'less' (lt) - sign in a xsql query

How to escape a < or > sign in a query?
I got the error: Invalid Character in name.

Simply typing "Test <test> test" into a frame and exporting that yields
<ParaStyle:Body>Test \<test\> test
and reading it back into ID gives the expected result.

Similar Messages

  • Using '(' and less than operator in an xsql page sql query

    Dear All,
    I tried to use left parenthesis '(' and less than operator in an sql query through an xsql page, it doesn't let to use them.
    Do you know how to use those in an xsql page?
    Thanks for your help.

    Following is the xsql page that I tried to run:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql" connection = "bib" rowset-element="bib" row-element="book">
    (SELECT year,title,last,first,' ' as affiliation,publisher,price
    FROM book,author
    WHERE year=2001 and bookid=parentid
    SELECT year,title,last,first,affiliation,publisher,price
    FROM book,editor
    WHERE year=2001 and bookid=parentid)
    (SELECT year,title,last,first,' ' as affiliation,publisher,price
    FROM book,author
    WHERE publisher='Publisher1' and bookid=parentid
    SELECT year,title,last,first,affiliation,publisher,price
    FROM book,editor
    WHERE publisher='Publisher1' and bookid=parentid)
    This is the error message generated after running:
    <ERROR>java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01009: missing mandatory parameter</ERROR>
    When I remove the parentheses it works but this results in a different result set.
    Can anybody tell me the reason?

  • XMLElement not returning XML with xsql:query

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    <page xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql" connection="HOM_WISP">
    <xsql:query row-element=""     rowset-element="STATEMENT">
    XMLElement("GROUP", XMLAttributes(gst_group AS GSTGroup,
    display_group AS DisplayGroup),
    earnings)))).getClobVal() as PAYMENTITEM
    FROM ws_cntr_statement_vw
    GROUP BY gst_group, display_group
    When XML is returned only the out most XML as follows the inner elements are text. I truncated the output but you can see that GROUP and PAYMENTDETAIL are not elements but text. I want them all to be elements.

    Sorry I guess I haven't explained very well. When I am issuing the SELECT statement which uses XMLElement I have to convert output to string in order to have a column alais PAYMENTITEM. It is then not reconnized as XML in the
    xsql:query call
    If I do not assign a alias to query I get following error
    oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Character ',' is not allowed in an XML tag
    If I assign without using getClobVal() I get this error
    oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Conversion to String failed
    If I then use the getClobVal() to assign column alias it appears as if entire result set is now a string then <> tag delimiters are now show with "&lt" signs instead.

  • Problem with xsql:query

    I'm having a problem with the following simple XSQL document:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query connection="xsqltest" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    SELECT concat(concat(forename, ' '), surname) AS Name
    , d.name AS Department
    FROM emp, dept d
    WHERE emp.dept_no = d.id
    ORDER BY surname
    </xsql:query>When I transform this using the command line xsql, it produces the following (as expected):
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    <ROW num="1">
    <Name>Cindy Delight</Name>
    <ROW num="2">
    <Name>Adrian Rue</Name>
    <Department>Product Development</Department>
    <ROW num="3">
    <Name>Dwight Dweeb</Name>
    </ROWSET>However, when I access the same page through my browser, the output is:
    <?xml version = '1.0'?>
    SELECT concat(concat(forename, ' '), surname) AS Name
    , d.name AS Department
    FROM emp, dept d
    WHERE emp.dept_no = d.id
    ORDER BY surname
    </xsql:query>(this is the same as the input document, except the namespace declaration has been stripped out, making the XML invalid).
    I've tried including other xsql tags in the same document (e.g. xsql:include-xsql), these seem to work fine. Also, if I change the connect details, XSQL fails as expected, so it would appear xsql is being invoked by Tomcat (.xsql is mapped to the servlet), and XSQL successfully connecting to the database.
    My setup is slightly unusual: I'm trying to use XSQL with MySQL 3.23.32 using the mm.mysql 2.0.4 JDBC drivers. This is running on Tomcat 3.2.1 with JDK 1.3 (OJVM 1.2.330). But, since it works with the command line xsql, I'm at a loss as to why it's misbehaving through the servlet engine only... any ideas?

    Even more confusing - the same .xsql document works fine with WebToGo - so I guess this is a Tomcat problem, somehow... Just can't understand why xsql:include-xsql works and xsql:query doesn't.

