Link to print 2 BIP reports

Hi everybody,
We have 2 BIP reports with (the same) dashboard prompt.
Each one is ok, but some users need to print 3 copies of the first one and 2 copies of the second one ... with one click !
How can we achieve this ?
Thanks a lot in advance.

Try by modifing "Vertical Elasticity" property to Yes and "Maximum records per page" property to 2.
Hope it will work.
Br, Gouri Sankar

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    Hi Venkat,
    Thanks for your quick respond.
    1.) Auto Run is enabled. And the report runs automatically as well. But then it ignores the dashboard prompt (as a regular report would do as well). But when I choose some values in the prompt and then press go. Then it says I have to press on view as well.
    2.) no that is not the case. My report is so big that it always need a scroll bar ;) also adjusting the size settings in the dashboard doesn't help. The only occurs when viewing in HTML, when previewing in excel or RTF it all just work fine.
    3.) true, but ow well this is the least importetant one ;) so if this doesn't work, than it doesn't work ;)
    4.) Ok, I will have a look on that.
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    I have a question in regards to printing BIP reports from Oracle Forms... We are aiming for a server installation of BIP with integration to Oracle Forms using SSO to handle security. We use Forms built-in web.show_document to render and view the report in PDF/Excel etc... We would like to by pass the viewing and print some of these reports directly to the printer.
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    Thanks in advance for your time.

    via HTTP it's not possible to send a report directly to the printer. You had to go via the Scheduler, which is able to do that. With the WebService API you can call a report with the Scheduler and Execute Immediate.

  • Link from OBIEE Report to BIP Report

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    if you are on version you can do it i think .
    check the link below
    Enhancements to Parameter Display Options
    Enhancements to parameter display options include:
    Support for radio button and check box display of values
    Parameters that are defined as a menu in the data model can now be configured to display the menu options as a list of radio buttons or check boxes. Parameters configured to support one value support the option to display as radio buttons. Parameters configured to support multiple values support the option to display as check boxes.
    New options for placement of parameters in the report viewer
    Previously the report viewer always displayed the parameters in a horizontal region across the top of the viewer. In this release the display of the parameter region can also be configured in one of the following ways:
    In a vertical region along the right side of the viewer
    As a dialog
    As a separate full page
    New report viewer action button to show or hide parameters
    This release adds an action button to the report viewer to enable users to hide or show the parameter region. This enhancement complements the new parameter display options. When report parameters are configured to display as a dialog or in a separate full page, the parameter display region is dismissed when the viewer displays the report. Use the Parameters button to redisplay the parameter region to make new selections.
    Search added to menus
    All parameter menus having more than a specified number of options provide a Search option. For more information, see Section, "The Parameter Search Dialog."
    Option to remove the Apply button
    Reports can now be configured to remove the parameter Apply button. In these reports the action of selecting a new parameter value automatically reruns the report.

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    <?import: xdoxsl:///Procurement/Purchasing/prc_po_terms_and_conditions_sub.xsb?loc=${_XDOLOCALE}?>
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    <xsl:apply-templates select=".//TermsAndConditions"/>
    But the Terms and conditions are not printed. Can someone please help out and point to me where the mistake is?

    I am not an expert on BIP and will ask a colleague to comment. Took a look at the documentation and noticed some small differences, not sure if these have any impact, but you could try them while waiting to triage the issue:
    The documentation does not have space in the import statement i.e. "import:xdoxsl" while your example has a space "import: xdoxsl"
    To render the content the documentation states to use "<?call-template:template_name?>"
    Jani Rautiainen
    Fusion Applications Developer Relations

  • BIP report security from Dashboard to Publisher is not working

    Hi ,
    I created a BIP report(.xdo) and placed it on Dashboard as a link . As admin , I can see the report . As a user , I am able to get into publisher but not able to see the report . Iam getting the below error message .
    Error : Unauthorized Access: please contact the administrator.
    I suspect that security model from Dashboard through BIP is not working . I tried searching the online resources but couldnt find right help .
    Iam a newbie for BIP , I followed the regular BIP guides , configured eveything as per the docs and things work as admin . But I want to test the security as user .
    Where Iam doing wrong , Any ideas please help .

