Lion OSX - Magic Mouse & Launchpad

Hey Guys,
So I seen a video on youtube about Apple introducing the Lion OSX but in the video it shows that you can use your magic mouse to launch launchpad and you can do all types of different gestures. I noticed after I installed lion that none of these gestures is available or work. My trackpad is able to launch launchpad but not my magic mouse. Am I'm missing something?

Well, non of the gestures? After I installed Lion a could use the gesture to enter Mission Control. The zoom gesture is working fine with my Magic Mouse. I am also able to sweep between desktops (swipe with two fingers).
I'm not able to enter Launchpad and i can't pinchzoom with my Magic Mouse. I guess I'll need a trackpad for that.

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    I had the same question.
    A lttile digging and find out that the Magic Mouse has a limited set of multi-touch capabilities:
    It appears the Magic Trackpad has the full set of capabilities:

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    Sorry, but no.
    For the Multi-Touch Gestures you have to have/use a Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad or a Mac Notebook with Multi-Touch Trackpad.
    Nonetheless, a standard mouse can be used with OSX Lion but without Gestures then.

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    This behavior was also in Lr4 and maybe Lr3.  The swiping with the magic mouse is oversensitive in a few other programs also.   It is pretty annoying but I have finally got used to being careful with the swipe in Library on the big photo.  I would think Adobe could adjust the speed for this but Apple should allow the user more options in the mouse settings panel.  Apple seems to be going in the negative direction of letting the user customize the interface as they keep taking more setting features out.  In their typical arrogance, it seems that they think Apple knows best and the users can just deal with it.

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    Try this:
    Open Safari.
    Go to a website with links
    Click on a link
    2 finger swipe left (this replicates the 3 finger swipe to go back a page)
    This is a solution to still be able to navigate backward and forward in Safari but having to use 2 fingers and not 3. The more links you click on, the more history you can swipe through. If you open a new tab you are effectively opening a new window with no previous history. Click on a link and then the process starts again through that tab.
    Forgive me if this is not the answer you are looking for. We will get there!

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    Thanks Radio for your help

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    Você conseguiu resolver o problema de lentidão do teu Magic Mouse? Estou tendo o mesmo problema e isso está me irritando profundamente. Caso tenha encontrado uma solução, peço a gentileza de informar. Abraço!

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    Steer mouse isn't compatible with the Magic Mouse.  You can uninstall steer mouse drivers with these instructions:
    Then your Magic Mouse Preferences panes will show.

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    Who can help?

    Try resetting the SMC.

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    Sound like my issue with the magic mouse. I notice the indicater green light was off when i lost lost my connection. Once I reinstalled the batteries the light would glow and my connection was temportarly restored. After losing my connection again; I reseated the batteries but I added a small cushion of folded paper. I made sure my cushion wasn't too thick so to allow for the battery cover. After my small mofication my mouse has not lost connection for over several weeks.

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    There are some known problems which other devices on the 2.4Ghz can affect. Here's the apple support article on the subject:

  • Magic Mouse won't reconnect after Lion upgrade

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    I've searched every post and site I can find and tried everything suggested, and still no luck.
    I have Mac Pro with an external bluetooth dongle, Magic Mouse, and I have just upgraded to OSX 10.7 Lion.
    My Magic Mouse has always reconnected flawlessly to my machine after booting or waking, but after upgrading to Lion, it refuses to re-pair after booting or waking.  In bluetooth preferences, I can see in the Devices pane that "Steven's Mouse" is disconnected, but every couple of seconds this will flash green and show "Connected" - but only for a half second - and then it's back to "Not Connected".
    I've set BT setup assistant to open on startup, and only when I have manually deleted and re-paired my Magic Mouse using the keyboard does the Magic Mouse connect.
    Then sleep and wake and I'm back to square one.
    I have:
    Restarted after trashing every bluetooth .plist file (~/Library/Preferences and also HD/Library/Preferences) - and bluetooth drivers
    Sone several SMC Resets
    Zapped my PRAM
    Made my mouse a 'Favorite'
    Deleted and re-paired it more times than I can count
    Turned the mouse on and off
    Clicked it
    Double-clicked it
    Kept clicking it
    Turned it on and off
    Triple-checked the batteries
    Tested my mouse with another machine running SL
    Tested another mouse with my machine
    - All with no luck whatsoever.  I'm about down to writing a suicide note or something!!!
    Any help would be appreciated.
    (BTW I'm 100% sure the issue is within the Lion system somewhere - not my hardware.

    Hi, I had the same problem but it's fixed now.  It seems that the order you turn mouse and bluetooth off and on makes the difference.  This is what worked on my macbook pro (eventually!):
    turn off bluetooth and mouse.  Turn on bluetooth.  Open system preferences.  Open mouse. It starts searching. then Turn on mouse.  Hey presto! (and much to my surprise) it found it.
    It also worked if I left the mouse on, and turned it off and on after opening the mouse in system preferences and it had started searching.  But if, for example, I turned on the mouse before opening system preferences,it was no go.
    There is another issue:  I (like I suspect a lot of people) switch between lion and snow leopard (Macbook Pro and Mac Mini respectively), and every time it has to be paired manually. I have found I have to use the entire process shown above with both OSs.
    Also, the mouse has to be paired to Lion at every startup.  I never have to re-pair the mouse with Snow leopard on startup (unless it's been paired to Lion in the meantime!). 
    I hope that some of this might help someone, even just a little.

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    I did a lot of searches and changes but the problem is still alive...
    somewhere suggested disabling "Secondary Click", then restart, and then enabling it. but nothing changed...
    somewhere suggested to remove two files named "" in /Library/Preferences, and then restart the system, but this not worked for me, too...
    I changed the "Secondary Click" to "Click on the left side" but nothing changed and the magic mouse did just clicking and not right-clicking!
    I wondered what can I really do to solve this problem?!
    any suggestion is appreciated...

    I still use the magic-mouse and still it's not stable. I've found theONLY way to overcome the rightclick is to make sure that you're NOT pressing anywhere else on the mouse (even touching) and only pressing at theTOP right-hand most corner.
    It's not the best resolution, but the best that Applecare could provide me with. I thinjk, because it's relatively new due to the new generation of capacitive touch devices that we all get the bugs/flaws.
    As like the iPhone, although an EXCELLENT device, and the various versions of OSX, we're going to be plagued eith bugs until a newer review comes out.
    The way I found out was to use BOTH tools (MagicPrefs and BetterTouchTool) together, and in both set the Rightclick sensitive area to a near nothing for system wide (non app specific).
    It does fail at times on some apps, and takes a few clicks, but 90% of the time it's cleared up.
    I somehow think that most developers (and yes its the developers not apple) that forget that we rest out palms on the mouse) and they don't filter out the events forrectly (i.e. a palm on the mouse is seen as a tap). Othere works well, for exmaple I use photoshop, which adapted well to the mouse. The majority of games, and including those (ESPECUALLY THOSE) flash mbased, don't like the mouse at all!

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    Try resetting the PRAM and SMC.  If that does not help, take the mouse back for a warranty replacement.

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