  • Object types return hex characters with xsql:query

    How do I use xsql servlet to return an object which contains street address etc. as a character string and not a hexadecimal string. If I use the following ddl and implement the following xsql, I get the following results.
    CREATE TYPE address_objtyp AS object
    (street VARCHAR(30),city VARCHAR(30),state VARCHAR(2));
    CREATE TABLE employees(
    first_name VARCHAR(30),
    last_name VARCHAR(30),
    address address_objtyp);
    INSERT INTO employees VALUES (
    103, 'Fred', 'Couples',
    address_objtyp('9201 Park St', 'Alexandria', 'VA'));
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query null-indicator="yes" connection="demo"
    allow-client-style="yes" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    select * from employees
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <ROWSET xsql-timing="20">
    - <ROW num="1">
    - <ADDRESS>
    I'm using the most recent jdbc thin driver (ojdbc14.jar) that is for jdk 1.4. I'm using a 9.0.1 db, and I'm using xdk for java So I thought that the thin driver is not capable, so I tried the oci driver, and find another set of problems.
    I get the following error:
    Oracle XDK Java Production
    XSQL-017: Unexpected Error Occurred
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc8 in java.library.path
    Now why does XDK insist to look for ocijdbc8 if I only have ocijdbc9.dll installed on my client? The config file only allows oci8 in the dburl specification, which is probably why XDK insists to look for ocijdbc8, but I CANNOT specify oci9, which would make sense to me, although it's most likely not a valid specification.
    <connection name="9ic">
    And lastly documentation that comes with ojdbc14.jar indicates to now use a different specification for the jdbc thin driver. Instead of the usual
    it recommends
    however this does not work with XDK Any ideas why not?
    By the way if I use SQL*Plus and select * from employees, I get the desired result in SQL*Plus, which suggests to me that I DO need the oci driver for XSQL Servlet. So how do I get XSQL Servlet to use the oci 9 driver. I know how to set wrapper.path in the servlet config file to find ocijdbc9.dll, but XSQL Servlet still wants to find ocijdbc8.
    I sense that there is a bug hidden somewhere in the XDK kit.

    How do I use xsql servlet to return an object which contains street address etc. as a character string and not a hexadecimal string. If I use the following ddl and implement the following xsql, I get the following results.
    CREATE TYPE address_objtyp AS object
    (street VARCHAR(30),city VARCHAR(30),state VARCHAR(2));
    CREATE TABLE employees(
    first_name VARCHAR(30),
    last_name VARCHAR(30),
    address address_objtyp);
    INSERT INTO employees VALUES (
    103, 'Fred', 'Couples',
    address_objtyp('9201 Park St', 'Alexandria', 'VA'));
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsql:query null-indicator="yes" connection="demo"
    allow-client-style="yes" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    select * from employees
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    - <ROWSET xsql-timing="20">
    - <ROW num="1">
    - <ADDRESS>
    I'm using the most recent jdbc thin driver (ojdbc14.jar) that is for jdk 1.4. I'm using a 9.0.1 db, and I'm using xdk for java So I thought that the thin driver is not capable, so I tried the oci driver, and find another set of problems.
    I get the following error:
    Oracle XDK Java Production
    XSQL-017: Unexpected Error Occurred
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ocijdbc8 in java.library.path
    Now why does XDK insist to look for ocijdbc8 if I only have ocijdbc9.dll installed on my client? The config file only allows oci8 in the dburl specification, which is probably why XDK insists to look for ocijdbc8, but I CANNOT specify oci9, which would make sense to me, although it's most likely not a valid specification.
    <connection name="9ic">
    And lastly documentation that comes with ojdbc14.jar indicates to now use a different specification for the jdbc thin driver. Instead of the usual
    it recommends
    however this does not work with XDK Any ideas why not?
    By the way if I use SQL*Plus and select * from employees, I get the desired result in SQL*Plus, which suggests to me that I DO need the oci driver for XSQL Servlet. So how do I get XSQL Servlet to use the oci 9 driver. I know how to set wrapper.path in the servlet config file to find ocijdbc9.dll, but XSQL Servlet still wants to find ocijdbc8.
    I sense that there is a bug hidden somewhere in the XDK kit.

  • Lower case tag names in XSQL query

    XSQL queries appear to default all column tag names to upper case, even when you specifically use lower case characters. Is there any way to get them into lower case?
    For example,
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <test connection="devel" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <xsql:query rowset-element="" row-element="" null-indicator="yes">
    select 'hello' as hi from dual
    Results in,
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    I would really like to get <HI> to <hi>...

