Libgnome and bonono dependency issues

There is some kind of "unresolved dependency" issues in some packages. For example see
This thread should help to fine the evils root. Until now it's seems to be a problem of libgnome, but may be we are wrong yet.
First of all, here is the output of 'pacman -Qe' from a system were terminator is running fine under gnome:
acl 2.2.49-2
acpi 1.5-1
alsa-utils 1.0.23-3
android-ndk r5-1
android-sdk r09-5
apache-ant 1.8.2-1
argouml 0.30.2-1
arj 3.10.22-5
attr 2.4.44-2
audacity 1.3.12-3
autoconf 2.68-1
automake 1.11.1-2
avant-window-navigator 0.4.0-10
bash 4.1.009-3
bash-completion 1.3-1
bin86 0.16.17-5
binutils 2.21-3
bison 2.4.3-1
brasero 2.32.1-1
bzip2 1.0.6-1
bzr 2.2.2-2
ccrypt 1.9-1
ccsm 0.8.4-2
cdrkit 1.1.11-1
cnetworkmanager 0.21.1-3
compiz-decorator-gtk 0.8.6-2
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra 0.8.6-1
compiz-fusion-plugins-main 0.8.6-1
conky 1.8.1-2
coreutils 8.10-1
cpio 2.11-2
cppcheck 1.46.1-1
cracklib 2.8.18-1
cryptsetup 1.2.0-1
cups 1.4.6-1
cups-pdf 2.5.0-1
cxxtest 3.10.1-4
db 5.1.19-3
dbus 1.4.1-1
dbus-core 1.4.1-1
dcron 4.4-2
device-mapper 2.02.82-2
dhcpcd 5.2.10-1
dialog 1.1_20110118-1
diffutils 3.0-2
dosbox 0.74-1
dosfstools 3.0.10-1
driconf 0.9.1-5
e2fsprogs 1.41.14-1
easytag 2.1.6-3
eog 2.32.1-1
evince 2.32.0-7
faenza-icon-theme 0.8-1
fakeroot 1.14.5-1
fbxkb 0.6-1
figlet 2.2.3-1
file 5.05-1
filesystem 2010.12-1
findutils 4.4.2-3
flex 2.5.35-4
fuseiso 20070708-2
galculator 1.3.4-2
gamin 0.1.10-4
gartoon-redux-icon-theme 1.10-1
gawk 3.1.8-2
gcc 4.5.2-6
gcc-libs 4.5.2-6
gdb 7.2-2
gdbm 1.8.3-8
gdmap 0.8.1-2
gen-init-cpio 2.6.36-1
gimp 2.6.11-2
git 1.7.4-1
glibc 2.13-1
glproto 1.4.12-1
glsof 0.9.16-5
gnome-backgrounds 2.32.0-1
gnome-control-center 2.32.1-1
gnome-desktop 2.32.1-1
gnome-icon-theme 2.31.0-1
gnome-keyring 2.32.1-1
gnome-menus 2.30.5-1
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-4
gnome-panel 2.32.1-2
gnome-power-manager 2.32.0-1
gnome-session 2.32.1-1
gnome-settings-daemon 2.32.1-2
gnome2-user-docs 2.32.0-1
graphviz 2.26.3-2
grep 2.7-1
groff 1.21-1
grsync 1.1.1-1
grub2 1.98-5
gstreamer0.10-base-plugins 0.10.32-2
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.11-1
gstreamer0.10-good 0.10.27-1
gtk-engines 2.20.2-1
gtk-theme-murrine-unity 0.7-1
gvfs-smb 1.6.6-1
gzip 1.4-2
hd2u 1.0.3-1
hdparm 9.36-1
htop 0.9-1
hunspell-de 20100727-1
hunspell-en 7.0-1
hunspell-ru 0.99g5-3
inetutils 1.8-2
initscripts 2010.07-2
iperf 2.0.5-1
iputils 20101006-1
jfsutils 1.1.14-2
jperf 2.0.2-2
kbd 1.15.2-1
ktsuss 1.4-2
laptop-mode-tools 1.55-2
less 436-2
libarchive 2.8.4-2
