Limit .folio download

Hello, I created a kiosk that contains multiple .folio, my client has paid 100 downloads per document .folio. How I can limit the download of each .folio?

So how is if my client does not download more than you paid?

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    Thank you!

    You need to purhcase Folio Bundles in Advance (eg Bundle of 10,000 downloads). Any additional downloads are deducted from your Folio bundle balance, which is also shown to you in your DPS Dashboard so that you may keep a track of downloads.
    In case you do not purchase the Folio Bundle and your dwonloads exceed, you get notifications via email and in your dashboard to purchase a Download Bundle. In case you do not purchase additional bundles and your negative download counts rises, Adobe may restrict your publishing untill you purchase Additional Bundle.

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    [email protected]
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    I think you have to write plugin for proxy.
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    i dont think there are how many hours are we talking about?

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    In iTunes 7.0.1 you can do it manually by canceling the downloads you want to save for later.
    In the left side main menu, there is the sub-category of "store" and when iTunes is downloading there is a listing there which says "Download" and the number of downloads you have in que.
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    Aug 18, 2013
    Adobe charged me for 52 downloads according to DPS Analytics
    Apple said I sold 3 single editions and 1 annual subscription on the same date.

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    - There are no desktop viewer downloads.

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    Downloads of updated folios don't count against the download bundle.

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    As Bob mentioned you might be able to switch from your current pricing plan (I assume you are a Pro customer) to our new license model that's simply a flat license fee plus per app cost. There are no download fees, and you get access to all the DPS functionality, not just the previously restricted pro features.
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