative

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    Please its my request tellme how to install flash player as i badly needed it.

    but flash videos doesnot play in full screen mode in puffin .. i am trying to open it in full screen but it's not working .
    opentuition.com is the site . please tell me the method by which i can open the site in full screen mode .

  • Server Java - Client Flash, there is no IP,  Why?

    Hi Folks!
    I apologize for my English writting is not my mother tongue.
    Well, I hope to able to explain my problem.
    I have a Server of sockets made in Java and a Flash client (it's a simple Chat real-time). Everything goes great when my server is activated and when I excecute SWF Client: We can chat and there is not problem because I work XML Standard with. Flash receives XML file from Server Java that it sends to all clients connected.
    Each SWF client connected is showed at CMD Console (by the way I'm working in WINDOWS plataform) and it shows Client's IP and connection moment.
    The problem come out when I use a browser (anyone: IE, FireFox, Opera, etc) to open my SWF Client, like should be, but there is not connection and CMD Console shows something like this:
    Cliente -> 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 IP , Conexion [...]Someone knows wich would be the problem?!!
    Heres the code of my classes
    import java.net.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * 1. Configurable. Tomar datos desde consola.
    * DATOS
    * XXXX puerto
    * 2. Escanear el puerto para comprobar que esta libre.
    * Libre: continua y reserva.
    * Ocupado: Indicar que esta ya reservado el puerto.
    * Dar opcion a realizar un escaneo de puertos para seleccionar un puerto seguro y libre.
    * Tomar el 1er puerto libre, reservarlo e indicar cual es.
    * 3. Validar la IP del usuario para que solo tenga UNA SOLA SESION DE CHAT
    * 4. Generar un XML en un directorio con los parametros de conexion (PUERTO, IP, Dominio, etc)
    * cuando el servidor sea iniciado. Y debe ser borrado cuando se "tumbe".
    * Asi todos los clientes tomaran el XML generado por el servidor y podran conectarse sin
    * problemas de reconfiguracion o modificacion al codigo de FLASH.
    public class BlueServer {
    static Vector clientList = new Vector(); // Vector/array que guardara los clientes conectados
    static PrintWriter screenOut = new PrintWriter(System.out, true); // Abreviar la salida en pantalla
    public static int PORT; // Puerto al que daremos servicio
    * Clase principal BlueServer
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    ServerSocket serverSocket = null; // Nuestro socket SERVIDOR
    boolean listening = true; // Bandera del SERVIDOR para estar simpre a la escucha
    Thread tempThread; // Thread/Hilo de proceso
    BlueClientThread tempClient; // Hilo temporal del clietne para asignar el nombre "BlueClientThread"
    int currentNode; // En caso de ser necesario para saber en que nodo se esta trabajando
    Date horaDeInicio = new Date(); // La hora de ACTIVACION del servidor
    screenOut.println("BlueServer v0.01\n\n");
    screenOut.println("BlueServer es un servidor de sockets para multiples clientes ");
    screenOut.println("desarrollados en JAVA o FLASH.\n");
    screenOut.println("Basado en el estandar XML administra los mensajes recibidos");
    screenOut.println("hacia todos los clientes conectados.\n");
    screenOut.println("Primera version BETA.");
    screenOut.println(" Jun '08 by Ralph Moran");
    * Es necesario al menos 1 argumento que defina el nuemero de puerto.
    if ( args.length >= 1 ){
    PORT = new Integer(args[0]); // Numero de puerto que se reservara
    * Se intenta crear el socket SERVIDOR que estara dando servicio a los clientes FLASH
    * en el numero de puerto PORT.
    serverSocket = new ServerSocket(PORT);
    }catch(IOException e){
    System.err.println("No se puede escuchar el puerto: "+PORT);
    // Mensaje de activacion sin problemas
    screenOut.println("Servidor BlueServer v0.01 activado en puerto "+PORT+".\n");
    screenOut.println("Hora de activacion: " + horaDeInicio.toString());
    * Comienza a la escucha de cualquier cliente FLASH/JAVA que se conecte a PORT
    while (listening){
    tempClient = new BlueClientThread( serverSocket.accept() );
    tempThread = new Thread(tempClient);
    * Cerramos la conexion del SERVIDOR
    * En caso de NO traer los argumentos necesarios (PUERTO, etc)