libdvdcss 1.2.10-2
libfetch 2.33-1
libgcrypt 1.4.6-1
libgpg-error 1.9-2
libpcap 1.1.1-2
libsigsegv 2.6-1
libtool 2.4-2
libusb 1.0.8-1
libzip 0.9.3-1
licenses 2.6-1
linux-api-headers 2.6.37-1
linux-firmware 20110201-1
logrotate 3.7.9-1
lsdvd 0.16-4
lvm2 2.02.82-2
lxappearance 0.5.0-1
lxdm 0.3.0-1
lzo2 2.04-1
m4 1.4.15-1
mailx 8.1.1-7
make 3.81-5
man-db 2.5.9-1
man-pages 3.32-1
mc 4.7.4-1
mdadm 3.1.4-1
medit 1.0.0-1
meld 1.4.0-3
metacity 2.30.3-1
midori 0.3.0-1
mingw32-gcc 4.5.2-1
mingw32-w32api 3.15-1
mkinitcpio 0.6.8-1
mlocate 0.23.1-2
moc 2.4.4-3
module-init-tools 3.12-2
mp3unicode 1.2-4
namcap 2.7-1
nano 2.2.6-1
ncdu 1.7-1
ncurses 5.7-4
net-tools 1.60-14
netbeans 6.9.1-1
netcfg 2.5.4-1
network-manager-applet 0.8.2-2
networkmanager 0.8.3-0.20110113
nitrogen 1.5.1-1
notification-daemon 0.4.0-4
ntfs-3g 2011.1.15-1
ogle 0.9.2-12
openal 1.12.854-2
openjdk6 6.b20_1.9.5-1
openldap 2.4.23-4
openntpd 3.9p1-13
openssh 5.8p1-1
ortp 0.16.3-1
p7zip 9.13-2
pacman 3.4.3-1
pacman-mirrorlist 20101223-1
pam 1.1.3-1
parcellite 0.9.3-1
patch 2.6.1-2
pciutils 3.1.7-3
pcmciautils 017-1
pcre 8.12-1
perl 5.12.3-1
pkg-config 0.25-3
pmtools 20101124-1
poppler 0.16.2-2
poppler-data 0.4.4-1
popt 1.16-3
powertop 1.13-2
preload 0.6.4-2
procinfo-ng 2.0.304-2
procps 3.2.8-3
psmisc 22.13-1
pwgen 2.06-2
pycrypto 2.3-1
python-dateutil 1.5-2
python-notify 0.1.1-8
python-rsvg 2.32.0-4
qt 4.7.1-3
readline 6.1.002-2
reiserfsprogs 3.6.21-3
samba 3.5.6-1
sdparm 1.06-1
sed 4.2.1-3
splix 2.0.0-7
sshfs 2.2-3
strace 4.5.20-1
streamripper 1.64.6-1
subversion 1.6.15-1
sudo 1.7.4.p6-1
sweethome3d 3.0-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-5
syslog-ng 3.2.1-1
system-config-printer-gnome 1.2.6-1
sysvinit 2.88-2
tar 1.25-1
tcp_wrappers 7.6-12
tcpdump 4.1.1-1
terminator 0.95-2
testdisk 6.11.3-3
texinfo 4.13a-5
thunderbird-de 3.1.7-1
thunderbird-ru 3.1.7-1
transcode 1.1.5-5
transmission-gtk 2.13-1
ttf-dejavu 2.32-2
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-7
twf-unofficial 0.4-1
tzdata 2010o-1
ubuntulooks 0.9.12-2
udev 165-1
unrar 4.0.6-1
unzip 6.0-5
upm 1.6-1
usbutils 001-2
util-linux-ng 2.18-4
valgrind 3.6.0-3
vi 050325-3
vim 7.3.102-1
vlc 1.1.7-2
vlc-plugin 1.1.7-2
volti 0.2.3-1
wget 1.12-2
which 2.20-4
wine 1.3.13-1
wings-bin 1.2-1
wireshark-gtk 1.4.3-1
worldofgoo 1.41-2
wpa_supplicant 0.7.3-1
wxformbuilder 3.1.70-1
xarchiver 0.5.2-1
xcursor-neutralplus 1.2-2
xf86-input-synaptics 1.3.0-2
xf86-video-intel 2.14.0-1
xfsprogs 3.1.4-1
xinetd 2.3.14-6
xmms2 0.7DrNo-8
xorg-server 1.9.4-1
xorg-xinit 1.3.0-2
xterm 267-1
yelp 2.30.2-1
zim 0.49-1
zip 3.0-1.1
zlib 1.2.5-3

