Life Drive and Vista

Is there any fix so that I can sync my Life Drive through Vista with programs that have regular updates?  Does anyone know if Palm plans to provide Vista friendly Life Drive manager?
I'm very frustrated at this point because this issue has limited the usefulness of my Life Drive for my professional life.  I need to get a new phone very soon and wonder if I shouldn't breakdown and get a Smartphone.  I like having a small regular phone for all my lives and the Life Drive for professional time.  Thoughts?
Thank you for your assistance. 
Post relates to: LifeDrive

Hello horselady and welcome to the Palm forums.
Is there any fix so that I can sync my Life Drive through Vista with programs that have regular updates?
Palm Desktop 4.1.4e should work, for the most part, on Windows Vista.  You can install Palm Desktop 6.2 on a Vista computer and the LifeDrive will sync with it, however, ACCESS has removed some features that were previously available in the older Palm editions of Palm Desktop.  (Long story short, Palm no longer owns the rights to the Palm OS and the HotSync Manager.) 
The latest Windows Vista information can be found here.
Does anyone know if Palm plans to provide Vista friendly Life Drive manager?
No, there will be no Vista compatible version of the Palm LifeDrive Manager application.  If you want to work with the files on the "LifeDrive" volume, you will need to put the LifeDrive in Drive Mode to access the files. 
Alan G
Post relates to: Treo 755p (Sprint)

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    Message du 16/04/09 14:21
    De : "don solomon"
    A : "JONES Peter"
    Copie à :
    Objet : Premiere Pro CS4 eats my C: drive in Vista Ultimate 64-bit SP1
    Adobe deserves criticism for its shoddy QC, but not for maing you exposing your main machine at risk on the internet. I never do that, and I never have had a virus or malware on it--never in all the years I've been doing this. I have picked up a few on my internet machine, though, but they are easily fixed with the security scheme I use.
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    iTunes for Windows: Moving your iTunes Media folder - Apple Support
    You can treat the TC as any other disk.
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    Is anyone else seeing this problem?  Does anyone have a resolution?
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    Thanks for your help.

    For the IQ700 series
    If you're running Windows Vista SP2, there is a patch for USB patch for NVIDIA chipsets 
    If you're running Windows 7, install this patch
    And only use the driver from the system manufacturer's website or Windows Update. Do not use the latest drivers from NVIDIA's website for the IQ700 series

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    Right click on your device in the device list and choose "transfer purchses" to copy all music bought in iTunes to your new iTunes library.
    For all other media you'll have to use 3rd party software, examples are mentioned in this thread:

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    When running Windows in a virtual environment Windows and OSx share your computer's resources such as RAM. Therefore your games can not use all your computer's resources when running.
    If you install Windows natively then Windows and your games can and do use all your computer's resource such as RAM.
    But as already said, older operating systems are not supported and will not run natively using Boot Camp Assistant. You must use Windows 7 if installing natively in Lion or Moubtain Lion.

  • Dual booting Windows 7 and Vista on dv9620 on dual hard drives

    Hi this might look like a repeat question but i haven't seen it answered by anyone that has tried it.
    I downloaded the release candidate of Windows 7 and i want to dual boot it on my notebook.
    The drives I have available are Disc0 which holds C: (the drive running Vista) and E: the HP_Recovery partition.
    Then I have Disc1 which holds D: the Data drive and nothing else. 
    I want to run Windows 7 on the D: drive So can anyone who has done this tell me how they did it? Most of the dual booting how to's I've seen are for for booting on seperate partitions a single hard drive and because i'm something of a novice to this I would like some advice with more reference to my situation.

    Hello and welcome,
    You can probably finagle the partitions to allow for dual boot: copy the contents of D: to C: and delete D:, for instance.   Speculating, since I don't have an IdeaPad to test on. You usually/probably/maybe lose the OneKey Recovery feature if you touch the partitions.
    Others here on the Linux board may have been able to preserve OKR, but I'll leave that to them to describe since I haven't done it.
    Long way of leading up to the question: is it sufficient to run Linux in a virtual machine, or as a WUBI install within windows?  That keeps things simple and makes backups much easier as well.
    Whatever you do, burn your recovery media first.  Now.
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
    English Community   Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español   Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • Vista to XP Driver and Software install N200 0687

