Limits on 3D dial gauge

I am using 3D Dial gauge. I am trying to set the limits for red, yellow and green arcs.
My requirement is to set the arcs as 0-20: Red, 21-50: Yellow, 51-80: Green and 81-100 again Red, with the Min range and Max range as 0-100.
In the SVG Object properties, I am able to set the low and high limits to change the red, yellow and green arc limits but how to make the red arc repeat again is not clear to me.
Any idea will be a great help

I think that you will have to modify the SVG and change Red to two properties, Red1 and Red2.  Then you will be able to map ranges to each.  If you simply map a second range to the property, it will overwrite the first range entered. 
Try exporting the svg used and modify that file in (a freeware svg editor) or some other svg editing package.  You will then have to reimport and probably should define a new animated object with the modified svg. 
If you have already solved your issue, please close this message.
Good luck,

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    Hi Senthil,
                     Open the SVG object in dynamic graphics editor. Choose animation links from the toolbar... In this case you will see an SVG element called yellow/green/red arc in the animation link editor...change the stroke property to color string(viz. "blue") then you will be able to change the color of the arcs....
    for changing the range of the arcs, you can play with the high limit and low limit porperties of the SVG object.
    coming to  your case ...just change the animation link "stroke" for RedArc in the animation link editor
    I hope it helps

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    Sorry, but are you trying to record changes to your widget's model or it's view? I'm guessing the model, but it's hard to tell.

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    Hi Sushma,
    I had a similar requirement long back and I got the solution by playing with it. Please try the below.
    Define Object Properties (of type Number):
    In your case, set HighLimit to 50 and LowLimit to 30 . Set MinRange and MaxRange as per your requirements (for example: 0 and 100)
    Set Animation Links as follows (click Assign Link to set this value): 
    YellowArc: d
    "M107.59 266.52  A 124,124 0 "  & if( ((HighLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) > (180.0/320.0) ,1,0) & " 1 " & (150 + 124 * cos(pi * (110 + ((HighLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180)) & " " & (150 + 124 * sin(pi * (110 + ((HighLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180))
    RedArc: d
    "M107.59 266.52  A 124,124 0 "  & if( ((LowLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) > (180.0/320.0) ,1,0) & " 1 " & (150 + 124 * cos(pi * (110 + ((LowLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180)) & " " & (150 + 124 * sin(pi * (110 + ((LowLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180))

  • Color range on 3D dial guage

    I am using 3D Dial gauge. I am trying to set the limits for red, yellow and green arcs.
    My requirement is to set the arcs as  0 to 85 : Red, 85 to 95 :Yellow, 95 to 100: Green with the Min range and Max range as 0-100.
    In the SVG Element properties, i can see the red arc , green arc and yellow arc but how to limit the range is not clear to me.
    Any idea will be a great help

    Hi Shipra,
    I think this thread will help you out.
    Re: Changing the limits on 3D Dial Guage
    Also, any changes you wish to make in your SVG, you can use Inkscape. Its a free and readily available tool and easy to understand and use.
    Check out these links too:
    Re: SVG PIE Chart - Limits
    Re: Half Gauge SVG - Change Coloured arcs
    Re: Limits on 3D dial gauge
    All the best.
    Gita K C.

  • Limit range on 3D dial guage

    i am using 3D Dial gauge. I am trying to show the number of deviations per batch in gauge.for example  less than 20 as green, 20 - 40 as yellow and rest as red.
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    Any idea will be a great help

    I was specifically referring to using the AnimationRenderer action block in the BLT. Prior to using this action block (and setting the Max Limit and Low Limit Properties there), you can use an assignment action block to do your logic. Or you can do your logic within the assignment of the properties.
    The AnimationRenderer asks for you to configure the object and specify which Animated Object to use.Then you can configure the links --- this is where you can set your Max and Low Limits.
    Then after the AnimationRenderer, you need to use the Image Saver action block within the Web section to save the SVG file
    Of course if you wanted to hard code the max and low limits, you could open up your SVG within Dynamic Graphics. Then go to Object Properties and Edit your Max and Low Limit properties this way.