    Hello Vijay ,
    I have grant permissions to the user and the report in BI webcatalog and also in BIP under admin tab I have addes the role which the user belongs to and also the shared folder . Still the problem exists.
    My BI presentation servcies security is working . My user security is also working , all that I need is the user should be able to see the report when he clicks on BIP link placed in dashboard.

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    Scenario: A notification email will be sent to non-BIP users that their requested report is now available and downloadable in this link : "http:/"
    Thank you,

    you can schedule the report and burst the output . (save it in FTP/local file location)
    the link which you give has to refer same location where the webserver can access it .

  • BIP report  is not working going through OBIEE dashboard

    BIP report security from Dashboard to Publisher is not working
    Posted: Jan 10, 2011 11:38 AM Reply
    Hi ,
    Hi ,
    I created a BIP report(.xdo) and placed it on Dashboard as a link . As admin , I can see the report . As a user , I am able to get into publisher but not able to see the report . Iam getting the below error message .
    Error : Unauthorized Access: please contact the administrator.
    I suspect that security model from Dashboard through BIP is not working . I tried searching the online resources but couldnt find right help .
    Iam a newbie for BIP , I followed the regular BIP guides , configured eveything as per the docs and things work as admin . But I want to test the security as user .
    Where Iam doing wrong , Any ideas please help .

    Hello Vijay ,
    I have grant permissions to the user and the report in BI webcatalog and also in BIP under admin tab I have addes the role which the user belongs to and also the shared folder . Still the problem exists.
    My BI presentation servcies security is working . My user security is also working , all that I need is the user should be able to see the report when he clicks on BIP link placed in dashboard.

  • What diff between BIP AttachEntity Report Generation and BIP Report Generation?

    Hi all,
    I want to know the two WF has what's difference.
    I had seen they have same method and step.
    Actually,I want to do a function, when click a button,will generate BIP reports.
    Using the BIP Report Gneration can do this.
    But I want pop a window to open or save the report after the WF finished work.
    Could  BIP AttachEntity Report Generation  do that?
    I had similitude it seem same as BIP Report Gneration.
    Be appropriate to you if you can answer the question.

    Ok, let me guess, you are seeing an error that says an invalid printer was selected, right? Well there is a bug in your code but it has nothing to do with the printer that you have selected. Specifically you have some of the margin values set to zero -- which is invalid. The margins have to have a value of at least 1. In case you're interested, I followed down the logic and inside the print report VI the code, for some unknown reason (NI is checking into it), remapps an error code that correctly identifies invalid margins to report one that reports an invalid printer name. Apparently this was first reported in 2008.
    Verified this behavior of both LV2013 and 2014.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Unrelated data in master detail sections of a custom BIP  report deployed in R12 EBS

