Lip sync multi cam fcpx

I use the latest version of FCPX. Used three cams and one audio track for a school musical registration.
JVC HM100 - Sony VG20 - Panasonic GH2 - Zoon H2n
In FCPX it seems to be lipsync. When exporting to quicktime or youtube/vimeo all is NOT lipsync.
It already costed me 12 hours to make half of the registration now I discover FCPX really has issues to keep audio lip sync.
Anyone any suggestions. I know next time I will try to use three identical cams...

Both FCP-X and Premiere Pro now contain much of the functionality of Pluraleyes. I am not sure about AVID.
harvestmedia wrote:
FCPx is almost the same cost. I am thinking to upgrade my FCP is that's useful. I still have lots of uncompleted projects which I have half edited in FCP7. Will it be a problem to carry on working on those projects in FCPx?
FCP-X is a completely different application that uses a completely new, unique and different editing paradigm. You need to download the free trial version to see what it is like. The only relation FCP-X has to FCP 7 is the name.  For some users of other editing platforms, the learning curve can be long and steep as the magnetic timeline in FCP-X has no equivalent  in other editing systems.
You will not be able to directly migrate projects from FCP 7 to FCP-X. You can use a third party app called 7 to X to convert an XML of your project from FCP-7 to a format that FCP-X can understand (with some limitations).

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    Rita, Dazaik is using FCP X not FCP7, Having PluralEyes work in FCP X would be a dream come true
    Dazaik, unfortunately there are some major issues with Syncronize Clips in FCP X. Please read my in-depth post here if there is something you don't understand, let me know and I'll be more than happy to help.

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    Premiere Pro cannot do this automatically.  You will need to create a multicam sequence for each pair of clips, cut those, and then add them to the main edit as needed.
    Little tip: knowing that each segment will need it's own multicam sequence, let the cameras run until that segment is over.

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    HI Mark,
    Hope you don't mind me bringing this up here but I also had an issue with Syncing clips with new multicam feature. Mine was slightly different though in that often we film with two cameras and a Zoom H4N recording audio.
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    Cheers for any help.
    Best wishes,

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    - Stefan

    Any ideas?
    My only recommendation is to just not use GOP-based media.  It's a bad idea at it's core and issues like this are not uncommon.

  • Multi Cam. Multi Track Sync

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    I record all my audio tracks into logic, and sync my cameras via LTC...
    Why don't you just do a rough edit in FCP, export it, load the movie into Logic,
    and record your audio tracks to picture? In Logic, you could even set the "Project
    Settings : Synchronization : Bar position__plays at SMPTE__" to be your starting LTC.
    When you're done with your audio, you can lay it back to the video in FCP using
    the timecode relationship you established at the beginning.

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    I just wish that there was more information about using audio for syncing clips in multi cam editing.
    If anyone can elaborate on this subject I would very much appreciate it.

    It seems to me that a 2 hour dance recital that I will doing a two camera shoot of can certainly "Drift" out of sync from the sync point
    That's certainly not normal.  I'm not sure why you'd think it is.
    Personally, I find manually syncing to be faster than PP's audio sync.

  • Solution for Multi Cam Crashes on Audio Sync?

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    I've tried different projects, different footage, different drives, placing the media on the internal hard drives. Still crashes.
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    Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Update: I just happened happened to have a pair of ath m50s lying around.... put them on and I can see that in the multi cam sequence, I can hear only out of the left ear... once I drag and drop something to my timeline the audio's good again...
    Sorry for this question... operator???
    I shoot tech videos on YouTube and I edit my own videos, so I guess I am the operator & observer here...
    Am shooting a tutorial...
    Cam 1 - My Camcorder that shoots the phone
    Cam 2 - Actually a screen recorder that records the steps on screen & audio from webcam
    Audio - Blue Spark Digital recording to audacity
    Now if I merge Cam 1 & Audio or Cam 2 & Audio alls fine... I can check the audio meters and everythings the same as before
    But if I create a multicamera sequence then the audio output is about 20% lower (and no Premiere's not using the audio source from Cam1 or 2 here since they are too low and am 100% sure its not either of those)
    I guess am messing up something but am unable to identify what..
    Syncronize Point - Audio
    Track Channel - 1
    Sequence Preset - Automatic
    Audio Sequence Settings - Camera 1
    Audio Channels Preset - Automatic (or Mono since my Blue Spark records in mono)
    Camera Names - Enumerate Cameras
    Any Idea where am messing up?
    Message was edited by: C4ETech

  • Using Audio Sync for Multi-Cam Edits Premiere Pro CC

    Hello everyone - I wanted to share some issues I've come across while using Audio to sync multiple camera angles....
    For my music video shoot I have two cameras and an external recorder where I capture the audio and then edit in GarageBand or Adobe Audition. The problem I've discovered is that when I sync the clips using audio it will degrade the quality of my finalized audio clip.
    Basically, something is happening to the audio clip quality once Premiere completed the synchronization process. I've rendered the video, exported the video etc... But there is still audio quality degradation.
    I've compared this with Final Cut Pro X and the Audio in FCP X remains unchanged and is not altered in any way.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue?