    screenOut.println(" ..............................................................\n\n");
    screenOut.println("\n\n\n ERROR: Numero incorrecto de argumentos/parametros.\n");
    screenOut.println(" EJECUCION\n java BlueServer <puerto>\n");
    screenOut.println(" Donde <puerto> es un puerto no reservado y debe ser mayor a 1024 para que el");
    screenOut.println(" servidor comience a escuchar.\n\n\n");
    screenOut.println(" ..............................................................\n\n");
    * Metodo que envia el mensaje recibido del cliente a TODOS los clientes conectados.
    * Usa el metodo send( String msg ) de la clase Thread BlueClientThread
    static void sendToAllClients(String message){
    int i;
    BlueClientThread foo;
    //BlueClientThread fooip;
    BlueClientThread tempClient;
    for ( i=0; i<clientList.size(); ++i ){
    foo = (BlueClientThread)clientList.get(i);
    * Metodo que borra de nuestro Vector clientList todo rastro del CLIENTE (IP, HostName, etc)
    static void deleteClient(BlueClientThread deadClient){
    int num;
    Date horaConexion = new Date();
    screenOut.println("ClienteIP -> "+ deadClient.clientIP + ", Desconexion -> " + horaConexion.toString());
    num = clientList.indexOf(deadClient);
    * Clase BlueClientThread que deriba/hereda de la clase Padre Thread.
    * Generamos nuestra propa clase con metodos personalizados aprovechando metodos heredados.
    * BlueClientThread.send(String msg);
    * Envia un mensaje a un cliente especifico.
    * Cada Hilo de Cliente se encarga de enviar el mensaje recibido a TODOS LOS DEMAS CLIENTES
    class BlueClientThread extends Thread {
    PrintWriter screenOut = new PrintWriter(System.out, true);
    private Socket socket = null;
    public String clientIP;
    public PrintWriter out;
    public BufferedReader in;
    * Todos los Threads se llamaran BlueClientThread
    public BlueClientThread(Socket socket){
    this.socket = socket;
    * Ejecucion del Thread
    public void run(){
    clientIP = socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); // Tomamos la IP del cliente
    Date horaConexion = new Date(); // Determinamos el instante de conexion
    // Indicamos que IP se conecto y el instante en que fue
    screenOut.println("ClienteIP -> "+ clientIP + ", Conexion -> " + horaConexion.toString());
    // Al conectarse el cliente mandar aviso a todos los CONECTADOS
    //BlueServer.sendToAllClients("<doc><mensaje from=\"Nuevo\">Otro conectado</mensaje></doc>");
    * Intentamos tomar los Stream de Lectura y Escritura del Cliente conectado
    out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
    in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
    String inputLine;
    // Array que tomara cada uno de los caracteres del mensaje
    char buf[] = new char[1];
    * El Thread del cliente comienza a escuchar TODOS los mensajes que su cliente
    * envia, este Thread se encarga de enviar el a todos los demas clientes conectados.
    while ( in.read(buf, 0 ,1)!= -1 ){ // Siempre es diferente de -1 por que nuestro array se esta
    // validando completamente, esto es que se esta tomando el
    // el largo del array y no alguna posicion dentro de este.
    inputLine = "";
    // En caso que exista mas de 1 mensaje solo se toma el primero
    while( buf[0]!='\u0000' ){
    inputLine = inputLine + buf[0];
    in.read(buf, 0 ,1);
    // Solo mandar el mensaje que fue recibido del cliente
    inputLine = inputLine + '\u0000';
    // Va el mensaje a TODOS LOS CLIENTES
    BlueServer.deleteClient(this); // Se manda eliminar TODO rastro del cliente conectado (IP, HostNAme, etc)
    in.close(); // Cerramos Stream de Lectura
    out.close(); // Cerramos Stream de Escritura
    socket.close(); // Cerramos el socket del CLIENTE
    }catch(IOException e){
    * Mandar mensaje
    public void send(String message){
    I hope your help.
    *{color:#993300}Ralph Moran{color}*

    The "There is no process to read data written to a pipe" error is an
    AIX-specific error message, which lies in the native method
    implementation of the corresponding Java code.
    It happens when the message written to a pipe is
    not read by any process. When plenty of requests are sent to the
    accepting side, the accepting side might fail to read the request
    because of timeouts, blocked threads or other reasons, and then this
    exception is thrown.
    #1289145    Axis adapter's connection timeout value setting

