Linking Work Together!

Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone can solve my groups problem. We are developing a board game and have split the elements of the code. One is doing the board, one is doing the Select character and difficulty and one is doing welcome page.
I've been googling for days and cant find anything so that when we click start it links to Select Character, and then from select character to actual game board.
WELCOME PAGE (Click Start Button) > Select Character (Continue Button) > Board
We can do this by opening up separate windows, but we are wanting it to be all in the same window!
Is there any Genius out there that can help me, or just some one that has a clue unlike me!!
Edited by: eLlusiv3 on Apr 4, 2008 5:40 AM
This tutorials suggests both CardLayout and TabbedPane.
I'm not sure why suggesters overlook the IDE. Typing in notepad versus an IDE really changes the way the project is accessed by multiple people, and the CVS and subversion tools are extremely slow and cumbersome to set up.
Code collaboration isn't always easy, so good luck with that. :)
For the record, whats up with all of the good advice coming with arrogance? It is some un-spoken requirement of good java programmers?
Ordering a poster who to thank seems out of line IMO.

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    Hi ,
    As Acrobat 6 is a pretty older version and it will surely not work with windows 7 .
    There is no possible way to make them run together .Either you need upgrade your Acrobat version that is compatible with windows 7 or downgrade your OS if you want to stick to Acrobat ^ .
    However  I would recommend you to upgrade to the latest Acrobat DC ,that is the latest version Adobe has launched and is compatible with the OS you use.
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    Sukrit Dhingra

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    Sunflower19714 wrote:
    Thank you for doing this. I fixed everything that was noted and ran the code through the validator again. It came out clean but the problem still exists.
    Ok, this is a weird one I'd say, it happens.
    The issue is in this stylesheet:
    Can you do a test for me. Grab everything in that stylesheet and paste it between <style> </style> brackets directly in your pages code before the closing </head> tag:
    PASTE ALL CSS FROM bp-styles.css HERE
    Then comment out the orginal linked bp-styles.css style sheet to stop it working by adding <!--       --> (see below)
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      Model Identifier:    iMac6,1
      Processor Name:    Intel Core 2 Duo

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    I'm using Captivate version 4.0.1. Build 1658
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    Project B - Home Page (1 slide) made up of 6 buttons, each one links to one of the 6 captivate projects (C-H) listed below
    Project C - Lesson 1 (41 slides)
    Project D - Lesson 2 (45 slides)
    Project E - Lesson 3 (36 slides)
    Project F - Lesson 4 (33 slides)
    Project G - Lesson 5 (29 slides)
    Project H - Lesson 6 (30 slides)
    All of the links are made through text buttons, and when each button was created, in the area where it asks "If the user clicks the button", I select the "open other project" option.  Then I browse to the .cp project that I want to launch after the user clicks the button.  Only the relative path of the project I selected is showing in the "Project" field, then I click Apply, then OK.
    I created a folder on my C: Drive named "MyName Captivate", and I published all of the projects to that folder.  Additionally, all of the projects are also in that folder as well.  When publishing the projects, I'm publishing them as Flash (.swf) files.  On the publishing screen, on the "Project Title" field, I left that field unchanged (it defualts to the project's name).  The "Folder" field has C:\MyName Captivate in it.  I checked "Publish Files to a Folder" and "Export HTML" under Export Options.
    Flash Security Settings:
    I went to the Flash Security Settings and made sure that the "Always Allow" radio button was clicked, and then I went to the "Edit Locations" drop down box and navigated to the "C:\MyName Captivate" folder where all of my .cp projects are located and added it to the "Always Trust Files in These Locations" field.
    The Problem:
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    I hope that all made sense.  If anyone can help guide me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks so much for your help!

    I believe this is an extremely common issue. Personally, I gave up trying to link projects together like this. I also wanted to offer my users a more "perpetual" interface. I wanted the user, at any time, to be able to switch to another Captivate movie - rather than being forced to navigate through more slides to find the right button to click. So, I created a product called the Launch Pad. It works by using one web page with a menu. Clicking a menu item pulls in a seperate .SWF file into the web page.
    One suggestion might be to have your buttons link to fully qualified (http://myserver/myfolder) URLs instead of "projects". Each button links to the HTML file that Captivate publishes. Full URLs with the entire URL of the HTML file seem to work better than relative URLs.