    Here's a guide I wrote up while I installed XP onto my laptop, it's been used by a few of my friends. It's specifically for the N200 0687 A31 but as a general guide it's best to install drivers and software in chronological order based on the date of the files on the lenovo site.
     XP doesn't recognize the hard drive under AHCI so first enter the bios by
    pressing F1 at boot and enter the Bios so you can change the SATA
    Controller Mode from "AHCI" to "Compatibility". While your there make sure
    in the boot order the CDrom is first. Put XP disk in drive and reboot.
    Delete the Vista install.(If you want to delete the hidden partition and you're smart you've generated recovery disks in case Vista service packs make it worth reinstalling)
    Install XP and Service Pack 2
    Read the text file associated with each driver to know how to deal with each extracted
    package, and note the directory the files are extracted to. Cancel any "Hardware
    Update Wizard" windows that pop up.
    Install in the following order:
    65vg09ww.exe         Display (Intel X3100) driver - that looks better.
    65sa02ww.exe         AHCI driver - find the three .inf files and right click
                                    and select install. Probably not all are necessary.
                                    Never mind. During any of the many ensuing reboots
                                    you can enter the Bios and change
                                    "Compatibility" back to "AHCI", and the first boot
                                    device back to the hard drive. Towards the end of
                                     this driver installation list ever boot will result in
                                    only one “Hardware Update Wizard” opening. Instead
                                    of canceling it manually direct the Wizard to select
                                    the best driver from the "AHCI" folder where it will
                                    select and install the "Intel(R) 82801HEM/IBM SATA
                                    AHCI Controller"
    65ch04ww.exe         Intel chipset support 6 - Worth doing early if your installing
                                       drivers from a USB flashdrive.(USB 2 support)
    kb888111xp2en.exe     Windows XP Service Pack 2 UAA High Definition
                                        Audio class driver
    64uy02cw.exe         Lenovo Care Pack
    thrdptytpc21_32.exe     Third party application plug-in for Lenovo Care Pack
    65bl03ww.exe         Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate software
    65ku01ww.exe         Power Management driver
    65la09ww.exe         LAN (Broadcom) driver
    65tp04ww.exe         TouchPad (Synaptics) driver
    662m02ww.exe         Wireless LAN (Intel abgn) driver - If your wireless
                                        switch is "on" the led will light up and wireless
                                        networks will be detected.
    65fl02ww.exe         Card reader (Ricoh 5-in-1) driver
    65md03ww.exe         Conexant Modem driver
    65au07ww.exe         Audio driver
    7mcn38ww.exe         ThinkVantage Access Connections V4.42
    tvtrnr42_1511en.exe     Rescue and Recovery 4.2 for Windows XP and 2000
                                            - Do your hard drive a favour and defragment when
                                            asked, but don't bother running Rescue and
                                            Recovery on re-boot.
    a1afp02us17.exe         Adobe Flash Player for Windows - Application
                                        and plug-in
    Dotnetfx1.1.exe         Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 - needed for the
    schedulerupdater.exe     Scheduler patch to fix the tvtsched.exe hold 99%
                                            CPU issue
    osfj04ww.exe         Wake up on LAN - Warning if you typically use sleep
                                        mode installing this probably isn't a good idea.
                                        Unwanted wake-up events may occur when you
                                    enable the Wake On LAN Feature (Microsoft
    randomscheduler.exe     TVSU random scheduler
    7tvu12ww.exe         Hotkey Driver
    pcd5setup_475511.exe     PC-Doctor 5 for Windows
    7rua19ww.exe         Presentation Director
    systemupdate313-2008-3-13.exe         System Update 3.13
    Configure the Internet access and run Lenovo Care\System Update to install
    the latest versions of Drivers and Software.
    Eventually when you have the laptop custom configured and all your essential software
    installed use Lenovo Care\Rescue and Recovery in advanced mode to create a disk
    image on the hard drive or CD/DVDs.
    Message Edited by chilli_sauce on 04-23-2008 09:12 AM

    > and why can i make the picture light
    I dont know what you mean by picture light!!!
    If you want to use all Fn keys you will need different tools and utilities.
    For example the FN+F3/F4 will not work if the power saver was not installed.
    Also the FN+F5 will not work if display device change utility will be not installed.
    As you can see, several applications are needed if you want to use the FN keys!!!
    But as the above user has suggested already, the XP drivers are not available.
    Maybe you can use some appellations designed fro another notebook series but this is only a tiny hope.

Maybe you are looking for

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