Linking Exchange online calendar to Access

 do voluntary work for a small charity. They have Office 365, but use google mail and calendar for integrated agenda handling. The reason is historic. They have a business system written in MS Access 2010. This system is reaching it's limits and one
of the main reasons is lack of integration with Google Calendar. I am thinking of switching them to Exchange Online. My question is is this a sensible option, and does anyone have any experience linking Access applications with Outlook/Exchange Online. From
my first look it doesn't seem to be as easy as it should be, but! I want to be able to drive some parts of the calendar from the Access business system, and vice versa. Really grateful for any help here. thanks guys

Many thanks George. What I mean by "applications" is that their business system is written in MS Access 2010. We need to upgrade it and integrate their calendar which is used for scheduling jobs and appointments. They currently use Google
calendar. I thought I had a solution with an interface (RSSBUS), but on further investigation the supplier informed me it would not work, as there are limitations in MS Access which they cannot address (something to do with field sizes). Thus my idea
of migrating their calendar to Office 365, which they already have installed (but do not use). However, my first look at what I can do with Access by linking a table to Online Exchange calendar doesn't provide the information I need from
that calendar. The table so produced only contains "inbox" or message data items. I have seen I am far from the first to encounter this problem, and am guessing that many people have found ways around it. I'm guessing it will involve writing
some code (in VB?) to achieve what I want to. If I have to do this it seems there is little point in migrating them from Google calendar. I was hoping there may be solution out there somewhere. Hope this makes sense.   

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    The issue is that your default domain is I suspect that even if your Edge server is able to route this call back to Exchange online, that tenant will reject this call as it will not be able to find or federation SRV record associated
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    You will need to change your default SIP domain to your public SIP domain. If you decide to do this, please note that you will also need to review any impact on the simple URLs (and certificates if applicable).
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    internal static async Task<OutlookServicesClient> EnsureOutlookServicesClientCreatedAsync(string capabilityName)
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    var userObjectId = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value;
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    new UserIdentifier(userObjectId,
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    new ClientCredential(Settings.ClientId,
    new UserIdentifier(userObjectId,
    return authResult.AccessToken;
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    return null;
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    best regards,

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    Scenario of my migration application:
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    best regards,

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    I have done a little more research and ran the following in powershell:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-FederationInformation -domainname
    RunspaceId            : f4af09c7-134a-4fe7-95c0-acd120c63949
    TargetApplicationUri  :
    DomainNames           : {,,}
    TargetAutodiscoverEpr :
    TokenIssuerUris       : {urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline}
    IsValid               : True
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-OrganizationRelationship | FL
    RunspaceId            : f4af09c7-134a-4fe7-95c0-acd120c63949
    DomainNames           : {,,}
    FreeBusyAccessEnabled : True
    FreeBusyAccessLevel   : LimitedDetails
    FreeBusyAccessScope   :
    MailboxMoveEnabled    : True
    DeliveryReportEnabled : True
    MailTipsAccessEnabled : True
    MailTipsAccessLevel   : All
    MailTipsAccessScope   :
    TargetApplicationUri  :
    TargetSharingEpr      :
    TargetOwaURL          :
    TargetAutodiscoverEpr :
    OrganizationContact   :
    Enabled               : True
    ArchiveAccessEnabled  : True
    AdminDisplayName      :
    ExchangeVersion       : 0.10 (
    Name                  : On Premises to Exchange Online Organization Relationship
    DistinguishedName     : CN=On Premises to Exchange Online Organization Relationship,CN=Federation,CN=WEIMAN,CN=Microsof
                            t Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=herbertstanley,DC=com
    Identity              : On Premises to Exchange Online Organization Relationship
    Guid                  : 26b4ec5d-fe93-473e-b451-1f9aa2e94ebb
    ObjectCategory        :
    ObjectClass           : {top, msExchFedSharingRelationship}
    WhenChanged           : 1/13/2014 1:25:54 PM
    WhenCreated           : 12/17/2013 1:04:32 PM
    WhenChangedUTC        : 1/13/2014 7:25:54 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC        : 12/17/2013 7:04:32 PM
    OrganizationId        :
    OriginatingServer     :
    IsValid               : True
    I am not sure why we have that value for the OriginatingServer.  That server is a backup domain controller, not the server that houses the on-premise exchange.
    I then ran the set-OrganizationRelationship and get the below error.
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Set-OrganizationRelationship -Identity -targetapplicationUri outloo -TargetAutodiscoverEpr
    The operation couldn't be performed because object '' couldn't be found on 'gemini.herbertst'.
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Set-OrganizationRelationship], ManagementObjectNotFoundExceptio
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : F2215CB2,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.SetOrganizationRelations
    How do I change the originating server to be my exchange server?