    We have a custom Master Detail BIP report generated by calling XDO APIs from a custom Java concurrent program (common_report_attachment) . This Java concurrent program is called from another custom concurrent program (po_validation) that processes a batch of POs in a single concurrent request.
    PO_Validation Program (processes a batch of POs per request) -> Java Concurrent Program -> BI Publisher Report APIs
    BIP report generates data for master detail sections based on two sql queries (given below) that have 'where' clause based on a common external parameter "P_TRX_HDR_ID".
    NOTE: No explicit data link is used NOR an output column of parent query is used in the where clause of detail query as bind parameter.
    - <dataTemplate name="NAPPB2BPORPT" description="Data Template for B2B PO Report" version="1.0">
    - <properties>
      <property name="xml_tag_case" value="upper" />
      <property name="db_fetch_size" value="200" />
      <property name="scalable_mode" value="on" />
    - <parameters>
      <parameter name="P_TRX_HDR_ID" dataType="number" />
    - <dataQuery>
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_PO_HDR">
    - <![CDATA[
    SELECT poh.po_number                                     PO_NUMBER
              , poh.quote_number                             QUOTE_NUMBER
              ---- other columns -----
             FROM nappcust.napp_o2i_po_headers poh
                ,napp_aso_quote_headers_v naqv
               WHERE 1=1
               AND naqv.quote_number=poh.quote_number
               AND poh.header_id = :P_TRX_HDR_ID
    - <sqlStatement name="Q_LINES">
    - <![CDATA[
    SELECT  pol.item                                            ITEM
          , pol.partner_part_number                             PARTNER_PART_NUMBER
          -- other columns --
       FROM napp_o2i_po_lines pol
       , napp_o2i_po_headers poh
       , aso_quote_lines_all aqla
       , mtl_system_items_b msib
    WHERE 1=1
      AND poh.header_id               = pol.header_id
      AND pol.header_id               = :P_TRX_HDR_ID
      AND aqla.quote_header_id        = poh.QUOTE_HEADER_ID
      AND msib.inventory_item_id      = aqla.inventory_item_id
      AND msib.organization_id        = aqla.organization_id
      AND (pol.quote_line_number       = aqla.quote_line_id
           OR pol.quote_line_number    = aqla.quote_line_id||1)
      -- Added for the defect 13954
    - <dataStructure>
    - <group name="G_PO_HDR" source="Q_PO_HDR">
      <element name="PO_NUMBER" value="PO_NUMBER" />
      <element name="QUOTE_NUMBER" value="QUOTE_NUMBER" />
      --- mappings for other columns of "Q_PO_HDR"
      - <group name="G_LINES" source="Q_LINES">
      <element name="ITEM" value="ITEM" />
      <element name="PARTNER_PART_NUMBER" value="PARTNER_PART_NUMBER" />
        --- mappings for other columns of "Q_LINES"
    Issue: Sometimes when the parent concurrent request runs for a batch with multiple POs the report generated for the last PO has inconsistent data in the master and detail sections. To elaborate, the detail section is having correct data pertaining to the PO identified by the parameter "P_TRX_HDR_ID". However, the master section is having data pertaining to the previous PO processed from the same batch.
    This issue is not occurring consistently and is not reproducible at will. I
    'm suspecting this could be because of not having data link between the queries but confirm from someone who has experienced this issue.

    is there any way from the page, can we pass the some values, which can identify the page level data?
    if so pass the parameter to BIP report query.

  • Report Rendering (Print & PDF) trashes report that looks fine on screen

    Since installing SQL Server 2012 SP2 CU3 (11.0.5556) a number of reports look fine on screen but when printed or exported to PDF the format is totally altered so that either many blank lines are inserted between lines, or lines are squashed together. It
    doesn't affect all reports. Reports (both affected and not affected) use Tablix with both Row Groups and Column Groups. There is no obvious consistency between those reports that are affected.
    All of our SQL Server instances are hosted on VM-Ware virtual servers.
    I've raised the issue via Microsoft Connect:
    Any thoughts or workarounds? Is this a bug?

    Hi nsam,
    We installed the sqlserver 2012 sp2 cu3 in our lab, but unfortunately the issue cannot be duplicated, so I provided the following options for your reference.
    1),Please help to provide a way with detail steps to duplicate the issue.
    2),If you don't know how to duplicate the issue, please try to remove the sqlserver 2012 sp2 cu3 update by the following steps to see if the issue can be fixed.
    In Control Panel, open the Add or Remove Programs item.
    2. Click Change or Remove Programs .
    3. To see all the updates for the SQL Server 2012 installation, click to select the Show Updates check box.
    4.Uninstall the cumulative hotfix package.
    3,)Please visit this link to see the various support options that are available to better meet your needs:;en-us;offerprophone

  • How to disable Print button in Report Manager in SSRS 2008

    I have a report with long list of columns. Currently we are supporting only excel export and we do not want user to print reports. I know we can disable export options by editing Render extensions in rsreportserver.config. Kindly suggest me how I can stop
    user from printing reports.