  • Windows 8 freezes while I try to watch online Flash content and running Audition CS6

    I recently bought a online introduction course to Auditon CS6 on Vimeo.com
    While I have a setup where I put the lecture on one screen and the program on the other I like to follow tutorials and learn how to use software.
    However this proves to be impossible for me in Audition, because for some reason my computer gets completely unresponsive after a little while of watching the lectures with Audition running.
    It never happens when Audition hasn't been launched, and I'm kind of suspecting a driver conflict, but I don't have a fancy audio card in my computer, (just built in Realtek,) and find it a bit
    odd that it wouldn't be supported as it is some of the most common audio setups around. As far as I know the system runs stable with Audition running and no Flash content started as well.
    This has happened for the last couple of months and I've updated Flash and drivers as they roll out. Audition CS6 is downloaded with the Creative Cloud application Manager.
    Here is some general info on my computer:
    OS: Windows 8 Pro 64 bit.
    Motherboard: eVGA x58 Classified (Tried with stock BIOS and also updated to new BIOS)
    Audio Card: Realtek (on motherboard)
    Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti
    The system storage device is a SSD (Firmware recently updated due to BSODs apearing, and seems to be resolved.)
    I do believe that this might not be a Audition issue, but rather a issue with Flash. However Audition + Flash reproduces this problem faster than anything else I can remember this happening while
    using other 3rd party software while playing Flash. (Not exactly the type of software.) I have a suspicion that it is something that occurs if Flash and other programs is paging/wiring/reading the SSD...
    I can't remember this happening with Photoshop or other Adobe software, and so I'm also curious to how different Audition runs "under the hood" so to speak. What is it constantly checking
    that could lead to a hardware conflict.

    A month ago I uninstalled AVG Internet security from my computer making it a lot less potent to BSODs in general, (can't reacall having any.) So today I thought I'd try to learn some more Audition. I could Sit with it for a good while just playing around with recordings and settings and my system didn't react weirdly at all. So the next step was of course to try and load some of the Udemy lectures I had waiting.
    As the video was buffering I turned away from the computer for a while, but when I came back it had completely froze up again... I don't think I've ever had a BSOD in this context either, instead of going into BSOD the computer just stops responding completely.
    (I'm using the latest version of Flash, tried with both Firefox and Chrome.)
    I'm thinking this is a very niche bug and I can't seem to se that it can be anything but a conflict with Flash. Weither it's a memory leek or what ever it is.
    I can use Audition fine on my computer it seems, as long as I never start a browser in risk of loading a Flash application, (which would be fine if I was avid, but I need some lectures to get started.)
    Nothing really seems to be overloaded (RAM/CPU) before the freeze ocurs either.
    I  don't really know where or how to adress this to the Flash Player forum/community, (or if there is one.)