  • 3D Dial Guage

    Hi Forum,
    Can anyone tell me how to change the limit of the arcs in the 3d Dial Gauge. I am able to change the color of the arc by changing "stroke" property. But i couldn't find any property to change the limit of the arcs.
    Also, i am able to put a value in the value box. But the needle is not moving according to the value that is assigned to value box.
    Thanks a lot,

    Hi Michael,
    have you done the advanced training course yet?  Doing dynamic graphics is well explained in one of the labs.  If you search for "Dynamic Graphics" in the index of the help files, there's a good walk through there too.
    The rotation of the needle is calculated using a animation link.  The link you'd use is:
    SVG Element: Needle\Transform
    And the Expression would be something along the lines of:
    "rotate(" & (20 + 320 *  (Value - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange))  & " 150 150)"
    Where Value, MinRange, etc... are Object Properties which you would've already defined and rotate is the functon on the angle calculated.  If you wanted to, you could also use the "Calculated Properties" to do the calculation instead of doing it directly in the animation link.
    I'm not too sure I understand what you're trying to do with the limit.  Is it the text value you're wanting to change, or the angle at which the limit sits?
    Edited by: Lawrence Prinsloo on Jan 8, 2008 1:53 PM

  • Indicator on 3D dial guage

    HI ,
    I am using 3D Dial gauge.
    My requirement is to set the arcs as 0 to 85 : Red, 85 to 95 :Yellow, 95 to 100: Green with the Min range and Max range as 0-100,and I also need to change the indicator color and  postion /direction based on needle postion .
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    KPI Vlaue : 70
    LowLimit: 85
    MaxRange: 100
    MinRange: 0
    So I Limit the arc range based on given formula :
    YellowArc: d
    "M107.59 266.52 A 124,124 0 " & if( ((HighLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) > (180.0/320.0) ,1,0) & " 1 " & (150 + 124 * cos(pi * (110 + ((HighLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180)) & " " & (150 + 124 * sin(pi * (110 + ((HighLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180))
    RedArc: d
    "M107.59 266.52 A 124,124 0 " & if( ((LowLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) > (180.0/320.0) ,1,0) & " 1 " & (150 + 124 * cos(pi * (110 + ((LowLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180)) & " " & (150 + 124 * sin(pi * (110 + ((LowLimit - MinRange) / (MaxRange - MinRange) ) * 320) / 180))
    Needle is pointion to 70 becuase KPI value is : 70
    I am also able to change the indictor color based on needle position
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    if needle is in Yellow Range the indicator  color is : "Yellow"
    if needle is in Green Range the indicator  color is : "Green"
    Now I have to change the direction of indicator but how I do not know
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    if indicator color is "Green"  it should be "UP"
    if indicator color is "Yellow"  it should be "Left"
    Any idea will be a great help

    Hi Shipra,
    You will need an SVG editor to make the modifications to the underlying SVG object.  There are several of them available, but the one I always have used in the past is a freeware download from Inkscape.  There are several threads on this forum which refer to SVGs and I recommend searching back through all years to get some suggestions or ideas.

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    Thanx for all

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    bye timmy
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    "I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane." -- George Orwell
    Go to Solution.

    Have you tried using the "color box constant" from "programming->dialogue and user interface" and connecting that up?
    color.png ‏39 KB

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    And there another point: Oxidaton/Obladation and reactions with the isolation material will change the Seebeck coefficient -> sensivity of the TC.  You cant avoid it, just try to minimize it.
    This is a function of temperature and the ratio of surface to material -> smaller diameter faster change in sensivity.
    So you can use a smaller TC wire for a shorter time (until recalibration/replacement)
    Greetings from Germany
    LV since v3.1
    “ground” is a convenient fantasy
    '˙˙˙˙uıɐƃɐ lɐıp puɐ °06 ǝuoɥd ɹnoʎ uɹnʇ ǝsɐǝld 'ʎɹɐuıƃɐɯı sı pǝlɐıp ǝʌɐɥ noʎ ɹǝqɯnu ǝɥʇ'

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    BO 4.1 SP02
    have anyone faced this kind of problem or any other problem in uploading SDK component to server?

    I think you problem is on the following error.
    Manifest fetch failed (404)http://***/BOE/OpenDocument/1312081147/zenwebclient/manifest.appcacheopenDocument.faces?logonSuccessful=true&shareId=0bttoken=MDAwRGoxU2JUMTtMVFZZXTFQRG1MRzBLTDQ5YWpvM…:1
    Because all the others there i see on my SDK and it works.
    When you execute it locally, those same errors appears?
    And I have no clue what you have wrong there, but since the error mentions the MANIFEST, you should take a look there, here is example of one working.
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
    Bundle-Name: ComboBox
    Bundle-Version: 2.3
    Bundle-Vendor: Leandro
    Make sure that the SymbolicName and Bundle Version are the same as in your contribution.xml.
    Hope this helps.

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