Links in CS3

OK, I am a Fireworks rookie. I have created a layered web
design in Photoshop CS3. I have duplicated the main page in FW CS3
so I can make some changes and link these new pages in FW. I have
looked at tutorials and other help areas and I can not figure out
how to make the page links in FW. I have added a slice to a piece
of my text on a master page, then I selected the page to link in
the link drop down menu, I exported all the pages. When I preview
the master page in firefox, I see the master page, but when I click
on the link I made I get this error "Firefox can't find the file
at...". If you can help, please write to me like I am in elementary
school. My whole project has come to a stand still. Thanks.

Originally posted by:
You would want to add your links in Dreamweaver, not

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    mijreasoner wrote:
    Thanks for your (?)help. I hope your response is not typical of the users of this forum.
    Well it was meant to be light-hearted but the message is still valid. With complex and temperamental programs you mess with the defaults at your peril. 
    If you have no room on your system drive for program files I suggest you repartition.

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    Try using a different browser.  If I use the link you indicate it opens a download dialogue.
    An alternate site for downloading Adobe software is ProDesignTools (The downloads are still thru the Adobe server).
    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
    CS3 and CS4:

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    These forums are for discussion of issues about the suites, not specific products. If you have a question about an individual application such as Photoshop or InDesign, please post in that forum.
    This will help ensure that you will get the best response.

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    Don't get your hopes up.  I'm on the forum looking for a fix for CS5 for the same problem. I've also tried all the different presets, but Encore INSISTS on transcoding the file every time I do a build.   It takes several hours to run a build to folder, and it bloats the files from 12GB to 24.99GB. Project is H.264 BluRay, 720x480, AME exported with HIGH bitrate, 16x9 NTSC, Dolby Digital audio, and no multiplex. No matter what transcode settings I use in Encore, it always shows the files (video assets) as Untranscoded, and Transcode set to Automatic.
    Message was edited by: Charles Bargar
    Found an answer? 
    Don't use the Premiere (AME) export settings for bitrate (low/medium/high).  Use Custom instead, and set the Max Bit rate to one of the xxMB rates listed under Transcode Preferences in Encore.  The Target Bitrate can be lower, but Encore WILL force transcode if the Max Rate is not one of it's pre-wired settings.

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    Anthony Spears wrote:
    These links do not work.  I followed the instructions and I am logged on to my Adobe account
    The links work fine. I just tried them again.
    Are you sure that you followed all Steps? You have to do more than just log in to your Adobe account.
    You also have to start (Step 1) - then immediately cancel (Step 3) - a download of Acrobat Pro trial in order to set a trial cookie on your computer. That trial cookie tricks the Adobe server into giving you access to the other downloads (.e.g CS3) on the Adobe server. Without the trial cookie, you'll get the error that you're encountering.
    Then you go back to the prodesigntools page and click the CS3 download.

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    Same with Open and Save as. Help!!! Is there a way to change this? It's not a system setting, it's a CS3 setting.
    I hope so.

    OK, Fine.
    Thing is,, this sucks. I work in a folder happy design department. If there are more than 30 files in a folder, or more than 3 general catagories, a subfolder gets created.
    I think this is just Adobe's way of forcing people to use Bridge. Which would be fine if we worked 600 files here to each folder,, like I do at home. I like bridge, I use it at home all the time on my laptop. I'm not folder happy. Bridge does everything I need. But my workplace is folder happy, and once you put it in a folder, you might as well be burying it somewhere. And I'll work in 6 or more client folders every day. Argghhh!
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    You can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
    CS3 and CS4:

  • Download link for CS3 not working. I made sure I had Java turned on (it appears to be a JSP page)

    Page is here:
    Download CS3 products

    I tried it in Chrome and it downloaded fine. Safari is jamming it.

  • CS3 and Link to CS3 Encore on Windows 7

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    Any Ideas if this can be over come?
    Many thanks
    Graham Easton

    Hi, I'm new here...from Malaysia. I also hav this problems last night...b4 that my iTunes working is ok...but last night i would like to connect my iPad to iTunes...there was an error Apple Application Support error2...
    i had use the way teach bu b nior...but there was another erro when the installation of "AppleMobileDeviceSupport64.msi"
    the error is "Service'Apple Mobile Device'(Apple Mobile Device) failed to start, Verify that you sufficient privileges to start system services."
    what should i do now?

  • Disappearing css link underlines - CS3

    I'm setting up a css site with several internal links. I've made custom underlines (bottom border) for links, hover, active and visited and all have been working OK across several browsers. Suddenly when I test a page and click on a link, the underlines sometimes dispappear although the link is still active. But this doesn't only affect the clicked link but sometimes all the links on the page and sometimes just one or two others (and yes, I have tried refreshing the page). If I then click one of the links to go to another page, the link underlines are also sometimes missing. I'm pretty sure that the a:visited link hasn't been overwritten/conflicting. The fact that the disappearing underlines problem is almost random is what's confusing me. I'm new to css so no doubt I've done something silly and obvious but if anyone can help, I'd really appreciate it. Here is a link to the (unfinished) test site . Please note that there are 4 text links within the main text on the home page which don't appear to be visible. Many thanks. PS please explain in simple terms!!

    I've definitely seen your links variably disappearing, usually on links that have been followed.
    I ran your css file through the w3c validator ( ct/assets/ECTmainstyles.css&profile=css21&usermedium=all&warning=1〈=en), and got these errors (see link for a few others):
    URI :
    Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer and a:link
    Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer and a:visited
    Same colors for color and background-color in two contexts #footer and a:active
    Regarding your links, try changing the order in the css file, so that the pseudo-class styles run in the order LoVe HAte, to wit:
    a:link, a:visited {
         border-bottom-width: 1px;
         border-bottom-style: dotted;
         text-decoration: none;
         padding-bottom: 1px;
         border-bottom-color: #61726c;
         color: #61726c;
    a:hover   {
         border-bottom-color: #61726C;
         border-bottom-width: 2px;
         border-bottom-style: dotted;
    a:active {
         border-bottom-width: 1px;
         border-bottom-style: dotted;
         text-decoration: none;
         padding-bottom: 1px;
         border-bottom-color: #61726c;
         color: #61726c;

  • Link for CS3 Design Premium for Mac appears broken.

    I get "HTTP ERROR: 404 /support/downloads/dlm/main.jsp  RequestURI=/support/downloads/dlm/main.jsp" when I click on it.

    The link is not likely the problem.  Make sure you have cookies enabled and clear your cache.  If it continues to fail try using a different browser.

  • Database linking in CS3??

    I have a folder on my server with a number of uploaded
    images, and a folder with a number of uploaded videos. I need to
    link them together through databases so that I have a way of
    corresponding the correct images to each video. How can I
    accomplish this?
    Can I make 2 databases, one with videos and one with images,
    and then link them together somehow? Or should I make one database
    and try to put all the info in it for each video?

    I'd use one table in one database for that job.
    Brandon7777 wrote:
    > I have a folder on my server with a number of uploaded
    images, and a folder
    > with a number of uploaded videos. I need to link them
    together through
    > databases so that I have a way of corresponding the
    correct images to each
    > video. How can I accomplish this?
    > Can I make 2 databases, one with videos and one with
    images, and then link
    > them together somehow? Or should I make one database and
    try to put all the
    > info in it for each video?
    > Thanks!!

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