  • [locked] adobe flash player plugin not working in FFox 3.6.8

      I run Windows XP Home fully auto-updated, have IE8+ latest FFox browser 3.6.8, and have installed (as Admin) your Shockwave Flash Player
    and plugin Ver.  FFox Plugin Check says "Up to date".  At least 10 times per day, I get a Javascript alert of "script error" when I try
    to view Flash Content. I have thoroughly researched this prob on your site, but find no answer to my prob, hence this thread.
      Please tell me:
    1. How to fix this, and
    2. Why I should not COMPLETELY block ALL Flash content with freeware tools.
      It would be a pity, because I have 5 MILLION hits on my YouTube (and other .flv/swf- hosted vidsites)....  but I have no option now but to consider
    your latest update unusable and incompatible with my Firefox-secured sys. I did sucessfully dodge your slyly unethical attempt to default-install
      McAfee junkware, as I am responsible for securing quite a few computers in my law firm. I use and regularly update & scan w/:
      AVG Antivirus, Spybot S&D+Teatimer resident, and the free Zonealarm firewall. I have updated my Java and Javascriptscript and always keep
      Javascript turned on. I also run SpywareBlaster and occasional free Kaspersky, Panda, and F-secure Virusscans. I am virus/spyware free.
      I wrote my first line of code in 1968.
      The only problem I and my users have is with YOUR Flash product updates/plugins in FFox,  crashing and generating  a Javascript errmsg.
       You have even completely locke up my computer, which NEVER happens to me unless gates does it. I fear I have fallen for the old trick of
       getting v. 1 of an existing ware, to be patched later, in the evil M$oft way.  If your products only work with M$oft OS's and browsers,
       you are violating the well-known Google Success maxim of "don't be evil!"  And the common-sense rule that content-delivery Netware
       should be Browser- independent. I know you code mostly for intrusive-adware, and have allowed for that. But I am getting VERY tired of seeing
       a Javascrpt errmsg and the words on my FFox browser "The Adobe plug-in has crashed. Send crash report"- which I always do.
       I know Open Source wares are pressing you hard, but yes, the .PDF Reader WAS designed to be the first common format other than ASCII.
       You are falling far short of user-acceptance comapared to days past. Your products are WAY overpriced bloatware. PLEASE don't be the
        Bill Gates of served-out pictorial content, where "it's ALL proprietary". That will kill your sales and inspire freeware-writers more than you can
        believe.  If you fail to fix this bug speedily in your freeware, you will suffer the Fate of Vista. I NEVER buy into a ver.1.0, but you have forced me to,
       and it doesn't work.  Fix it- put out a hotfix or patch, or the WHOLE OPEN SOURCE/SHAREWARE Community of Users like me will not even
       CONSIDER buying your products.  I write for your benefit, not mine. .PDF and Word/.wmv files are NEEDED by users. DON'T BE EVIL!
        HELP me! I've already installed OpenOffice and my next sys's OS will be a flavor of UNIX..  You do business in the WRONG way for 2010-users!
        Or are you copying the outdated, universally hated-by-pros M$oft business-model? In less than a decade of Internet time, there won't even BE a
        Microsoft- except for those who are complete Net-Noobs and can be victimized easily. IE8 is a constantly-patched virus magnet. Please
        DO NOT go down that road.....for your own good.
        The De-Crasher

         Uhhh, whatever, ednob. Take offense at whatever you want to- it's your constitutional Right.
        Yes, it's pretty hard to make all these deep-rooted proggies work together. But I think that's the Coder's job to anticipate, not mine.
         All the secuityware I use is pretty popular.  AND-
         I'm too busy in the courtroom to spend much time as a TOTAL what's-new $product$ nerd.
         This answer is that I'd just like my sys to be able to access my weather site Intellicast.com , which my NEW! BETTER! Flash 10
         installation just froze hands-down in the best, latest, most secure browser- FFox. For 15 minutes. That's all I have for you.
          Adios!    You can go away now.  I billmy tim at $200/hr and have lectured by invitation to NASA, DECUS and a whole lot of other folks.
         Been using the Net since 1991- when you HAD to learn UNIX.
        For the man who really tried to HELP me, Syncwulf, here is some error-data I could capture- even with a frozen browser
        I had to kill with Task Manager.
         The message the INTELLICAST SITE reported to me was
      Error: Error #2058: There was an error decompressing the data.
        at flash.utils::ByteArray/_uncompress()
        at flash.utils::ByteArray/uncompress()
        at MethodInfo-1()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
        at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()
      And naturally it froze before I could even send off a Crash Report to help Adobe.
      Too bad for that other window I had open to a client, eh? Had to end the whole FFox run, all tabs.
      All help appreciated, but all snotty lectures from guys who were wetting their diapers when I was using
      Princeton's IBM 360/91 in 1969 to program in ALGOL 60 will be ignored.
      Thanks, SYNCWULF! Your reply arrived at the speed of electrons thru copper = 9 inches per nanosecond.
      - The DeCrasher

  • Should I back up my files with another external hard drive when I am already backing up time machine with my current external hard drive?  Or, should I just get a flash usb to back up my audio files?

    I am not sure what is best to back up my audio lecture files?
    Thank you so much for your kind help...I am very grateful and Blessings to you!

    Two backups are better than one, especially if the files are important. So make sure Time Machine is set to back up your "audio lecture files", and copy them to a flash drive as well.
    (Keep in mind that no-one but you knows how Time Machine is set up on your computer, or where you store your "audio lecture files", or how important they are for you.)