    Please refer the link below:
    "Report server administrators have the option of disabling the print feature by setting the report server system property
    EnableClientPrinting to false. This will disable client-side printing for all reports managed by that server. By default,
    EnableClientPrinting is set to true. You can disable client-side printing in the following ways:
    Select Enable download for the ActiveX client print control on the Server Properties page in Management Studio. To open Server Properties pages, connect to a report server instance in Management Studio, right-click on the report server node,
    and select Properties.
    Write script or code that sets the report server system property EnableClientPrinting to
    Thanks, Michael Mei
    Is there a way to enable or disable printing and export facility in the client based on report server roles. In our case some group of users only needs read access and so we want to prohibit export and print facility.

  • Printing ABAP List(Report output - SE38) in A3 format

    I have a requirement to print the ABAP report in A3 page format. I am using LP01 printer and in in SPAD transcation I Changed the Tab "Output Attributes"
    Paper tray = "Paper tray 3" and Tab "Tray Info" Tray 3 = "DINA3"  still the report gets print in A4 page format.
    Even i tried by changing the lize size and line count...still .... it prints in A4 format only.
    Could you let me know what exactly I need to in order to print my report output in A3 Page format.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Check this below link

  • Parametrized BIP report integration on OBIEE 11g dashboard

    HI Experts,
    I have created BIP Report using SQL as source for my Dataset in Datamodel.Also, the report is parametrized with date value.
    DEPTNO : List of value (Select DEPTNO  from DEPARTMENTS) and the Parameter is created as Menu type
    FROMDATE: List of vale(select day from Date_table) and the parameter is created as Date type
    TODATE: List of vale(select day from Date_table) and the parameter is created as Date type.
    The Report is working fine in BI Publisher portal.. Now I want to integrate this report onto the dashboard. For, that I have created 3 dashboard prompts (column prompts) and set the values to presentation variables DEPT_NO and FROMDATE and TODATE respectively...
    Now when I run my dashboard after choosing all the prompts the report is not getting generated. Instead, it is throwing below error.
    oracle.xdo.XDOException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.
    I don't have an idea what is causing this issue and  i verified LOG Viewer form Enterprise manager.. But, no use.. I couldn't figure out the issue..
    Can any body help me how to resolve this issue..

    Hi Ramarao,
    There's many possible reasons why you're getting the error 'oracle.xdo.XDOException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException'. Because it's an XDO error, I'm stewing more towards your template that you're using.
    I would propose the following:
    print the whole error that you retrieved
    Change the SQL script from * to the specific column names and ensuring that maps correctly to your template
    Hope this gets the ball rolling and one step closer to resolving the issue

  • How to get Client(browser) current date/time in BIP report

    I need to display report generated date in BIP report and this should be client(browser) current date/time. I tried the following things.
    1. have used MS Word Native Date/time using Insert->Date/Time. And we have chosen the M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss am/pm format. but it is printing BIp server date/time, not client date/time.
    2. <?xdofx:sysdate?>, <?xdoxslt:sysdate_as_xsdformat()?> and <?format-date:xdoxslt:sysdate_as_xsdformat();'SHORT_TIME'?> are giving GMT Date/Time, but we need client Date/Time.
    3.<?xdoxslt:sysdate('DD-MON-YYYY HH12:mi:ss')?> is giving the system date/time of the machine where BIP server is installed.
    Could you provide some help in this??

    Hello, Hari,
    what would return something like this:
    Execution date:
    <?xdoxslt:current_date('ja-JP', 'Asia/Tokyo')?>
    <?xdoxslt:current_time('ja-JP', 'Asia/Tokyo')?>
    for my opinion,
    in the countries where time is switching (winter/summer) using the hard coded time zones in the format-date() cause a problem:
    for example:
    if we enter the date in date prompt in summer it will return PM_DT = 2010-07-20T00:00:00.000+04:00
    in winter 2010-07-20T00:00:00.000+03:00, so,
    using <?format-date:PM_DT;'DD.MM.YYYY';'GMT+3'?> return 2010-07-20 in winter and 2010-07-19 in summer.
    Eldar A.

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