In case anyone is interrested, here is the section of my pacman log during the "cleaning" that resulted in being able to use terminator without python2-bonobo.
[2011-02-08 12:03] Running 'pacman -Rs thunar-vfs'
[2011-02-08 12:03] Running 'pacman -Rs thunar-vfs squeeze'
[2011-02-08 12:03] removed squeeze (0.2.3-4)
[2011-02-08 12:04] removed thunar-vfs (1.2.0-2)
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs libgnome'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox'
[2011-02-08 12:04] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox'
[2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome'
[2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome mysql-gui-tools libbonoboui'
[2011-02-08 12:05] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui'
[2011-02-08 12:07] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui gsynaptics mysql-gui-tools'
[2011-02-08 12:07] Running 'pacman -Rs hal gnome-vfs python2-gnomevfs python2-libgnome rhythmbox libgnome libbonoboui libgnomeui gsynaptics mysql-gui-tools baobab gnucash'
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gnucash (2.2.9-10)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed slib (3b3-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libofx (0.9.1-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed opensp (1.5.2-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed goffice (0.8.12-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] Updating Font Cache
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed baobab (2.4.2-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed mysql-gui-tools (5.0r14-4)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gtkhtml (3.32.1-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gsynaptics (0.9.16-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed rhythmbox (0.13.3-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed totem-plparser (2.32.2-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gconf (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-mako (0.3.4-4)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-markupsafe (0.9.2-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python-beaker (1.5.4-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed media-player-info (12-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgpod (0.8.0-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed mutagen (1.20-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libdmapsharing (2.1.8-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed json-glib (0.12.2-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gvfs-afc (1.6.6-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libimobiledevice (1.0.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed usbmuxd (1.0.6-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libplist (1.3-2)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-libgnome (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-bonobo (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed pyorbit (2.24.0-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gnomecanvas (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnomeui (2.24.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libbonoboui (2.24.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnomecanvas (2.30.3-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnome (2.32.0-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libgnome-data (2.32.0-3)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed python2-gnomevfs (2.28.1-7)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed libbonobo (2.32.0-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed gnome-vfs (2.24.4-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed hal (0.5.14-6)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] removed dmidecode (2.11-1)
[2011-02-08 12:08] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
[2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -S ha'
[2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -S hal'
[2011-02-08 12:09] installed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
[2011-02-08 12:09] installed dmidecode (2.11-1)
[2011-02-08 12:09] installed hal (0.5.14-6)
[2011-02-08 12:09] Running 'pacman -Rs hal'
[2011-02-08 12:09] removed hal (0.5.14-6)
[2011-02-08 12:09] removed hal-info (0.20091130-1)
[2011-02-08 12:09] removed dmidecode (2.11-1)

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    To issue 1: The report contains a report band called report footer. thsi is always at the last page. The report footer band initially is collapsed, so you have to expand it by dragging the last band divider.
    To issue 2: I guess this is a page break calculating error when detail data reaches really near the page footer area.
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    Hi, I posted a more in detail thread about this on the UE4 forums.