  • How do i get firefox to open a html file that is a powerpoint articulate lecture file?

    I am taking an online class and need to be able to open a powerpoint articulate lecture html file, at this point when i click on the file a blank tab loads. I have the lastest flash player and have installed the flash player compatibility for articulate. Please give exact details on what else i can do. I have reinstalled flash and firefox again and am receiving the same error. Also I receive the same thing on windows explorer and I am operationg with windows vista.

    I'm tracking down the MS Office plug-ins to see if there is any information there.

  • Hi, I have a macbook pro 2012 13 inch, everytime i go to watch a video (youtube/uni lectures) online (i use firefox), the video plays but if i go into another tab, the audio keeps playing, but the image on screen will be frozen. It gets really frustrating

    I have a macbook pro 2012 13 inch, which i use for uni and youtube etc. I use firefox for my web browsing, whenever I go to watch videos, from youtube or even uni lectures (for all my subjects) the video and audio play fine, but as soon as i switch into another tab, the audio continues to play whilst the video lags and stops all together, freezing on the current screen. The timestamp on the video players also stops, which gets incredibly frustrating when I am watching uni lectures, does anybody know how to fix this?? Please help.

    Which os version are you using? 
    Which Firefox version? 
    Have you posted in the Firefox forums or contacted their tech support for assistance? 
    Have you made sure you are using the latest version of Adobe Flash Player? 

  • Why does the new Keynote slideshow briefly flash the first slide when multitasking back from another app during a slideshow?

    I switch between the Notes Plus app and Keynote app during my lecture.   I show the slides in Keynote and when I need to draw sketches and do detailed derivations, I multitask to Notes Plus and use it as my White Board and then return to Keynote to continue my lecture.  When I switch back to Keynote, the very first slide flashes once and then advances to the slide from where I left.  Before the upgrade of Keynote on Sept 17th, this did not happen.  Can this bug be fixed?

    I have the same problem but in a different way. I have lots of links to other slides in my presentation, when I click on a link, the next slide flashes and then I see the slide linked. I really hope this can be fixed...

  • Not Booting, quick red flashing light PLEASE HELP.

    Okay so today i swapped from a 7130e to a 8330 (verizon)
    i was able to remove the old security Policy using Jl_Cmder (which worked great) and i got rid of the firewall issue as well.
    phone was working great until i tried to use the device switch wizard, half way therough the process of upgrading the 8330 the os upgrade failed. I was trying to upgrade to the latest verizon release 8330AMEA_PBr4_1.5.0_rel101_PL3.2.0.51_A4.5.0.77.exe.
    Now my device seems to be hosed.  All it does is flash the red light two times every 2 seconds.
    When i connect the device to my PC device manager sees the smartphone connect on the USB hub, but the device manager never seems to find the device.
    I have done a hard reset, ---no change.
    tried to reset to defaults using JL_cmder --- no change but got the following error.
    RIM Wireless Handheld Java Loader
    Copyright 2001-2007 Research In Motion Limited
    Connecting to device...debug: COM error during
    Open: (0x80040001)
    Error: unable to open port
    Command completed!
    To complete the factory reset, remove
    the battery to envoke a handheld wipe.
    If you have not already backed up your
    data, do so now or it will be erased.
    Press any key to continue . . .
    tried to do a wipe from JL_cmder ---no change.
    tried to connect with no battery and with. ---No change
    Tried to delete the blackberry smartphone from device manager. ---No change
    my 3 other blackberries all connect just fine to the laptop and to device amnager and desktop manager.
    PS yes i remembeed to remove the vender.xml file when doing most of this stuff.
    software versions
    Desktop Manager =
    Device manager =
    OS before issue 4.2 i believe
    Go to Solution.