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    You should have seen information in the support document that you linked from. It used to be with the first version of Do Not Disturb that it would only function when the device was locked. That changed with iOS 7, and not it can be active all of the time. With it on Manual, it is on, but if you have the device "awake" that you can still receive calls/texts, etc. Sort of like you have the phone awake, so it isn't a problem for you to receive things. If you set the settings for Always, this means you can be doing things on the phone and not be disturbed by anything else. Does that make sense?

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    When pressing NO LOAD, OFF buttons goes off and Bench PWR. stays on.
    When pressing 200VA Unity, NO LOAD goes off and Bench PWR. stays on.
    And sow on, the Bench PWR. button must always stay ON, and the other buttons must change.
    When pressing Bench PWR. to OFF all buttons goes off.
    I also want all the buttons abow Bench PWR. not to work if Bench PWR. is not ON.

    Hi Kimlorentz,
    If i well understand the requirement why you are not planning to use radio button.
    Look the attached VI.
    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Goyal | LabVIEW Engineer- Power System Automation
    Values that steer us ahead: Passion | Innovation | Ambition | Diligence | Teamwork
    It Only gets BETTER!!!
    Link Buttons ‏14 KB

  • Link everything together to be used in Python

    for linking python and c i use this instruction:
        g++ -shared func.o func_wrap.o -o
    but I get this error:
        ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
        clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    I tried different place for -v but it dose not work.
    what is problem? 
    I compiled through these commands:
    // Compiling the actual function
        g++ -c -fpic func.c
    // Generate the wrapping C code using SWIG
        swig -python func.i
    // Compile the wrapping C code
        g++ -c -fpic func_wrap.c -I/usr/include/python2.6
    // Link everything together to be used in Python
        g++ -shared func.o func_wrap.o -o

    on which version of BPC are you running ?
    Can you try to make all your SSIS variables upper case, it helped me on earlier versions of BPC.
    Be aware too that if you have an instruction like GLOBAL(STR,some_value), BPC will do a string replacement within the MODIFYSCRIPT variable  : "STR" -> "some_value".
    for example :
    TASK(STR TSK,....) will be replaced by TASK(some_value, ....).

  • PDF links work on only half the computers that open them??

    Ok, I created a PDF Flyer that has two links.  I created the file in InDesign, exported to PDF (and yes I clicked the "Export hyperlinks" checked box), and when I opened it on my computer, it worked like it should.  I emailed it to the person who asked to me create it and when she clicked on the links, nothing happened.  She tried it like 6 times and finally the link worked and the wepage opened.  But then she tried it again and the link didn't work and went back to do nothing.  We emailed it to another person in our office and the link, like on my computer worked every time we clicked it.  Then we emailed it to another person and the links didn't work at all.....not even once.  We emailed it to a couple of more people and the results were the same.
    My question is: How come the links are working on some computers and not on others.  I am using Acrobat 8.0, everyone else is using first I thought that mattered until I realized that half the people that can open it were using 7.0...I thought it had something to do with our internet settings, but for some reason, this PDF is the exception, I have emailed linked PDFs to this person before and she's never had a problem (and she definately hasn't changed a setting in IE)...
    So I am just a little confused.  I have created countless linked PDFs and this is the first time I have seen this.
    Thanks a lot.

    I don't think that going from AA8 to AA7 should be a problem for the links, but just in case use either Reduce File Size or PDF Optimize to save the file to AA7 compatibility.

