I have posted a message in the OTN Download forum.
Downloads Issues
Please follow up there.

Similar Messages

  • How To: Install a Client Agent link broken

    I wanted to know if there was a new version of the agent and found the link broken
    When you select an agent from the table of sync groups and sync agents on the SQL Data Sync landing page, you go to the sync agent page.
    SQL Data Sync Client Agent
    When you select a client agent from the SQL Data Sync landing page, three buttons appear at the bottom of the page.
    Create a new agent key. After you create an agent key, launch the agent and submit the new key value.
    Delete the selected client agent.
    For more information on Client Agents, see the topics
    How To: Install a Client Agent,
    How To: Register a SQL Server database with a Client Agent, and
    How To: Change an Agent's Key on MSDN.
    I keep getting redirected to

    Thank you for the feedback. I will have the relevant team notified.
    You can have a check on the below link for SQL Data Sync (Preview) Client Agent.

  • Latest Flash Player For Windows 8 x86 - link broken?

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    Is it my imagination or is the download link broken from W8 x86?
    The webpage is here:
    But when you click on the the link for W8: 0a0
    it redirects to a generic search page.
    Anyone got a working link?

    Yup, I fully understand that those links are on Microsofts website but I was alerting to the fact that this is for an Adobe product, and the links are borked.
    Perhaps I'm naively thinking that someone from Adobe will read this and contact MS (I've already posted on MS forums).
    The unforunate thing is that as its Windows 8, you *can't* install directly from Adobe. It's MS or nothing so the download links from Adobe don't help - but thanks anyway!
    “Flash Player is embedded in Internet Explorer in Windows Store and Desktop Mode. All updates are delivered through the Windows Update mechanism”
    Guess all I can do is keep my finger crossed that someone will wake up and fix the links....

  • Dw cs5.5 + Phonegap + spry dataset xml and images links broken

    Hi all,
    I'm building an app using DW CS5.5 and Phonegap.
    This is what I've done:
    created pages using the starter template (local)
    I created a php page that run a query on a mysql database and output an xml file
    I created a spry dataset using the php (see 2) file as data file
    It works locally and on-line on my website.
    But if I package an app using the android sdk from dw CS5.5 I have problems: all images are all broken. It seems that the link to image is not correct.
    In fact, all images are not using absolute path ( but are set this way: /images/....
    So, my question is: have I to specify all images sources using absolute paths to make it work when packaged?
    TIA for any reply

    Hi Gramps,
    I just solved the problem with image paths (I made all src paths absolute).
    There is only one problem left: I opened another discussion:
    But here the link you (correctly) need to trobleshoot the problem):
    It should work on desktop browsers but it fails when I pack the app for android and install it on an android smartphone: I get "error loading page" when clicking on any details link (the button label is: DETTAGLI) on the news page.

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    Nobody who have macbook retina don't ahve this problem?

  • Some hypertext links broken in generated PDF

    Hi all,
    I'm using FM 8.0p277 to generate a PDF of a book which uses hypertext TOC links to different chapters and topics. We've been using the same process for some time without any problems:
    Generate TOC -> Print book to .ps -> run Distiller.
    However, recently some of the hypertext links have ceased to work, seemingly at random.
    Sample marker text from a nonfunctional link: openObjectId 01 PP System Theory of 699335
    Sample marker text from a functional link: openObjectId 02 PP Intro & Sys 683648
    The broken links are not isolated to a certain paragraph style or even to a specific book.
    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I'm really at a loss.

    Arnis Gubins
    Thank you very much; the broken links were pointing to markers I'd removed during the release process instead of where I thought they were supposed to be pointing. I think it was a PEBKAC issue, but I never would have noticed if you hadn't mentioned checking the link properties.
    I regenerated the PDF after fixing the markers in FM and everything seems to be working fine.
    Thanks again!

  • INDesgin image links broken after saving file across systems

    We have a scenario involving 3 components:
    1. Linux file server running both SMB and AFP (sharing the same directory thru both protocols)
    2. MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) with INDesign CS3 connecting to the Linux server thru AFP
    3. Windows 2003 server running INDesign CS3 connecting to the Linux server thru SMB (or NFS)
    The scenario:
    1. We create an INDD document and link an image to the AFP share (on the linux)
    2. On the windows 2003 server we open the same document from the SMB share (on the linux) - no error/broken links message is received.
    3. We save the document with a irrelevant to images change, (eg. Adding a text block) to the SMB share
    Here is the problem:
    4. We open the document on the MacOS and receive "Broken links" message atlhough when you look at the path of the image you see the correct AFP path (needless to mention the path is mounted on the MacOS properly and the images are fully accessible)
    What can we do, so we will not receive a broken links popup on step #4 of the scenario?

    No answers, but a few questions:
    Just to be clear, by "broken" you mean missing, not in need of updating, right?
    What version of netatalk are you using on the Linux box? Does it implement AFP 3?
    What version of InDesign CS3 are you using? Is it fully patched to the last public version ( or newer?
    Are there any potentially problematic characters (e.g., slashes, backslashes, unicode characters, etc.) in the file names or the directories in the full paths?
    If you make note of the full path on the Mac when the document is first created, and then compare it very carefully with the same path when you re-open it and get the broken links messages, can you detect any differences? It might also be interesting to place one of the same "missing" images in the document again once you've re-opened it on the Mac, and compare the two paths...

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  • Documentation links broken?

    The Documentation link on the Database Home Page takes me to a page with links to the Oracle XE documentation.
    All of those links seem to be broken.