    You can also preserve case by putting quotes around the column alias:
    For example,
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <test connection="devel" xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql">
    <xsql:query rowset-element="" row-element="" null-indicator="yes">
    select 'hello' as "hi"
    , 'Hello' as "Hi"
    , 'HELLO' as "HI"
    from dual
    This way you can also get mixed case.

  • Encoding issue with " " Less than sign

    Hello Experts,
       I am working on Receiver Webservice scenario where I am facing issue with "<" less than sign. SAP XI system automatically replace it with "&#60;" sign. I can see the changed value in Audit log of communication channel.
    Web service is not able to accept the data and I can see error message in audit log
    SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAPEXCEPTION - soap fault: Server was unable to read request. ---> There is an error in XML document (1, 573). ---> The specified node cannot be inserted as the valid child of this node, because the specified node is the wrong type._
    When I check the payload in audit log I can see the XML structure properly but as I open it in Notepad I can see character code "&#60;" instead of  u201Cless than <u201D symbol.
    Audit log XML file is as given below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <ns1:TurnaroundDetail xmlns:ns1="http://isotrak.com/webservices">
      <ns1:data><Request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><TurnaroundDetail><PlannedJobDepartureDatesFrom="2011-03-01T12:01:23.00" To="2011-03-01T12:07:10.00"/><DepotReference DepotReference="EASTLEIGH"/><DepotReference DepotReference="CHANDLERS"/></TurnaroundDetail></Request></ns1:data>
    When I open it in notepad I can see converted value
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <TurnaroundDetail xmlns='http://isotrak.com/webservices'><sessionid>dcc4adcd-ce8f-403d-a1cf-01fcc5aab066</sessionid><data>&#60;Request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">&#60;TurnaroundDetail>&#60;PlannedJobDepartureDatesFrom="2011-03-02T08:28:29.00" To="2011-03-02T08:38:09.00"/>&#60;DepotReference DepotReference="EASTLEIGH"/>&#60;DepotReference DepotReference="CHANDLERS"/>&#60;/TurnaroundDetail>&#60;/Request></data></TurnaroundDetail>
    I hope this is not caused due to AnonymizerBean configured in receiver SOAP comm channel.
    anonymizer.acceptNamespaces   http://isotrak.com/webservices ''
    anonymizer.encoding  ISO-8859-1 (also tried utf-8)
    anonymizer.quote  ''
    Could you please suggest if I can get rid of "&#60;" character and get < less than sign? Or it is obvious behaviour by SAP XI system w.r.t Encoding and Receiver end needs to decode this character?
    Note: As per Web service requirement whole XML data to be processed by webservice is populated in single Data field. As here we are populating whole XML data file in one field named data
    Thanks in advance.

    Simply typing "Test <test> test" into a frame and exporting that yields
    <ParaStyle:Body>Test \<test\> test
    and reading it back into ID gives the expected result.

  • Error Writing Less Than Sign with FileAdapter

    Looking at the Flow Trace I can that the input variable of the FileAdapter is being populated correctly (XML tags). When looking at the file's contents though, the result of the less than sign is its character entity: '&lt';.
    Is there a way to force it to print the less than sign? Also, why does it write the character entity for the less than sign and not the greater than sign?
    Edited by: oracleistheway on May 24, 2013 6:32 AM

    Hi Arik. Thank you for that information but it is not working. I think it is not working because the DOE feature is done during an XSL process.
    I was able to get my desired result by creating a native file and Delimited type. I then selected File contains only one record and had it delimited by Single Space and no optional delimiter.
    Thank you all for looking at this thread.
    Edited by: oracleistheway on May 26, 2013 10:33 AM

  • XSQL bug  when using CURSOR in xsql:query SELECT statement?

    Hi there,
    When I tested with different XSQL pages, I found out that if I
    did not involve any XSQL pages that contain "CURSOR", I received
    data correctly and when I shut down Tomcat, Oracle DB server did
    NOT create any dump file (???). However, as long as I involve a
    XSQL page which contains "CURSOR", even I received data
    correctly, but when I shut down my Tomcat, Oracle DB server
    created a dump file (???).
    for example, if I involve xsql:query like:
    SELECT emp_name,
    CURSOR( SELECT emp_address
    from address a
    where a.emp_id = b.emp_id)
    FROM employee b
    Once, I involve this xsql page, when I shut down Tomcat, Oracle
    dB will create a dump file on the server.
    Even when I run this xsql page from
    oracle.xml.xsqlXSQLCommandLine, Oracle dB server still create a
    dump file on the server.
    Any idea for help ?

