License expiration while the license exists

Dear all,
I have an error of license expiration although i installed the permanent license and the maintenance license. i could not delete them  from the t-code slicense it is saying no matching keys found. i can not delete from the os level also it says "can not find specified license"
can someone tell me how to solve this?

Why not you check from DB level.
Old License -> MLICHECK table
New License -> SAPLIKEY table
the best is delete everything from table level, and install a new permanent license via SLICENSE transaction when logon as sap* (user sap* will bypass license check)

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    Hello experts,
    If multiple licenses exist for an order in GTS, what is the criteria to decide which license will finally be selected?
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    Does it do it sequentially using the internal license number?
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    So what is the actual criteria to select a license and in this case was License A not given priority because it was created in older version and then copied to new version as part of upgrade?

    As far as I can see from a quick look at the code, there is no attempt to place the determined licences in any particular order.  Since they are selected from table /SAPSLL/LCLIC, it seems reasonable that they would be selected according to field GUID_LCLIC.  Within one system, the GUIDs remain in order of creation date/time; however I don't know GUIDs are formed in relation to different systems.  My bet is that if you check in SE16, your "early" licence actually has a higher GUID value than the recent ones.
    Please check, and see if I'm right.

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    == URL of affected sites == and

    Same here. With tiscali as well. Any luck with their reply.

  • Check if a license exists for at least one day in each month

    How to check if a license exists for at least one day in each month for a given period ? Example : If we have a review period from Jan 25 2009 to Aug 15 2009. How to check if there is license for at lease one day in every month.

    Welcome to the forum!
    (1) construct a table or result set that has one row per month in the review period. [This thread|] has a similar problem.
    (2) outer-join your actual data to that result set
    (3) use the aggreagate COUNT (x) function (where x is some column from your table) to see if there were any matches in each month. GROUP BY months.
    For a more specific answser, ask a more specific question.
    Post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements), and the results you want from that data.
    It never hurts to say what version of Oracle you're using.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 28, 2009 1:54 PM
    Maybe something like:
    WITH  all_months  AS
         SELECT     ADD_MONTHS ( TRUNC ( &period_begin_date
                                , 'MM'
                      , LEVEL - 1
                      )         AS month_date
         FROM    dual
         CONNECT BY  LEVEL <= 1 + CEIL ( MONTHS_BETWEEN ( &period_end_date
                                                          , &period_begin_date
    SELECT       m.month_date
    ,       CASE  COUNT (l.license_date)
                WHEN  0  THEN  'Nothing this month'
                          ELSE  'Some licenses issued'
           END     AS summary_txt
    FROM            all_months     m
    LEFT OUTER JOIN     license_table     l     ON  m.month_date     = TRUNC (l.license_date, 'MM')
                                     AND l.license_date     BETWEEN  &period_begin_date
                                                AND      &period_end_date
    GROUP BY  m.month_date
    ORDER BY  m.month_date

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    I'd first try downloading an installer from the Apple website using a different web browser:
    If you use Firefox instead of IE for the download (or vice versa), do you get a working installer?

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    In the US after renting you should have 30 days to start watching but only 24 hours once you git play.
    It sounds as though someone pressed play and didn't watch in until the next day.
    Just try it as the clock is ticking - if you can't watch it contact iTunes store support via:

  • Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. This failure occured while attempting to connect to the Principle server.