  • Calendar Sharing between 2 organisation Exchange 2010 SP3 and Exchange online with Federation Trust.

     Our company is running Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Standart would like to have Shared calendar with organisation running with Exchange online.
     We made a Federation trust between organisations and I checked that one certificate was installed and the rule for their domain was created. but when I try to share my calendar I always receive.
    "Calendar sharing is not available with the following contacts because of permission settings on your network."
    Name I took from GAL or input manually and always same. Forgot to mention that we migrated from Exchange 2003 to 2010 SP3 and all old exchange servers I removed. I tried everything that I know and read and nothing helped.
    Hope for your support.
    Thank you.

    1)I deleted everything and made step by step as indicated in your articles.
    2) recreated organisation relationship:
    RunspaceId            : xxxxxxxxxx
    DomainNames           : {,,}
    FreeBusyAccessEnabled : True
    FreeBusyAccessLevel   : LimitedDetails
    FreeBusyAccessScope   :
    MailboxMoveEnabled    : False
    DeliveryReportEnabled : False
    MailTipsAccessEnabled : False
    MailTipsAccessLevel   : None
    MailTipsAccessScope   :
    TargetApplicationUri  :
    TargetSharingEpr      :
    TargetOwaURL          :
    TargetAutodiscoverEpr :
    OrganizationContact   :
    Enabled               : True
    ArchiveAccessEnabled  : False
    AdminDisplayName      :
    ExchangeVersion       : 0.10 (
    Name                  : xxx
    DistinguishedName     : CN=xxx,CN=Federation,CN=uxx,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=uxxx,DC=com
    Identity              : Lxx
    Guid                  : a8xxx
    ObjectCategory        :
    ObjectClass           : {top, msExchFedSharingRelationship}
    WhenChanged           : 27/01/2015 3:23:47 PM
    WhenCreated           : 26/01/2015 9:41:39 AM
    WhenChangedUTC        : 27/01/2015 8:23:47 PM
    WhenCreatedUTC        : 26/01/2015 2:41:39 PM
    OrganizationId        :
    OriginatingServer     :
    IsValid               : True
    3. Configured Sharing Policies:
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-SharingPolicy
    Name                      Domains                                  Enabled    Default
    Default Sharing Policy    {*:CalendarSharingFreeBusySimple}        True       False
    Lxxx                              {     True       True
    added my mail box to sharing policy but in the end receive same error 
    Calendar sharing is not available with the following contacts because of permission settings on your network.
    In EventViewer everything seems to be fine....
    No errors on policy creation... How can be checked this permission
    settings on your network they are on exchange on in DC ? 

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    Hello, my company is looking at moving our Organization to Exchange Online, and I have only begun researching what this means for me as an Admin.  Does the on-premise Exchange Admin still have access to create/configure objects such as  DAGs
    and Databases and use tools like MFCMAPI and Logparser to troubleshoot IIS and other types of logs?   I've been looking around and so far haven't found any documentation that gives a great amount of detail on how much of my environment I will actually
    still be managing.  Thanks.

    There shouldn't be anything to be afraid of, it's likely that the role of Exchange Administrator will change as more and more companies adopt Office 365, but I would see this as an ideal opportunity to embrace these changes, broaden your existing Exchange
    knowledge with that of the other services offered through Office 365 such as Lync Online and SharePoint Online and become the Office 365 Administrator within your company.
    The offerings in Office 365 are changing at a rapid pace, with more and more features being added every month, couple that with Mobile Device Management using Microsoft Intune - if you fully embrace it, you will be offering your end users more flexibility
    and making them more productive in no time.
    Steven Hodson | | @_hodders

  • How do I restrict multiple device email access in exchange online ?

    Hi , 
    I have configured exchange online but i want that the users  should uses the email on the particular devices assigned by the organization or Admin, be it a laptop desktop or any particular mobile devices. I don't want that the users should configure
    their email on their personal devices. Do we have any option to white listed IPs or Macs addresses?

    The steps are pretty much the same as those in the article, just minor differences due to the new UI. You should decide where you want to set the default policy on Allow/block/quarantine and whether you will have a policy for allowing specific device
    models. The relevant options are under EAC -> Mobile -> Mobile device access. The global settings are configured by pressing the Edit button on top, and Device access rules are on the bottom.
    Note that all this applies to mobile devices only. If you aim to block PC/laptop access outside of the corporate env, you have to look at solutions such as AD FS/MFA.