    Is this what you are trying:
        try {
        Statement *stmt = conn->createStatement("SELECT ename AS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa  FROM emp");
          ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery ();
          vector<MetaData> md = rs->getColumnListMetaData ();
          int numCols = md.size ();
          cout<< "Number of columns :" << numCols << endl;
          string *colName = new string [numCols];
          int type = (int ) malloc (numCols);
          for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++ ) {
            int ptype = md [ i ].getInt (MetaData::ATTR_PTYPE);
            if ( ptype == MetaData::PTYPE_COL ) {
              colName[ i ] = md[ i ].getString (MetaData::ATTR_NAME);
              cout<<"Column Name :" << colName[ i ] << endl;
          delete[] colName;
          stmt->closeResultSet (rs);
          conn->terminateStatement (stmt);
        catch (SQLException &ex) {
        }The above snippet works correctly for me.

  • XSQL query output as parameter for next xsql query

    Is it possible to use the output of one xsql query as input parameter for the next xsql query in the same file. I am trying to retreive an id from the query and use it in the next one. I cannot combine all the queries into one, since I intend to make the first query a database function that returns the id I am looking for. I am looking for something like this
    select '1000' as myid
    from dual
    select add1,ro1
    from table1
    where id = {@myid}
    I need the id returned by the first query to be used in the second one. Eventually my first query will be a stored procedure that validates the users rights and on sucess return the following tag <myid> 1000 <myid>.
    Please let me know , how I can achieve my goal of validating a user's priveleges and then executing the second query.

    Hi ,
    Thanks for the response.This works if the first query is a select .
    If the first query was a call to a db procedure that returned the <myid>100<myid> would this still work?
    <xsql:set-page-param name="myid">
    <xsql:include-param name="myid"/>
    select name from mytable where id={@myid}
    I have to use include-owa as the db procedure xyz does some cookie validations and then returns an id based on that. The procedure xyz returns an xml tag of form <myid>100<myid>
    This does not work as the value of myid is not available to the second query.

  • Xsql-query Attributes

    Some of the xsql-query tag attributes in an XSQL page are only available in the XSQL page, not in the Query tag from the component palette.
    1. Create a XSQL page.
    2. Add a Query (xsql-query) tag from the Component Palette. The Query lists some xsql-query tag attributes.
    3. In the XSQL page, the xsql-query tag lists some additional attributes such as page-param, date-format and error-statement that are not listed in the Query frame when the Query tag is selected from the component pallette.

    3. In the XSQL page, the xsql-query tag lists some additional attributes such as bind-params, date-format and error-statement that are not listed in the Query frame when the Query tag is selected from the component pallette.

  • Xsql-query Attributes Bug

    Some of the xsql-query tag attributes in an XSQL page are only available in the XSQL page, not in the Query tag from the component palette.
    1. Create a XSQL page.
    2. Add a Query (xsql-query) tag from the Component Palette. The Query lists some xsql-query tag attributes.
    3. In the XSQL page, the xsql-query tag lists some additional attributes such as page-param, date-format and error-statement that are not listed in the Query frame when the Query tag is selected from the component pallette.

    3. In the XSQL page, the xsql-query tag lists some additional attributes such as bind-params, date-format and error-statement that are not listed in the Query frame when the Query tag is selected from the component pallette.

  • XSQL new feature suggestion: transform="url" for xsql:query

    To the Oracle XML developers:
    I'd like to suggest adding the transform="url" attribute/feature to the <xsql:query> action.
    This would allow one to transform and/or apply XSLT conditional logic to the posted XML before it reaches the <xsql:query> action. A couple of key areas where I think this would be very useful are:
    1. handling multiple HTML parameters of the same name.
    Currently, the only way to handle this in an <xsql:query> action is to call a Java program via <xsql:action> that can parse the rowified parameters of the same name, then transform it in a format suitable for the <xsql:query>.
    2. verifying user session login status for password protected XSQL pages.
    If one could use XSLT to check user authentication BEFORE the <xsql:query> action you could display a login page if the user is not authenticated.
    Since the transform="url" feature is already available for other tags (<xsql:update>, <xsql:delete>, etc) I would think adding this to the <xsql:query> action would not require extensive coding from the Oracle XML development team, and yet this simple but powerful feature could help us users to develop pure XML solutions that don't require calls to external Java actions.