    Are you using a Gmail account on both Outlook PC client and on the phone? Is it an IMAP account?
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    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    There's a lot of DLLs involved because ODP.NET relies on the Oracle client being installed as well.
    You can do it the hard way and download "depends.exe" (Dependency Checker) from a windows tools site, or you can just reinstall ODAC. It's probably easier and safer to just install ODAC.
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    1. You only pasted one log file (log0.log?), there is another more important log file: ExtensionManager.log you dind't paste.
    2. Have you removed ALL mxi files from ALL subfolders of BOTH "C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store" AND "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\EM Store" to separate folder? If yes, Extension Manager shouldn't hang.
    3. Please make sure you have "Full control" permission to ""C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Configuration\DB\ExMan.db" and "C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Extension Manager CS6\Configuration\DB\ExManUser.db". You can check it in "Security" tab page of "Properties" dialog box.

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    Hi JadeyMU,
    How do you have your Microsoft Exchange account configured on your BlackBerry Z10? Are you using ActiveSync, BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), IMAP or POP?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    2.  Because of the software update, the Audio/Video setting for HDMI had the options to toggle between Auto, RGBy, RGBhi & RGBlo bandwidth.  I believe this was in place to make the HDMI interface output as component with higher or lower bandwidth but the newer update will ONLY give you the Auto option (!!!)
    3.  They had this directly Ethernet wired and not through Wireless network and were recieving the all the full bar strength signals.  On the box that I returned, eventhough I have 18 Mbps speed at the house (any given time of the day), the Network speed test was taking a long time.  Moreover, after the Apple TV network test, it doesn't spit out the outcome of the tests (a BIG bummer and useless for testing).
    Anyways, I took the new box and hooked it up directly to my SONY BRAVIA XBR3 TV to one of the HDMI ports, disabled the feature to send or recieve data to Apple directly and did NOT update the software.  It worked fine and have tested all of the options.  From what I have read so far (I have only spent 30 hours of my weekend on this when Apple product hookups are supposed to take 5 minutes ONLY), there is NO guarantee that it will work continuously as people have had things work on them for 6 months and then suddenly have the HDCP issues.
    Will wait to see....if it continues to work....

    I figured it out. Had to go to general settings on the main screen and restart. Synch of audio is much better.

  • I have a serious (and bizarre!) issue with my novation impulse (Although i've tried it with two other keyboards and i still have the same problem) and its compatibility with mainstage 3

    i have a serious (and bizarre!) issue with my novation impulse (Although i've tried it with two other keyboards and i still have the same problem) and its compatibility with mainstage 3.
    the problem is best explained on the following one - page thread:
    (Clearly i'm not alone in this problem, although i think i figured out what's going wrong a little more than he on!)
    his solution, to put mainstage in jump mode, is very unsatisfactory to me, as it bounces all of a sudden to drastically different settings.
    basically, my analysis is that my controller is NOT receiving MIDI date from mainstage.  in other words, mainstage knows what my controller is doing, but my controller doens't know what mainstage is doing.
     let's say i turn the knob all the way to the right ... 127...and the virtual fader goes to the right like it's supposed to.'s say i change to a different patch, where that same VIRTUAL fader is not at the max clockwise position..maybe it's only at 1pm.  now when i turn the physical knob to the RIGHT, the midi data is still at 127 on the controller!  it didn't "reset" to sync up with the new level (say 80 or so) setting on the new patch.  so i can't increase that new setting of 80 by continuing to turn the knob to the right.  i have to turn it all the way to zero,...and then continue PAST zero until the controller thinks that IT is at that point the controller and mainstage are in agreement, and things work bascially, the keyboard thinks the level is at max...but mainstage thinks the level is at 1pm.
    i am using Logic 9, and i have a macbook pro 2.9 Ghz I7 with 8 gigs of memory and OS X 10.8.4

    Hi Josh,
    Thanks for taking the time to contact us here a Novation for technical support. Lets continue to correspond via email so we can get your issue resolved.
    Mike Towns

  • Interesting and an  imporatant issue at sales order schedule line.