    We are using SQL Server 2012.
    Every now and then, when we execute the below stored procedure INSERT_INTO_MYTBL, we got the below error, and it returned @ID = 0.
    "Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. 
    This failure occured while attempting to connect to the Principle server."
    What causes this error, and how can we fix it ?
    Thank you.
    create procedure INSERT_INTO_MYTBL
    @ID int output,
    @Order varchar(50) = NULL,
    @ACCOUNT varchar(20) = NULL
    DECLARE @Success int, @TryNr int, @ErrMsg varchar(500), @ErrNumber int, @expected_id int;
    SET @Success = 0;
    SET @TryNr = 1;
    SET @ErrMsg = ''
    WHILE @Success = 0 AND @TryNr <= 3 and @ErrMsg = ''
    SELECT @expected_id = ident_current('myTbl') + 1
    SELECT @order = @account + '-' + CAST(@expected_id AS varchar(50))
    insert into myTbl
    SELECT @ErrNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()
    IF @ErrNumber = 2627
    GOTO retry
    SET @ErrMsg = '1.' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ' ' + @order
    RAISERROR (@ErrMsg, 16, 1);
    select @ID = SCOPE_IDENTITY()
    IF @id <> @expected_id
    UPDATE myTbl
    SET [Order] = @ACCOUNT + '-' + CAST(@ID AS varchar(50))
    WHERE ID = @ID
    SET @Success = 1
    SELECT @ErrNumber = ERROR_NUMBER()
    IF @ErrNumber = 1205
    SET @TryNr = @TryNr + 1;
    IF @TryNr > 3
    RAISERROR ('Giving up after 3 consecutive deadlocks for %s', 16, 1,@ACCOUNT);
    SET @ErrMsg = '2.' + ERROR_MESSAGE() + ' ' + @order
    RAISERROR (@ErrMsg, 16, 1);

    When the problem occurs, the stored procedure returns @ID = 0, which I think means the query
    When the problem occurs, the procedure does not return anything. SQL Server was told to stop executing. Furthermore, unless you issue the command SET XACT_ABORT ON, SQL Server will not roll back any open transaction. Which is one more reason you should not
    permit command timeouts.
    As for why this procedure sometimes take a long time, I would primarily suspect locking. When this occurs (but before the timeout elapses!), you could use my beta_lockinfo to see if there is any blocking going on. You find it here:
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • When I download an app I had to put in payment settings cause it was expiring,after that it was downloading but then said 'cannot download because your ipad does not enough space' but I actually have 3.3 gb while the game is 1.4 .pls tell what to do

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    The GB size of the download file is the compressed size (like .zip or .dmg). When the file is installed/uncompressed it can be 2-3 times larger.
    How much space is used by your Other? You may be able to reduce.
    How Do I Get Rid Of The “Other” Data Stored On My iPad Or iPhone?
    With an iOS device, the “Other” space in iTunes is used to store things like documents, settings, caches, and a few other important items. If you sync lots of documents to apps like GoodReader, DropCopy, or anything else that reads external files, your storage use can skyrocket. With iOS 5/6, you can see exactly which applications are taking up the most space. Just head to Settings > General > Usage, and tap the button labeled Show All Apps. The storage section will show you the app and how much storage space it is taking up. Tap on the app name to get a description of the additional storage space being used by the app’s documents and data. You can remove the storage-hogging application and all of its data directly from this screen, or manually remove the data by opening the app. Some applications, especially those designed by Apple, will allow you to remove stored data by swiping from left to right on the item to reveal a Delete button.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Trial expired while having active cloud membership

    I suddenly get the notification that my software trials have expired. This while I have an active cloud membership, so this doesn't make sense. Haven't been using the trials for over 8 months.
    Bottomline, I can't start my programs and can't get any work done.
    Please advise,
    With kind regards,
    Tom Paulussen

    Hi Dave,
    Is it possible that upon deactivating one software program (Illustrator) all the other ones are also deactivated?
    I just bought a new iMac and want to install my software on this computer. because I have only 1 license, I need to deactivate them on my old iMac. Now that I',ve done this, I log in into my account, and I can't seem to access the overview screen of my cloud membership where i can see all the icons of the software programs to install.
    How do I access this? I think I first need to install the application manager, but don't see where i can do this.
    Op 15-mrt.-2013, om 20:59 heeft David__B <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven:
    Re: Trial expired while having active cloud membership
    created by David__B in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Hi Tom,
    Sorry to hear about your difficulties.
    Can you launch Adobe Application Manager from either the Start menu (Win) or Applications folder (Mac), sign in with your Adobe ID and install all available product updates.
    Can you license products launching in trial by clicking the "License this software" button and signing in with your Adobe ID?
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
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    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Adobe Creative Cloud by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to

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    Hi Richard,
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    Hi Richard,
    You mentioned that 'Apple put the AirPrint spec out there for all printer makers'. I've been looking around but I haven't found any spec. Where did you find it?
    Do printer makers have to buy a license in order to be able to advertise that they've implemented the AirPrint protocol? Is there maybe an Apple review process in place?