  • Getting Open MQ and Mule 2.0 work together

    I would like to ask some help on getting Open MQ work with Mule 2.0. I'm quite new to both technologies, and I can't get them to work together. Here is how I've tried so far:
    What I'm trying to achieve first, is that there are 2 queues in my open mq, and if something arrives in one queue, mule should get that from the queue and put it in the other queue.
    I've created a configuration file for mule:
    (sorry that it looks really crappy, for some reason, couldn't really get it to show nicely on this forum, however I edited it, it always made each line start on the left)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mule xmlns=""
    <!-- Uncomment to download xsds from web instead of using the Eclipse XML Catalog.
    <model name="JMSProba">
    <service name="JMS">
    <jms:inbound-endpoint queue="MyQueue" synchronous="false"/>
    <component class="disp.Dispatcher"/>
    <jms:outbound-endpoint queue="out"/>
    The service component class pretty much doesn't do anything for now, but is like this:
    package disp;
    public class Dispatcher {
    public Object dispatch(Object o){
    return o;
    I'm using the Mule IDE, and unfortunately I can't even test if this works or not, because when it starts the mule server, I get an error, which I don't understand why I get:
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'mule'.
    I really have no idea why I get this exception. Anyone knows what I did wrong in my configuration file? Also, can anyone tell me, if what I'm trying to do looks something like this, or I'm doing it all wrong? If anyone can help me get this all to work, I'd really appreciate it.
    I haven't seen any info on how to configure the Open MQ Connector, so I'm not sure how to do it. I've tried this:
    <connector name="jmsConnector" className="org.mule.providers.jms.JmsConnector">
    <property name="specification" value="1.1"/>
    <property name="connectionFactoryJndiName" value="ConnectionFactory"/>
    <property name="jndiInitialFactory" value="com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory"/>
    <property name="jndiProviderUrl" value="file:///C:/Temp"/>
    <property name="jndiDestinations" value="true"/>
    <property name="forceJndiDestinations" value="true"/>
    <map name="connectionFactoryProperties">
    <property name="brokerURL" value="vm://localhost:7676"/>
    but it doesn't work, the error tooltip says "Invalid content was found starting with element 'connector'", and then the next error is at the first 'property' element, saying "Invalid content was found starting with element 'property'. One of '{"":entry}' is expected. "
    Can someone please also help me with the connector creation? Since this had errors, I had to cut it out when trying to run my config file, that's why you can't see it in it.
    My next step (if this would work) would be to use this on 2 different JMS's - Mule gets the message from a queue from a certain JMS, then sends it to the queue of a different JMS. Of course I can't start working on this until my first task works, but I was wondering, how to create 2 different connectors and then use different connector for each of the endpoints.
    Thanks for any help in advance!
    Edited by: kissziszi on Jul 25, 2008 3:06 AM
    Edited by: kissziszi on Jul 25, 2008 3:09 AM

    Hi Pawan!
    Thank you a lot for your help! Unfortunately it's still not working. Here is my current config file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <mule xmlns=""
    <model name="JMSProba">
    <service name="JMS">
    <jms:inbound-endpoint name="MyQueue" address="jms://queue:MyQueue" synchronous="false" connector-ref="jmsConnector"/>
    <component class="disp.Dispatcher"/>
    <jms:outbound-endpoint name="out" address="jms://queue:out" connector-ref="jmsConnector"/>
    <jms:connector name="jmsConnector" connectionFactory-ref="openMQ"
    numberOfConcurrentTransactedReceivers="1" specification="1.1">
    <spring:property name="jmsSupport" ref="jndiJmsSupport" />
    <spring:bean name="jndiJmsSupport" class="org.mule.transport.jms.Jms102bSupport">
    <spring:constructor-arg ref="jmsConnector" />
    <spring:bean name="context" class="javax.naming.InitialContext">
    <spring:constructor-arg type="java.util.Hashtable">
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory</spring:prop>
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.provider.url">file:///F:/Info/MessageQueue/mq</spring:prop>
    <spring:bean name="openMQ" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
    <spring:property name="jndiName" value="MyQueueConnectionFactory" />
    <spring:property name="jndiEnvironment">
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory</spring:prop>
    <spring:prop key="specifications">1.1</spring:prop>
    <spring:prop key="java.naming.provider.url">file:///C:/Temp</spring:prop>
    I get an exception:
    A Fatal error has occurred while the server was running:
    * Cannot convert value of type [javax.naming.Reference] to required type
    * [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] for property 'connectionFactory': no matching
    * editors or conversion strategy found (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException)
    or in more details:
    ERROR 2008-07-27 18:30:52,953 [main] Configuration with "org.mule.config.spring.SpringXmlConfigurationBuilder" failed.
    org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'JMS': Cannot create inner bean '(inner bean)' of type [org.mule.routing.inbound.DefaultInboundRouterCollection] while setting bean property 'inboundRouter'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '(inner bean)': Cannot create inner bean '(inner bean)' of type [org.mule.config.spring.factories.InboundEndpointFactoryBean] while setting bean property 'endpoints' with key [0]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'jmsConnector': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type [javax.naming.Reference] to required type [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] for property 'connectionFactory'; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert value of type [javax.naming.Reference] to required type [javax.jms.ConnectionFactory] for property 'connectionFactory': no matching editors or conversion strategy found
    I have no idea why I get this exception :(
    There are a few things I don't understand in your config file though:
    -How come we don't have to specify the address where the broker is running? (like localhost:7676)
    -In the spring bean called "context", why do you specifiy the Open MQ installation directory? I mean, why do you have to specify it?
    -I don't understand everything in the file, so I might say something stupid now... but ... you have a spring bean called "context", and I don't see it used anywhere. Or do you have to have a spring bean called context? Or is this necessary at all?
    About the Open MQ admin tool. Am I correct in assuming, that all you have to do, is create a Broker (and add destination to it), and create an Object Store and add connection factory to it (and optionally physical destination too ... although this is not necessary because if you create a destination and you don't make physical destination for it, then by default it will be created for it). This is what I did with Open MQ tool.
    I was wondering if you could please give me your email address, would be easier to communicate over that, this forum seems a bit deserted anyway.
    Thanks in advance!
    Sziladi Zoltan