    hi all,
    interesting and an  imporatant issue at sales order schedule line.
    i created a sales order with 10 qty.and the system proposed a two schedule lines.
    let's say to order created date is 27.11.2008.and the requested delivery date is 27.11.2008.
    but the stock is not available today then the system proposed two more schedule lines apart from the now there are three schedule lines like below.
    schedule line date                      Material availabilyt date   delivery date                   
    27.10.2008 with zero quantity.     
    28.10.2008 with 5 qty.                28.10.2008                     29.10.2008
    02.10.2008 with 5 qty.                02.10.2008                     03.10.2008
    now the delivery and pgi already for the schedule line 28.10.2008.
    then when i run the availability check on 01.11.2008 system is over writing the material vailability date as today at the scheduleline number two.
    now i can able to view only two schedule lines only.
    schedule line date                      Material availabilyt date   delivery date                   
    28.10.2008 with 5 qty.                01.11.2008                     29.10.2008
    02.10.2008 with 5 qty.                01.11.2008                     02.11.2008
    now my concern when we reschedule the avalability check it should notchange the Material availability date of the schedule line which i already delivered.

    can any one repsond for this.....

  • I downloaded CS6 and am having issues with my print driver. It is not compatible with the HP 2600n and have tried to download drivers given to me by adobe ( (Jupiter 3) but it is not working. after a few days. Its a temporary fix and is still looking for

    I downloaded CS6 and am having issues with my print driver. It is not compatible with the HP 2600n and have tried to download drivers given to me by adobe ( (Jupiter 3) but it is not working. after a few days. Its a temporary fix and is still looking for the HP driver when i boot up. It also will not save in any print or postscript format. Does anyone know how to fix?
    Currently use a Mac with the latest Mavericks 10.9.4

        Oh boy! Acting kind of weird seems to be an understatement, aquaequus!
    What type of troubleshooting were we able to do with you? I want to make sure that we can get some sort of resolution for this problem.
    It is quite possible the battery door may get your phone in working order again. I'm not sure if the store has it in stock, but it is available in our warehouse for $14.99 which can be ordered via customer service.
    Tamara H.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Just bought a new iPhone and am having trouble with iTunes and App Store. I can log in to Cloud, iTunes, and app store but once I try to download, it says "Youe apple id has been disabled". I've reset my password three times and have no issue on my Pad.

    Just bought a new iPhone and am having trouble with iTunes and App Store. I can log in to Cloud, iTunes, and app store but once I try to download, it says "Youe apple id has been disabled". I've reset my password three times and have no issue on my Pad.

    Hi FuzzyDunlopIsMe,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    It's possible that resetting your password multiple times has triggered this security.  Click on the link below for assistance with your Apple ID Account:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    Here is some additional information regarding your Apple ID:
    Apple ID: 'This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons' alert appears
    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    Click on My Apple ID to access and edit your account.
    - Judy

  • The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Profile and Device Manager Issues