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    I am using Oracle 11g R2 (
    Step 1: Two node RAC is Configured.
    Step 2: One node Data Guard RAC is configured.( i,e Standby is one node RAC).
    SQL> select open_mode,database_role,PROTECTION_MODE,PROTECTION_LEVEL from v$database;
    SQL> select open_mode,database_role,PROTECTION_MODE,PROTECTION_LEVEL from v$database;
    I have not purchased active dataguard license.
    In my case In Data Guard RAC it is possible to apply redo while the database is open in read only mode?

    876149 wrote:
    SQL> select open_mode,database_role,PROTECTION_MODE,PROTECTION_LEVEL from v$database;
    "READ ONLY WITH APPLY" in V$DATABASE.OPEN_MODE means Active Data Guard is enabled.
    Oracle code cannot check if you have the right license: it is up to you to know which license you have for your database environments.

  • An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID: 104)

    I'm getting this error in the event logs when trying to run a consistency check / sync with one of our file servers.
    This server was working fine, but w needed to migrate the data to a new partition (GPT) to allow it to expand past the 2TB limit of MBR partitions.  I added a new 3TB disk migrated the data and changed the drive letter to what the old partition was
    prior.  Since then we seem to get this error.
    I have installed the update roll up on both the server and the agent side.  I have also removed the server from the protection group then re-added it.  I've also removed and reinstalled the agent on the file server.
    Any help is appreciated!  Here's the full error from the DPM server:
    The replica of E:\ on server is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. (ID: 3106)
    An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID: 104)

    Server Version is Windows 2012 R2 STD.  DPM is 4.2.1235.0 (DPM 2012 R2).  I expanded the production file server.  All that server does is host up file shares.
    I suspected the fact that I created a new volume and changed drive letter back to the original to be the source cause of the issue.  What I ended up doing is blowing away the backups from this server on disk and re-adding it to the protection group. 
    It now runs much longer, but still times out at random with the error mentioned above.
    Vijay:  The error was copied from Event Viewer.  Not sure what else you require?  Event ID is 3106 from DPM-EM.
    The DPM logs say:
    Affected area: E:\
    Occurred since: 2015-01-05 2:04:38 AM
    Description: The replica of Volume E:\ on servername is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing recovery
    points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent.
    For SharePoint farm, recovery points will continue getting created with the databases that are consistent. To backup inconsistent databases, run a consistency check on the farm. (ID 3106)
     An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The semaphore timeout period has expired (0x80070079))
    Date inactivated: 2015-01-05 7:03:04 AM
    Recommended action: No action is required because this alert is inactive.
    Affected area: E:\
    Occurred since: 2015-01-05 2:04:38 AM
    Description: The replica of Volume E:\ on servername is inconsistent with the protected data source. All protection activities for data source will fail until the replica is synchronized with consistency check. You can recover data from existing
    recovery points, but new recovery points cannot be created until the replica is consistent.
    For SharePoint farm, recovery points will continue getting created with the databases that are consistent. To backup inconsistent databases, run a consistency check on the farm. (ID 3106)
     An unexpected error occurred while the job was running. (ID 104 Details: The semaphore timeout period has expired (0x80070079))

  • Serial trial expired before the 90 me please

    Good morning, I wanted to mention that the serial busisness Objects Integration Kits expired before the stipulated time.
    Please if you can help me because I was doing some testing, to view this connector funcionability nanny in the Palm Springs and buy the license.
    Thank you very much.

    trial keycodes can be received here:

  • LDAP Group is empty while the LDAP group have 150 users

    My BOE is mapped to the corporate LDAP, and the LDAP group is already mapped to a BO group.
    The problem is that the LDAP Group is empty while the LDAP group have 150 users.
    Currently, just after each user login at the first time the user is created under the BO Group.
    Is there any way to populate the BO Group automatically?
    Best Regards,

    yes there is. Check your LDAP Authentication Tab and select "Create new aliases when the Alias Update occurs"
    It should be under your Alias settings.
    But please note that you than require 150 licenses. So each users gets a license even if he doesnt use the BOE System but is part of the LDAP Group.

Maybe you are looking for