    Yes - I was just about to amend my previous response. All the links from the XE documentation home page are broken.
    Interestingly, the OTN site has very recently undegone it's semi-annual redesign. Based on past experience, I've found that the 'improvements' in the OTN site every 6 months often result in 1/2 the links being broken until reported.
    I wonder what Oracle's policy is about partners and customers mirroring the docco?
    Message was edited by:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 - Express Download Link Broken

    Hello there
    I am installing Backup Exec 2014 and during the installation I need to provide the EXE from the "Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 SP2 - Express" installer (German version). Unfortunately the link is broken, even when I navigate from the download
    page to the SQL Express download page ( I always get:
    We are sorry, the page you requested cannot be found.
    I cannot find the German installer anywhere else in the internet, and as I just had to uninstall the old backup solution to be able to start the installer from the new one it is quite important that I get this file as quick as possible so I can get the backup
    running again.
    Any idea what I could do or where I could find the installer?
    Thanks for you help.
    Kind regards

    Hello Phil,
    yes, seems to be broken.
    Download 2008 R2 SP1 ( and apply SP 2 afterwards.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Dreamweaver MX Update Links broken

    In the post
    Nancy O, posts several links to download links for Dreamweaver MX. The actual download link for the updater ( is broken. I spent several hours looking for the correct link, and two chats with on-line support. Support's only suggestion, post the question here because they can only "help" with the corrent version.
    The question I have been burning to ask; what is the updated link to download Dreamweaver MX? I have an older Mac, I purchased the version I own, and I need to update it after a re-install.

    The MX links are switched off as are the servers used to activate these old products.  Adobe has provided direct download links for CS2 products and associated serial numbers to get round it:
    You will need to login in the usual way but once you are in, you can download any CS2 product and use the serial number provided so that you don't need to activate the product.
    Good luck.

  • MySite Links Broken

    I'm hoping someone has seen this before and can provide some insight as I'm not sure what the cause is. I have the whole My Sites and Search and Profile Sync, etc. configured and working.
    I've started creating a People Search page in the Enterprise Search page, and at first, when clicking on a user's name in the search results we were able to go that persons MySite page with no problems. But now, the link to the MySite profile page is incorrect,
    because the link itself is introducing a special character for the slash in between the domain and user's name IE; domain\username. The link actually looks like this when hovering over it;
    domain%5CUsername instead of domain\username.
    If I click on the name with the malformed link, I get an error that the user is not found. If I change %5C to \ in the URL, it works. I'm not 100% sure how this seems to have been broken, but I'm hoping it is something common. Thanks in advance for any help.

    Since the bug is still present after applying the August CU updates, you still need to wait the update.
    I recommend that you can use the
    global workaround method to solve this issue.
    Also, you can add a Script Editor Web Part to results.aspx with the following script to directly
    modify the link:
    <script language="javascript">
    function customReplaceAll(str, find, replace) {
    return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace);
    $('.ms-searchCenter-result-main').on("click", "a", function (event) {
    var url= $(this).attr('href');
    var url2 = customReplaceAll(url, "%2520", "%20");
    var url2 = customReplaceAll(url2, "%255C", "%5C");
    var url2 = customReplaceAll(url2, "%252E", "%2E");
    $(this).attr('href', url2);
    For more information, you can refer to:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Certification matrix link broken!

    The Certification matrix link appears to be broken (probably it started after the "My Oracle Support" functionality was launched in metalink).
    results in
    Not Found
    The requested URL /metalink/certify/certify.istore_welcome was not found on this server.
    I tried searching the same through metalink also and I got different error there.
    Not Found
    The requested URL /metalink/certify/certify.welcome was not found on this server.
    Of course, please let me know if I need to upgrade my bookmarks in this case.

    The link from is working now
    but the internal link from Metalink is not yet working.
    Not Found
    The requested URL /metalink/certify/certify.welcome was not found on this server.
    Edited by: Satish Kandi on Sep 25, 2008 3:29 PM

  • Feedback form link broken

    The Release notes for the Sun App. Server 8, update 1 features several broken links (including that to the Bug Feedback form)
    The links are contained here:
    The broken links are:

    Thanks for the heads up, looks like all three links on the relese notes page are broken. While the links are broken the text that represents the links are correct. Just click on the links in your message and you'll go where you want to go.
    Thanks again.

  • Links broken in 10.4/CS2 to CS4 document conversion

    We have a bunch of InDesign CS2 documents that are missing links when we open them in CS4.
    When we open in CS2, the links work and are up to date.
    If we launch CS4 on the same machine, some links are broken.
    Using the link panel in CS4 the link looks like this: /Volumes/Server3-3/Path/To/File.jpg (Sometimes it's Server-1, Server-2, Server-3 - think it's a Mac OS X 10.4 bug where volume mount points are renamed?)
    Anyone have any ideas on how to update without moving the links to the same folder, or updating manually? We are looking into moving all machines to ID CS4, but this needs to be resolved before we can move forward on this.

    No Illegal characters, just that some machines apparently had shares mounted with a -1, -2, or -3 when the links (images) were added. CS2 somehow resolved these (magically!:) but CS4 does not work the same... So now we have all these documents with multiple broken links inside them, and no real solution on how to fix them. Luckily we have not converted to CS4 yet.
    It looks like I can export the CS2 doc as a INX file, open the xml and fix the links in a text editor, then re-open and save, but I don't know if this is a good idea, or the stability/repercussions of converting to INX and back to ind...
    Need an expert.. I'm not it. :/

  • Java Home symbolic links broken

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    Have you installed Java yet on Lion?

Maybe you are looking for

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