    The following article also applies to issues after re-setting the severs' hostname. It also applies to situations where re-setting the Code Signing Certifictateas described by Apple has not resolved the issue.
    I have been plagued with Profile Manager and Device Manager issues since day one.
    I would like to share my experience and to suggest a way how to resolve issues such as device cannot be enrolled or Code Signing Certificate not accepted.
    I shall try to be as brief as possible, just giving an overview of the steps that resolved my issues. The individual steps have been described elsewhere in this forum. For users who have purchased commercial SSL certs the following may not apply.
    In my view many of these issues are caused by missing or faulty certificates. So let us first touch on the very complex matter of certificates.
    Certificates come in many flavours such as CA (Certificate Authority), Code Signing Certificate, S/MIME and Server Identification.
    (Mountain?) Lion Server creates a so-called Intermediate CA certificate (IntermediateCA_hostname_1") and Server Identification Certificate ("hostname") when it installs first. This is critical for the  operation of many server functionalities, including Open Direcory. These certs together with the private/public keys can be found in your Keychain. Profile  and Device Manager may need a Code Signing Certificate.
    The most straightforward way to resolve the Profile Manaher issues is in my view to reset the server created certicates.
    The bad news is that this procedure involves quite a few steps and at least 2 hours of your precious time because it means creating a fresh Direcory Master.
    I hope that I have not forgotten to mention an important step. Readers' comments and addenda are welcome.
    I shall outline a sensible strategy:
    1. Clone your dysfunctional server to an external harddrive (SuperDuper does a reliable job)
    2. Start the server fom the clone and shut down ALL services.
    3. It may be sensible to set up a root user access.
    4. Back-up all user data such as addess book, calendar and other data that you *may* need to set up your server.
    5. Open Workgroup Manager and export all user and workgroup accounts to the drive that you using to re-build your server (it may cause problems if you back-up to an external drive).
    6. Just in case you may also want to back-up the Profile Manager database and erase user profiles:
    In Terminal (this applies to Lion Server - paths may be diferent in Mountain Lion !)
    Backup: sudo pg_dump -U _postgres -c device_management > $HOME/device_management.sql
    Erase database:
    sudo /usr/share/devicemgr/backend/
    7. Note your Directory (diradmin) password for later if you want to re-use it.
    8. Open Open Server Admin and demote OD Master to Standalone Directory.
    9. In Terminal delete the old Certificate Authority
    sudo rm -R /var/root/Library/Application\ Support/Certificate\ Authority/
    This step is crucial because else re-building you OD Master will fail.
    9. Go back to Server Admin and promote the Standalone Directory to OD Master. You may want to use the same hostname.
    10. When the OD Master is ready click on Overview and check that the LDAP and Keberos Realm reflect your server's hostname.
    11. Go back to Workgroup Manager and re-import users and groups.
    NOTE: passwords are not being exported. I do not know how to salvage user passwords. (Maybe passwords can be recovered by re-mporting an OD archive - comments welcome! ).
    12. Go to Server App and reset passwords and (not to forget) user homefolder locations, in particular if you want to login from a network account!
    If the home directory has not been defined you cannot login from a network account.
    13. You may now want to restore Profile Manager user profiles in Terminal. Issue the following commands:
    sudo serveradmin stop devicemgr
    sudo serveradmin start postgres
    sudo psql -U _postgres -d device_management -f $HOME/device_management.sql
    sudo serveradmin start devicemgr
    14. You can now switch back on your services, including Profile Manager.
    In Profile Manager you may have to configure Device Management. This creates a correct Code Signng Certicate.
    15. Check the certificate settings in Server App -> Hadware -> Settings-> SSL Certificates.
    16. Check that Apple Push Notifications are set.(you easily check if they are working later)
    17. You may want to re-boot OS Server from the clone now.
    18. After re-boot open Server App and check that your server is running well.
    19. Delete all profiles in System Preferences -> Profiles.
    19. Login to Profile Manager. You should have all users and profiles back. In my experience devices have to be re-enrolled before profiles can be pushed and/or devices be enrolled. You may just as well delete the displayed devices now.
    20. Grab one of your (portable) Macs that you want to enrol and go to (yourhostname)/mydevices and install the server's trust profile. The profile's name  should read "Trust Profile for...) and underneath in green font "Verified".
    21. Re-enrol that device. At this stage keep your finger's crossed and take a deep breath.
    22. If the device has been successfully enrolled you may at last want to test if pushing profiles really works. Login to Profile Manager as admin, select the newly enrolled device. Check that Automatic Push is enabled (-> Profile -> General). Create a harmless management profile such as defining the dock's position on the target machine. (Do not forget to click SAVE at the end - this is easily missed here). If all is well Profile Manager will display an active task (sending) and the dock's position on the target will have changed in a few seconds if you are on a LAN (Note: If sending seems to take forever: check on the server machine and/or on your router that the proper ports are open and that incoming data is not intercepted by Little Snitch or similar software).
    Note: if you intend to enrol an Apple iPhone you may first need to install the proper Apple Configuration software.
    Now enjoy Profile and Device Manager !