    Check this link:

  • Connecting a CSS doc to an XML file, in a dynamic text field in Flash

    Hi all,
    I am trying to connect a CSS file such that it applies it
    self to the content of an XML file, viewed inside a dynamic text
    field. So far I have managed to gather the code that "calls" the
    contents of the XML file and also the code that calls the CSS file.
    However, when I test the flash movie I get "undefined" instead of
    the actual copy.
    Attached then is the the AS code, XML file, and CSS file. I
    hope you could help me connect everything together.
    And of course, THANKS!!
    Scrolling Text XML by Digital Science |
    /////////////Load XML Data/////////////
    function loadXML(loaded) {
    if (loaded) {
    xmlNode = this.firstChild;
    header = [];
    txt = [];
    total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
    for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    = xmlNode.childNodes.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
    } else {
    errorMsg.text = "Error loading XML";
    xmlData = new XML();
    xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
    xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;
    import TextField.StyleSheet;
    var ss:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    ss.onLoad = function() {
    txt_mc.styleSheet=this; // where yourTF is your textfield
    ss.load("jokes.css"); // where yourSS.css is your css file.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="jokes.css"?>
    <ONE>Tirza Sapir</ONE>
    <JOKE>Founder and choreographer of the RikudNetto dance
    group, teacher and lecturer, researcher, documenter and
    choreographer within the framework of Eshkol-Wachman Movement
    Notation. She was Head of the School of the Arts of Dance at the
    Seminar Hakibbutzim College of Education, 2000–2007, where
    she established the Dance Theatre and the Practicing Teachers
    courses, and specialized training in Teaching and Treatment of
    Learning Disabilities by means of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.
    She has written three books containing the movement scores of dance
    suites: Birds, Landscapes, and Hanukka Notebooks. Member of the
    Movement Notation Society, 1968–2008. Student and colleague
    of the late Professor Noa Eshkol who was the co-founder and
    inventor of Eshkol-Wachman Movement Notation.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Sharon Reshef-Armony</ONE>
    <JOKE>Head of the School for the Arts of dance at the
    Kibbutzim College of Education in Tel Aviv. Teaches EWMN,
    dance-theatre and composition. Choreographer of theatre plays and
    film. Selected works: Hunger (Tmuna Theatre 2003-09), Film - Live
    (Haifa Theatre 2007-08), Yakish &amp; Pupche (Gesher Theatre
    2007-09), Children of a lesser God (Beer Sheva Theatre 2008-09).
    M.Ed (1997) from Lesley College MA in Creative Arts in Learning.
    Doctoral student at ResCen, Middlesex University/ London.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1990.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Tally Ronen</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.Ed. at Lesley University in Integrating Arts in
    Educational instructor at Kibbutzim College of Education and
    teaching dance in schools and at Clore Center, Upper Galilee. Dance
    choreographer for children.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1991.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Nira Al-Dor, Ph.D</ONE>
    <JOKE>20 years of Teaching EWMN at the School of the
    Dance Arts in Kibbuzim College of Education and at the School of
    Arts in Tel Aviv. Her study was focused on the impact of learning
    EWMN on the development of coordination.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1986.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Henner Drewes</ONE>
    <JOKE>Lectures at the Kibbutzim College of Education in
    Tel Aviv on dance and notation related technology. In 2008 he
    started working as a research assistant at Salzburg University in
    the project Visualizing Dance Archives.
    He was awarded the Tanzwissenschaftwpreis NRW, Germany 2006
    for his research on 3D representation of movement and notation.
    Ph.D. (2002) at the University of Leipzig. He is the author
    of the software EW Notator, a 'word-processor' for creating EWMN
    <ONE>Shlomit Ofer</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. at Haifa University at the Faculty of
    Education with distinction, and currently doctoral student there.
    Educational instructor and teacher of EWMN at Kibbutzim
    College of Education. Staging performances of dance theatre in the
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1993.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Lilach Shalit</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. in Expressive Therapies with specialization
    in dance-movement therapy at Lesley University.
    Educational instructor and teacher of EWMN in the course for
    Dance-Theatre at Kibbutzim College of Education. Also teaching EWMN
    in the School for Advanced Studies of the college, course for
    Learning Disabilities, and at Orot College.
    Dance-movement therapist and team coordinator at 'Tom' school
    for learning disabilities and owner of a private clinic for
    dance-movement therapy.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1998.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Michal Manor-Amir</ONE>
    <JOKE>M.A. at the University of Leeds (Bretton Hall
    College and Israel Extention) in Arts Education specialization in
    Dance. Doctoral student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in
    the Faculty of Humanities, the School of Education.
    Teaching movement in the Kibbutzim College of Education
    within preparatory courses of Dance, Dance-Theatre and within the
    Preschool course.
    A corrective teacher through movement and EWMN in elementary
    and high schools, and a national teacher-instructor at the dance
    supervisor's office in the Israeli ministry of education.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 1998.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Amit Chesny-Bahari</ONE>
    <JOKE>B.Ed. at Kibbutzim College of Education.
    Teaching movement and dance to preschool and high school
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 2004.</JOKE>
    <ONE>Orly Yaakov</ONE>
    <JOKE>B.Ed. at Kibbutzim College of Education, and
    graduating from the special education faculty.
    Teaching EWMN and creative movement at elementary schools as
    well as special education school for children ages 6-21 with medium
    to deep retardation. Also teaching creative movement and
    preparation for ballet to preschool children.
    Dancing in Rikudnetto group since 2006.</JOKE>
    COLOR: #333333;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    WHITE-SPACE: normal;
    font-size: 11px;
    MARGIN-BOTTOM: 15px;
    COLOR: #990000;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-SIZE: 11pt;
    FONT-WEIGHT: bold;
    COLOR: #00CCFF;
    DISPLAY: block;
    LINE-HEIGHT: normal;
    MARGIN-BOTTOM: 10px;
    TEXT-ALIGN: left;
    font-size: 11px;
    text-decoration: underline;
    font-weight: bold;
    COLOR: #00CCFF;
    DISPLAY: block;
    LINE-HEIGHT: normal;
    TEXT-ALIGN: left;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    white-space: normal;
    COLOR: red;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: Arial;
    FONT-SIZE: larger;
    FONT-VARIANT: normal
    COLOR: black;
    DISPLAY: block;
    FONT-FAMILY: 'Arial Black';
    FONT-SIZE: 14pt
    FONT-FAMILY: Arial;
    FONT-SIZE: 8pt;
    FONT-VARIANT: small-caps;
    TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase

    In essence you can just do:
    TextField.text = XML.node1 + XML.node2;

  • Bold 9930 - dead and flashing red light

    Bold - Verizon 9930, died with flashing red light, non-responsive. Can connect wtih loader, re-loading latest OS for Verizon (7.1.0_rel1737_PL5.1.0.429_A7.1.0.580_Verizon_Wireless) Load fails with "application loader was unable to connect with your device" when it tries to connect with the JVM. I have tried:- fully charged known good battery (tested in another 9930)- wiping device- start without battery, insert battery when JVM message comes up- both BB desktop and Loader directly- two different PCs (no change)- different USB ports- older version of BB OS for device- many, many iterations... All end with "application loader was unable to connect with your device" Is the device scrap?  If so why?  It's not even 2 years old, out of warranty, and apparently now totally worthless.  This one is the CEO's Blackberry, and he's not happy...  If I can't resolve this, it will be the very last BB to ever see the inside of our company.  This is the second 9930 to die this way in the last 4 weeks.    

    truckin-on wrote:
    Does RIM care about these failure issues at all I wonder?
    If you were hoping for a response from RIM, you have misunderstood the purpose of these forums. These are not a channel for any communications with, support from, nor escalation to RIM for anything. Rather, these are a user-to-user community of volunteers trying to help each other out amidst their own busy lives. So patience perhaps would be a good thing to have...
    Nevertheless, please try this sequence...note that, throughout the entire 4h15m process, your BB must remain connected to a known-good wall charger (not PC USB):
    With the battery inside, connect your BB to the wall charger
    Leave it alone for 2 hours, no matter what the LED or the display does
    Remove the battery
    Wait 15 minutes
    Insert the battery
    Wait another 2 hours, no matter what the LED or the display does
    This has been known to "kick start" some BBs.
    While you've already validated that your battery is good, I don't think you've tried the first part of this test:
    Obtain a known good and already fully charged additional battery...use it in your BB and see what happens
    Obtain access to a known good and identical BB...use your battery in it and see what happens
    The results of this will indicate if it's your BB or your battery that has the problem.
    While perhaps redundant to what you've already attempted, here are a few more things to try:
    KB10144 How to force the detection of the BlackBerry smartphone using Application Loader
    KB27956 How to recover a BlackBerry smartphone from any state
    Since you are out of warranty, your next step I suppose would be to seek in-hand support from a qualified technician to give you a proper diagnosis. Doing such at this internet distance is quite a challenge and therefore cannot replace in-hand evaluation and diagnosis.
    Good luck and let us know!

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