    Update: I just happened happened to have a pair of ath m50s lying around.... put them on and I can see that in the multi cam sequence, I can hear only out of the left ear... once I drag and drop something to my timeline the audio's good again...
    Sorry for this question... operator???
    I shoot tech videos on YouTube and I edit my own videos, so I guess I am the operator & observer here...
    Am shooting a tutorial...
    Cam 1 - My Camcorder that shoots the phone
    Cam 2 - Actually a screen recorder that records the steps on screen & audio from webcam
    Audio - Blue Spark Digital recording to audacity
    Now if I merge Cam 1 & Audio or Cam 2 & Audio alls fine... I can check the audio meters and everythings the same as before
    But if I create a multicamera sequence then the audio output is about 20% lower (and no Premiere's not using the audio source from Cam1 or 2 here since they are too low and am 100% sure its not either of those)
    I guess am messing up something but am unable to identify what..
    Syncronize Point - Audio
    Track Channel - 1
    Sequence Preset - Automatic
    Audio Sequence Settings - Camera 1
    Audio Channels Preset - Automatic (or Mono since my Blue Spark records in mono)
    Camera Names - Enumerate Cameras
    Any Idea where am messing up?
    Message was edited by: C4ETech

  • After "upgrading" from trial to FCPX 10.0.3 multi cam does not work

    After "upgrading" from trial to FCPX 10.0.3, multi cam does not work anymore. Everything was fine in the trial version, but now the multicam clip I made in trail is shown, but not with the 4 windows, only the first angle can be seen. And I can not find (import) the cuts I made in the trail. The settings are the same in both versions. Am I missing something? Is it possible that I have to start from scratch and all work is lost?
    When I double click the multi cam clip I see all four angles in the timeline, one underneath the other... 
    Any help is appreciated! Thanks!

    There is an excellent podcast tutorial series called "Creative COW Final Cut Help Tutorials Podcast (SD)"
    in the iTunes Store.
    The latest three are video podcasts and go into great depth concerning the new Multicam in 10.0.3
    Can't recommend them enough.

  • Multi Camera Troubleshooting help

    I am having trouble getting my Multi camera editing to line the clips up with the audio.  I have one of the tracks sync to good audio. All the other tracks have audio, i have the sync audio selected but Multi camera tracks sync to the head and don't line up with the audio. I think I am doing everything correctly. I would appreciate any advice anyone can give me. Thanks.

    do a secondary click (left) with your mouse on the multi-cam clip in your event library and pick "open camera editor" in the context menu
    then you see all your clips like a stack
    now you determine the main angle by clicking in this symbol:
    then you select a clip so that it appears with a yellow frame around it and do a secondary click (left) with your mouse again (context menue opens) on this button (the triangle on the right):
    and choose "Sync Angle to Monitoring Angle" (i hope that's the expression in the english version)
    .... then a process bar appears in the upper area of FCPX and then the clip you selected before suppose to be sync with the main angle/camera ... therefore it will be most likely shifted in a certain direction
    hope you can understand my explanation

  • Multi cam shoot using  P2 cards. How to move clis to timecode positions

    multi cam shoot using P2 cards. How to move clis to timecode positions. We were using free TC. I want to a large # of clips from both cams. and have them move to the correct TC position on the timline. In Nuendo eith audio u hit apple a or ctrl a right click move to orgin. Avid will take care of it for u. FCP???

    If you read the "Apple Pro Training Sereis; Final Cut Pro 5" book, it's very easy. You can sync the clips manually by setting In or Out points, specifying TC, or using one of the two Aux TC fields. Since this is the first, and most basic step in doing Multiclip editing, I'd suggest you get the book, or read the appropriate section of the User Manual. I don't think anyone wants to post a full "how to" article in a forum.
    It can be done, you're clips have to all have been recorded with synced TC, or they simply won't sync up in any NLE. Read the book. Cause even if I did have the time to explain FCP's Multiclip editing in this forum, you'd still have questions that are in the book.
    If you actually walk through the first steps of building a Multiclip to edit, it's blatatnly obvious in the first step. I'd give it a try first.
    Problem is the DVCPRO-HD codec is going to require a higher end Mac with tons of RAM and either RAID, or internal drives to do a DVCPRO-HD Multiclip, as DVCPRO-HD (P2) is a pretty high bandwidth codec. I use it daily, I know, it takes horsepower to do.

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