    1. In Action profiles, logon to system and recheck correcion are available in action definition as well in condition configuration and the schedule condition is also maintained. but the display is not coming(i.e in the worklist this action is not getting displayed).
    You can check the schedule condition for the action and match the status values...or try recreating the action with schedule condition again....for customer specific ....copy the standard aciton with ur zname and make a schedule condition and check the same.
    2, In suppport team of incident when i give individual processor it throwing a warning that u r not the processor. but when i give org unit it is working perfectly. Could anyone guide on this.
    You need to have the empolyee role for BP ..goto BP and got here dropdown for ur bp and choose role Employee and then enter ur userid
    also make sure that u have the message processing role
    Hope it clarifies ur doubt and resolve ur prob

  • I need to find out how to contact upeer management to try and resolve an issue before I open a complaint with the Attorney Generals Office as well as the Better Business Bureau and social media.

    I have been with Verizon for 15 years. I have a family share plan with 2 smart phones a standard phone and a jetpack for wireless access. I pay for insurance on the 2 smartphones. Approximately a year ago I made a payment arrangement to continue service on my account even though I had some business difficulties. I was told that while the arrangement was in place I could not make any changes to my account. However, since then I have had the following issues and when I try and contact Verizon to try and resolve them I am place on eternal hold or disconnected.
    Issue #1: My daughter lost her phone in June 2014. (The contract on this phone was up in 2013) I have been told that I cannot replace the phone even though I pay the insurance premium of $9.95 a month. I have been billed for it and have also been charged $54.87 for the monthly service as well. The phone has not made or received a call since June 4, 2014 yet I have been charged $274.38 I just was able to have the service suspended at the store today, 11/29/2014
    Issue #2 My phone has intermittent flaws, locking up and reuring rests, dropping calls, failing to receive calls etc along with horrible battery life. I went into the local verizon store and they ordered me a refurbished replacement phone which was subsequently sent to me. When I received it I took it to the store to have them assist me in setting it up properly. I was told that I should NOT set it up but send it back due to some physical damage present on my old phone that would most likely result in a $150 was recommended that I just upgrade my phones as they were all out of contract and that would be the best solution. I asked the manager if that would be possible due to the "terms" on my account and she said "it would not be a problem". I was interested in an Iphone 6 which was not in stock so I sent the replacement phone back and left, to wait for the phone to become available.
    Issue #3 I had a JetPack that was recently stolen from my car. I stopped in to ask what to do about it (it is no longer under contract either) They suspended the service and recomended I wait until I upgraded my other phones and then get a new Jet Pack. I just received noticed that they were going to continue billing me for it this week, even though it has been out of contract for several months??????
    I recently went to Best Buy to take advantage of their Black Friday deals and was told that based on the status of my account I was ineligible for any upgrades. We called Verizon from the Best Buy and they told me that I needed to address my account status (I just made the scheduled payment on the 23rd of Nov) either with Financial Services or go to a Corporate Store. I went to the store and was told there was nothing that could be done at that level, I would need to talk to financial services (which was closed)
    So, I am extremely frustrated and upset with this whole situation and wanted to make one more attempt to resolve it with Verizon before I make a full blown complaint to the Attorney Generals Office, the Better Business Bureau as well as post this incredibly BAD customer service story on social media. I hope that I hear from someone ASAP as this is critical that I get things resolved immediately. I can be reached at [removed].
    Personal information removed as required by Verizon Wireless Terms of Service
    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

    Complain to the Attorney General about what? There is nothing in your story worth any such complaint. They will tell you the same.
    First you have payment difficulty so credit and the Edge program are not available to you. You have to be credit worthy to get any upgrade, unless you can pay full price for all those new devices.
    Can you?
    You are trying to get new contract plans, but since you are having paying on time and in full issues you will not get extended credit from any carrier.
    What I would do is go and port out to Boost or Virgin Mobile where you pay a reduced cost for each device and get unlimited everything for $40 to $50 a month, it is pre pay so if you don't pay you get cut off.
    Verizon although with the best coverage is also the highest priced.
    Good Luck

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