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    I'm running 10.6 Server.

    to implement a link to another component i suggest to take a look at one of the pre-build examples - it's called 'Example Calendar Results' and you can find it in the navigator -> providers -> locally built providers -> example application.
    when you edit the calendar component you can review the SQL query and the PORTAL.wwv_user_utilities.get_url function that is used there. below the SQL statement you can find a Hint section that explains all the possible options you have in the claendar query.
    hope this helps.

  • Prevent users from accessing Exchange online from non ActiveSync Device

    I will try and make this question as clear as I can-
    We recently switched from an on-prem Exchange to Exchange online. Previously, the only three ways of accessing our email was VPN, ActiveSync and webmail. However, it now appears that any user can use any device that accepts an Exchange email account and
    start getting their emails. I understand this is the idea of cloud email, but as a HIPAA organization, this presents a serious security risk. My question is this-how can I track how users access email? I know I can limit things based on IP(,
    but then it would work if they had a VPN connection and we allow certain users to access our servers using their home PC if they use a VPN connection. But now they do not need that. 
    Is there any way to track what devices and users are accessing our hosted Exchange environment, or is this just the nature of hosted email?

    Hi Dkurz8814,
    using Office 365 / Exchange Online you are able to limit access to the Mailbox to OWA and ActiveSync only.
    1. Please logon as an Administrator to the Office365 Admin Center and choose "Users" -> "Active Users".
    2. Now click on your user and view the users properties. Choose more from the menu on the left.
    3. Now choose "Edit Exchange Settings", and choose "Mailbox functions" on the left.
    Now you find some Settings how to access to your mailbox. Disable POP3, IMAP, MAPI, .... so you can get the desired result. On that page you can also check for connected devices via ActiveSync.
    You may also use the set-casmailbox to do the same in case you need a more automatic tool.
    Please let me know if that answered your question.

  • Office 365 / Exchange Online - Hybrid Setup - On Premise User cannot see calendar of an Exchange Online User.

    Hi All, 
    The below will help if:
    You have a hybrid setup and cannot see Free/Busy info from an On Premise user for anyone on Office 365 / Exchange Online.
    You have your network firewall configured to allow your Exchange servers out through the proxy for O365/EXO url's
    - Get hold of SysInternals PSEXEC from Microsoft. 
    Run PSEXEC -i -s C"\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"  (This opens Internet Explorer as the SYSTEM account)
    Goto Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings and untick the "Automatically Detect Settings"
    Had this bouncing around at Microsoft for a few days until one of the guys tried this and it worked immediately.

    Forgot to mention, the PSEXEC command needs to be run as an Administrator
    Run PSEXEC -i -s C"\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"  (This opens Internet Explorer as the SYSTEM account)
    Goto Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings and untick the "Automatically Detect Settings"

  • How to Read Outlook Exchange Shared Calendars on iPhone?

    My company uses microsoft outlook exchange and I have been using iphone syncing with this outlook exchange calendar. Besides my own calendar, on the outlook exchange, I have access to another shared calendar. I want to be able to read this shared calendar on my iPhone but cannot figure out how to do it. Previously I learned from other postings that iPhone doesn't support it.
    The new OS 3.0 support CalDav and I am wondering if this will enable me to read the shared calendars of my outlook exchange on my iPhone. Does anybody know how to do it? If the current firmware solely doesn't support it, might there are other ways to do it with supports of other apps? How about through Google Calendar? Or there are any apps can automatically copy the contents in the outlook exchange shared calendars to my outlook exchange calendar?
    Does anybody have solutions? Many thanks!

    The shared MS Exchange calendar is ICS format which SHOULD be able to be added as "Add Subscribed Calendar" in the Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars/Add Account/Other screens on the iPhone.
    I'm tring to add a 2nd Exchange Outlook calendar only and need it to sync over the air.
    Just can't find the correct way to get it entered to work? The link sent by Outlook (I'm running 2007) when you send the invite doesn't work and copy/paste to the server name is also a bust. Have tried direct copy paste, cutting off the webcal:// prefix, etc. Just won't authenticate.
    No documentation that I can find on either Apple or MS site to validate the exact syntax required.
    I can hit the https link provided by MS on my Safari iPhone browser after entering my MS Online ID and access the calendar online. And yes tried several of MS Online IDs that I have as UID/PW in the iPhone config screens without success.
    A little more info on my config.
    3gs 32mb
    Have exchange acct as primary email with email contacts and calendar working
    Have CalDAV link to my wife's Google calendar working
    Have several other subscribed calendars (ics) working: US Holidays,, and my TripIt profile.
    I DO NOT want to use MobileMe to make this work. Life would be so easy if iPhone would just support multiple Exchange accts!
    Funny thing I just noticed...spell check on forum IDs "iPhone" and "MobileMe" lol

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