Library audiobook in mp3 zip how do I open it

When I click on the zip, it unlocks it with utilities but I can't transfer it to itunes to listen to it. I have a Macbook 08 with Mountain lion and itunes 11. Most of the posts on this appear to be people with windows. Why are they in an apple support? But, that's another subject. When I look through iTunes I opened up the audiobooks part, but my book isn't in there. What can I do to move the zip into the library to listen to it. Thanks in advance.Y

Most of the posts on this appear to be people with windows. Why are they in an apple support?
Because this is the iTunes forum, and 85% of all iTunes installations run on Windows.
What can I do to move the zip into the library to listen to it. Thanks in advance.Y
iTunes cannot do anything with a zip file.  You have to use an unzip utility to extract the file(s) that are in it, and add the extracted files to your iTunes library.

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    You'll get better performance if you use a Firewire hard drive (especially if you buy a 7200 RPM drive). Firewire's IO speed is significantly faster than USB 2.  USB 2 has a theoretical max speed of 480 Mbps except that it has extremely high over-head.   The fastest speeds you can typically get are about 300 Mbps.   Firewire, on the other hand, has very little overhead.  The fastest speeds you can get are very nearly 800 Mbps.  You will typically be constrained by the maximum read/write speed of the drive, not the speed of the I/O on the Firewire bus.  Now if you had one of those nice shiny new Macs with the Thunderbolt I/O and a Thunderbolt drive (Light Peak) ... I think they alter space and time so that your data arrives before you know you want it. 
    Also... unless you want to buy a solid state drive (very expensive), try to keep your hard drives from becoming much more than about 60% full if you want great performance.  A nearly "full" hard drive is, on average, only about half as fast as the same hard drive when nearly empty.
    USB 2 will work perfectly fine... just not as fast.
    Also... it's much safer to move the entire Aperture library than to "relocate masters".  Your images must be managed.  You can Aperture manage them, or you can manage them.  But someone has to manage them.  If you "relocate" them so that they are no longer stored inside the Aperture library then you'll need to work out a system of how you decide to organize things and it's critically important that you don't start moving files around or deleting things without Aperture's knowledge.  If you do, you'll break the links to your masters and start having problems with missing masters.  If you have Aperture manage the library then you don't need to worry about any of that stuff.... it's safer.
    Do make backups (use the Aperture Vault or use some other backup program, but make sure you back up your work if you care about it.)  There are only two kinds of hard drives in the world:  (1) those that have failed and (2) those that are going to fail.  There are no exceptions to this rule.  Hard drives are cheap.  Backup software is built into Aperture and into your Mac.

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    might be some help on one of these links.
    Windows - Change iPad default backup location cation.html
    Windows - Changing IPhone and iPad backup location location/
    Sync Your iOS Device with a New Computer Without Losing Data -losing-data/
    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive
     Cheers, Tom

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