  • How to make site root-relative links work in DW and Server both?

    See details on buggy DW image link behavior, below. My question is:
    1) how to make site root-relative links work in DW and Server both? Or…
    2) how to reliably automate the change of several hundred legacy root-relative links of the form
    /images/image.jpg  to document-relative?
    That is, to
    ../images/image.jpg or
    ../../images/image.jpg or
    ../../../images/image.jpg etc…depending on where the directory is.
    The old format (/images/image.jpg ) used to work fine in my previous DW 8 configuration but appear grey in DW after “upgrading” to DW cs5.5 mac. (they look fine on the server, but it’s hard to edit image-heavy pages locally when they are all grey).
    I tried changing the files to how DW creates root relative links now:
    /public_html/images/image.jpg, which is a very easy, attractive root flow since there’s a one-to-one mapping. These look great in DW but are broken on the server!
    I looked at the “advanced” site setup, and it looked like it might be possible to nuke the /public_html/ part of my server info…but it also looked like there was the potential for doing damage changing these settings, which are automatically generated from our server connection settings, which seem to work.
    The “links relative to document/ site root” toggle…does that change how DW interprets existing links, or just change the default when you are adding a link?  I have made 80% of the file links document relative…before wondering if root-relative isn’t better?
    It sure seems less ambiguous for all those images if theres a way to make root relative work for DW design view, DW link check, and server.
    Summary of buggy behavior: (see test with images here)
    "old style" site root link
          Design veiw in DW: broken (grey w/ broken icon)
          Link check in DW: "external link" (i.e., uncheckable, + file could appear orphaned)
          Browser: good
          Ease of switching: n/a (existing format)
    "new style" site root relative link
          Design veiw in DW: good
          Link check in DW: good
          Browser: broken
          Ease of switching: easy
    Document relative link
          Design veiw in DW: good
          Link check in DW: good
          Browser: good
          Ease of switching: hard (how to automate?)
    Absolute link

          Design veiw in DW: broken (grey w/ broken icon)
          Link check in DW: external (i.e., uncheckable, + file could appear orphaned)
          Browser: good
          Ease of switching: n/a...not a real option
    Similar discussion on "/"

    Hello again Jon!
    Thanks for jumping on this.
    All clear and understood about where publc_html is etc.
    No contemplation of nuking the actual public_html directory on the server, just the "/public_html" text string at the start of the DW-generated links.
    "/public_html" is automatically added to the front of the link in DW if I create the link with any of the GUI tools, if I have "site root relative" selected. And ""/public_html" ends up in the code, and gets uploaded that way to the server, where it (obviously) doesn't work.
    Doesn't sound like it is supposed to work this way. Also, what seems to be the usual root relative format (/images/image.jpg) shows as a broken link in the GUI and an external link in the DW link check. All this togther makes me thinkI have some obscure setting incorrect?
    The setting that caught my eye is manage sites/ site setup/ advance settings/ local info/ web url,  which is automatically set to
    it gives an option to change it but it makes every effort to make this NOT look like something users should mess with:
    Having gone through the more careful thought process during this post, I'm ready to do the experiment of changing the remote server web URL (why is it wrong by default?)...think I'll eat dinner first so there's 45 min to avert disaster if anyone knows this to be a bad idea!
    PS--don't  have a local testing server...don't think this will solve the GUI broken link/ link shows as external problems.
    Is there an easy, automated way to change links sitewide from document to root relative?