    There would also be able to simply add the "perspective"as in Photoshop, probablyeasier to develop and integrate the interface.

  • xsql:query - Is there a character limit on the SQL contained in the tag?

    Is there a limit to the length of the SQL contained in the
    <xsql:query> tag ?
    I've been very successful with short queries using xsql:query
    tags, however, for longer queries they seem to fail the XML
    Syntax check using JDeveloper 3.2.3.
    The resulting error from the XSQLServlet is XSQL-005 page is not
    well formed with the following:
    XML-0201: (Fatal Error) Expected name instead of .
    XML-0122: (Fatal Error) '=' missing in attribute.
    XML-0125: (Fatal Error) Attribute value should start with quote
    (Posted example 10/16/01)

    Hello Bill,
    >> … to our apex environment (9.2)
    The following might give you some more information on your possible situation -
    Re: Is there a maximum number of characters allowed in PL/SQL Anonymous Blo
    ORA-06550 recieved when trying to modify existing page after 3.1 Apex upg

  • Xsql:query xml error

    I am getting an error when running an xsql:query. I can run simple queries, so it is not a connection porblem. The xml parses in jDeveloper10g so it appears to not be ill-formed XML. I have tried containing the SQL statement in CDATA tags, and tried replacing < and > with their entity references &lt; and & gt; and I have tried both at the same time.
    The Query is as follows
    <page xmlns:xsql="urn:oracle-xsql" connection="V7Test">
    <xsql:query fetch-size="100" max-rows="-1" null-indicator="no" tag-case="lower">
    etr.etr_timesheet_days ts_days,
    etr.etr_timesheet_hours ts_hours,
    etr.etr_timesheet_jobs ts_jobs,
    etr.etr_timesheets ts
    ts_hours.hours != 0
    and (
    (nvl(ts_jobs.corrected_id,0) = 0
    and nvl(ts_hours.corrected_id,0) = 0
    and ts.date_sent_to_pmjcap >=ts_hours.date_entered)
    or (ts.date_sent_to_pmjcap < ts_hours.date_corrected)
    and ts_days.timesheet_day_id = ts_hours.timesheet_day_id
    and (
    (ts_days.period_date in ('01-JAN-03','02-JAN-03','03-JAN-03')
    and ts.period_end_date = '03-JAN-03')
    or (ts_days.period_date in ('27-DEC-03','28-DEC-03','29-DEC-03','30-DEC-03','31-DEC-03')
    and ts.period_end_date = '02-JAN-04')
    and ts_days.timesheet_id = ts.timesheet_id
    and ts_jobs.timesheet_job_id = ts_hours.timesheet_job_id
    and (
    (ts_jobs.job_number in (9719003,9849003,9849001,9719001))
    or (ts_jobs.job_number in (9719333,9849333,9849334,9719334))
    or (ts_jobs.job_number in (9719004,9849004,9719009,9849009))
    or (ts_jobs.job_number in (9719444,9849444,9849445,9719445))
    and ts.timesheet_id = ts_jobs.timesheet_id
    and ts.employee_number = '050405'
    and exists
    substr(job_number,-8) = ts_jobs.job_number
    and date_incurred = ts.period_end_date
    and emp_clock = lpad('050405',6,0)
    group by
    The Error I get is as follows
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    - <!--
    | Uncomment the following processing instruction and replace
    | the stylesheet name to transform output of your XSQL Page using XSLT
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="YourStylesheet.xsl" ?>
    - <page>
    <error>oracle.xml.sql.OracleXMLSQLException: Character ')' is not allowed in an XML tag name.</error>
    I think it is parsing a '<' as a tag delimiter.
    Anyone have a similiar problem? a workaround?

    I found the answer. The problem is the selected 'column' sum(ts_jobs.period_hours). Apparently, the XSQL servlet attempts to assign the value 'sum(ts_jobs.period_hours)' directly to an XML element.total_hours. That fails.
    The work-around is to use an alias. This code works
    sum(ts_jobs.period_hours) total_hours,
    A fix to the XSQL servlet would be in order, perhaps adding a CDATA container around 'columns' that are are normal SQL functions.

Maybe you are looking for

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