  • I have an Apple id and an icloud idea, do they work together?

    I just got a new laptop, I downloaded icloud and it told me to make an icloud acount. My apple account is just a user name not an e-mail. icloud wnated me to use an e-mail for the username so now I have two accounts, and apple id and an icloud id. Can these work together? I would like to backup my music and what not to icloud because when I sync my iphone to my new computer it wants to delete all the stuff. Though when I open icloud on my computer I dont see anything about music or apps. I'm just very confused about how all this works. All I want to do is put music on my iphone from my new computer without losing all the stuff I have now. I don't get how icloud works either.

    Did you already activate iCloud on your IOS device using that same apple ID?
    "To create an iCloud account you need an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with iOS 5, or a Mac with OS X Lion v10.7"

  • Any ideas on getting facebook 'like' links working in SMS and MMS?  A few issues Apple might fix please?

    I work in a Mobile Marketing company where clients use our bulk SMS / MMS messaging service in Australia.  A few things I've noticed where iPhones are falling short in comparison to the competition in RECEIVING messages (and I hope are fixed because I'm an apple fan) - a few inconsistencies:
    * Facebook links eg  "Like us at"... Last night the link worked on my iphone when I sent it from our platform to my handset.  (4s Firmware 3.4.03, Version 6.1.3, Telstra)  It took me to the page on safari, and even earlier this morning it did - yet now it won't (and I haven't made any changes).  I have tried restarting, (soft and firm reboot) as well as ensuring I'm logged in - or out on another page.   The link does work on computer as well as on my collegues (4s 6.1.3, Firmware 3.4.03  Vodafone au 14.1) and it IS working there - but not sure for how long (considering it was working on mine earlier too)   FYI It also works on 9 differnt android versions of handsets in the office here too.
    * occasionally this happens with shortened links too (like a shortened google map link).  There seems to be no pattern to the issue. 
    * When clients send MMS through our platform, the delivery on the iPhones is inconsistent.  eg, the client can send WMV / GIF / JPG with a Title, Header and Footer message.  The artrwork should fall in the middle of the header and footer.  However another inconsitency - sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't.  I can't see any pattern of it as the layout changes intermittently (from minute to minute).    This particular issue is limited to  iPhones on software 6 versions. 
    * In a message, when the LAST WORD in SMS / MMS  is a 'link; - like web address or phone number to call, OCCASIONALLY it does not come up as a link (therefore recipient is unlikely to type it out to get to it).  Again, no pattern, just 'sometimes' does this happen.  Have tried putting a space after it, that doesn't work.  Only if another word is put after it will it always work. 
    * Got feedback yesterday that NO LINKS in message (landlines, mobiles, web address) were working on iphone 5.  Not sure if this is a constant or another inconsistent link?
    Anyway, I'd really like our clients to be able to use a "like us on facebook" link in their messaging with success... could Apple please look into solving these inconsistencies?
    Hoping you can help. 

    You are not addressing Apple here. We are users like yourself.
    The only thing I could think of in regards to this issue since it has worked on some occassions and not others is what if you deleted cookies and history from Safari. Does that make it work again? While SMS/MMS are a carrier function, I also know that some texts from different phones to the iPhone can produce strange results if the other device is using some type of font that is not supported by the iPhone. If you search the forum, you might find something related to that if you search for "strange characters in SMS" or something similar.
    When you produce these bulk SMS, do you write just the link, or do you write the HTML code in the SMS?

  • How can I create a client console and work together with the Cache Server?

    How can I edit the following Cache-Server.cmd file to create a client console and work together with the Cache Server?
    The following is the cache server file: contacts-cache-server.cmd
    @echo off
    if (%COHERENCE_HOME%)==() (
    set COHERENCE_HOME=c:\coherence
    set CONFIG=C:\home\oracle\coherence\Contacts
    set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -server -cp %COHERENCE_HOME%\lib\coherence.jar;C:\home\oracle\
    set COH_OPTS=%COH_OPTS% -Dtangosol.coherence.cacheconfig=%CONFIG%\contacts-cache-config.xml
    java %COH_OPTS% -Xms1g -Xmx1g -Xloggc: %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7
    :exitEdited by: junez on 23-Oct-2009 09:20

    To run the console, change DefaultCacheServer to CacheFactory

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